When America leads, the world is better.


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Obama was a fail, his leadership was lame/cowardly and the left was traitorous...

When America leads, the world is better.
April 19, 2017

Dennis Prager

If you prize clarity, then these past weeks were some of the best in memory.

1. When America leads, the world is better.

For the first time in eight years, the allies of America and the world's decent people celebrated America's return to leadership. Just about all of them understand that if the United States doesn't exercise its power, the worst regimes on Earth will.

The left claims to care about the downtrodden of the world, but this concern is a moral fraud. The downtrodden the left most care about are American blacks, women and gays. And Palestinians. But these groups aren't downtrodden; they are merely a vehicle by which the left attacks America and Israel to gain power. The truly downtrodden — that is, the most oppressed people in the world, such as Christians living in the Middle East, and the victims of Syrian President Bashar Assad's tyranny — know who really cares about them: Trump and America's conservatives.

2. The terrible presidency of Barack Obama is beginning to be acknowledged.


Given that factual and moral clarity are conservatism's greatest allies, we may be witnessing the beginning of a conservative Renaissance, the likes of which we haven't seen since the advent of progressivism.

Two Weeks of Great Clarity
Can't you post this kind of retarded political crap in the politics forum? This is for military, not brainless attacks on the left or right.

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