When can we discuss prostituion?


Mar 18, 2011
I am a male in my 30s, I have been hiring prostitutes since I was 18.
I am not very popular with women, so prostitutes make up a big part of my social life ( I am grateful for them).

This activity is the only illegal thing that I do.


Why is there nowhere/no one that is willing to discuss decriminalizing this practice.

I search far and wide, I try Google, I look for phone numbers. No one is discussing this massive topic.


As loneliness and globalization increase, we will have a more acute needed for prostitutes. The supply and demand should both increase in tandem.

Can we start a conversation here on why and/or why not?
Is it time to zone, regulate and tax the hell out of the world's oldest profession?
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Sounds like you've never made an effort to get to know the fairer sex. And considering you think there is no problem paying them to so you can use their bodies, I don't find it difficult to understand why you weren't popular with them.

Maybe instead of making excuses for yourself, you should step up, be a better man, and you won't have to waste your money.
It's been discussed here frequently-----you might wanna run a search and read.
I am a male in my 30s, I have been hiring prostitutes since I was 18.
I am not very popular with women, so prostitutes make up a big part of my social life ( I am grateful for them).

This activity is the only illegal thing that I do.


Why is there nowhere/no one that is willing to discuss decriminalizing this practice.

I search far and wide, I try Google, I look for phone numbers. No one is discussing this massive topic.


As loneliness and globalization increase, we will have a more acute needed for prostitutes. The supply and demand should both increase in tandem.

Can we start a conversation here on why and/or why not?
Is it time to zone, regulate and tax the hell out of the world's oldest profession?

You must not be Googling very well.

Sex Workers Outreach Project | Sex Worker Rights are Human Rights!

While their major thrust is violence against sex workers (the preferred term for them, FYI), they do advocate legalization. And most of the people on their links also favor it.
No harm ....no foul

You are allowed to give it away but break the law if you make money off of it.

Please explain, O' EXPERIENCED ONE?

I believe that George is commenting on something that most of us realized early on in our lives..... No matter what, a Man always pays for sex. Whether it's with money, food, gifts, emotional attachment, etc.... very few women give up their intimate attentions without first being properly compensated for their time and involvement.
I am a male in my 30s, I have been hiring prostitutes since I was 18.
I am not very popular with women, so prostitutes make up a big part of my social life ( I am grateful for them).

This activity is the only illegal thing that I do.


Why is there nowhere/no one that is willing to discuss decriminalizing this practice.

I search far and wide, I try Google, I look for phone numbers. No one is discussing this massive topic.


As loneliness and globalization increase, we will have a more acute needed for prostitutes. The supply and demand should both increase in tandem.

Can we start a conversation here on why and/or why not?
Is it time to zone, regulate and tax the hell out of the world's oldest profession?

It shouldn't be illegal, prostitutes are always in demand and they are all over the world, making it illegal just drives the business under ground and into the hands of gangster who abuse the girls and/or hook them on drugs.

Please explain, O' EXPERIENCED ONE?

I believe that George is commenting on something that most of us realized early on in our lives..... No matter what, a Man always pays for sex. Whether it's with money, food, gifts, emotional attachment, etc.... very few women give up their intimate attentions without first being properly compensated for their time and involvement.

True, even for a one night stand you got to pay for a few drinks at least.

Please explain, O' EXPERIENCED ONE?

I believe that George is commenting on something that most of us realized early on in our lives..... No matter what, a Man always pays for sex. Whether it's with money, food, gifts, emotional attachment, etc.... very few women give up their intimate attentions without first being properly compensated for their time and involvement.


I was hoping to read how George would pull his ass out of the fire.

Now you've ruined my day.:evil:

Please explain, O' EXPERIENCED ONE?

I believe that George is commenting on something that most of us realized early on in our lives..... No matter what, a Man always pays for sex. Whether it's with money, food, gifts, emotional attachment, etc.... very few women give up their intimate attentions without first being properly compensated for their time and involvement.

If you wish to look at it so cynically, then it seems only fair, given the costs that accrue to US for giving men what they want.

Please explain, O' EXPERIENCED ONE?

I believe that George is commenting on something that most of us realized early on in our lives..... No matter what, a Man always pays for sex. Whether it's with money, food, gifts, emotional attachment, etc.... very few women give up their intimate attentions without first being properly compensated for their time and involvement.

True, even for a one night stand you got to pay for a few drinks at least.

I think its sad that no women has ever bought you a drink before sex.:(:(:(
Sounds like you've never made an effort to get to know the fairer sex. And considering you think there is no problem paying them to so you can use their bodies, I don't find it difficult to understand why you weren't popular with them.
Some women are cool with it. Works in Nevada. Penn & Teller interviewed a few for an episode of Bullshit who seemed content with their career choice.
I believe that George is commenting on something that most of us realized early on in our lives..... No matter what, a Man always pays for sex. Whether it's with money, food, gifts, emotional attachment, etc.... very few women give up their intimate attentions without first being properly compensated for their time and involvement.

True, even for a one night stand you got to pay for a few drinks at least.

I think its sad that no women has ever bought you a drink before sex.:(:(:(

I think it's sad that he considers giving a woman time to decide if she likes him enough to have sex with him to be an intolerable expense. Probably tells us something about how successful he is at convincing women to like him.

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