When is Benedict Donald's lawyers going to file an injunction to stop the book...wait...

Trump got punked. After the cease and desist letter, the publisher moved up the release date to today. :lol:
I laughed so hard this morning when i heard that!
What a weak thing to do!

Already ordered mine. It should be here in a few days. Can't wait to read about the "child" in the Oval Office.
For your sake, I hope that book has a lot of pictures...

(and a free box of crayons)

I doubt it, but hoping to travel to DC and get Benedict Donald to place his X on it.
This man is the most dangerous human on the face of the planet.
What makes him "the most dangerous human on the face of the planet"?

Barry spent 8 years financing, supplying, arming, protecting, defending, dragging the US into 2 Un-Constitutional wars to aid and abet terrorists....spent 8 years arming Mexican Drug Cartels, human traffickers, MS-13, violent illegals, terrorist supporters, and terrorist-supporting drug dealing terrorist organizations like Hezbollah.

Barry refused to allow the coalition to strike ISIS black market oil production facilities that financed terrorist operations - like the attack on Paris, the biggest attack on France since WWII, and when the coalition launched retaliatory strikes against ISIS, Obama did not join in the attack - he treasonously warned ISIS that the attacks were coming.

The traitor released the leaders of the 3 enemy forces we were fighting a war against in Afghanistan in an attempt to keep a campaign promise to close Gitmo.

He violated the Constitution by engaging in a 'treaty' with Iran that benefitted Iran's continued nuclear weapons program.

He injected himself / interfered at east 5 times in the governance / election of other nations, to include allies.
- He helped overthrow an allied nation's leader and get a known terrorist organization to take over the govt of our ally, Egypt.
- He helped kill / overthrow the leader in Libya who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa, using the US military in an Un-Constitutional War to place Al Qaeda - perpetrators of 9/11/01 and 9/11/12 - in charge of their own country.
- He used tax dollars to try to help oust the leader of our Ally, Israel.
- He illegally acted to attempt to alter the 2016 US election.
- He attempted to help ISIS overthrow Syria's President Al Assad

He ran his own personal, Un-Constitutional drone assassination program with which he used to strip Americans of their right to due process and killed them abroad.

His aiding and abetting terrorists, Mexican Drug Cartels, and other enemies of our around the world have directly resulted in countless deaths, to include Americans abroad and at home:
- Abandoned Americans to die in Benghazi
- 4 Americans died due to Fast and Furious
- 7 Americans in Ca died by a terrorist Obama let into the country
- Americans were killed / maimed in the Boston Marathon Bombing despite Obama being told in advance who they were and what they were going to do
- Americans have been robbed, maimed, wounded, and murdered by MS13 and violent illegals Obama helped illegally bring into the country and protect

There is no sane comparison between President Trump and the Most criminal / worst President in US History, Barak Obama.

Considering all of this, illegally spying on Americans / the Senate, USSC Justices, collaborating with and hiding Russian crimes, the exposed criminal acts of the Obama DOJ and FBI, Obama should not have JUST been IMPEACHED - he and many of his Cabinet Agency members should have been arrested and be in jail right now.

Snowflakes deny all of this because their preferred criminal candidate did not steal the 2016 election (when she should have been in jail, anyway).

View attachment 169824

All that and he is still called a "child" in the WH.
This man is the most dangerous human on the face of the planet.
What makes him "the most dangerous human on the face of the planet"?

Barry spent 8 years financing, supplying, arming, protecting, defending, dragging the US into 2 Un-Constitutional wars to aid and abet terrorists....spent 8 years arming Mexican Drug Cartels, human traffickers, MS-13, violent illegals, terrorist supporters, and terrorist-supporting drug dealing terrorist organizations like Hezbollah.

Barry refused to allow the coalition to strike ISIS black market oil production facilities that financed terrorist operations - like the attack on Paris, the biggest attack on France since WWII, and when the coalition launched retaliatory strikes against ISIS, Obama did not join in the attack - he treasonously warned ISIS that the attacks were coming.

The traitor released the leaders of the 3 enemy forces we were fighting a war against in Afghanistan in an attempt to keep a campaign promise to close Gitmo.

He violated the Constitution by engaging in a 'treaty' with Iran that benefitted Iran's continued nuclear weapons program.

He injected himself / interfered at east 5 times in the governance / election of other nations, to include allies.
- He helped overthrow an allied nation's leader and get a known terrorist organization to take over the govt of our ally, Egypt.
- He helped kill / overthrow the leader in Libya who was helping the coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa, using the US military in an Un-Constitutional War to place Al Qaeda - perpetrators of 9/11/01 and 9/11/12 - in charge of their own country.
- He used tax dollars to try to help oust the leader of our Ally, Israel.
- He illegally acted to attempt to alter the 2016 US election.
- He attempted to help ISIS overthrow Syria's President Al Assad

He ran his own personal, Un-Constitutional drone assassination program with which he used to strip Americans of their right to due process and killed them abroad.

His aiding and abetting terrorists, Mexican Drug Cartels, and other enemies of our around the world have directly resulted in countless deaths, to include Americans abroad and at home:
- Abandoned Americans to die in Benghazi
- 4 Americans died due to Fast and Furious
- 7 Americans in Ca died by a terrorist Obama let into the country
- Americans were killed / maimed in the Boston Marathon Bombing despite Obama being told in advance who they were and what they were going to do
- Americans have been robbed, maimed, wounded, and murdered by MS13 and violent illegals Obama helped illegally bring into the country and protect

There is no sane comparison between President Trump and the Most criminal / worst President in US History, Barak Obama.

Considering all of this, illegally spying on Americans / the Senate, USSC Justices, collaborating with and hiding Russian crimes, the exposed criminal acts of the Obama DOJ and FBI, Obama should not have JUST been IMPEACHED - he and many of his Cabinet Agency members should have been arrested and be in jail right now.

Snowflakes deny all of this because their preferred criminal candidate did not steal the 2016 election (when she should have been in jail, anyway).

View attachment 169824

All that and he is still called a "child" in the WH.
Barry is not a 'child'. He was / is an enemy of the state - sired by an American-hating Anti-Colonialist and admittedly tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis, studied Socialist Saul Alinsky - even quoted him during his Inaugural address, mentored by a hate-spewing anti-American racist 'pastor, and friends with a terrorist who bombed his own country and killed 1st Responders....and he is still worshipped by 'threats to our democracy' (according to Hillary) like you.
So, snowflakes support seditious defamation, lies, fiction...


The author of the explosive new Trump book says he can't be sure if parts of it are true
"The author of the explosive new Trump book says he can't be sure if parts of it are true"

This POS hit-piece is simply the 'Trump Dossier Part 2', filled with butt-hurt, seditious lies and propaganda...
Hey dumbshit. Read the author's note referenced in your link.

The author allowed Trump's staff to lie their asses off. He merely reports the running of their mouths and leaves it to you to figure out if they are telling the truth.

"We report, you decide." Get it?
The most dysfunctional Regime in US history, headed by a seven year old. Benedict Donald, the Traitor.
So, snowflakes support seditious defamation, lies, fiction...


The author of the explosive new Trump book says he can't be sure if parts of it are true
"The author of the explosive new Trump book says he can't be sure if parts of it are true"

This POS hit-piece is simply the 'Trump Dossier Part 2', filled with butt-hurt, seditious lies and propaganda...
If that's true, then Trump won't have any trouble suing him. We'll see. The publisher is Henry Holt and Company, one of the oldest publishers in the United States, it was founded in 1866. It is a well respected publishing house. I doubt they are going to publish a book they think will cost them millions in a defamation law suit.
If that's true, then Trump won't have any trouble suing him. We'll see. The publisher is Henry Holt and Company, one of the oldest publishers in the United States, it was founded in 1866. It is a well respected publishing house. I doubt they are going to publish a book they think will cost them millions in a defamation law suit.
In the seditious frenzy of the anti-Trump society snow globe that liberals keep shaken up, anti-Trump BS / Hate / Propaganda SELLS, true or not. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NPR, WSJ, Mueller, Comey, Wolfe - they all 'sell' it, and snowflakes gobble it up.
So, snowflakes support seditious defamation, lies, fiction...


The author of the explosive new Trump book says he can't be sure if parts of it are true
"The author of the explosive new Trump book says he can't be sure if parts of it are true"

This POS hit-piece is simply the 'Trump Dossier Part 2', filled with butt-hurt, seditious lies and propaganda...
If that's true, then Trump won't have any trouble suing him. We'll see. The publisher is Henry Holt and Company, one of the oldest publishers in the United States, it was founded in 1866. It is a well respected publishing house. I doubt they are going to publish a book they think will cost them millions in a defamation law suit.

Of course the book would not be published without many attorney eyes on it. The treasonous Benedict Donald, formerly known as Comrade Trump is being a big pile of orange, stinking, bubbling dung.... again.

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