When I think of the GOP wanting to end consumer protection, I remember Citibank.



Citi to pay $700M for deceptive credit card marketing

Citibank and its subsidiaries Tuesday were ordered to pay $700 million in consumer relief for illegal practices related to credit card add-on products and services.

A consent order issued by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau said about 7 million consumer accounts were affected between 2003 and 2012

"We continue to uncover illegal credit card add-on practices that are costing unknowing consumers millions of dollars," said CFPB Director Richard Cordray. "In our four years (of existence), this is the tenth action we've taken against companies in this space for deceiving consumers."


Remember how Republicans railed against Obama's "nanny state" for wanting to regulate "stuff"? I wonder how much he's saved consumers over all.
Obama has filed 20 complaints against other countries with the WTO and won every single one saving the US billions.

The Obama Administration’s Unprecedented Trade Enforcement Record | United States Trade Representative

Bush lost 6 straight costing the US billions.

When I see the things Obama has done and the Republicans screaming "What has he done", I wonder about the disconnect? Especially after they failed at just about everything. I can' only hope Hillary will be as good.
that particular bank is an onerous one and, sad to say, one of many in their cartel. Thats why i moved my $$$$$ to a credit union years ago

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This is not a GOP problem, this is a cross party issue.

You do realize of course that Obama recently signed a bill, over the objections of the Treasury Department, which contained language that was direct excerpts copied from emails written by citi which rolled back regulations put into place after the 08 meltdown.


This is one thing I agree with Sanders on. The big banks are totally out of control and should be dismantled. When they start writing legislation we've got a serious problem.
This is not a GOP problem, this is a cross party issue.

You do realize of course that Obama recently signed a bill, over the objections of the Treasury Department, which contained language that was direct excerpts copied from emails written by citi which rolled back regulations put into place after the 08 meltdown.


This is one thing I agree with Sanders on. The big banks are totally out of control and should be dismantled. When they start writing legislation we've got a serious problem.
The key words are "The House Committee's bill". Which party controlled the House/drafted the bills in 2013? :eusa_whistle: Thats a rhetorical question.

In a sign of Wall Street’s resurgent influence in Washington, Citigroup’s recommendations were reflected in more than 70 lines of the House committee’s 85-line bill.

You're welcome.
This is not a GOP problem, this is a cross party issue.

You do realize of course that Obama recently signed a bill, over the objections of the Treasury Department, which contained language that was direct excerpts copied from emails written by citi which rolled back regulations put into place after the 08 meltdown.


This is one thing I agree with Sanders on. The big banks are totally out of control and should be dismantled. When they start writing legislation we've got a serious problem.
The key words are "The House Committee's bill". Which party controlled the House/drafted the bills in 2013? :eusa_whistle: Thats a rhetorical question.

In a sign of Wall Street’s resurgent influence in Washington, Citigroup’s recommendations were reflected in more than 70 lines of the House committee’s 85-line bill.

You're welcome.

And, as per my very first comment, this is a cross party lines problem. I was not at all trying to make it seem otherwise.

If you think otherwise feel free to deny that dems also voted in favor of this and Obama signed it.

People need to wake up to the fact that this issue isn't a problem in one party. It isn't. Your folks are complicit, as much as you'd like to think it's only the evilllllll GOP.
Do you know for a fact that the Dems didn't extract concessions elsewhere? That was a rhetorical question as well.

I'm not a Democrat party fan boi. All I know is they are slightly less corrupt than the Repubs. (See my siggie)
Do you know for a fact that the Dems didn't extract concessions elsewhere? That was a rhetorical question as well.

I'm not a Democrat party fan boi. All I know is they are slightly less corrupt than the Repubs. (See my siggie)

Do I know the didn't do this or that? I can't prove they didn't and establishing proving a negative as some sort of apparent justification for dirty legislation won't go anywhere.

Both parties are dirty as hell wrt to the money they're gobbling up from wall st. This legislation is the perfect example of it.

In any case I'm rolling to grandma's house, so I'll have to leave it there for now...
So what did the dems do to reign in Fanny Mae???
It was the insurance companies that went out of business driven by Wall Street that brought down the economy. What does that have to do with Fannie Mae? Oh, that's right. Republicans try to use Fannie Mae to muddy the waters and hide what they did.
When I think of the GOP wanting to end consumer protection, I remember Citibank.

if libturd govt elites do the protection the people get less and less able to do it themselves by shopping intelligently and buying from the most honest.
Thus, they get more dependent on govt elites to run more and more of their lives until finally you have a Nazi elite in power.

Our Founders came here to be free of lib nazi elites, not to be more and more dependent on them.

A liberal has no where near the intelligence needed to understand the above; thus we may be doomed to revert back to liberal monarchy or liberal communism.
When I think of the GOP wanting to end consumer protection, I remember Citibank.

if libturd govt elites do the protection the people get less and less able to do it themselves by shopping intelligently and buying from the most honest.
Thus, they get more dependent on govt elites to run more and more of their lives until finally you have a Nazi elite in power.

Our Founders came here to be free of lib nazi elites, not to be more and more dependent on them.

A liberal has no where near the intelligence needed to understand the above; thus we may be doomed to revert back to liberal monarchy or liberal communism.
In your world, you want to take your family on a vacation in a car made without any type of safety regulation on a road with no speed limit to a restaurant not covered by any food regulations where you will end up in a hospital that doesn't follow a single health standard.

Good luck with that.
When I think of the GOP wanting to end consumer protection, I remember Citibank.

if libturd govt elites do the protection the people get less and less able to do it themselves by shopping intelligently and buying from the most honest.
Thus, they get more dependent on govt elites to run more and more of their lives until finally you have a Nazi elite in power.

Our Founders came here to be free of lib nazi elites, not to be more and more dependent on them.

A liberal has no where near the intelligence needed to understand the above; thus we may be doomed to revert back to liberal monarchy or liberal communism.
In your world, you want to take your family on a vacation in a car made without any type of safety regulation on a road with no speed limit to a restaurant not covered by any food regulations where you will end up in a hospital that doesn't follow a single health standard.

Good luck with that.
you want to take your family on a vacation in a car made without any type of safety regulation on a road with no speed limit to a restaurant not covered by any food regulations where you will end up in a hospital that doesn't follow a single health standard.

How many Republicans are saying "I don't get it"?
In your world, you want to take your family on a vacation in a car made without any type of safety regulation.

dear stupid liberal, I said you were too stupid to understand. You did not respond to what I wrote because you were too stupid to understand it.

Products get better because free people buy the best ones, not because lib nazi bureaucrats know how to guess at which are the the best ones. Still too hard for you?? Of course because as a liberal you are 100% stupid.
Why shouldn't citizens be protected? Most people are stupid.

Commercial finance remains a game with wide freedoms.
Why shouldn't citizens be protected? Most people are stupid.
and you are a perfect example of total liberal stupidity. America grew to be the greatest country in the history of the planet by far based on the idea of individual freedom, not based on the Nazi liberal idea that people are not suited for individual freedom and thus need a few Nazi overlords to protect, direct, and infantalize them.

See why we are 100% positive that a liberal will be 100% stupid. Is any other conclusion possible??
Why shouldn't citizens be protected? Most people are stupid.
and you are a perfect example of total liberal stupidity. America grew to be the greatest country in the history of the planet by far based on the idea of individual freedom, not based on the Nazi liberal idea that people are not suited for individual freedom and thus need a few Nazi overlords to protect, direct, and infantalize them?

SPED, Somalia has plentiful freedoms but Western civilization is built on laws. Stealing has been verboten since the 10 Commandments - but you think it infringes on your ability to ..... What? Collect a paycheck?

Steer clear of that commercial finance thread, you dont know the first thing about it.

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