When do you plan to retire?

Which of these best describes your plans for retirement?

  • As soon as I can.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I want to retire at 55.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I want to retire at 60.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I will retire at 62.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I had to retire for medical reasons.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Retired at 46 because I could.
Planned on 55 but circumstances allowed me to do it far sooner.
Just wondering peoples thoughts on working and whether you quit the rat race, are still in the rat race, or if your work brings you pleasure and you don't really want to stop doing it. Retirement can be a mixed bag, I am fortunate I don't have to work anymore, but If I had a job that I really enjoyed, I might still be working. I have no regrets that I'm retired now.

6 years. I will be 65 and my wife will be 62.

We would do it sooner but we were late getting started on our retirement savings and 10 years ago had basically nothing saved for retirement.

We could go sooner but my wife hits 10 years with the VA right before she turns 62 so it makes sense to stick around and get her pension. It wont be much but even 1200 a month for the rest of her life adds up.

We will both take SS right away, no sense to wait.

Between SS and pensions we will have about 8500 gross each month.

We plan to retire to Panama where one can easily live on 1/3 of that.
It wont be much but even 1200 a month for the rest of her life adds up.
That is how much my pension is, I got that for 28 years of service. As long as you eliminate your debts, that amount of money goes a long way.
That is how much my pension is, I got that for 28 years of service. As long as you eliminate your debts, that amount of money goes a long way.

Wow, sorry but that is pretty low for 28 years. She will get it that for 10 years of service with the VA

We will be debt free when we retire.
66, WTF would i want to retire?

and do what? sit on the porch yellin' "get off my lawn" ?

I do not plan on ever retiring. By the time I even reached that option (probably at least 70 by then) I’ll likely already be dead.
66, WTF would i want to retire?

and do what? sit on the porch yellin' "get off my lawn" ?

Here's a few things that me and some of my retired friends do: Play golf, play pickleball, ride motorcycles, write music, rebuild cars, paint, gourmet cooking, bird watching, photography.......
Here's a few things that me and some of my retired friends do: Play golf, play pickleball, ride motorcycles, write music, rebuild cars, paint, gourmet cooking, bird watching, photography.......
well ok, more music work, less work work then.....~S~
I worked Civil Service in the DoD for 33 years and retired at 55
at 2/3 pay

Went back and worked as a consultant for six more years doing essentially the same job and retired for good at 61

Living off my pension, Social Security and 401k
You’re why government needs to be slashed 50%.
You need to retire on what you saved, not what taxpayers will be handing you. JUST LIKE ALL THE HARD WORKERS WHO FUND THE GOVERNMENT DO.
You’re why government needs to be slashed 50%.
You need to retire on what you saved, not what taxpayers will be handing you. JUST LIKE ALL THE HARD WORKERS WHO FUND THE GOVERNMENT DO.

I did save
7 percent of my salary went towards retirement, my employer matched
You’re why government needs to be slashed 50%.
You need to retire on what you saved, not what taxpayers will be handing you. JUST LIKE ALL THE HARD WORKERS WHO FUND THE GOVERNMENT DO.

Are you jealous like Oddball because you couldn't land one of those positions?

BTW....................got news for you.................military personnel get a retirement paid by the government (no savings required) after serving 20 years or more in their respective services. Are you gonna tell them to start saving and get rid of their "government handout" as well? If so, why do you hate the troops?
You’re why government needs to be slashed 50%.
You need to retire on what you saved, not what taxpayers will be handing you. JUST LIKE ALL THE HARD WORKERS WHO FUND THE GOVERNMENT DO.
Backwards thinking. The money is paid in and invested. Why do you want to punish middle class workers?
You’re why government needs to be slashed 50%.
You need to retire on what you saved, not what taxpayers will be handing you. JUST LIKE ALL THE HARD WORKERS WHO FUND THE GOVERNMENT DO.
You realize that people who receive pensions after they retire do so because they paid into it for decades. It’s part of their compensation that they *earned*.

Plus, they paid taxes too. Do you think government employees don’t pay taxes like everyone else?
You realize that people who receive pensions after they retire do so because they paid into it for decades. It’s part of their compensation that they *earned*.

Plus, they paid taxes too. Do you think government employees don’t pay taxes like everyone else?
What percentage of Biden’s pay is deducted automatically to his retirement?

Starts with Z, ends with O.
Methinks thou sounds jealous you weren't able to land a job making money like that.

No, not jealous at all. Just tired of government leeches taking our money. It's bad enough when they do it once. But doing it twice is twice as bad.

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