When did America stop being great

I sense some anger. But I will not lower myself to your category so I will not call you other names.

Trump lied every time he stood in front of his supporters far far more than Hillary. And supporters like you love and believed everything. Just because Trump say something stupid that doesn't mean it's right. That is a very bad sign that followers like you don't even care whether it's right or wrong. But believes him anyway because of his celebrity status.

1. Your voting for Trump bc of his policy. What policy are you talking about Dude. His economic and foreign policy are just garbage.
2. Nobody is going to take your guns or pull your dick. That is what your naziclown pussy grabber role model wants you to believed.
3. Either you like it or not whites ( i don't like it either) will be the minority in the future. Unless Adolf Trump start gassing all asians, blacks, hispanics etc. etc. etc. in this country. Only god can stop that but not your role model.
4. Our borders are secure. It's only trump that keep lying that our country is poor, dirty, no life, worst than 3rd world countries.
5 Allegations? Trump was sued for racism, currently being sued for fraud and rape, bribe AG. Hide his tax returns. I can go on and on but I don't have all the time. Or do you want me to tell how many times he's been sued.

As has been reported, most of Trump's lawsuits were initiated by him. Sued for discrimination? You should know what you are talking about first. He settled out of court and didn't admit to any wrongdoing as part of the settlement. Trump's father had a policy of not renting to people on welfare--not because of race, but because of financial risk. It's the state that sent out black agents posing as potential tenants on welfare because they knew that was their policy. They were part of a state sting operation for rental discrimination. Trump didn't have any white tenants on welfare either.

When did Trump ever say that our country was dirty, poor, no life or worse than third world countries? You make this stuff up as you go along.

Yes, liberals are coming from our guns, and that can be obtained by putting leftist commies on the court to rule that we don't actually have a constitutional right to own guns. Once we have no rights to guns, cities and states across the country can make any regulations they desire against guns. They can tax it so high guns would be unaffordable, they can allow gun manufacturers to be sued out of business, they can make guns illegal in cities and states and there would be no constitutional protection to fall back on.
And if he was in the power to do so against the military experts, I would say the same thing about him.

What about Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Soviets Had Missle already in Cuba and orders to launch them if they were attacked. The Generals wanted to launch an immediate air strike to take out the missile silos (Of Which they erroneously thought were not operational) Kennedy WENT AGAINST THE MILITARY EXPERTS and avoid a nuclear holocaust. Makes you think what would happen if Bush or trump were President at that time.

I see your crystal ball is working overtime tonight. Why don't we stick with the current situation we have in this election?

No, I'm only showing the selectiveness of your criticisms towards Obama. If your 50/50 with Bush, fine then you should be at least 50/50 with Obama but you gloss over Bush's failures - like the ignored warnings leading up to 9/11 ( as an example Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US - Wikipedia ). If any one of the difficulties that Bush ran into happened on Obama's watch, his critics wouldn't be talking about impeachment; they would be talking about a lynching.
My "Ford" was built by Mazda. Damn good truck (Escape is on a truck chassis). Wanted a new one; those are now built by Ford on a sedan chassis with limited ground clearance and overall a toy. Good-bye Ford! Old Escape got renovated instead.
I sense some anger. But I will not lower myself to your category so I will not call you other names.

Trump lied every time he stood in front of his supporters far far more than Hillary. And supporters like you love and believed everything. Just because Trump say something stupid that doesn't mean it's right. That is a very bad sign that followers like you don't even care whether it's right or wrong. But believes him anyway because of his celebrity status.

1. Your voting for Trump bc of his policy. What policy are you talking about Dude. His economic and foreign policy are just garbage.
2. Nobody is going to take your guns or pull your dick. That is what your naziclown pussy grabber role model wants you to believed.
3. Either you like it or not whites ( i don't like it either) will be the minority in the future. Unless Adolf Trump start gassing all asians, blacks, hispanics etc. etc. etc. in this country. Only god can stop that but not your role model.
4. Our borders are secure. It's only trump that keep lying that our country is poor, dirty, no life, worst than 3rd world countries.
5 Allegations? Trump was sued for racism, currently being sued for fraud and rape, bribe AG. Hide his tax returns. I can go on and on but I don't have all the time. Or do you want me to tell how many times he's been sued.

As has been reported, most of Trump's lawsuits were initiated by him. Sued for discrimination? You should know what you are talking about first. He settled out of court and didn't admit to any wrongdoing as part of the settlement. Trump's father had a policy of not renting to people on welfare--not because of race, but because of financial risk. It's the state that sent out black agents posing as potential tenants on welfare because they knew that was their policy. They were part of a state sting operation for rental discrimination. Trump didn't have any white tenants on welfare either.

When did Trump ever say that our country was dirty, poor, no life or worse than third world countries? You make this stuff up as you go along.

Yes, liberals are coming from our guns, and that can be obtained by putting leftist commies on the court to rule that we don't actually have a constitutional right to own guns. Once we have no rights to guns, cities and states across the country can make any regulations they desire against guns. They can tax it so high guns would be unaffordable, they can allow gun manufacturers to be sued out of business, they can make guns illegal in cities and states and there would be no constitutional protection to fall back on.

You are in big denial. As I previously mentioned you are so fascinated with his bullshit.

1. Your role model mentioned at least couple of time in his rallies that he compared America to 3rd world countries and he also include our air ports. That has always been his style to scare people but for some reason people like you believe him.

Donald Trump Says America is "Like a Third World Country" [VIDEO] | RedState

2. No one is going to pull your guns. No one is going to your house and confiscate your gun. That I guarantee you. Just because Trump said that doesn't mean it's true.
3. He is currently being sued for fraud, rape. etc etc etc. I suggest you read the Link.

How 75 pending lawsuits could distract a Donald Trump presidency

Trump faces significant open litigation tied to his businesses: angry members at his Jupiter, Fla. golf course say they were cheated out of refunds on their dues and a former employee at the same club claims she was fired after reporting sexual harassment. There’s a fraud case brought by Trump University students who say the mogul’s company ripped them off for tens of thousands in tuition for a sham real estate course.
Trump is also defending lawsuits tied to his campaign. A disgruntled GOP political consultant sued for $4 million saying Trump defamed her. Another suit, a class action, says the campaign violated consumer protection laws by sending unsolicited text messages.
If elected, the open lawsuits will tag along with Trump. He would not be entitled to immunity, and could be required to give depositions or even testify in open court. That could chew up time and expose a litany of uncomfortable private and business dealings to the public.
One Trump case, over non-payment of tips to caterers at Trump SoHo Hotel in New York City, is scheduled to go to trial a week before Election Day.
Liberals who ask "When did America stop being great" are mere sheep. They ask this question out of ignorance, or more likely because the Hillary camp has programmed them to. I gave what, 15-20 reasons PROVING we're in saturation? I could give a bunch more. Seriously libs., stop.

On top of that, Bill Clinton used the same slogan. Like his womanizing, corruption and potentially rape, liberals are programmed to embrace him, so you can add hypocrites as another description.
Liberals who ask "When did America stop being great" are mere sheep. They ask this question out of ignorance, or more likely because the Hillary camp has programmed them to. I gave what, 15-20 reasons PROVING we're in saturation? I could give a bunch more. Seriously libs., stop.

On top of that, Bill Clinton used the same slogan. Like his womanizing, corruption and potentially rape, liberals are programmed to embrace him, so you can add hypocrites as another description.
First of all: HOLY COW CUBS WIN. 2nd: Ya bush can pitch better than Obama; got 'um bet there but Obama governed much better - so whats the point of your meme?
And if he was in the power to do so against the military experts, I would say the same thing about him.

What about Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Soviets Had Missle already in Cuba and orders to launch them if they were attacked. The Generals wanted to launch an immediate air strike to take out the missile silos (Of Which they erroneously thought were not operational) Kennedy WENT AGAINST THE MILITARY EXPERTS and avoid a nuclear holocaust. Makes you think what would happen if Bush or trump were President at that time.

I see your crystal ball is working overtime tonight. Why don't we stick with the current situation we have in this election?

No, I'm only showing the selectiveness of your criticisms towards Obama. If your 50/50 with Bush, fine then you should be at least 50/50 with Obama but you gloss over Bush's failures - like the ignored warnings leading up to 9/11 ( as an example Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US - Wikipedia ). If any one of the difficulties that Bush ran into happened on Obama's watch, his critics wouldn't be talking about impeachment; they would be talking about a lynching.

Bushpuppet was a POS but that doesn't excuse the Barrypuppet for being a POS either...now does it?
Liberals who ask "When did America stop being great" are mere sheep. They ask this question out of ignorance, or more likely because the Hillary camp has programmed them to. I gave what, 15-20 reasons PROVING we're in saturation? I could give a bunch more. Seriously libs., stop.

On top of that, Bill Clinton used the same slogan. Like his womanizing, corruption and potentially rape, liberals are programmed to embrace him, so you can add hypocrites as another description.
First of all: HOLY COW CUBS WIN. 2nd: Ya bush can pitch better than Obama; got 'um bet there but Obama governed much better - so whats the point of your meme?
It's Trump's slogan and no one seems to know what it means except vote for Trump.
The problem is many Americans think America is great now and has been, so why is Trump changing American history to fit his election?
Liberals who ask "When did America stop being great" are mere sheep. They ask this question out of ignorance, or more likely because the Hillary camp has programmed them to. I gave what, 15-20 reasons PROVING we're in saturation? I could give a bunch more. Seriously libs., stop.

On top of that, Bill Clinton used the same slogan. Like his womanizing, corruption and potentially rape, liberals are programmed to embrace him, so you can add hypocrites as another description.
First of all: HOLY COW CUBS WIN. 2nd: Ya bush can pitch better than Obama; got 'um bet there but Obama governed much better - so whats the point of your meme?
It's Trump's slogan and no one seems to know what it means except vote for Trump.
The problem is many Americans think America is great now and has been, so why is Trump changing American history to fit his election?

How great is it when the middle class is being systematically dismantled? How great can America be when USA.INC has ran up a 21 TRILLION dollar credit card bill that they made us the surety owed to a bunch of international bankers? How great can America be when 71 percent of those that even have a job make less than 50K a year and 51 percent make less than 30K a year? How great can America be when it has an unbelievable import to export ratio? How great can America be when a 4 year degree costs as much as a moderate home only to graduate to a weak job market? Tell me again how fucking great this country is when everything we do on-line is stored and the data crunched to be used at a later date if need because of this phony war on terrorism while leaving the southern border unsecured while military aged muslims are being brought over overtly and covertly?....many of them radicalized because of the atrocities committed by our military overseas? How fucking great is America when the (snicker) "leaders" are arming the very same mercenaries we are suppose to be against to fight proxy wars in countries that have resources that these globalists must control? How fucking great is America when we are being told how big of a garden we can grow in our own fucking yards and how much rainwater (if any) they are allowed to collect on their own property???

Please explain to me what is so fucking great about America??? I would love to learn your take on our current situation.
It's Trump's slogan and no one seems to know what it means except vote for Trump.
The problem is many Americans think America is great now and has been, so why is Trump changing American history to fit his election?

Kind of like hope and change? What was that supposed to mean anyway?
I sense some anger. But I will not lower myself to your category so I will not call you other names.

Trump lied every time he stood in front of his supporters far far more than Hillary. And supporters like you love and believed everything. Just because Trump say something stupid that doesn't mean it's right. That is a very bad sign that followers like you don't even care whether it's right or wrong. But believes him anyway because of his celebrity status.

1. Your voting for Trump bc of his policy. What policy are you talking about Dude. His economic and foreign policy are just garbage.
2. Nobody is going to take your guns or pull your dick. That is what your naziclown pussy grabber role model wants you to believed.
3. Either you like it or not whites ( i don't like it either) will be the minority in the future. Unless Adolf Trump start gassing all asians, blacks, hispanics etc. etc. etc. in this country. Only god can stop that but not your role model.
4. Our borders are secure. It's only trump that keep lying that our country is poor, dirty, no life, worst than 3rd world countries.
5 Allegations? Trump was sued for racism, currently being sued for fraud and rape, bribe AG. Hide his tax returns. I can go on and on but I don't have all the time. Or do you want me to tell how many times he's been sued.

As has been reported, most of Trump's lawsuits were initiated by him. Sued for discrimination? You should know what you are talking about first. He settled out of court and didn't admit to any wrongdoing as part of the settlement. Trump's father had a policy of not renting to people on welfare--not because of race, but because of financial risk. It's the state that sent out black agents posing as potential tenants on welfare because they knew that was their policy. They were part of a state sting operation for rental discrimination. Trump didn't have any white tenants on welfare either.

When did Trump ever say that our country was dirty, poor, no life or worse than third world countries? You make this stuff up as you go along.

Yes, liberals are coming from our guns, and that can be obtained by putting leftist commies on the court to rule that we don't actually have a constitutional right to own guns. Once we have no rights to guns, cities and states across the country can make any regulations they desire against guns. They can tax it so high guns would be unaffordable, they can allow gun manufacturers to be sued out of business, they can make guns illegal in cities and states and there would be no constitutional protection to fall back on.

You are in big denial. As I previously mentioned you are so fascinated with his bullshit.

1. Your role model mentioned at least couple of time in his rallies that he compared America to 3rd world countries and he also include our air ports. That has always been his style to scare people but for some reason people like you believe him.

Donald Trump Says America is "Like a Third World Country" [VIDEO] | RedState

2. No one is going to pull your guns. No one is going to your house and confiscate your gun. That I guarantee you. Just because Trump said that doesn't mean it's true.
3. He is currently being sued for fraud, rape. etc etc etc. I suggest you read the Link.

How 75 pending lawsuits could distract a Donald Trump presidency

Trump faces significant open litigation tied to his businesses: angry members at his Jupiter, Fla. golf course say they were cheated out of refunds on their dues and a former employee at the same club claims she was fired after reporting sexual harassment. There’s a fraud case brought by Trump University students who say the mogul’s company ripped them off for tens of thousands in tuition for a sham real estate course.
Trump is also defending lawsuits tied to his campaign. A disgruntled GOP political consultant sued for $4 million saying Trump defamed her. Another suit, a class action, says the campaign violated consumer protection laws by sending unsolicited text messages.
If elected, the open lawsuits will tag along with Trump. He would not be entitled to immunity, and could be required to give depositions or even testify in open court. That could chew up time and expose a litany of uncomfortable private and business dealings to the public.
One Trump case, over non-payment of tips to caterers at Trump SoHo Hotel in New York City, is scheduled to go to trial a week before Election Day.

Trump faces significant open litigation tied to his businesses: angry members at his Jupiter, Fla. golf course say they were cheated out of refunds on their dues and a former employee at the same club claims she was fired after reporting sexual harassment. There’s a fraud case brought by Trump University students who say the mogul’s company ripped them off for tens of thousands in tuition for a sham real estate course.
Trump is also defending lawsuits tied to his campaign. A disgruntled GOP political consultant sued for $4 million saying Trump defamed her. Another suit, a class action, says the campaign violated consumer protection laws by sending unsolicited text messages.
If elected, the open lawsuits will tag along with Trump. He would not be entitled to immunity, and could be required to give depositions or even testify in open court. That could chew up time and expose a litany of uncomfortable private and business dealings to the public.
One Trump case, over non-payment of tips to caterers at Trump SoHo Hotel in New York City, is scheduled to go to trial a week before Election Day.

It is a week before the election. Don't you know when voting takes place in this country?

Nobody but leftists (who think they actually have something on Trump) cares about his business.....nobody. What we do care about is electing a person for President that's going to be indicted on criminal charges which seems to be on Hillary's path as we speak. There are two separate investigations going on: one is the Clinton foundation scam, and the other is deliberately mishandling confidential and classified material that is now said to have been hacked by over five foreign intelligence agencies. That's what we care about.

Her phony foundation is a money laundering outfit. She allowed our tax dollars to be spent on the rebuilding of Haiti, and gave most of the contracts to those who paid Bill 300 to 500K for speeches, or those that contributed to that phony fund of theirs. And what do you leftists care about? If Trump paid tips or not.

2. No one is going to pull your guns. No one is going to your house and confiscate your gun. That I guarantee you. Just because Trump said that doesn't mean it's true.
3. He is currently being sued for fraud, rape. etc etc etc. I suggest you read the Link.

Did you just move to this country or what? You can sue anybody for anything these days. It doesn't mean you'll win, but your case will go to court. So why don't you focus on reality instead of those looking to capture some limelight for themselves?

If any of these phony cases are heard and Trump has to admit to wrongdoing, then tell me about the case. Until that time, hundreds of people can sue him for anything.

No, nobody is going to come to my house for my guns. The Supreme Court couldn't rule on that, but it doesn't mean they can't rule our rights to firearms are not protected by the Constitution. That's the SC's job; to define what the Constitution actually says. If there are no constitutional rights to firearms, then firearms are open to any law any legislature wishes to create, including your federal government if the day should come where Commie leftists get a majority in the Congress and Senate.
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No, I'm only showing the selectiveness of your criticisms towards Obama. If your 50/50 with Bush, fine then you should be at least 50/50 with Obama but you gloss over Bush's failures - like the ignored warnings leading up to 9/11 ( as an example Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US - Wikipedia ). If any one of the difficulties that Bush ran into happened on Obama's watch, his critics wouldn't be talking about impeachment; they would be talking about a lynching.

What Bush Knew Before Sept. 11
No, I'm only showing the selectiveness of your criticisms towards Obama. If your 50/50 with Bush, fine then you should be at least 50/50 with Obama but you gloss over Bush's failures - like the ignored warnings leading up to 9/11 ( as an example Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US - Wikipedia ). If any one of the difficulties that Bush ran into happened on Obama's watch, his critics wouldn't be talking about impeachment; they would be talking about a lynching.

What Bush Knew Before Sept. 11
My point isn't that Bush was negligent in preventing 9/11. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't - it's a hard call. The point I was making was that, many on the right would shit themselves if the EXACT same circumstances were facing Obama. This is what I mean by selective criticism.
No, I'm only showing the selectiveness of your criticisms towards Obama. If your 50/50 with Bush, fine then you should be at least 50/50 with Obama but you gloss over Bush's failures - like the ignored warnings leading up to 9/11 ( as an example Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US - Wikipedia ). If any one of the difficulties that Bush ran into happened on Obama's watch, his critics wouldn't be talking about impeachment; they would be talking about a lynching.

What Bush Knew Before Sept. 11
My point isn't that Bush was negligent in preventing 9/11. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't - it's a hard call. The point I was making was that, many on the right would shit themselves if the EXACT same circumstances were facing Obama. This is what I mean by selective criticism.

Given all the information that is out there and easily accessible? If you don't realize by now that 9/11/01 was an inside job and false flag of monumental proportions that covered up a litany of financial crimes by the elites? You are purposely remaining ignorant.
When did America stop being great?

November 22, 1963

America stopped being "great" with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 when it turned over it's monetary system to a group of international bankers that extended credit created from nothing. It has been all down hill since. The Crash of 1929 was totally orchestrated all designed to put USA.INC into more debt which led to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 and the gold confiscation and made us all "enemies" of the state while pledging our sweat equity as surety against a debt that we were not responsible for while losing allodial rights to property.......any other questions???

Not sure about that. The working class was pretty poor then. Forty years after the federal reserve act, the average American was pretty well off, and a family could have a pretty good life on one income. I don't think it's any one thing but a combination of things. In my lifetime, the introduction of drugs to America in the '60s started a big trend downward. There were drugs before then, but on a small scale.
When did America stop being great? You can't mark a date but you can mull over the fact that Reagan had so much respect for the Oval Office that he kept his suit jacket on all the time while Bill Clinton dropped his freaking pants every time a female intern showed up with a pizza. It's like the frog in the pot of water when he doesn't realize it's boiling.
My point isn't that Bush was negligent in preventing 9/11. Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't - it's a hard call. The point I was making was that, many on the right would shit themselves if the EXACT same circumstances were facing Obama. This is what I mean by selective criticism.

If you think Bush was negligent, then obviously you didn't read the article. So let me tell you what it said.

Basically, yes, Bush knew there were threats, but those threats come every day in Washington. There were no reports of terrorists hijacking airplanes--on 911--and crashing them into buildings.

911 was the only successful terrorist attack on the US while Bush was President. How many have we had under DumBama?

As for selective criticisms, you don't think you leftists do the same thing? What would the left be saying today if a Republican politician running for President was under two FBI investigations including allowing our enemies to tap into his private sever, destroying evidence after being subpoenaed by the US Congress, lying to Congress under oath multiple times, destroying government property, and getting very wealthy using a phony charity because of his position in past government positions?

Yet go to all other topics on USMB. Leftists are sticking up for Hillary like she was Mother Teresa.
You missed my point Ray. What made you think Trump will reduce the deficit when his economic plan is rated F? Your role model is love debt.

For your information, Congress has the government checkbook, not the President.

A Trump presidency will give Republicans more flexibility to reduce the deficit even more than they have already. They would have done it sooner, but you can't with DumBama in the White House threatening to shut down the country and then have the MSM blame the Republicans for it.

Corrupt Hillary would be no different. She would limit the ability of Congress to do their job. Free college, paid leave for anybody working a job, she even suggested she wants to spend a half billion dollars to try and control bullying....... BULLYING!!!!!!

This is not somebody willing to work to reduce the deficit, this is somebody that wants to spend, spend, spend to buy more votes for her next election or to keep Democrats in power.

So you have not answer my question. What made you think your role model will be better than Hillary as president? Realistically.
Economic policy rated as F. Foreign policy sucks.

Can't make chicken salad with chicken shit. An old saying, meaning you need good materials to build something or you end up with crap, inferior buildings. Hillary is proven to be as worthless as chicken shit. She's running for prez while under investigation for seriously compromising USA's security, and would be in jail by now if the entire power structure weren't behind her. We hired chicken shit and got a crap, compromised security system because of her. It's quite possible that government agents and soldiers may have been killed because of her. Trump's been in business for decades, extremely wealthy and successful, and not because he sold himself to the highest bidder like clinton did to get her wealth. No, he did it by building an empire, and putting thousands to work in the meantime. This is how it's done. I see where you live in palm springs, ca. and you say our borders are secured????? You're not that far from the border. Oh well, maybe you never leave the house and computer and t.v. and are out of touch with what's going on in the country you live in. Many Americans are.

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