When did America stop being great

When did America start being great? In short what were America's years of greatness?
You missed my point Ray. What made you think Trump will reduce the deficit when his economic plan is rated F? Your role model is love debt.

For your information, Congress has the government checkbook, not the President.

A Trump presidency will give Republicans more flexibility to reduce the deficit even more than they have already. They would have done it sooner, but you can't with DumBama in the White House threatening to shut down the country and then have the MSM blame the Republicans for it.

Corrupt Hillary would be no different. She would limit the ability of Congress to do their job. Free college, paid leave for anybody working a job, she even suggested she wants to spend a half billion dollars to try and control bullying....... BULLYING!!!!!!

This is not somebody willing to work to reduce the deficit, this is somebody that wants to spend, spend, spend to buy more votes for her next election or to keep Democrats in power.

"Barack Obama, the greatest joke America ever played on itself." What about Bush are you saying bush was more successful than Obama? There is nothing I would like to see than trump get elected - It will make Obama look all the better then you can change your meme to: "Donald Trump, the greatest joke America ever played on itself."
Just A heads up, the Question I asked: "When did America stop being great" was a joke. You have to watch the video I posted to get the obvious point I was trying to make.
You missed my point Ray. What made you think Trump will reduce the deficit when his economic plan is rated F? Your role model is love debt.

For your information, Congress has the government checkbook, not the President.

A Trump presidency will give Republicans more flexibility to reduce the deficit even more than they have already. They would have done it sooner, but you can't with DumBama in the White House threatening to shut down the country and then have the MSM blame the Republicans for it.

Corrupt Hillary would be no different. She would limit the ability of Congress to do their job. Free college, paid leave for anybody working a job, she even suggested she wants to spend a half billion dollars to try and control bullying....... BULLYING!!!!!!

This is not somebody willing to work to reduce the deficit, this is somebody that wants to spend, spend, spend to buy more votes for her next election or to keep Democrats in power.
Donald Trump's Plans Would Add $5.3 Trillion to the National Debt

Donald Trump Would Boost Debt More Than Hillary Clinton, Report Says

Trump would beat Clinton by trillions when it comes to driving up debt

Trump plans would increase debt 26 TIMES more than Clinton's: Study

Donald Trump’s tax plan could land America $10 trillion deeper in debt
"I've been around for a long time, and it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans." - Donald J. Trump

We stuck our heads up the gadget ass.

24 news and sports.

The fall of music and entertainment. Sometime after 1980.

Runaway obesity

Fake boobs (sorry ladies, you still look great with clothes on). Oh yeah, sorry men too.

Men were intended to marry, have kids and use the women's bathroom.

Accountability displacement, projecting blame. Not holding people accountable. Corrupt administrations, especially the Obummer admin. Look, we have Trump facing off against Chillary, does that sound "progress"ive to you? Give me a break.

Far too many people and far too many illegals. Sorry man, that in itself drops the standard of living, but it's great for socialism, right folks?

Hollywood and media shoving their agendas up our ass instead of providing good entertainment and reporting.

Deeply in debt.

Technology replacing people. Concentration of cash to the wealthy, throwing the middle class under the bus with BS like Obamacare. Technology will eventually end the work place, as well as schools and markets. It will all be done from home. At least that's great for the environment. Oh look, an improvement.

Food is too expensive. The water is dirty and the sky isn't so blue. Over-crowding, chaos, disrespect, too many regulations and taxes.

Customer service is shit. We've lost a lot of services that used to be common for basic tasks because they're easily replaced by Chinese junk. Press MFing 1 for English...............sucker.

"Reality" TV.

Regressive standard of living.

Education is a joke. Some schools can't teach children, because they're too busy with the lowest common denominator (sorry), being kids who don't speak English. That's because they're not accountable and it's political incorrect and a human rights violation to expect them to learn how we communicate. Our college system is an embarrassment, high on "liberal arts". IN many subjects they don't teach people how to use critical application. You'd expect them to so much as write a sentence, but many can't. You know in Sweden kids are in school 8 hours a day? Our teachers union would never put up with that, no fucking way.

Fewer number of people own homes despite ridiculous interest rates.

Passing a pile of shit onto our kids.

School slaughters and more terrorists.

Race relations in the toilet, primarily exploited for liberal power. BLM bowel movement, what a joke. Meanwhile it's the DEMOCRATS and their media who are the PRIMARY culprits in dividing the nation.

Social interaction is a laugh. People used to be far more genuine no-contest. Far more capable too. Fucking kid at Jack in the Box the other day, seemed nice, but he couldn't pull his out out of the gadget long enough to function. (I'd like one something $2.69 burger, no onions. I even gave him the number (everything is a number see)). Get to window (that will be eight something)..... (No couldn't be, I ordered some $2.69 burger, no onions)....(Sorry, that will be a buck fifty).....(No, couldn't be, the FN burger is $2.69, no onions)....(Oh sorry, that's the something jack).... (Cool, I'll take the whatever jack for $2.69, no onions).......Success........Pull out and "enjoy" my hamburger with onions. Face it, we're dysfunctional.

PC (pussified country)...You know, the same kind of BS former corrupt counties used to control thought? If people didn't have their heads up the collective ass they'd be able to recognize that, but no, we're "progress"ive.

When we lost the ability to solve simple problems. We actually peaked in intelligence sometime before the early 1900s. That was when people had to be more dependent.

Runaway mental disorders - Golly, wonder why that is?

That's probably the short list. It's quite clear really, we're in saturation.
Do you have any suggestions on how to fix the problems we face?
Trump is trying to make America great again but when did America stop being Great? Seems to me there was no mention of the lack of greatness during the Bush administration despite all the failings of that administration. I have done extensive research to try and find when America was great no more and oddly enough, I have found the exact date ; to the minute when America stopped being great: November 4 2008 at 10 pm central standard time, but I can't figure out why. IF you can solve this riddle, there is a $100 dollar reward waiting for you.

Check this video

It was 1965 thanks to Ted Kennedy.
Trump is trying to make America great again but when did America stop being Great? Seems to me there was no mention of the lack of greatness during the Bush administration despite all the failings of that administration. I have done extensive research to try and find when America was great no more and oddly enough, I have found the exact date ; to the minute when America stopped being great: November 4 2008 at 10 pm central standard time, but I can't figure out why. IF you can solve this riddle, there is a $100 dollar reward waiting for you.

Check this video

It was 1965 thanks to Ted Kennedy.

not what I'm looking for. Watch the Video then you'll get it
America stopped being "great" with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 when it turned over it's monetary system to a group of international bankers that extended credit created from nothing. It has been all down hill since. The Crash of 1929 was totally orchestrated all designed to put USA.INC into more debt which led to the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of 1933 and the gold confiscation and made us all "enemies" of the state while pledging our sweat equity as surety against a debt that we were not responsible for while losing allodial rights to property.......any other questions???

Dude you are blowing your conspiracy theories again.

Charmin, you don't understand diddly squat because you have been programmed to believe the utter horseshit that you have been fed. You are "small time".......wallow in your ignorance....makes no difference to me.

Dude. You have not shown any kind of knowledge or intelligence to make your conspiracy theory credible or edible.

Dude, it's called "reading"....you might try it some time. Get help with the really big words if need be.
When "great" left America:

Midway through the Truman presidency.

He understood, for a time, that wars were to be won and he won a BIG one.

Then he started channeling his inner liberal and capitulation in Korea set the pattern for the next decades. "Great" was nice while it lasted.
"Barack Obama, the greatest joke America ever played on itself." What about Bush are you saying bush was more successful than Obama? There is nothing I would like to see than trump get elected - It will make Obama look all the better then you can change your meme to: "Donald Trump, the greatest joke America ever played on itself."

We don't know what good or bad Trump will do. We do know what Hillary will do.

A President is only as good as the experts he (or she) hires for their cabinet. A good President has good people and listens to all of them before making a decision. No President is an expert on the economy, the military, domestic issues, federal spending, job creation, just to name a few.

Example: DumBama decided he wanted to pull all our troops out of Iraq against the advice of every one of his military advisors. Look what happened!

See, that's a bad President. A good President would have listened to his military people--especially since he was never even a boy scout himself.
Right around the time we let kids start running the household and telling the parents what they can and can't do.
"Barack Obama, the greatest joke America ever played on itself." What about Bush are you saying bush was more successful than Obama? There is nothing I would like to see than trump get elected - It will make Obama look all the better then you can change your meme to: "Donald Trump, the greatest joke America ever played on itself."

We don't know what good or bad Trump will do. We do know what Hillary will do.

A President is only as good as the experts he (or she) hires for their cabinet. A good President has good people and listens to all of them before making a decision. No President is an expert on the economy, the military, domestic issues, federal spending, job creation, just to name a few.

Example: DumBama decided he wanted to pull all our troops out of Iraq against the advice of every one of his military advisors. Look what happened!

See, that's a bad President. A good President would have listened to his military people--especially since he was never even a boy scout himself.
If Obama is a bad president, How do you rate George Bush?
BTW Trump advocated for pulling the troops out in the same way that Obama did. You knew that right? That means you would have to criticize the judgement of both of them.
When "great" left America:

Midway through the Truman presidency.

He understood, for a time, that wars were to be won and he won a BIG one.

Then he started channeling his inner liberal and capitulation in Korea set the pattern for the next decades. "Great" was nice while it lasted.
You vastly over simplify. Russia Had nuclear weapons by that time and that has change the dynamics of warfare ever since.
A few questions:
What role did FDR play in winning the Big one?
Do You or have you served in the military?
It's hard to decide between June 25, 1962, when the Supreme Court ruled against prayer in public schools (Engel v. Vitale) or January 22, 1973, when the same august body legalized the murder of pre-born children (Roe v. Wade).

In any case, when a country turns its back on God's laws, it ceases to be great.

Right so whats the point in voting for a guy that doesn't know what he is doing?
BTW If Trump is elected -which is still possible but unlikely- I would predict he would be impeached with in his 1st two years. I'll give it to the guy; he is an equal opportunity pisser offer.

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