When did Mueller know it was a hoax?


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
If he knew before the 2018 midterms, his failure to speak out may have fixed the election against President Trump.

Pelosi should step aside immediately, and let a NEW mid term election held in Democrat held districts, and see if there are any changes.

This is fair, if there was collusion between Mueller and the libs.

Michigan Voters Sound Off On Mueller Report to CNN: "It Was A Hoax All Along"
More evidence that Dems colluded with the media and the Russians. Mueller probably knew after six months, but we forget, he and his Democrat henchmen crooked lawyers were getting paid for this, so the longer they keep this investigation going the more money they get.
If he knew before the 2018 midterms, his failure to speak out may have fixed the election against President Trump.

Pelosi should step aside immediately, and let a NEW mid term election held in Democrat held districts, and see if there are any changes.

This is fair, if there was collusion between Mueller and the libs.

Michigan Voters Sound Off On Mueller Report to CNN: "It Was A Hoax All Along"
He knew all along that it was a hoax and allowed the cloud to hang over the Presidency through the 2018 elections, that Ryan deliberately through by announcing that he would not be running for re-election 10 months before the election. But, if losing the House was the price that had to be paid to get rid of Ryan and the worthless GOP House Leadership, well then, that is the way it is.

Media's Biggest Fails:

Times columnist shares fervid dreams


Charles Blow’s column of Dec. 2, 2018, was silly even by his standards. “Members of Trump’s team were extremely interested in and eager to accept any assistance that the Russians could provide,” wrote Blow. “That is clear.”
Actually, it isn’t clear. Mueller’s investigators “did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government,” said the report.
Expect Blow to fail upward.
If he knew before the 2018 midterms, his failure to speak out may have fixed the election against President Trump.

Pelosi should step aside immediately, and let a NEW mid term election held in Democrat held districts, and see if there are any changes.

This is fair, if there was collusion between Mueller and the libs.

Michigan Voters Sound Off On Mueller Report to CNN: "It Was A Hoax All Along"
He knew all along that it was a hoax and allowed the cloud to hang over the Presidency through the 2018 elections, that Ryan deliberately through by announcing that he would not be running for re-election 10 months before the election. But, if losing the House was the price that had to be paid to get rid of Ryan and the worthless GOP House Leadership, well then, that is the way it is.

Media's Biggest Fails:

Times columnist shares fervid dreams

View attachment 256956

Charles Blow’s column of Dec. 2, 2018, was silly even by his standards. “Members of Trump’s team were extremely interested in and eager to accept any assistance that the Russians could provide,” wrote Blow. “That is clear.”
Actually, it isn’t clear. Mueller’s investigators “did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government,” said the report.
Expect Blow to fail upward.

Since Mueller knew about this BEFORE the midterms, Pelosi should definitely be removed from office and new elections held. Mueller rigged the elections with his refusal to speak out, and they should take the cost of the new elections out of his retirement.
If he knew before the 2018 midterms, his failure to speak out may have fixed the election against President Trump.

Pelosi should step aside immediately, and let a NEW mid term election held in Democrat held districts, and see if there are any changes.

This is fair, if there was collusion between Mueller and the libs.

Michigan Voters Sound Off On Mueller Report to CNN: "It Was A Hoax All Along"
He knew all along that it was a hoax and allowed the cloud to hang over the Presidency through the 2018 elections, that Ryan deliberately through by announcing that he would not be running for re-election 10 months before the election. But, if losing the House was the price that had to be paid to get rid of Ryan and the worthless GOP House Leadership, well then, that is the way it is.

Media's Biggest Fails:

Times columnist shares fervid dreams

View attachment 256956

Charles Blow’s column of Dec. 2, 2018, was silly even by his standards. “Members of Trump’s team were extremely interested in and eager to accept any assistance that the Russians could provide,” wrote Blow. “That is clear.”
Actually, it isn’t clear. Mueller’s investigators “did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government,” said the report.
Expect Blow to fail upward.

Since Mueller knew about this BEFORE the midterms, Pelosi should definitely be removed from office and new elections held. Mueller rigged the elections with his refusal to speak out, and they should take the cost of the new elections out of his retirement.
If that was the price of getting rid of Ryan and the rest of the worthless GOP leadership, then it's paid. When we retake the House in 2020 we need all new Leadership.

Gingrich purged the House Leadership when he took power in 1994, we did NOT purge after our victory in 2010, lesson learned.

When Mueller testifies before Congress, they had better ask him when he first established there was no collusion and why did he keep the investigation going afterwards?
Mueller Knew There Was No Collusion a Year or Two Ago, But Said Nothing At All.
Now He's Snitty Over What He Says Is "Confusion" Over His Report.

If he feared public confusion, why did he not issue an interim finding a year or two ago and tell people there was no Russian collusion?

The Daily Caller notes the many other times Mueller permitted the public to be confused, and didn't bother complaining -- confusion always sown by Democrats and probably his own staffers leaking to them. (Falsely!)

Special counsel Robert Mueller said he is concerned about "public confusion" over his Russia report in a series of communications with Attorney General William Barr that came to light this week, solidifying the narrative that Barr mishandled the report and intentionally misled the public about his findings.

Meanwhile, Mueller stood by for years as the media and Democratic politicians made mistake after mistake about key collusion and obstruction accusations, choosing to intervene only once, when a false Buzzfeed report threatened to result in impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump.

The FBI suspected as early as summer 2017 that the Steele dossier was flawed, yet Mueller chose not to intervene as the media published story after story containing Trump-Russia collusion "bombshells" that turned out to be wrong. Aside from correcting a Buzzfeed report that he had grounds to indict Trump in January of this year, Mueller's office was mum.

The Daily Caller News Foundation put together a list of some of these reports. For example, Mueller's findings contained no evidence to back up a widely-read report in The Guardian that claimed Paul Manafort visited WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange around the time he joined Trump's campaign. And his findings contradicted an explosive CNN report about the 2016 Trump Tower meeting, which claimed Trump gave it the green light, knowing it was with a Russian promising dirt on the Hillary Clinton campaign.​
Mueller knew it was all bullshit within a few weeks.

The collusion delusion was nothing but a wag the dog operation put on by the 'Deep State'... Diversionary tactic from the truth... They bet their whole paycheck on Bill's wife winning the election and when she didn't they had to bring out the "Insurance Policy"...

Does the term 'worse than Watergate' mean anything to anyone?
Mueller knew it was all bullshit within a few weeks.

The collusion delusion was nothing but a wag the dog operation put on by the 'Deep State'... Diversionary tactic from the truth... They bet their whole paycheck on Bill's wife winning the election and when she didn't they had to bring out the "Insurance Policy"...

Does the term 'worse than Watergate' mean anything to anyone?
Now the have Bill Barr to deal with who may be Trumpier than Trump

The Trumpiest moment in Attorney General Bill Barr's cross-examination by the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday when Barr put Dick Blumenthal, D-Stolen Valor in his place.


Blumenthal: "Did you make a memorandum of your conversation?"

Barr: "No, I didn't."

Blumenthal: "Did anyone, either you or anyone on your staff, memorialize your conversation with Robert Mueller?"

Barr: "Yes."

Blumenthal: "May we have those notes?"

Barr: "No."

Blumenthal: "Why not?"

Barr: "Why should you have them?"

Democrats are still stunned by the 2016 election, which shows how much we got it right.

"Why should you have them?"

That is a good question that they cannot answer.

He could have been a nice guy and released the notes, but why? When was Washington ever nice to us?
Mueller knew it was all bullshit within a few weeks.

More like a few minutes! He's a skilled Lawyer and Politician he did everything he could to try and please his masters but you can't make a crime where none was committed, and a person can't be charged for obstructing an Investigation into a crime that didn't occur. Obstruction refers to hiding, destroying, altering or causing evidence to be destroyed, hidden, altered or manipulated. Some people in High places are going to have some Splainin to do
If he knew before the 2018 midterms, his failure to speak out may have fixed the election against President Trump.

Pelosi should step aside immediately, and let a NEW mid term election held in Democrat held districts, and see if there are any changes.

This is fair, if there was collusion between Mueller and the libs.

Michigan Voters Sound Off On Mueller Report to CNN: "It Was A Hoax All Along"
There is no hoax

Treasonous freak

I guess we'll see.
So what happens when Trump turns out to be right yet again?
Just curious.
Mueller must have known in the first 30 days. After that it was looking for something, anything.

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