When I was a kid, it was Russia's "Sputnik" that changed education in the United States

How Sputnik changed U.S. education

The post-Sputnik reforms were put in the hands of scientists, much to the dismay of some educators and concerned citizens who had previously had enormous input on curriculum design. Several of the changes, such as including hands-on laboratory experience, remain in use today, the speakers said.

Sputnik Left Legacy for U.S. Science Education



Imagine a world without Moon landings. Without satellites. Suddenly, your enemy puts a satellite into orbit circling over your head. You can't shoot it down. You can't get to it if it turns out to be dangerous. That's what happened when I was a kid.
Suddenly, everyone wanted to be a scientist. Suddenly you had all these movies about space creatures. There were science fairs in every high school.


Jobs are being automated. It's going to take the same kind of effort that it took in the late 50's and onward to prepare the population for this century's jobs.
No more wasting time and resources fighting evolution and earth history. No more calling smart kids nerd and geeks.

Either you prepare for the future or you live off food stamps and government benefits. That's the choice. Republicans would watch you die. They don't care.
Spite them. Get an education and spite them. Support education. Get your kids in school. Not Bible school.

That's awfully spiteful.. How many lefties REJECT genetic engineering, nanotechnology, nuclear energy, food irradiation and believe in homeopathic remedies and crystal worshipping? There's a LOT of anti-science on BOTH sides. Calling sketchy wind and solar power "an ALTERNATIVE" is a breach of science right there. And who was it exactly Einstein that was constantly WHINING about the cost of America's space venture when all that was going on?? :mad-61: And how all that money should be spent on entitlements and social well-being?

Some of it matters.. Like the stuff I pointed above. And some of it matters less.

Right now -- America is the embarassing position of hitching rides to the Space Station with JUST RUSSIA !!! And if they should get pissed over being demonized day after day -- you're gonna have the Russians change the locks on "America's Space Station" and make the passwords Russian. And you probably won't like having RUSSIA as the sole tenant of that expensive place.

Sure squandered all that opportunity. Since our Engineering Schools are MOSTLY foreign students and foreign teachers now. And OUR kids all want to be big shots MBAs so they can further cheapen products and inconvenience consumers.

We are circling the drain with our ability to innovate. And in the globalised reality of today, our ONLY HOPE was to BE the innovators and inventors. You feuding partisans are killing my country. And neither side is innocent.
Can you believe it? These Republicans don't understand the value of education. They voted for Trump to get them jobs. But for today's jobs, they need education. So they are telling me I'm not making sense. That I live in a bubble. I want to give up, but it just doesn't seem right. Leaving Americans who need help completely alone.
Nobody here doesn't understand the value of an education. We also understand the value of a skill. We also don't follow your emotional out burst of everyone is going to die unless the government runs your life.
everyone is going to die unless the government runs your life

Only stupid people say that.

Are you stupid?
I agree, and you're the one saying it. So....
Can you believe it? These Republicans don't understand the value of education. They voted for Trump to get them jobs. But for today's jobs, they need education. So they are telling me I'm not making sense. That I live in a bubble. I want to give up, but it just doesn't seem right. Leaving Americans who need help completely alone.
Nobody here doesn't understand the value of an education. We also understand the value of a skill. We also don't follow your emotional out burst of everyone is going to die unless the government runs your life.
everyone is going to die unless the government runs your life

Only stupid people say that.

Are you stupid?
I agree, and you're the one saying it. So....

RDean has a simpleton view that religion MAKES people too stupid to be scientists and engineers. That's the veiled "screw you" in the OP. And that''s ridiculous. Because the MORE you know about any field of science, the more you take "on faith". And the 2 things are NOT exclusive at all. Not in evolution, not in Cosmic Origins, not in the farthest fringes of Physics.
How Sputnik changed U.S. education

The post-Sputnik reforms were put in the hands of scientists, much to the dismay of some educators and concerned citizens who had previously had enormous input on curriculum design. Several of the changes, such as including hands-on laboratory experience, remain in use today, the speakers said.

Sputnik Left Legacy for U.S. Science Education



Imagine a world without Moon landings. Without satellites. Suddenly, your enemy puts a satellite into orbit circling over your head. You can't shoot it down. You can't get to it if it turns out to be dangerous. That's what happened when I was a kid.
Suddenly, everyone wanted to be a scientist. Suddenly you had all these movies about space creatures. There were science fairs in every high school.


Jobs are being automated. It's going to take the same kind of effort that it took in the late 50's and onward to prepare the population for this century's jobs.
No more wasting time and resources fighting evolution and earth history. No more calling smart kids nerd and geeks.

Either you prepare for the future or you live off food stamps and government benefits. That's the choice. Republicans would watch you die. They don't care.
Spite them. Get an education and spite them. Support education. Get your kids in school. Not Bible school.

I want to start out by saying awesome OP. What a great way to phrase and put into perspective a topic of discussion.

I will start out by saying our kids and young adults are not at all prepared for the age of automation. We are training them for the jobs that were there 10 years ago, in an age where our information and way of living is increasing exponentially. We are teaching our kids the importance of learning a second spoken language when the most useful language to learn is computer coding and programming, while the skill of second languages is quickly being left in the dust by translating apps. We are telling our kids to go to university's that are passing some 45% of them through with A's...do the math yourself, we are not producing THAT many smart people when we are nation a nation ranked 39th in education (even though we spend more per student on education than any other country). Clearly our higher educational institutes have become nothing more than another set of mundane hoops to jump through in society (who also are making a ton of money off of guaranteed government backed money from these kids they're shuffling through). And these students, graduating, are making less than their baby boomer counterparts who are non college educated.

The problem...we have become institutionalized. Our leaders have subsidized a single way of ascendance, and we have followed without question. We have accepted their ways to get ahed not based on any principle, but based on steps and interests. We, much like our counterparts of the 50's have accepted our limits to be on atmospheric flight, and have ignored any possibility that the atmosphere wasn't our only limit. They were lucky enough to be jarred out of that line of thinking by Sputnik, von Braun (kind of an evil SOB), and surprisingly Disney.

Honestly it's already too late for so many millennials. The actual liberal arts, ( the arts that set you free), are dead in America. 90% of conversations I see political or otherwise (almost everything is political no a days witch is a red flag of a problem), are straw man, a priory, and ad hominem arguments. At least 80 percent of what's on USMB makes up what I just described. We're screwed pretty much when it comes to automation, we're talking 40% of careers disappearing almost at once.

My solution, make the ownership of automation strictly privatized. So no corporation gets a monopoly of labor, they have to rent out machines owned by private citizens. Obviously this is just a basic idea that needs to be tweaked. But the biggest thing I am worried about is the monopoly of labor which has never existed like it has in human society until automation. The only way to break up that monopoly is to privatize it. I'm against a lot of government regulation, but I am for breaking up monopolies (which I consider very rare), but the monopoly of labor seems to be a very real
Upcoming problem.
Can you believe it? These Republicans don't understand the value of education. They voted for Trump to get them jobs. But for today's jobs, they need education. So they are telling me I'm not making sense. That I live in a bubble. I want to give up, but it just doesn't seem right. Leaving Americans who need help completely alone.
Nobody here doesn't understand the value of an education. We also understand the value of a skill. We also don't follow your emotional out burst of everyone is going to die unless the government runs your life.
everyone is going to die unless the government runs your life

Only stupid people say that.

Are you stupid?
I agree, and you're the one saying it. So....

RDean has a simpleton view that religion MAKES people too stupid to be scientists and engineers. That's the veiled "screw you" in the OP. And that''s ridiculous. Because the MORE you know about any field of science, the more you take "on faith". And the 2 things are NOT exclusive at all. Not in evolution, not in Cosmic Origins, not in the farthest fringes of Physics.

Why thank you flacaltenn, I happen to agree it is a simpleton view on religion.

If I can put it into a way the left can understand. The way they portray christians and religion in general is a lot like how trump fans think of muslims...

They portray them as 17th century puritans...when they have become the puritans of today with how they mimic how puritans react to opposing ideas at the time. The modern day witch trials are carried out on facebook, and the modern day scarlet letter is ascribed on twitter
Can you believe it? These Republicans don't understand the value of education. They voted for Trump to get them jobs. But for today's jobs, they need education. So they are telling me I'm not making sense. That I live in a bubble. I want to give up, but it just doesn't seem right. Leaving Americans who need help completely alone.
Nobody here doesn't understand the value of an education. We also understand the value of a skill. We also don't follow your emotional out burst of everyone is going to die unless the government runs your life.
everyone is going to die unless the government runs your life

Only stupid people say that.

Are you stupid?
I agree, and you're the one saying it. So....
I didn't say that. You did.
Can you believe it? These Republicans don't understand the value of education. They voted for Trump to get them jobs. But for today's jobs, they need education. So they are telling me I'm not making sense. That I live in a bubble. I want to give up, but it just doesn't seem right. Leaving Americans who need help completely alone.

You weren't "educated"...you were indoctrinated and you've lived your whole life as a useful idiot for your commie masters.
Can you believe it? These Republicans don't understand the value of education. They voted for Trump to get them jobs. But for today's jobs, they need education. So they are telling me I'm not making sense. That I live in a bubble. I want to give up, but it just doesn't seem right. Leaving Americans who need help completely alone.
Nobody here doesn't understand the value of an education. We also understand the value of a skill. We also don't follow your emotional out burst of everyone is going to die unless the government runs your life.
everyone is going to die unless the government runs your life

Only stupid people say that.

Are you stupid?
I agree, and you're the one saying it. So....

RDean has a simpleton view that religion MAKES people too stupid to be scientists and engineers. That's the veiled "screw you" in the OP. And that''s ridiculous. Because the MORE you know about any field of science, the more you take "on faith". And the 2 things are NOT exclusive at all. Not in evolution, not in Cosmic Origins, not in the farthest fringes of Physics.

Why thank you flacaltenn, I happen to agree it is a simpleton view on religion.

If I can put it into a way the left can understand. The way they portray christians and religion in general is a lot like how trump fans think of muslims...

They portray them as 17th century puritans...when they have become the puritans of today with how they mimic how puritans react to opposing ideas at the time. The modern day witch trials are carried out on facebook, and the modern day scarlet letter is ascribed on twitter
Here is a short list of white, right wing pastors who represent many thousands or more right wing Christians who preach death to gays:

Pastor Roger Jimenez
Pastor Steven Anderson
Pastor Kevin Swanson
Pastor Jesse Price
Pastor Charles L. Worley
Pastor Bert Farias
Pastor Jeffrey S. Smith

Look them up. Some of them are so big, Republican presidential nominees sought their endorsement.

And this was like a 20 minute search.

Then you have the over a million Christians living in Iraq that were slaughtered, crucified, raped and chased out of their homeland after the Bush/Republican invasion of Iraq. The pope begged American Christians to help them but no one helped.

The question of right wing American Christians being these moral people was finally put to bed when they elected serial adulterer and pu$$y grabber Donald Trump. There is no more argument and no defense.
Can you believe it? These Republicans don't understand the value of education. They voted for Trump to get them jobs. But for today's jobs, they need education. So they are telling me I'm not making sense. That I live in a bubble. I want to give up, but it just doesn't seem right. Leaving Americans who need help completely alone.

Yes, it's in schools of higher learning that Democrats learned to ask for handouts instead of working, great argument
How Sputnik changed U.S. education

The post-Sputnik reforms were put in the hands of scientists, much to the dismay of some educators and concerned citizens who had previously had enormous input on curriculum design. Several of the changes, such as including hands-on laboratory experience, remain in use today, the speakers said.

Sputnik Left Legacy for U.S. Science Education



Imagine a world without Moon landings. Without satellites. Suddenly, your enemy puts a satellite into orbit circling over your head. You can't shoot it down. You can't get to it if it turns out to be dangerous. That's what happened when I was a kid.
Suddenly, everyone wanted to be a scientist. Suddenly you had all these movies about space creatures. There were science fairs in every high school.


Jobs are being automated. It's going to take the same kind of effort that it took in the late 50's and onward to prepare the population for this century's jobs.
No more wasting time and resources fighting evolution and earth history. No more calling smart kids nerd and geeks.

Either you prepare for the future or you live off food stamps and government benefits. That's the choice. Republicans would watch you die. They don't care.
Spite them. Get an education and spite them. Support education. Get your kids in school. Not Bible school.

dimcrap scum won't do it.

They're much more interested in stealing money from people who work for it (Republicans) and giving to people who vote dimocrap than they are in advancing science.

dimocraps wouldn't know this (or much of anything else) but spending on scientific research is much higher under Republicans than it is under dimocraps.

Just a fact.

Yeah, it's partisan. As long as dimocraps exist, everything will be partisan

How Sputnik changed U.S. education

The post-Sputnik reforms were put in the hands of scientists, much to the dismay of some educators and concerned citizens who had previously had enormous input on curriculum design. Several of the changes, such as including hands-on laboratory experience, remain in use today, the speakers said.

Sputnik Left Legacy for U.S. Science Education



Imagine a world without Moon landings. Without satellites. Suddenly, your enemy puts a satellite into orbit circling over your head. You can't shoot it down. You can't get to it if it turns out to be dangerous. That's what happened when I was a kid.
Suddenly, everyone wanted to be a scientist. Suddenly you had all these movies about space creatures. There were science fairs in every high school.


Jobs are being automated. It's going to take the same kind of effort that it took in the late 50's and onward to prepare the population for this century's jobs.
No more wasting time and resources fighting evolution and earth history. No more calling smart kids nerd and geeks.

Either you prepare for the future or you live off food stamps and government benefits. That's the choice. Republicans would watch you die. They don't care.
Spite them. Get an education and spite them. Support education. Get your kids in school. Not Bible school.

dimcrap scum won't do it.

They're much more interested in stealing money from people who work for it (Republicans) and giving to people who vote dimocrap than they are in advancing science.

dimocraps wouldn't know this (or much of anything else) but spending on scientific research is much higher under Republicans than it is under dimocraps.

Just a fact.

Yeah, it's partisan. As long as dimocraps exist, everything will be partisan

Well conservatives on these very boards keep insisting that historians, teachers, professors, colleges and schools are mostly communist and run by communists, so what should people believe.
Well conservatives on these very boards keep insisting that historians, teachers, professors, colleges and schools are mostly communist and run by communists, so what should people believe.

Which is true...today's "progressives" are little more than Stalinists in earth tones.
Well conservatives on these very boards keep insisting that historians, teachers, professors, colleges and schools are mostly communist and run by communists, so what should people believe.

That it's true.

Few, very few, scientific breakthroughs are made by pencil-necked perfessers, historians or teachers.

The VAST majority of scientific achievements are made by hard-working Engineers.

Some are. Some Physicists and researchers come up with some pretty good THEORIES but always remember....


And Engineers are more Conservative than the general Public and, especially, pencil-necked 'scientists'.

Do you know why? Of course you don't.......

Because when an Engineer makes a mistake, Airplanes fall out of the sky, Ships sink, life-saving machines stop working and things just generally go BOOM!!

When a 'scientist' makes a mistake, he just wipes off his White Board and starts over.
Nobody here doesn't understand the value of an education. We also understand the value of a skill. We also don't follow your emotional out burst of everyone is going to die unless the government runs your life.
everyone is going to die unless the government runs your life

Only stupid people say that.

Are you stupid?
I agree, and you're the one saying it. So....

RDean has a simpleton view that religion MAKES people too stupid to be scientists and engineers. That's the veiled "screw you" in the OP. And that''s ridiculous. Because the MORE you know about any field of science, the more you take "on faith". And the 2 things are NOT exclusive at all. Not in evolution, not in Cosmic Origins, not in the farthest fringes of Physics.

Why thank you flacaltenn, I happen to agree it is a simpleton view on religion.

If I can put it into a way the left can understand. The way they portray christians and religion in general is a lot like how trump fans think of muslims...

They portray them as 17th century puritans...when they have become the puritans of today with how they mimic how puritans react to opposing ideas at the time. The modern day witch trials are carried out on facebook, and the modern day scarlet letter is ascribed on twitter
Here is a short list of white, right wing pastors who represent many thousands or more right wing Christians who preach death to gays:

Pastor Roger Jimenez
Pastor Steven Anderson
Pastor Kevin Swanson
Pastor Jesse Price
Pastor Charles L. Worley
Pastor Bert Farias
Pastor Jeffrey S. Smith

Look them up. Some of them are so big, Republican presidential nominees sought their endorsement.

And this was like a 20 minute search.

Then you have the over a million Christians living in Iraq that were slaughtered, crucified, raped and chased out of their homeland after the Bush/Republican invasion of Iraq. The pope begged American Christians to help them but no one helped.

The question of right wing American Christians being these moral people was finally put to bed when they elected serial adulterer and pu$$y grabber Donald Trump. There is no more argument and no defense.

So now this becomes general Christian bashing and not really about science and Sputnik. That was predictable.
You mind putting a little more effort into this post so it makes sense? I think you have a thought but you haven't made it make sense to anyone outside your crazy bubble. Come back with something that makes sense and we can all follow.
You just aren't very bright. That's all.
That's kinda what I was thinking about your OP. So you have nothing to clarify then? The rantings of an unhinged idiot is what we have here.

perhaps he is celebrating communism again
Can you believe it? These Republicans don't understand the value of education. They voted for Trump to get them jobs. But for today's jobs, they need education. So they are telling me I'm not making sense. That I live in a bubble. I want to give up, but it just doesn't seem right. Leaving Americans who need help completely alone.

Yes, it's in schools of higher learning that Democrats learned to ask for handouts instead of working, great argument
Your kind always comes back to that one fact free fiction.

These are the majority of the GOP base.
Can you believe it? These Republicans don't understand the value of education. They voted for Trump to get them jobs. But for today's jobs, they need education. So they are telling me I'm not making sense. That I live in a bubble. I want to give up, but it just doesn't seem right. Leaving Americans who need help completely alone.

Yes, it's in schools of higher learning that Democrats learned to ask for handouts instead of working, great argument
Your kind always comes back to that one fact free fiction.

These are the majority of the GOP base.

I'm a Republican!


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