What's with all the GOP anger??

I don't think it is anger. BLM is anger. Islam is anger.

Republicans are disgusted with the rank hypocrisy and gross incompetence of the political class.

Success in politics depends n intellectual deceit and economic plunder. They have no incentive to solve actual problems.

By contrast, success in the private sector demands RESULTS. You either get shit done, or you go broke.

If you want the same old shit, vote for crooked hiLIARy or the two failed GOP governors that changed the letter after their name......

Or better yet, stay home. You're too fucking stupid to vote anyway.

Democrats talk more.doom and gloom on the global warming hoax.......than all the issues of Republicans put together
They are just getting their rocks off bashing Trump. They don't even realize how stupid they look and sound.
Maybe bill718 the poster is actually 18 and like any freaking teenager he speaks in cliches and has little or no historic or political perspective. If lefties view the mild rhetoric of Trump's acceptance speech as "angry" what the hell do they think of president Hussein inviting the BLM radicals to the White House when they are responsible either directly or indirectly with their propaganda for the assassination of eight Police Officers?
I for one hate the liberals guts, they hate me and I hate them right back 10x. I don't want to find common ground with liberals, I don't want to compromise with liberals, I want to destroy liberals. Its safe to say many have had their fill of the lying traitorous left and their undermining the Constitution and our laws. Well in Obama's case flat out ignoring the law and doing whatever the hell he pleases.
Yep! Everything is all the Republicans fault. Democrats walk on water.

Nope, "both" sides have cooperated quite well in constructing this mess, and they accomplished it with the assistance of folk like you who still cannot figure out they're all riding in different cars of the same train while the unsubstantial people pay for the ride and get left behind.
so why would we vote for another seasoned politician? I cant think of a reason.
If nothing else, Donald Trump doing as well as he has definitely has to raise flags that people are sick and tired of the same crap from the career politicians.
I don't think it is anger. BLM is anger. Islam is anger.

Republicans are disgusted with the rank hypocrisy and gross incompetence of the political class.

Success in politics depends n intellectual deceit and economic plunder. They have no incentive to solve actual problems.

By contrast, success in the private sector demands RESULTS. You either get shit done, or you go broke.

If you want the same old shit, vote for crooked hiLIARy or the two failed GOP governors that changed the letter after their name......

Or better yet, stay home. You're too fucking stupid to vote anyway.

Democrats talk more.doom and gloom on the global warming hoax.......than all the issues of Republicans put together

Hell all Democrats did 24/7 from 2006 to 2008 was talk doom and gloom. Remember the weekly body counts under Bush plastered all over the news, I don't think there's been a single body count in the nearly 8 years of Obama's regime. Over 4,000 killed in Chicago alone and its total crickets.
I watched and listened to Donald Trump's speech. It seemed to mimic the attitude of the average Republican. i.e. Loud and full of rage! To listen to the Donald (or any Republican) One would think 1. Our unemployment rate was 78%, 2. Millions of terrorists were slaughtering our citizens in our streets on a daily basis, 3. All of Mexico had just crossed the boarder and had taken every decent paying job we have, 4. America's armed forces had been reduced to 3 tired soldiers and 1 half-track. 5. Every Liberal in America lives on welfare and takes drugs. 6. Only older White Christian Republicans are real Americans. 7. If you're not a gun toting member of the NRA, you may as well leave the country. 8. We should dig a moat around our country, pull up the draw bridge, and wait for the end of the world! I thought The Donald was going to blow a gasket!
:muahaha: :FIREdevil: :muahaha::FIREdevil: :muahaha: :FIREdevil:

Earth to Republicans...despite what you hear on Fox News, things are not quite that horrible. By any yardstick, the economy has improved somewhat since January of 2009, terrorist deaths are very tiny compared to traffic deaths, and needless gun violence, the vast majority of those on welfare or food stamps work full time, since wages have not kept pace with the cost of living, and your beloved Republican party controls both houses of Congress. I've been in the workforce since 1973, and can testify that things are not all that bad. So Republicans....what's with all the anger??

Perfectly said! They're mad because their pundits told them to be mad. That, and they're the losers who failed to educate themselves and can't find a decent paying job because Republicans killed the unions and offshored their jobs.
They are just getting their rocks off bashing Trump. They don't even realize how stupid they look and sound.

The only ones sounding stupid are Trump supporters. And most are. I'm serious. Most are dumb as a box of rocks.
Dumb as a box of rocks describes Clinton supporters! Thank you very much.

That is really an insult to the rocks, and to the box

Rocks can be crushed and added to cement, creating concrete. The concrete can then be used to create something useful and of value.
The box is cardboard or wood that comes from a tree, and can be used over and over again. Maybe to send back a package, or recycled and turned into paper that turns into a book or sheet music, or a business plan. It can even be burned in a fire to provide warmth.

A hiLIARy supporter can't do any of that...well, we could burn them.....can you imagine the stink though?

Yep! Everything is all the Republicans fault. Democrats walk on water.

Nope, "both" sides have cooperated quite well in constructing this mess, and they accomplished it with the assistance of folk like you who still cannot figure out they're all riding in different cars of the same train while the unsubstantial people pay for the ride and get left behind.
The new GOP led Congress helped put 1.5 trillion on the debt card as their first act of budgetary restraint...
Where were you when budgetary restraint was called for before our debt reached 19 trillion?

I blame an entrenched establishment.
Yep! Everything is all the Republicans fault. Democrats walk on water.

Nope, "both" sides have cooperated quite well in constructing this mess, and they accomplished it with the assistance of folk like you who still cannot figure out they're all riding in different cars of the same train while the unsubstantial people pay for the ride and get left behind.
The new GOP led Congress helped put 1.5 trillion on the debt card as their first act of budgetary restraint...
Where were you when budgetary restraint was called for before our debt reached 19 trillion?

I blame an entrenched establishment.
Same place I am today....
Perfectly said! They're mad because their pundits told them to be mad. That, and they're the losers who failed to educate themselves and can't find a decent paying job because Republicans killed the unions and offshored their jobs.

The Republicans offshored their jobs? Care to elaborate?
I watched and listened to Donald Trump's speech. It seemed to mimic the attitude of the average Republican. i.e. Loud and full of rage! To listen to the Donald (or any Republican) One would think 1. Our unemployment rate was 78%, 2. Millions of terrorists were slaughtering our citizens in our streets on a daily basis, 3. All of Mexico had just crossed the boarder and had taken every decent paying job we have, 4. America's armed forces had been reduced to 3 tired soldiers and 1 half-track. 5. Every Liberal in America lives on welfare and takes drugs. 6. Only older White Christian Republicans are real Americans. 7. If you're not a gun toting member of the NRA, you may as well leave the country. 8. We should dig a moat around our country, pull up the draw bridge, and wait for the end of the world! I thought The Donald was going to blow a gasket!
:muahaha: :FIREdevil: :muahaha::FIREdevil: :muahaha: :FIREdevil:

Earth to Republicans...despite what you hear on Fox News, things are not quite that horrible. By any yardstick, the economy has improved somewhat since January of 2009, terrorist deaths are very tiny compared to traffic deaths, and needless gun violence, the vast majority of those on welfare or food stamps work full time, since wages have not kept pace with the cost of living, and your beloved Republican party controls both houses of Congress. I've been in the workforce since 1973, and can testify that things are not all that bad. So Republicans....what's with all the anger??


I'll keep following this post at least until after the DNC. I can't wait to hear you make excuses about the hate and vitriol towards Trump and the Republicans that I would bet my dollar to your dime is going to happen.

A political junkie like yourself should understand how this all works. You need to energize your base to come out and vote. You can't do that by talking nice-nice about your candidate. You need to point out what will happen if your candidate doesn't win.

Polls, surveys, demographics are all nice. They put it in a bundle and expect you to believe who is going to win or lose based on that. But the truth is it's all about voter turnout. Voter turnout means everything in an election.

The minorities, the women, the gays can all support Hillary, but if they don't feel the "bern" then they will just sit home on election day. If Trump and Republicans can convince the whites, the military, the police that Hillary is the coming of the devil to take over the earth, Trump wins.
I watched and listened to Donald Trump's speech. It seemed to mimic the attitude of the average Republican. i.e. Loud and full of rage! To listen to the Donald (or any Republican) One would think 1. Our unemployment rate was 78%, 2. Millions of terrorists were slaughtering our citizens in our streets on a daily basis, 3. All of Mexico had just crossed the boarder and had taken every decent paying job we have, 4. America's armed forces had been reduced to 3 tired soldiers and 1 half-track. 5. Every Liberal in America lives on welfare and takes drugs. 6. Only older White Christian Republicans are real Americans. 7. If you're not a gun toting member of the NRA, you may as well leave the country. 8. We should dig a moat around our country, pull up the draw bridge, and wait for the end of the world! I thought The Donald was going to blow a gasket!
:muahaha: :FIREdevil: :muahaha::FIREdevil: :muahaha: :FIREdevil:

Earth to Republicans...despite what you hear on Fox News, things are not quite that horrible. By any yardstick, the economy has improved somewhat since January of 2009, terrorist deaths are very tiny compared to traffic deaths, and needless gun violence, the vast majority of those on welfare or food stamps work full time, since wages have not kept pace with the cost of living, and your beloved Republican party controls both houses of Congress. I've been in the workforce since 1973, and can testify that things are not all that bad. So Republicans....what's with all the anger??

Perfectly said! They're mad because their pundits told them to be mad. That, and they're the losers who failed to educate themselves and can't find a decent paying job because Republicans killed the unions and offshored their jobs.

Ding Ding Ding....We have a winner!! Well said. :beer:
I watched and listened to Donald Trump's speech. It seemed to mimic the attitude of the average Republican. i.e. Loud and full of rage! To listen to the Donald (or any Republican) One would think 1. Our unemployment rate was 78%, 2. Millions of terrorists were slaughtering our citizens in our streets on a daily basis, 3. All of Mexico had just crossed the boarder and had taken every decent paying job we have, 4. America's armed forces had been reduced to 3 tired soldiers and 1 half-track. 5. Every Liberal in America lives on welfare and takes drugs. 6. Only older White Christian Republicans are real Americans. 7. If you're not a gun toting member of the NRA, you may as well leave the country. 8. We should dig a moat around our country, pull up the draw bridge, and wait for the end of the world! I thought The Donald was going to blow a gasket!
:muahaha: :FIREdevil: :muahaha::FIREdevil: :muahaha: :FIREdevil:

Earth to Republicans...despite what you hear on Fox News, things are not quite that horrible. By any yardstick, the economy has improved somewhat since January of 2009, terrorist deaths are very tiny compared to traffic deaths, and needless gun violence, the vast majority of those on welfare or food stamps work full time, since wages have not kept pace with the cost of living, and your beloved Republican party controls both houses of Congress. I've been in the workforce since 1973, and can testify that things are not all that bad. So Republicans....what's with all the anger??


I'll keep following this post at least until after the DNC. I can't wait to hear you make excuses about the hate and vitriol towards Trump and the Republicans that I would bet my dollar to your dime is going to happen.

A political junkie like yourself should understand how this all works. You need to energize your base to come out and vote. You can't do that by talking nice-nice about your candidate. You need to point out what will happen if your candidate doesn't win.

Polls, surveys, demographics are all nice. They put it in a bundle and expect you to believe who is going to win or lose based on that. But the truth is it's all about voter turnout. Voter turnout means everything in an election.

The minorities, the women, the gays can all support Hillary, but if they don't feel the "bern" then they will just sit home on election day. If Trump and Republicans can convince the whites, the military, the police that Hillary is the coming of the devil to take over the earth, Trump wins.

Dream On little guy!
I watched and listened to Donald Trump's speech. It seemed to mimic the attitude of the average Republican. i.e. Loud and full of rage! To listen to the Donald (or any Republican) One would think 1. Our unemployment rate was 78%, 2. Millions of terrorists were slaughtering our citizens in our streets on a daily basis, 3. All of Mexico had just crossed the boarder and had taken every decent paying job we have, 4. America's armed forces had been reduced to 3 tired soldiers and 1 half-track. 5. Every Liberal in America lives on welfare and takes drugs. 6. Only older White Christian Republicans are real Americans. 7. If you're not a gun toting member of the NRA, you may as well leave the country. 8. We should dig a moat around our country, pull up the draw bridge, and wait for the end of the world! I thought The Donald was going to blow a gasket!
:muahaha: :FIREdevil: :muahaha::FIREdevil: :muahaha: :FIREdevil:

Earth to Republicans...despite what you hear on Fox News, things are not quite that horrible. By any yardstick, the economy has improved somewhat since January of 2009, terrorist deaths are very tiny compared to traffic deaths, and needless gun violence, the vast majority of those on welfare or food stamps work full time, since wages have not kept pace with the cost of living, and your beloved Republican party controls both houses of Congress. I've been in the workforce since 1973, and can testify that things are not all that bad. So Republicans....what's with all the anger??


I'll keep following this post at least until after the DNC. I can't wait to hear you make excuses about the hate and vitriol towards Trump and the Republicans that I would bet my dollar to your dime is going to happen.

A political junkie like yourself should understand how this all works. You need to energize your base to come out and vote. You can't do that by talking nice-nice about your candidate. You need to point out what will happen if your candidate doesn't win.

Polls, surveys, demographics are all nice. They put it in a bundle and expect you to believe who is going to win or lose based on that. But the truth is it's all about voter turnout. Voter turnout means everything in an election.

The minorities, the women, the gays can all support Hillary, but if they don't feel the "bern" then they will just sit home on election day. If Trump and Republicans can convince the whites, the military, the police that Hillary is the coming of the devil to take over the earth, Trump wins.

Wouldn't that be nice, if elections actually altered the course of anything at all; the the characters of the two bickering factions of aristocracy, once elected serve the same masters, and it ain't "the people".

But at the end of the day, if the masses can be kept sneering at each other, the sham continues unabated.
Yep! Everything is all the Republicans fault. Democrats walk on water.

Nope, "both" sides have cooperated quite well in constructing this mess, and they accomplished it with the assistance of folk like you who still cannot figure out they're all riding in different cars of the same train while the unsubstantial people pay for the ride and get left behind.
The new GOP led Congress helped put 1.5 trillion on the debt card as their first act of budgetary restraint...
Where were you when budgetary restraint was called for before our debt reached 19 trillion?

I blame an entrenched establishment.

Those are the behaviors the american public has rewarded and accepted, what the american public will not accept is any responsibility. So, roll out the next messiah that will allow us a few more years of denial.
The anger stems from being left behind by a global economy that doesn't need their skills, and a changing world that doesn't reflect their values. [A similar thing happens to children when the whimsical vagaries of youth are confronted with the realities of adulthood. This is when a well-adjusted person grows-up and chooses a more enlightened self, one that finds a genuine place in the world rather than devolving into a dysfunctional stasis of inchoate anger and terminal whining ]

Put more simply. Tea Party anger stems from the confusion and fear of watching their white nation evolve into a more diverse set of demographics, one that doesn't hold their beliefs in the center of the cultural & moral solar system. (Please recall the social convulsions of the Copernican Revolution when science dislodged the earth from the center of the universe. The people who depended psychologically on Biblical Cosmology lost their minds and became maladjusted anachronisms)

But it gets worse.

Unlike a child who must accept change and grow (see maturation), the Tea Party is being cajoled by a cynical political class into a sad form of arrested development. Indeed, the Tea Party is being told that they don't have to grow-up and evolve with a changing world. They are being told that their nation is perpetually under siege by a "demonic other" (gays, blacks, baby killers, socialists, liberals, Mexicans, Muslims, elitists, bra burners, atheists, cultural relativists, terrorists, etc., etc.). Rather than growing up and measuring their beliefs against the actual world they are shadow-boxing against non-existent demons trying to steal their guns and turn their children gay.

The wealthy corporate elite (WCE) use demonology to scare the Republican Base into voting against their economic interests. The WCE are using demons and patriotism and messianic nationalism to chase these well-meaning Americans into the voting booth (where they will unknowingly pull the lever for policies that transfer wealth/power into the very plutocracy which has stolen their nation).

But here is the kicker. There is no way to demonstrate these facts to them because the Republican voter has been conditioned to fear every information source save the ones controlled by their party.

This means that any attempt by outsiders to communicate with them will be felt as an attempt to deceive.

[The well-meaning Republican Brain is protected from argument by an inflexible code of Common Sense, which consists of unexamined, incontrovertible, self evident facts - facts reinforced every day by an admittedly charismatic pundit class. FYI: the whole point of education and personal growth is to get the individual to take a critical stance toward his default settings (his common sense).

This was beautifully demonstrated during 17th Century European Enlightenment where people where urged to cast off the feudal bondage of superstition, fear and religion. Problem is: when that feudal bondage serves the very system which controls 100% of your information, the game truly is over and Trump truly is Lord]
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