Whats wrong with this idea?


Senior Member
Mar 26, 2010
Okay, now AGW has gone too far.....

Giant pipe and balloon to pump water into the sky in climate experiment | Environment | The Guardian

Giant pipe and balloon to pump water into the sky in climate experiment
Field test by British academics marks first step towards recreating an artificial volcano that would inject particles into the stratosphere and cool the planet

John Vidal, environment editor
The Guardian, Wednesday 31 August 2011 11.00 EDT
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It sounds barmy, audacious or sci-fi: a tethered balloon the size of Wembley stadium suspended 20km above Earth, linked to the ground by a giant garden hose pumping hundreds of tonnes of minute chemical particles a day into the thin stratospheric air to reflect sunlight and cool the planet.

But a team of British academics will next month formally announce the first step towards creating an artificial volcano by going ahead with the world's first major "geo-engineering" field-test in the next few months. The ultimate aim is to mimic the cooling effect that volcanoes have when they inject particles into the stratosphere that bounce some of the Sun's energy back into space, so preventing it from warming the Earth and mitigating the effects of man-made climate change.

Yep... And that's not all.. Many other groups are trying similar ideas..

Hacking the planet - potential geo-engineering solutions

Ocean nourishment

Billions of iron filings are deposited in the ocean to stimulate a phytoplankton bloom. The aim is to enhance biological productivity to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Many experiments have been conducted, including fertilisation of 900 square kilometers (350 sq miles) of the Atlantic. Results so far are disappointing.

Space mirrors

Giant "mirrors", made of wire mesh, could be sent into in orbit to deflect sunlight back into space. But the scale needed, the expense and the potential unintended consequences are so great that it is widely considered unrealistic. In the same league as the idea to mine the moon to create a shielding cloud of dust.

Cloud whitening

The idea is to increase the water content in low clouds by spraying sea water at them. This makes them reflect more sunlight. It would be pretty harmless, and cheap but would have to be done on an immense scale to have any global effect. Backed by Bill Gates.

Artificial trees

Proposed by climate scientist Wallace Broecker who imagines 60m artificial "trees" dotted around the world, "scrubbing" the air by capturing CO2 in a filter and then storing it underground. The trees could remove more carbon dioxide than an equivalent-sized real tree.

Albedo changes

Painting roofs and roads white, covering deserts in reflective plastic sheeting, dropping pale-coloured litter into the ocean and genetically engineering crops to be paler have all been proposed to reflect sunlight back into space.
Carbon capture and storage (CCS)

Carbon dioxide is collected from coal or other fossil fuel power plants and is then pumped underground. Works in principle but it is expensive and increases the fuel needs of a coal-fired plant by 25%-40%. More than 40 plants have been built with many others planned.

Yes these are all simply brilliant and wonderful ideas.. Especially the one where they dumped billions of iron fillings into 900 square kilometers of the Atlantic ocean.. Genius pure genius... Cloud whitening??? Carbon capture and storage underground... WOW, truly inspired logic, boys....

And you want to know why I question them? Why I doubt them, their motives, and their scientific abilities much less their trustworthiness? LOL no idea, I guess I must be paranoid...
They never think far enough into their hairbrained ideas to discover the unintended consequences. If t looks good on the surface it's good enough for them.
They never think far enough into their hairbrained ideas to discover the unintended consequences. If t looks good on the surface it's good enough for them.

Agreed, but I think it's more than that...

Government incentives for green tech, grants for studies into combating AGW, the prestige of being the next big thing, and the star status of it all..

These people aren't scientists, they are the new breed of pseudo science practitioners. We have seen them already in people like Mann, and Spencer. Perpetuating mass ignorance in the name of a false theory, using an as yet unexplained variance between the macro and micro and sub-levels regarding heat/energy transfer.

These people were trained to fight against AGW, they already call it science fact regardless of the evidence to the contrary, because they were trained it was fact and not to be questioned. Because they lack the discipline of real science training, they have no problem with crazy concepts and ideas. To them it's the end of the world if they don't save it.

They cannot accept anything else,because it is their livelihood..
only you know what sceince is huh?

look guys just capping on the people who are actually doing something while you stand arround and scratch your buns is not impressing.

Im really sick of everyone and their brother thinking being a cramudgin makes them look smart and cool.

these ideas are a hell of alot smarter than allowing the monied interest to continue to distroy our very air and water so tey can corner another fraction of the worlds wealth
only you know what sceince is huh?

look guys just capping on the people who are actually doing something while you stand arround and scratch your buns is not impressing.

Im really sick of everyone and their brother thinking being a cramudgin makes them look smart and cool.

these ideas are a hell of alot smarter than allowing the monied interest to continue to distroy our very air and water so tey can corner another fraction of the worlds wealth

So dumping loads of iron into the atlantic is good for the environment? It'one of their brilliant ideas... How about spraying particulates into the air? Sound familiar? How about Spray-painting soil? Putting plastic sheeting out in the desert? Those are all good ideas???

Truthdoesn'tmatter, get a grip. These people are scamming for money not saving the planet...
I don't think the pumping capacity exists to pull off such an endeavor. 20km of hose LOL.
Gravity- it can be your friend, it can be your enemy.
I don't think the pumping capacity exists to pull off such an endeavor. 20km of hose LOL.
Gravity- it can be your friend, it can be your enemy.

Yeah they have to know it's nonsense. All the people involved, someone had to notice..It's about grant money, nothing more..
Geoengineering is something I hope that we never have to do. Far too many ways that unintended consequences can occur. Look at the geoengineering we have already done and it's effects. A 40% increase in CO2 in the atmosphere, and a 250% increase in CH4.

Right now, we are seeing very strong CH4 emissions in the Arctic Ocean. If the clathrates let go, we may well be faced with an situation where we have to resort to geoengineering. If that happens, then we had better have considered a lot of ideas beforehand, and at least have an ideo of foreseeable consequences.
only you know what sceince is huh?

look guys just capping on the people who are actually doing something while you stand arround and scratch your buns is not impressing.

Im really sick of everyone and their brother thinking being a cramudgin makes them look smart and cool.

these ideas are a hell of alot smarter than allowing the monied interest to continue to distroy our very air and water so tey can corner another fraction of the worlds wealth

are you seriously this naive? Do you not realize the billions being earned by all this AGW nonsense?
. Look at the geoengineering we have already done and it's effects. A 40% increase in CO2 in the atmosphere, and a 250% increase in CH4.

Yeah, we have taken both from being harmless trace gasses in the atmosphere to being......harmless trace gasses in the atmosphere
Geoengineering is something I hope that we never have to do. Far too many ways that unintended consequences can occur. Look at the geoengineering we have already done and it's effects. A 40% increase in CO2 in the atmosphere, and a 250% increase in CH4.

Right now, we are seeing very strong CH4 emissions in the Arctic Ocean. If the clathrates let go, we may well be faced with an situation where we have to resort to geoengineering. If that happens, then we had better have considered a lot of ideas beforehand, and at least have an ideo of foreseeable consequences.

Well then the next time you go on a rant supporting everything AGW proponents say or do, you can check yourself..

Geoengineering the climate: science, governance and uncertainty

01 September 2009The Royal Society has published the findings of a major study into geoengineering the climate.

The study, chaired by Professor John Shepherd FRS, was researched and written over a period of twelve months by twelve leading academics representing science, economics, law and social science.

Man-made climate change is happening and its impacts and costs will be large, serious and unevenly spread. The impacts may be reduced by adaptation and moderated by mitigation, especially by reducing emissions of greenhouse gases. However, global efforts to reduce emissions have not yet been sufficiently successful to provide confidence that the reductions needed to avoid dangerous climate change will be achieved. This has led to growing interest in geoengineering, defined here as the deliberate large-scale manipulation of the planetary environment to counteract anthropogenic climate change.

Geoengineering the climate: science, governance and uncertainty

01 September 2009The Royal Society has published the findings of a major study into geoengineering the climate.

The study, chaired by Professor John Shepherd FRS, was researched and written over a period of twelve months by twelve leading academics representing science, economics, law and social science.

Man-made climate change is happening and its impacts and costs will be large, serious and unevenly spread. The impacts may be reduced by adaptation and moderated by mitigation, especially by reducing emissions of greenhouse gases. However, global efforts to reduce emissions have not yet been sufficiently successful to provide confidence that the reductions needed to avoid dangerous climate change will be achieved. This has led to growing interest in geoengineering, defined here as the deliberate large-scale manipulation of the planetary environment to counteract anthropogenic climate change.

Yes and?

You are helping prove my point here.. They are wanting to do some potentially dangerous things to try and combat something thats supposedly already dangerous... It's like cutting off your nose to spite your face....
putting water into the air?

Massive amounts of particulates...

as per the article...

"It sounds barmy, audacious or sci-fi: a tethered balloon the size of Wembley stadium suspended 20km above Earth, linked to the ground by a giant garden hose pumping hundreds of tonnes of minute chemical particles a day into the thin stratospheric air to reflect sunlight and cool the planet."

The title said water because saying "particulates" frightens you warmer nutcases away... they are pumping particles of something mixed in water into the upper atmosphere, in the hopes it will reflect some of the solar radiation. What do you think could reflect solar radiation? Maybe something you shouldn't have floating around up there? hmmm?

Reading, it's good for you!
Some of the things in that article seem too strange to believe they actually plan to do them.. Jus sayin..

That's the ridiculous part really. They are scientists and engineers doing this... It's not science its grant money!
[are you seriously this naive? Do you not realize the billions being earned by all this AGW nonsense?

I realize you believe that kook myth, because your cult orders you to believe it. You just need to understand that no rational people fall for it.

Any scientist in the field could instantly double his salary by switching sides and lying for the denialists. But they don't. They deliberately accept that pay cut. That gives AGW scientists credibility, the fact that they earn _less_ money for saying what they say.

Anyways, funny that gslack is going so unhinged over a test run to gather data. How are you supposed to learn if you don't test?

This does show another common characteristic of denialists. None of them do field work. They seem to actually despise field work. They're armchair generals, afraid to test their nutty claims in the real world.
Some of the things in that article seem too strange to believe they actually plan to do them.. Jus sayin..

I changed my mind. This guy actually is an obvious sock.

Joined ... an hour ago. Currently has a posting history that consists solely of kissing gslack's ass.

Come on, gslack. If you're going to sock, be a little less brazen about it, eh?
[are you seriously this naive? Do you not realize the billions being earned by all this AGW nonsense?

I realize you believe that kook myth, because your cult orders you to believe it. You just need to understand that no rational people fall for it.

Any scientist in the field could instantly double his salary by switching sides and lying for the denialists. But they don't. They deliberately accept that pay cut. That gives AGW scientists credibility, the fact that they earn _less_ money for saying what they say.

Anyways, funny that gslack is going so unhinged over a test run to gather data. How are you supposed to learn if you don't test?

This does show another common characteristic of denialists. None of them do field work. They seem to actually despise field work. They're armchair generals, afraid to test their nutty claims in the real world.

Sorry admiral, but this thread has a strict policy...

Some of the things in that article seem too strange to believe they actually plan to do them.. Jus sayin..

I changed my mind. This guy actually is an obvious sock.

Joined ... an hour ago. Currently has a posting history that consists solely of kissing gslack's ass.

Come on, gslack. If you're going to sock, be a little less brazen about it, eh?

Paranoid? ROFL where is he now then? He didn't help me moron, he called me funny once and actually disagreed this OP was genuine.. Read it yourself dumbass...

Admiral just because you sock doesn't mean everyone else does...

BTW, your sock neg-rep attack on me has a funny side effect. Seems for every one of your socks neg-reps, i get an average of 3-4 positive reps from others reading the same threads... LOL

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