When does the intention to cheat become obvious?


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
Georgia passed wonderfully sensible, fair, and practical election reform to ensure no more questionable elections and the left went nuclear. Sporting organization pulled events, the DOJ launched a fullscale investigation, Georgia was savaged by the leftist MSM and social media as well as protests and attacks from various leftist organizations. The reforms remain in place.

So more recently an additional rule was implemented that the number of ballots could not exceed the number of voters who voted.

Such a rule should be a given and not need codification yes? But would you believe it is being objected to and challenged because the leftists don't want the Georgia election board to have any authority to investigate the integrity of an election?

It is mind numbing and incomprehensible. Unless the clear intention is to cheat and they will fight tooth and nail to prevent anything to get in their way.

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Georgia passed wonderfully sensible, fair, and practical election reform to ensure no more questionable elections and the left went nuclear. Sporting organization pulled events, the DOJ launched a fullscale investigation, Georgia was savaged by the leftist MSM and social media as well as protests and attacks from various leftist organizations. The reforms remain in place.

So more recently an additional rule was implemented that the number of ballots could not exceed the number of voters who voted.

Such a rule should be a given and not need codification yes? But would you believe it is being objected to and challenged because the leftists don't want the Georgia election board to have any authority to investigate the integrity of an election?

It is mind numbing and incomprehensible. Unless the clear intention is to cheat and they will fight tooth and nail to prevent anything to get in their way.

My favorite is when the Left pulled the All Star game out of Atlanta to protest their politics as the Braves won the World Series that same year.

The icing on the cake is, Atlanta is the only democrat stronghold in Georgia, meaning, pulling the All Star game out of that city only hurt democrats.


What I loved most, however, is the Braves doing the karate chop as the BRAVES won the world series knowing that the fact they did not change their name like Cleveland did to be more PC really pisses them off as well.
Georgia passed wonderfully sensible, fair, and practical election reform to ensure no more questionable elections and the left went nuclear. Sporting organization pulled events, the DOJ launched a fullscale investigation, Georgia was savaged by the leftist MSM and social media as well as protests and attacks from various leftist organizations. The reforms remain in place.

So more recently an additional rule was implemented that the number of ballots could not exceed the number of voters who voted.

Such a rule should be a given and not need codification yes? But would you believe it is being objected to and challenged because the leftists don't want the Georgia election board to have any authority to investigate the integrity of an election?

It is mind numbing and incomprehensible. Unless the clear intention is to cheat and they will fight tooth and nail to prevent anything to get in their way.

It is a given, that's why there's already a state law for that on the books. This new rule is attempting to fix a problem that they've never had an issue with by adding in additional layers of beaucracy, in some lame attempt to gum up the works in the event that Trump loses the state to Kamala. That's the entire agenda here.
It is a given, that's why there's already a state law for that on the books. This new rule is attempting to fix a problem that they've never had an issue with by adding in additional layers of beaucracy, in some lame attempt to gum up the works in the event that Trump loses the state to Kamala. That's the entire agenda here.
More than 60% of adults, more than 60% of likely voters believe there is a problem with our elections and are concerned that there will be cheating.

What reason do leftists have for not having a registration and voting system that people can be reasonably confident that only those eligible to vote will vote and those who vote will have their vote counted and counted in the way they voted?

What possible reason is there not to ensure that only eligible U.S. citizens vote in our elections? To ensure that there are no more ballots counted than those who cast votes?

The issue is more compelling now that unethical people--Democrats--are getting illegals to register and there are an additional 8 million to 20 million--nobody knows how many for sure--illegals who have come into the USA in the last 3-1/2 years.

Election officials have a huge task trying to sort out the legal from illegal registrations and some are bound to fall through the cracks. Legislation House Republicans are pushing would require proof of citizenship to register to vote. I strongly approve of that. As all states now require citizens to have 'real IDs' in which citizenship has already been verified to apply for government services, fly on an airplane, etc. it would be no imposition at all to ask for such ID when registering to vote.

And more the reason to show those photo IDs to vote.
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Georgia passed wonderfully sensible, fair, and practical election reform to ensure no more questionable elections and the left went nuclear. Sporting organization pulled events, the DOJ launched a fullscale investigation, Georgia was savaged by the leftist MSM and social media as well as protests and attacks from various leftist organizations. The reforms remain in place.

So more recently an additional rule was implemented that the number of ballots could not exceed the number of voters who voted.

Such a rule should be a given and not need codification yes? But would you believe it is being objected to and challenged because the leftists don't want the Georgia election board to have any authority to investigate the integrity of an election?

It is mind numbing and incomprehensible. Unless the clear intention is to cheat and they will fight tooth and nail to prevent anything to get in their way.

What I loved most, however, is the Braves doing the karate chop as the BRAVES won the world series knowing that the fact they did not change their name like Cleveland did to be more PC really pisses them off as well.
I love it when they do lites out.

It is mind numbing and incomprehensible. Unless the clear intention is to cheat and they will fight tooth and nail to prevent anything to get in their way.
Trump REALLY indoctrinated you.
My oh My.

Do you have any proof of cheating......of course not. But you believe the Big Lie.
The BIG LIE is destroying our Country.
And the beat goes on:

At least one illegal has been charged with voting in Alabama elections. I wonder for every one caught--it took a LONG time to catch this one--how many aren't caught?

And this writer points out other issues in early mail in voting:

Secretaries of State from six states chime in on voter confidence in elections. Of the six, New Mexico did not require some form of voter ID. Anybody could use my name, birthdate, and address to vote in New Mexico. Further the paper ballots now required are pretty much worthless to restore voter confidence because they are fed into an electronic machine to be counted. Unless the vote is closer than less than 1% no recount can be done and even then the person requesting it must pay for the cost of the recount. When I vote, my paper ballot is fed into an electronic machine that supposedly tabulates the vote. I have no way of knowing if my vote is actually counted or if it is counted in the same way as I voted. So election confidence here is pretty low.
And the beat goes on:

At least one illegal has been charged with voting in Alabama elections. I wonder for every one caught--it took a LONG time to catch this one--how many aren't caught?

And this writer points out other issues in early mail in voting:

Secretaries of State from six states chime in on voter confidence in elections. Of the six, New Mexico did not require some form of voter ID. Anybody could use my name, birthdate, and address to vote in New Mexico. Further the paper ballots now required are pretty much worthless to restore voter confidence because they are fed into an electronic machine to be counted. Unless the vote is closer than less than 1% no recount can be done and even then the person requesting it must pay for the cost of the recount. When I vote, my paper ballot is fed into an electronic machine that supposedly tabulates the vote. I have no way of knowing if my vote is actually counted or if it is counted in the same way as I voted. So election confidence here is pretty low.
Buuuuut all the lefties here say that never happens.....huh.
And then I watch this and realize my life is OK. Just Fine.
Loving the Life I have.

RIP Toby.

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