When did Zionism have anything to do with religion?

Current demographics show that majority of Israelis are of Sephardic / Mizahi background. Keep up.

"The Jewish community in Israel is composed from all Jewish ethnic divisions, including Ashkenazi Jews, Sephardi Jews, Mizrahi Jews, Beta Israel, Bene Israel, Yemeni Jews, Karaites, and many other groups. The Israeli Jewish community manifests a wide range of Jewish cultural traditions, as well as encompassing the full spectrum of religious observance, from the Haredi communities to the Hilonim Jewish communities who live a secular lifestyle. The population consists of many ethnic groups. The majority of Israeli Jews are Mizrahi Jews, with 61% of Israeli Jews having Mizrahi Jewish ancestry as of 2005.

The majority of Israeli Jews are Mizrahi. The exact proportion of Mizrahi and Sephardic Jewish populations in Israel is unknown, some estimates place Jews of Mizrahi origin at up to 61% of the Israeli Jewish population, with hundreds of thousands more having mixed Ashkenazi heritage due to cross-cultural intermarriage.

Jews from North Africa and Asia have come to be called "Mizrahi Jews.

Most African and Asian Jewish communities use the Sephardic prayer ritual and abide by the rulings of Sephardic rabbinic authorities, and therefore consider themselves to be "Sephardim". Of late, the term Mizrahi has come to be associated with all Jews in Israel with backgrounds in Islamic lands."

Yes, friends of mine who have made Aliya (moved to Israel) have told me that the culture of Israel is now much more Sephardi/Mizrahi than Ashkenazi, due to demographics. Just one example: No one in Boro Park would have a Khina (a Sephardi-style engagement party) before a wedding (or even know what it is), whereas in Israel it's very popular.

Yes, so the Jews that had been living in the region for thousands of years, simply went back (having fled Arab Muslim intolerance and savagery) and joined their brethren in Israel who had already been there. That's what makes Zionism a beautiful thing.
You are a complete FOOL
Why do you want to act like a blind mullet, Steve?
Australians DO NOT USE THE TERM "BLIND MULLET" but the term "STUNNED MULLET" your ability of Australian Terminology is as Crap as Your Obsequiousness to Zionist Terrorism...KEEP CRAPPING....IDIOT

Yes, friends of mine who have made Aliya (moved to Israel) have told me that the culture of Israel is now much more Sephardi/Mizrahi than Ashkenazi, due to demographics. Just one example: No one in Boro Park would have a Khina (a Sephardi-style engagement party) before a wedding (or even know what it is), whereas in Israel it's very popular.

Yes, so the Jews that had been living in the region for thousands of years, simply went back (having fled Arab Muslim intolerance and savagery) and joined their brethren in Israel who had already been there. That's what makes Zionism a beautiful thing.
You are a complete FOOL
Why do you want to act like a blind mullet, Steve?

Whoever who told him to be himself gave him the worst advice possible.
When mirth and laughter is thought of as Normal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!When 400,000 plus Palestinians have been Exterminated by another Breed of people.....Then I know the userpers will Fail...................Palestinians are going nowhere, the sooner the Zionist scum realize this the better...........What's it really like being a "Beautiful Zionist" (Contradiction in Terms) Roudy,what's it like being a SICKO

What's up Liq, is the islamoterrorist ass licker drunk again?

Actually I already proved the following with irrefutable evidence:

1- Jews did maintain a presence for 2000 years, they kept coming back and resettling.

2- Jerusalem did have Jewish majority in 1800's.

3- Majority of Israel's citizens today are non Ashkenazi, Middle Eastern Mizrahi Jews who have been living in the region for thousands of years until they had to flee the Muslim shitholes they were in, and migrate to their ancestral homeland, Israel.

True story. :cool:
O Yeah you are so far from the Truth that you live in a Parrell Universe
What's up Liq, is the islamoterrorist ass licker drunk again?

Actually I already proved the following with irrefutable evidence:

1- Jews did maintain a presence for 2000 years, they kept coming back and resettling.

2- Jerusalem did have Jewish majority in 1800's.

3- Majority of Israel's citizens today are non Ashkenazi, Middle Eastern Mizrahi Jews who have been living in the region for thousands of years until they had to flee the Muslim shitholes they were in, and migrate to their ancestral homeland, Israel.

True story. :cool:
O Yeah you are so far from the Truth that you live in a Parrell Universe
What in his post was not true ?
What's up Liq, is the islamoterrorist ass licker drunk again?

Actually I already proved the following with irrefutable evidence:

1- Jews did maintain a presence for 2000 years, they kept coming back and resettling.

2- Jerusalem did have Jewish majority in 1800's.

3- Majority of Israel's citizens today are non Ashkenazi, Middle Eastern Mizrahi Jews who have been living in the region for thousands of years until they had to flee the Muslim shitholes they were in, and migrate to their ancestral homeland, Israel.

True story. :cool:
As I said You Are A Fool............steve

What's up Liq, is the islamoterrorist ass licker drunk again?

Actually I already proved the following with irrefutable evidence:

1- Jews did maintain a presence for 2000 years, they kept coming back and resettling.

2- Jerusalem did have Jewish majority in 1800's.

3- Majority of Israel's citizens today are non Ashkenazi, Middle Eastern Mizrahi Jews who have been living in the region for thousands of years until they had to flee the Muslim shitholes they were in, and migrate to their ancestral homeland, Israel.

True story. :cool:

Damn, you're just one lame ass retort after another today. What happened, did you breakup with Abdul?
What's up Liq, is the islamoterrorist ass licker drunk again?

Actually I already proved the following with irrefutable evidence:

1- Jews did maintain a presence for 2000 years, they kept coming back and resettling.

2- Jerusalem did have Jewish majority in 1800's.

3- Majority of Israel's citizens today are non Ashkenazi, Middle Eastern Mizrahi Jews who have been living in the region for thousands of years until they had to flee the Muslim shitholes they were in, and migrate to their ancestral homeland, Israel.

True story. :cool:
As I said You Are A Fool............steve

What's up Liq, is the islamoterrorist ass licker drunk again?

Actually I already proved the following with irrefutable evidence:

1- Jews did maintain a presence for 2000 years, they kept coming back and resettling.

2- Jerusalem did have Jewish majority in 1800's.

3- Majority of Israel's citizens today are non Ashkenazi, Middle Eastern Mizrahi Jews who have been living in the region for thousands of years until they had to flee the Muslim shitholes they were in, and migrate to their ancestral homeland, Israel.

True story. :cool:

Damn, you're just one lame ass retort after another today. What happened, did you breakup with Abdul?
To you and the bigger fool Toastie..........all your spew is ZIONISTMAGGOTIZATION for use of a better word,you cannot read or comprehend the truth in any literal form......YOU ARE BRAIN WASHED,or put it another way ZIONISISM WASHED.
Nice cumback terrorist worshiper, did you scrap that off the back of your throat?

I wonder what this poor got so high on that is causing him to crash in public like this?

Of course, stating the truth about the Jews keeping a presence in the land for 2000 years, or that a majority of Israelis today are not of Ashkenazi descent didn't help either.
What's up Liq, is the islamoterrorist ass licker drunk again?

Actually I already proved the following with irrefutable evidence:

1- Jews did maintain a presence for 2000 years, they kept coming back and resettling.

2- Jerusalem did have Jewish majority in 1800's.

3- Majority of Israel's citizens today are non Ashkenazi, Middle Eastern Mizrahi Jews who have been living in the region for thousands of years until they had to flee the Muslim shitholes they were in, and migrate to their ancestral homeland, Israel.

True story. :cool:
O Yeah you are so far from the Truth that you live in a Parrell Universe

Where is Parrell Universe and what the fuck are you high on?
What's up Liq, is the islamoterrorist ass licker drunk again?

Actually I already proved the following with irrefutable evidence:

1- Jews did maintain a presence for 2000 years, they kept coming back and resettling.

2- Jerusalem did have Jewish majority in 1800's.

3- Majority of Israel's citizens today are non Ashkenazi, Middle Eastern Mizrahi Jews who have been living in the region for thousands of years until they had to flee the Muslim shitholes they were in, and migrate to their ancestral homeland, Israel.

True story. :cool:
O Yeah you are so far from the Truth that you live in a Parrell Universe

Where is Parrell Universe and what the fuck are you high on?

What's up Liq, is the islamoterrorist ass licker drunk again?

Actually I already proved the following with irrefutable evidence:

1- Jews did maintain a presence for 2000 years, they kept coming back and resettling.

2- Jerusalem did have Jewish majority in 1800's.

3- Majority of Israel's citizens today are non Ashkenazi, Middle Eastern Mizrahi Jews who have been living in the region for thousands of years until they had to flee the Muslim shitholes they were in, and migrate to their ancestral homeland, Israel.

True story. :cool:
O Yeah you are so far from the Truth that you live in a Parrell Universe

Where is Parrell Universe and what the fuck are you high on?
Woy,What a DUMB ASS you are,not knowing that, .....W,Woy,Woy,Woy.
What's up Liq, is the islamoterrorist ass licker drunk again?

Actually I already proved the following with irrefutable evidence:

1- Jews did maintain a presence for 2000 years, they kept coming back and resettling.

2- Jerusalem did have Jewish majority in 1800's.

3- Majority of Israel's citizens today are non Ashkenazi, Middle Eastern Mizrahi Jews who have been living in the region for thousands of years until they had to flee the Muslim shitholes they were in, and migrate to their ancestral homeland, Israel.

True story. :cool:
O Yeah you are so far from the Truth that you live in a Parrell Universe

Where is Parrell Universe and what the fuck are you high on?
Ho,Ho,Ho,...Now Vibrate On
Nice cumback terrorist worshiper, did you scrap that off the back of your throat?

I wonder what this poor got so high on that is causing him to crash in public like this?

Of course, stating the truth about the Jews keeping a presence in the land for 2000 years, or that a majority of Israelis today are not of Ashkenazi descent didn't help either.
More MAGGOTIZATION.........from Mt ZION.......Poor Roudy went to Jail Boys

He didn't get Bail,wether he was right or wether he was wrong,Roudy went to Gaol Boys....Still Spewing Along
What's up Liq, is the islamoterrorist ass licker drunk again?

Actually I already proved the following with irrefutable evidence:

1- Jews did maintain a presence for 2000 years, they kept coming back and resettling.

2- Jerusalem did have Jewish majority in 1800's.

3- Majority of Israel's citizens today are non Ashkenazi, Middle Eastern Mizrahi Jews who have been living in the region for thousands of years until they had to flee the Muslim shitholes they were in, and migrate to their ancestral homeland, Israel.

True story. :cool:
O Yeah you are so far from the Truth that you live in a Parrell Universe

Where is Parrell Universe and what the fuck are you high on?
Woy,What a DUMB ASS you are,not knowing that, .....W,Woy,Woy,Woy.

No thanks, I prefer Almond milk instead of Soy, Soy Soy.
Nice cumback terrorist worshiper, did you scrap that off the back of your throat?

I wonder what this poor got so high on that is causing him to crash in public like this?

Of course, stating the truth about the Jews keeping a presence in the land for 2000 years, or that a majority of Israelis today are not of Ashkenazi descent didn't help either.
More MAGGOTIZATION.........from Mt ZION.......Poor Roudy went to Jail Boys

He didn't get Bail,wether he was right or wether he was wrong,Roudy went to Gaol Boys....Still Spewing Along

Putting to rest once and for all, that mental illness is a prerequisite for being a PaliNazi terrorist ass licker. Thank you.

It's called FUCK OFF and it's located over there ------------>
"So if I were an English Roman Catholic, I'd have an "automatic connection" to Rome, so by your logic english Catholics can invade Italy, drive out the native Italians and establish a "Roman homeland"?"

The difference ofcourse is that Italy is a sovereign state whereas Palestine never was. Further, the so called natives were infact arab immigrants themselves on the whole so the British and then the UN were correct to partition the land to create two states - one arab the other Jewish. Don't forget that the arabs in this case weren't kicked out. They left.

Are you for real?

"...around 80 percent of the Arab inhabitants of what became Israel (50 percent of the Arab total of Mandatory Palestine) left or were expelled from their homes."

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Even your link uses the term 'left'. ,The arabs left simply to make room for the invading arab armies who openly declared their intention to destroy the Jewish state. The arabs lost. Tough.Still, a vast number of these arabs weren't 'palestinian' in the first place. They were immigrants themselves as the UN states.

Oh dear...

Another zionazi with reading and comprehension difficulties....

..."left or were expelled from their homes."

"The causes are also a subject of fundamental disagreement between Arabs and Israelis. Factors involved in the exodus include Jewish military advances, attacks against Arab villages and fears of another massacre by Zionist militias after the Deir Yassin massacre, 239–240 which caused many to leave out of panic; Arab evacuation orders; expulsion orders by Israeli authorities; the voluntary self-removal of the wealthier classes, the collapse in Palestinian leadership, and an unwillingness to live under Jewish control."

"...more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs fled or were expelled from their homes"

Oh dear...

Let me correct it for the dipstick.

"The causes are also a subject of fundamental disagreement between Arabs and Israelis. Factors involved in the exodus include Jewish military advances, attacks against Arab villages and fears of another massacre by Zionist militias after the Deir Yassin massacre, 239–240 which caused many to leave out of panic; Arab evacuation orders; expulsion orders by Israeli authorities; the voluntary self-removal of the wealthier classes, the collapse in Palestinian leadership, and an unwillingness to live under Jewish control."

"...more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs fled or were expelled from their homes"
O Roudy,you are such a Charlatan Zionist Terrorist,your and others Bull Shit knows NO BOUNDS,your post above is merely an example of yours and others total Zionist Terrorist DELUSION.

From the early stages of Zionism to the present day Zionists have propagated the myth that the most important land-bridge in human history(PALESTINE) has been empty and destitute for 2000 years until it was later developed by Israeli Jews.(To the more educated amongst us this is such Crap as to demonstrate the complete lack of Ethics and Morality,such a statement beholds...even today)
To facilitate such disinformation,the Zionists adopted the following slogan to entice European Jewry to emigrate to Palestine,

"A Land with no people is for people with no Land"

Had the Zionist leadership admitted the existence of an indigenous people,then they would have been obliged to explain HOW they intended to DISPLACE them.To disprove this totally baseless myth,(which some of you still persist in spewing like Maggots) let me quote Ben-Gurion(the first Prime Minister of Israel) who stated as early as 1918 that "Palestine is NOT an empty country" in fact David Ben-Gurion went on to say "Palestine(Note the word PALESTINE) is not an empty country...on NO account must we injure the rights of the inhabitants"

David Ben-Gurion,often returned to this point,emphasizing that Palestinian Arabs had "the Full Right" to an independent economic,and communal life...but not political.Ben-Gurion himself ,stating that Jews in Palestine made up only 11% of the total Palestine(THERE IS THAT WORD PALESTINE AGAIN) as of 1914. It's not only that the majority of Jews in Palestine were NOT ZIONISTS(by Ben-Gurion's own admission), but they were also not even Citizens of Palestine since many had recently fled Anti-Semitic Tsarist Russia(The Pograms).

As the Ottoman census record show Palestine was widely inhabited in the late 19th and early 20th century,especially in the rural areas where agriculture was the main profession,moreover the population in the early 19th century in Palestine was 350,000,by 1914 Palestine had a population of 657,000 Muslim Arabs, 81,000 Christian Arabs,and only 59,000 Jews(including many from the first and second Aliyah).

I will continue my prose with the facts from David Ben-Gurion and other Israeli and Jewish Scholars...........later,in addition also debunking Roudy your complete erronous analysis of the post regarding the treatment of Palestinians in your prose above ..steve[/QUOTE]


"...Present condition of the City: (1907 edition)

Jerusalem (El Quds) is the capital of a sanjak and the seat of a mutasarrif directly dependent on the Sublime Porte. In the administration of the sanjak the mutasarrif is assisted by a council called majlis ida ra; the city has a municipal government (majlis baladiye) presided over by a mayor. The total population is estimated at 66,000. The Turkish census of 1905, which counts only Ottoman subjects, gives these figures:
Jews, 45,000; Moslems, 8,000; Orthodox Christians, 6000;
Latins, 2500; Armenians, 950; Protestants, 800; Melkites, 250; Copts, 150; Abyssinians, 100; Jacobites, 100; Catholic Syrians, 50. During the Nineteenth century large suburbs to the north and east have grown up, chiefly for the use of the Jewish colony. These suburbs contain nearly Half the present population...""

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Growth of Jerusalem 1838-Present

....... Jews Muslims Christians Total
1838 6,000 5,000 3,000 14,000
1844 7,120 5,760 3,390 16,270 ..... ..The First Official Ottoman Census
1876 12,000 7,560 5,470 25,030 .... .....Second """"""""""
1905 40,000 8,000 10,900 58,900 ....... Third/last, detailed in CathEncyc above
1948 99,320 36,680 31,300 167,300
1990 353,200 124,200 14,000 491,400
1992 385,000 150,000 15,000 550,000


You can read cant you, and accept that in 1905 in Jerusalem alone there were 40,000 Jews and only 8,000 arab muslims.
What's up Liq, is the islamoterrorist ass licker drunk again?

Actually I already proved the following with irrefutable evidence:

1- Jews did maintain a presence for 2000 years, they kept coming back and resettling.

2- Jerusalem did have Jewish majority in 1800's.

3- Majority of Israel's citizens today are non Ashkenazi, Middle Eastern Mizrahi Jews who have been living in the region for thousands of years until they had to flee the Muslim shitholes they were in, and migrate to their ancestral homeland, Israel.

True story. :cool:
Current demographics show that majority of Israelis are of Sephardic / Mizahi background. Keep up.

"The Jewish community in Israel is composed from all Jewish ethnic divisions, including Ashkenazi Jews, Sephardi Jews, Mizrahi Jews, Beta Israel, Bene Israel, Yemeni Jews, Karaites, and many other groups. The Israeli Jewish community manifests a wide range of Jewish cultural traditions, as well as encompassing the full spectrum of religious observance, from the Haredi communities to the Hilonim Jewish communities who live a secular lifestyle. The population consists of many ethnic groups. The majority of Israeli Jews are Mizrahi Jews, with 61% of Israeli Jews having Mizrahi Jewish ancestry as of 2005.

The majority of Israeli Jews are Mizrahi. The exact proportion of Mizrahi and Sephardic Jewish populations in Israel is unknown, some estimates place Jews of Mizrahi origin at up to 61% of the Israeli Jewish population, with hundreds of thousands more having mixed Ashkenazi heritage due to cross-cultural intermarriage.

Jews from North Africa and Asia have come to be called "Mizrahi Jews.

Most African and Asian Jewish communities use the Sephardic prayer ritual and abide by the rulings of Sephardic rabbinic authorities, and therefore consider themselves to be "Sephardim". Of late, the term Mizrahi has come to be associated with all Jews in Israel with backgrounds in Islamic lands."

Yes, friends of mine who have made Aliya (moved to Israel) have told me that the culture of Israel is now much more Sephardi/Mizrahi than Ashkenazi, due to demographics. Just one example: No one in Boro Park would have a Khina (a Sephardi-style engagement party) before a wedding (or even know what it is), whereas in Israel it's very popular.

Yes, so the Jews that had been living in the region for thousands of years, simply went back (having fled Arab Muslim intolerance and savagery) and joined their brethren in Israel who had already been there. That's what makes Zionism a beautiful thing.
You are a complete FOOL
Why do you want to act like a blind mullet, Steve?
Hoss,I have politely asked you previously not to speak or dialogue with me again............I will tell you in a more fervent manner to FUCK OFF and STOP any social intercourse with me.

Then stop posting on here and find another outlet for your hatred other than the Jews.
What's up Liq, is the islamoterrorist ass licker drunk again?

Actually I already proved the following with irrefutable evidence:

1- Jews did maintain a presence for 2000 years, they kept coming back and resettling.

2- Jerusalem did have Jewish majority in 1800's.

3- Majority of Israel's citizens today are non Ashkenazi, Middle Eastern Mizrahi Jews who have been living in the region for thousands of years until they had to flee the Muslim shitholes they were in, and migrate to their ancestral homeland, Israel.

True story. :cool:
As I said You Are A Fool............steve

Better than being a blind gullible fool like you
Yes, friends of mine who have made Aliya (moved to Israel) have told me that the culture of Israel is now much more Sephardi/Mizrahi than Ashkenazi, due to demographics. Just one example: No one in Boro Park would have a Khina (a Sephardi-style engagement party) before a wedding (or even know what it is), whereas in Israel it's very popular.

Yes, so the Jews that had been living in the region for thousands of years, simply went back (having fled Arab Muslim intolerance and savagery) and joined their brethren in Israel who had already been there. That's what makes Zionism a beautiful thing.
You are a complete FOOL
Why do you want to act like a blind mullet, Steve?

Whoever who told him to be himself gave him the worst advice possible.
When mirth and laughter is thought of as Normal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!When 400,000 plus Palestinians have been Exterminated by another Breed of people.....Then I know the userpers will Fail...................Palestinians are going nowhere, the sooner the Zionist scum realize this the better...........What's it really like being a "Beautiful Zionist" (Contradiction in Terms) Roudy,what's it like being a SICKO

Now's about a link to these 400,000 deaths then, or wont your fantasy work in the real world.
What's up Liq, is the islamoterrorist ass licker drunk again?

Actually I already proved the following with irrefutable evidence:

1- Jews did maintain a presence for 2000 years, they kept coming back and resettling.

2- Jerusalem did have Jewish majority in 1800's.

3- Majority of Israel's citizens today are non Ashkenazi, Middle Eastern Mizrahi Jews who have been living in the region for thousands of years until they had to flee the Muslim shitholes they were in, and migrate to their ancestral homeland, Israel.

True story. :cool:
O Yeah you are so far from the Truth that you live in a Parrell Universe

Where is Parrell Universe and what the fuck are you high on?
Woy,What a DUMB ASS you are,not knowing that, .....W,Woy,Woy,Woy.

No thanks, I prefer Almond milk instead of Soy, Soy Soy.
EXCELLENT REPLY and Bloody Funny to Boot, Roudy....steve
Are you for real?

"...around 80 percent of the Arab inhabitants of what became Israel (50 percent of the Arab total of Mandatory Palestine) left or were expelled from their homes."

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Even your link uses the term 'left'. ,The arabs left simply to make room for the invading arab armies who openly declared their intention to destroy the Jewish state. The arabs lost. Tough.Still, a vast number of these arabs weren't 'palestinian' in the first place. They were immigrants themselves as the UN states.

Oh dear...

Another zionazi with reading and comprehension difficulties....

..."left or were expelled from their homes."

"The causes are also a subject of fundamental disagreement between Arabs and Israelis. Factors involved in the exodus include Jewish military advances, attacks against Arab villages and fears of another massacre by Zionist militias after the Deir Yassin massacre, 239–240 which caused many to leave out of panic; Arab evacuation orders; expulsion orders by Israeli authorities; the voluntary self-removal of the wealthier classes, the collapse in Palestinian leadership, and an unwillingness to live under Jewish control."

"...more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs fled or were expelled from their homes"

Oh dear...

Let me correct it for the dipstick.

"The causes are also a subject of fundamental disagreement between Arabs and Israelis. Factors involved in the exodus include Jewish military advances, attacks against Arab villages and fears of another massacre by Zionist militias after the Deir Yassin massacre, 239–240 which caused many to leave out of panic; Arab evacuation orders; expulsion orders by Israeli authorities; the voluntary self-removal of the wealthier classes, the collapse in Palestinian leadership, and an unwillingness to live under Jewish control."

"...more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs fled or were expelled from their homes"
O Roudy,you are such a Charlatan Zionist Terrorist,your and others Bull Shit knows NO BOUNDS,your post above is merely an example of yours and others total Zionist Terrorist DELUSION.

From the early stages of Zionism to the present day Zionists have propagated the myth that the most important land-bridge in human history(PALESTINE) has been empty and destitute for 2000 years until it was later developed by Israeli Jews.(To the more educated amongst us this is such Crap as to demonstrate the complete lack of Ethics and Morality,such a statement beholds...even today)
To facilitate such disinformation,the Zionists adopted the following slogan to entice European Jewry to emigrate to Palestine,

"A Land with no people is for people with no Land"

Had the Zionist leadership admitted the existence of an indigenous people,then they would have been obliged to explain HOW they intended to DISPLACE them.To disprove this totally baseless myth,(which some of you still persist in spewing like Maggots) let me quote Ben-Gurion(the first Prime Minister of Israel) who stated as early as 1918 that "Palestine is NOT an empty country" in fact David Ben-Gurion went on to say "Palestine(Note the word PALESTINE) is not an empty country...on NO account must we injure the rights of the inhabitants"

David Ben-Gurion,often returned to this point,emphasizing that Palestinian Arabs had "the Full Right" to an independent economic,and communal life...but not political.Ben-Gurion himself ,stating that Jews in Palestine made up only 11% of the total Palestine(THERE IS THAT WORD PALESTINE AGAIN) as of 1914. It's not only that the majority of Jews in Palestine were NOT ZIONISTS(by Ben-Gurion's own admission), but they were also not even Citizens of Palestine since many had recently fled Anti-Semitic Tsarist Russia(The Pograms).

As the Ottoman census record show Palestine was widely inhabited in the late 19th and early 20th century,especially in the rural areas where agriculture was the main profession,moreover the population in the early 19th century in Palestine was 350,000,by 1914 Palestine had a population of 657,000 Muslim Arabs, 81,000 Christian Arabs,and only 59,000 Jews(including many from the first and second Aliyah).

I will continue my prose with the facts from David Ben-Gurion and other Israeli and Jewish Scholars...........later,in addition also debunking Roudy your complete erronous analysis of the post regarding the treatment of Palestinians in your prose above ..steve


"...Present condition of the City: (1907 edition)

Jerusalem (El Quds) is the capital of a sanjak and the seat of a mutasarrif directly dependent on the Sublime Porte. In the administration of the sanjak the mutasarrif is assisted by a council called majlis ida ra; the city has a municipal government (majlis baladiye) presided over by a mayor. The total population is estimated at 66,000. The Turkish census of 1905, which counts only Ottoman subjects, gives these figures:
Jews, 45,000; Moslems, 8,000; Orthodox Christians, 6000;
Latins, 2500; Armenians, 950; Protestants, 800; Melkites, 250; Copts, 150; Abyssinians, 100; Jacobites, 100; Catholic Syrians, 50. During the Nineteenth century large suburbs to the north and east have grown up, chiefly for the use of the Jewish colony. These suburbs contain nearly Half the present population...""

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Growth of Jerusalem 1838-Present

....... Jews Muslims Christians Total
1838 6,000 5,000 3,000 14,000
1844 7,120 5,760 3,390 16,270 ..... ..The First Official Ottoman Census
1876 12,000 7,560 5,470 25,030 .... .....Second """"""""""
1905 40,000 8,000 10,900 58,900 ....... Third/last, detailed in CathEncyc above
1948 99,320 36,680 31,300 167,300
1990 353,200 124,200 14,000 491,400
1992 385,000 150,000 15,000 550,000


You can read cant you, and accept that in 1905 in Jerusalem alone there were 40,000 Jews and only 8,000 arab muslims.[/QUOTE]
You Stupid Ignorant Bastard

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