Whay makes the Tea Party racist?

The old mantra of "'The Tea Party is racist' but they never give evidence or show that the Tea Party is racist, they just say it" remains nonsense, and does not deserve "a just once more."

And the idiots wonder why 4 out of 5 Americans despise them.
rdean said they were. That's good enough for me.

Look at that!

You idiots used to try hard to bring a former USMB member into almost every discussion because she had a reputation for saying off the wall things. She was your "go to" liberal. When she posted.....you losers swarmed like flies to shit....hoping to grab a piece of low hanging fruit.

She is gone.....and now you are trying the sme thing with RDean. Even when he has not commented in a thread. Like this.

Listen here. There are a few less than brilliant liberals who enjoy posting on message boards. And I know you will seek them out and try to get easy wins. It is in your nature. But.....as ineffective as RDean is at making his points here...he absolutely dwarfs several dozen of your pals when it comes to intellect. He is not the guy we would put up in a pinch....but he can still kick a fair amount of nutter ass.

Try harder.
douchebags leave a mark, laughalone :D
There are no racists in the "tea party". If there were, the majority of good, decent "tea party" members would immediately repel them and make it known that racism is not welcome!

You morons let the leftwingers keep you on the defensive....and that is a continual problem for the conservative cause....everytime some liberal plays the race card and calls any of you chumps a racist ya'll scatter like a bunch of cockroaches....having no clue as to how to deal with such charges.

The net result (at least for most republicans) is to make them attempt to be even more politically correct to prove they are not a racist....thus you chumps are caught up in the classic tar baby trap...the more you fight it--the more entangled you get....no hope for you unless you get edumacated.

Let me give you a clue......do not fear being called a racist....that is just for starters. The liberals play on your fear of being labeled a racist ...knowing it keeps you on a string like a puppet allowing them to force you to dance to their tune.

Wise up chumps....you are really not that stupid...you are just ignorant....there is a remedy for ignorance.

Here is another clue....the next time one calls you a WAYCIST! ask them to give you their definition of racism....another clue...most of them have no idea what true racism is....they get all confused and hapless when they are called out on their ignorance...all they know about racism they have gotten from Hollywood, the media, their local H.S. and saturated or indoctrinated with such nonsense they really believe they are superior and then go on the prowl looking for some naïve conservative to play the race card on.

Just for the record....I call out any libtard on this board for a one on one debate on racism....I will not be waiting with bated breath for I understand all too well that these mrons are incapable of debating the topic because they know next to nothing about it...and down deep they know they are ignorant and thus are too fearful of having their true status exposed to debate someone like me who has been beating up on stupid libtards on this subject for years.

Wow, bro! You might be my hero! Pos rep coming your way. I hope one of those libtards dares take you on. It will be a virtual bloodbath!

rdean said they were. That's good enough for me.

Look at that!

You idiots used to try hard to bring a former USMB member into almost every discussion because she had a reputation for saying off the wall things. She was your "go to" liberal. When she posted.....you losers swarmed like flies to shit....hoping to grab a piece of low hanging fruit.

She is gone.....and now you are trying the sme thing with RDean. Even when he has not commented in a thread. Like this.

Listen here. There are a few less than brilliant liberals who enjoy posting on message boards. And I know you will seek them out and try to get easy wins. It is in your nature. But.....as ineffective as RDean is at making his points here...he absolutely dwarfs several dozen of your pals when it comes to intellect. He is not the guy we would put up in a pinch....but he can still kick a fair amount of nutter ass.

Try harder.
douchebags leave a mark, laughalone :D

And....you know that I KNOW that you know this. Donchya?
I'm just wondering because I see, hear and read it all over the place. People everywhere continue to say, "The Tea Party is racist" but they never give evidence or show that the Tea Party is racist, they just say it.

I'm just wondering because if there is evidence, documented evidence and not just someone saying they are racist, I'll know to stay away from the group.

What they do is post a picture of some rally where the Confederate flag is used and claim that proves racism, or post a picture of some sign that was obviously photo shopped. Further it has been proven more then once that democratic plants have infiltrated rallies and made comments or signs to embarrass the tea party.

Please post this proof.

Or is this like your medical declaration that if a member of your family has diabetes, you will get it too?

As for the OP -

Whay makes the Tea Party racist?

That's easy.

Racist members.
Look at that!

You idiots used to try hard to bring a former USMB member into almost every discussion because she had a reputation for saying off the wall things. She was your "go to" liberal. When she posted.....you losers swarmed like flies to shit....hoping to grab a piece of low hanging fruit.

She is gone.....and now you are trying the sme thing with RDean. Even when he has not commented in a thread. Like this.

Listen here. There are a few less than brilliant liberals who enjoy posting on message boards. And I know you will seek them out and try to get easy wins. It is in your nature. But.....as ineffective as RDean is at making his points here...he absolutely dwarfs several dozen of your pals when it comes to intellect. He is not the guy we would put up in a pinch....but he can still kick a fair amount of nutter ass.

Try harder.
douchebags leave a mark, laughalone :D

And....you know that I KNOW that you know this. Donchya?

the part where you laugh alone or they are douchebags?
JK you know u know you are one of the libs I like. dont say your not a lib, though:D
Do people who constantly throw out the racist accusation realize how stupid they sound?
^^^last two posts......

Who started this thread? Was it a lib using the race card?

Now.....who is silly?
^^^last two posts......

Who started this thread? Was it a lib using the race card?

Now.....who is silly?

It is obviously a response to exactly that.

Ya think?

To me, it is an example of a loser whining about being accused of something he claims to be not guilty of. You know...the old "protest too much" thing.

This shit gets played out here several times a week. A nutter starts a thread about how the other side falsely accuses them of this or that. Then, a dozen or so pals join in and commiserate. A sweet....but sad....little pity party.
^^^last two posts......

Who started this thread? Was it a lib using the race card?

Now.....who is silly?

I did not use the word liberal or Democrat in my last post I said people nor did I say the OP was a liberal or playing the race card but the plain truth is the majority of threads with racist accusations come from those on the left trying to take fringe nuts and portray them as the norm.
Racism is the idea that it is wrong to think your race is better than others. That your culture is better than others. To acknowledge that every human being is not ‘the same.’ Until the early twentieth century it was considered natural to have pride in who you were and where you came from. Then along came the Marxists who wished to make everyone a servant of the almighty State. In order to accomplish this goal they had to get rid of people’s links to family, God and country. Racism is a concept used by Marxists to undermine nations and make the citizenry ashamed of their history and culture.

Governments have been infiltrated and legislation passed making racism a type of ‘Orwellian thought-crime.’ Nowadays it is illegal to deny someone a job or housing based on race. The government expects businesses to keep “racial quotas” to make sure they are not ‘discriminating.’ Schools are forced to integrate and the focus is on the less intelligent students being able to pass ‘standardized tests’ instead of nurturing the intelligent and encouraging creativity. Marxists do not want a society of well-read, creative, intellectuals. They want beaten down, mindless drones who go to work, watch television, and pop out a baby or two in order to keep the human species going. They want to overrun the populations of productive countries with Third World immigrants who will be dependent on the State for services. If you speak out against these policies you are called a ‘racist’ or a ‘xenophobe.’

Of course, these names are ridiculous nonsense. There is absolutely nothing wrong with thinking one culture is better than another. The original reason folks emigrated to the United States was because the nations of Europe had strong central governments, so folks who thought a weak central government was better moved to America. To them, America was better than Europe. I myself left New York and came to Dixie because I believe Dixie is better. The culture and people of the South are a better class of people than those in the North.

Some folks may argue that having these ‘racist’ thoughts causes violence and atrocities. They might bring up Adolf Hitler, the Ku Klux Klan or the Black Panthers. My answer to that argument would be the term ‘collectivism,’ which is the misguided assumption that everyone of the same race or who speaks the same language is exactly alike. It is the idea that people believe the same thing and act the same way simply because they have one thing in common. Hitler wanted all German-speaking people under his rule, regardless of the fact that many different cultures speak German. Europe is full of White people, but they are not all the same. Africa is full of Black people, but they are not all the same. South America is full of Hispanic people, but they are not all the same. These places are continents made up of countries with different cultures. The people who make up these nations are all proud of who they are; or at least they would be had the Marxists not poisoned the world with their cancer known as ‘political correctness.’

There is nothing wrong with liking one group of people over another or liking one culture over another. It is your right to think and form whatever opinions you wish to. Since there is nothing wrong with having these ideas we can draw one simple conclusion: that there is no such thing as racism; it does not exist. Racism is a myth. So the next time a Marxist calls you a ‘racist’ reply by saying ‘So what? You just hate White people!’

By The Masked Walnut
There are many Tea Partiers who aren't racist.

Racists do tend to flock to it though.

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