When Dick Armey Spilled the Beans on Freedomworks


Apr 4, 2006
The Other Side of Paradise
He thought Media Matters was a CONSERVATIVE outfit!! LOL!

I was wondering why he chose them!

Dick Armey dishes dirt accidentally
By Steve Benen - Wed Jan 9, 2013 8:30 AM EST

There's been a remarkable amount of drama surrounding Dick Armey's departure from FreedomWorks, culminating Friday with a stunning report from Media Matters, who interviewed the former House Majority Leader directly. Armey had all kinds of interesting insights to share with the progressive group, including tidbits on pay-for-play agreements with Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, and the FreedomWorks' practice of charging activists to attend free events.

Though many of Armey's revelations should probably be taken with a grain of salt -- the former GOP leader seemed confused about some of the details he shared -- there was a larger question that puzzled nearly everyone: why in the world was Dick Armey dishing dirt to Media Matters?

Dick Armey dishes dirt accidentally - The Maddow Blog
Dick Armey is anything but senile.

He is pissed at FW and knew MM would put his story out there.
He was on Matthews yesterday as well. It's great to hear straight from the horses mouth what those of us in sanity land already knew with the teabaggers being nothing but a front for the Koch's and other radical right wing extremists paying off Beck and Limbaugh to program their sheep to support them.
Ha! He must be getting senile, poor thing.

I don't think he's senile. I'd hate to think he wouldn't know what media matters is, since any self-respecting righty on this site knows what it is. So I suspect he felt it was the best way to embarrass freedomworks. And it probably was.

Then be denies knowledge and has plausible deniability
Have we heard the last from Armey? I recall reading or hearing he was paid to leave FW's a substantial amount ($4 million?) and I suspect if such a payoff happened it came with a no disclosure agreement.
It's funny how he created exactly what his name is, A "Dick Armey", or an army of dicks.

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