When are we going to Mars, Shrub?

Mr. P said:
Oh, you are so correct. The locals would much rather remain in a free Hotel and let those Mexicans rebuild, rather than come back under less than perfect conditions and rebuild themselves. Call us when you're done, right?

Just watch, when they do return (if they ever do) they'll scream bloody murder about all these damn Mexicans living here now that TOOK our jobs. LOL

No one's hardly rebuilding anything, if it makes you feel better, Mr. P. There's nowhere to friggin live. If you've got a family, you can't live in a goddamn tent for 6 months.

Perhaps you should get of your high fucking horse and go live in N.O. yourself, see how you like it.

There's still people in Florida living in trailers from last year's Florida 4 hurricanes. I don't hear you bitching about them, but of course, no surprise, Shrub's brother is the governor and there's more whites there.
dilloduck said:
Oh I get it--Lousianna wants someone ELSE to rebuild for them because they aren't willing to make the necessary sacrifices. (and yes, I've been to NO and am going back)

You can't get people in to rebuild homes if there isn't anywhere for them to live, fool. 140000 homes caught more than 2 feet of water, 105000 over 4 feet. This is just in N.O. itself, not to mention the surrounding Parishes. There's nowhere to live, fool.

When have you been to N.O? What, were you passing through? Perhaps this time you should stay and live outside for a few months and rebuild the city, since its such an easy thing to do.
Jimmyeatworld said:
Considering the first rumblings of going to Mars were 15 years before he took office, I am wondering how you justify laying this at his feet. /QUOTE]

In what other state of the union address did a president say we were going to mars?
Mr.Conley said:
Do you all really thank that bashing the man makes you right? I disagree with a lot of what Spiderman Tuba has to say but I'm not about to hate him and certainly not attack him personally for it. Doing so is childish. I don't know about you all, but I learned in kindergarden to be nice to people.

Most of these folks never got into the 1st grade.
dmp said:
He's being blasted because he's the source of non-stop bullshit. He posts time and again wild conspiracy and speculation and passes them off - INSISTS they are facts.

So its speculation to suggest that we aren't going to Mars anytime soon?

Yeah, and I'M the crazy one. RIGHT.
SpidermanTuba said:
Most of these folks never got into the 1st grade.

That's why Mr. Conley came to your defense, because you are never childish. BTW, even if it were true, I guess you would assume that people that were not educated, but were literate, would be beneath you? Based on education alone, and your perceived correctness in all matters?
SpidermanTuba said:
I don't hear you bitching about them, but of course, no surprise, Shrub's brother is the governor and there's more whites there.

SpidermanTuba said:
Most of these folks never got into the 1st grade.

SpidermanTuba said:
So its speculation to suggest that we aren't going to Mars anytime soon?

Yeah, and I'M the crazy one. RIGHT.

Thanks for helping the cause. I just spent the evening trying to get people to be cordial to one another and then you, the very person I was trying to help, decided to come charging in calling people racists, uneducated, and insane. If you always do this then I understand that people would get pissed, even though falling into that trap is never right. Why not back your arguements up with some actual data or testimony. That tends to work better at swaying peoples opinions than insulting them. I know the subject of New Orleans is touchy, trust me I'm from there. My parents lost their house and everything too. I know how painful that feels, but that doesn't mean you should abandon all forms of civilizied debate. Again, all I'm saying is that instead of letting every thread devolve into cat-calls and obsenities, try to do something thats actually productive. Just some simple human decency, thats all I'm saying.
Kathianne said:
That's why Mr. Conley came to your defense, because you are never childish. BTW, even if it were true, I guess you would assume that people that were not educated, but were literate, would be beneath you? Based on education alone, and your perceived correctness in all matters?

Obviously Kathianne, if I thought one of me beliefs were wrong, I would change it.

Are you telling me you have beliefs that you think are wrong, yet you keep them anyway?
SpidermanTuba said:
Obviously Kathianne, if I thought one of me beliefs were wrong, I would change it.

Are you telling me you have beliefs that you think are wrong, yet you keep them anyway?

So, anyone uneducated or not educated to your standards, is inferior? You seriously believe that most here did not finish 1st grade? Which of these do you believe? :dunno:
Mr.Conley said:

If you always do this then I understand that people would get pissed, even though falling into that trap is never right. Why not back your arguements up with some actual data or testimony.

OK - so I thought it was understood that we weren't really doing anything to get to Mars in the near future. Is this in dispute? I'm fairly certain no one has disputed it here, are you?

That tends to work better at swaying peoples opinions than insulting them.
I know the subject of New Orleans is touchy, trust me I'm from there.

I'm not the one who isn't backing my stuff up - I wasn't the one who claimed that illegal Mexican immigrants were actually getting paid $15/hour with no source to back up that rather ludicrous claim.

Again, all I'm saying is that instead of letting every thread devolve into cat-calls and obsenities,

If you look through the threads you'll notice I'm never the one who starts it,.
Kathianne said:
So, anyone uneducated or not educated to your standards, is inferior? You seriously believe that most here did not finish 1st grade? Which of these do you believe? :dunno:

It wasn't to be taken seriously, Kathianne. You really need to lighten up.
SpidermanTuba said:
It wasn't to be taken seriously, Kathianne. You really need to lighten up.

Oh, you meant something as a joke? :laugh:
SpidermanTuba said:
Jimmyeatworld said:
Considering the first rumblings of going to Mars were 15 years before he took office, I am wondering how you justify laying this at his feet. /QUOTE]

In what other state of the union address did a president say we were going to mars?

Oh, well pardon me. Being part of a State of the Union address makes all the difference. Let's saddle up the space shuttle and take off then.
SpidermanTuba said:
If you look through the threads you'll notice I'm never the one who starts it,.

I beg to differ. When you feel the need to start a thread with something as assinine as:

"Why is Bush using terrorist tactices - i.e. kidnappings the wives of people we want to capture?

Oh yeah, that's right, it because he's a terrorist."

How do you expect people to react? "Golly gee, Peter Parker, with all due respect, I think you might be incorrect in that assumption." Or are people going to treat you like a troll when you act like a troll?
Jimmyeatworld said:
I beg to differ. When you feel the need to start a thread with something as assinine as:

"Why is Bush using terrorist tactices - i.e. kidnappings the wives of people we want to capture?

Oh yeah, that's right, it because he's a terrorist."

How do you expect people to react? "Golly gee, Peter Parker, with all due respect, I think you might be incorrect in that assumption." Or are people going to treat you like a troll when you act like a troll?

If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...I'm breaking out the shotgun.

Mr.Conley said:
Thanks for helping the cause. I just spent the evening trying to get people to be cordial to one another and then you, the very person I was trying to help, decided to come charging in calling people racists, uneducated, and insane. If you always do this then I understand that people would get pissed, even though falling into that trap is never right. Why not back your arguements up with some actual data or testimony. That tends to work better at swaying peoples opinions than insulting them. I know the subject of New Orleans is touchy, trust me I'm from there. My parents lost their house and everything too. I know how painful that feels, but that doesn't mean you should abandon all forms of civilizied debate. Again, all I'm saying is that instead of letting every thread devolve into cat-calls and obsenities, try to do something thats actually productive. Just some simple human decency, thats all I'm saying.

I was going to post something like..."You are new..you'll see why spidey gets the treatment he does."

But look...he beat me to it.

Now you see why he gets the treatment he does.

People get what they give.
Jimmyeatworld said:
SpidermanTuba said:
Oh, well pardon me. Being part of a State of the Union address makes all the difference. Let's saddle up the space shuttle and take off then.

You're right, I forgot, the SOTU is a load of crap not to be taken seriously. Its just lip service.

But I have to post a correction now

I don't think it was in his SOTU a couple years back that Mars was mentioned.

He made a special speech about going to Mars a couple weeks before the SOTU.

And then had already forgotten about it by the time the SOTU came around. Figures. THe attention span of most righties is only a couple of days, unless it involves meaningless slogans, they can hold onto those forever.
Jimmyeatworld said:
I beg to differ. When you feel the need to start a thread with something as assinine as:

"Why is Bush using terrorist tactices - i.e. kidnappings the wives of people we want to capture?

Oh yeah, that's right, it because he's a terrorist."

How do you expect people to react? "Golly gee, Peter Parker, with all due respect, I think you might be incorrect in that assumption." Or are people going to treat you like a troll when you act like a troll?

I don't know, it might go something like this:

"Well, Bush is kidnapping women and holding them to gain leverage on people he wants captured. So in that way, he is like a terrorist. But he isn't torturing them or cutting off their heads, so in that way, he is not like a terrorist."

You know - a critical reaction.
SpidermanTuba said:
Jimmyeatworld said:
You're right, I forgot, the SOTU is a load of crap not to be taken seriously. Its just lip service.

But I have to post a correction now

I don't think it was in his SOTU a couple years back that Mars was mentioned.

He made a special speech about going to Mars a couple weeks before the SOTU.

And then had already forgotten about it by the time the SOTU came around. Figures. THe attention span of most righties is only a couple of days, unless it involves meaningless slogans, they can hold onto those forever.

What an incredible load of crap.

You know, it's just pointless. I could go dig up a bunch of crap that Clinton said and post it. I could point out that idiots like you cling to slogans like "better jobs for better pay" without the ideas behind it to actually lead to better jobs for better pay. But why? When you are bottom feeding to the point that a mission to Mars thread is the best you can do, I think I'll just let you know you have my pity and move along.

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