When is Big Too Big


C'mon...Tell us how much the District of Columbia Corporation took in, Gomer.

I bet you don't give a hoot in hell over propping up that "too big to fail" mess, with every dollar that can be confiscated.

Can't stop shilling for big business against the government can you? Funny thing is, big business has bought many in the government I bet you voted for.
How do you go about buying the guy who prints up all the money, foo?

C'mon...Tell us how much the District of Columbia Corporation took in, Gomer.

I bet you don't give a hoot in hell over propping up that "too big to fail" mess, with every dollar that can be confiscated.

Can't stop shilling for big business against the government can you? Funny thing is, big business has bought many in the government I bet you voted for.
How do you go about buying the guy who prints up all the money, foo?

Considering there is no guy who prints up all the money? I don't know genius boy, you tell me.
For 2008 Exxon reported earnings of 45.2 billion dollars. That is more than the Gross National Product of 60% of the nations on earth. They have the financial resources to actually purchase small countries. BP reported profits of 20 billion, General Electric 17 billion, Wal-Mart, 13 billion, etc… The power these huge corporations have is unimaginable. They are able to buy off legislators, regulators, and completers. If air pollutions laws are a problem in US, they can build their plant in Mexico. For cheap labor, there is India and Bangladesh where there are little or no worker safety or child labor laws to worry about. If we enact legislation that limits derivative trading, the big banks just move there trading operation abroad. I don’t know the solution but if we don’t come up with something, what little control voters have over their government is going to disappear.

Exxon Mobil Reports Record $45.2 Billion Profit For 2008

So you would break it up and it would run more efficiently?
Unlike Ma Bell, Exxon cannot be called a monopoly. If it was broken up, it most likely would run less efficiently because it would lose its integrated assets and gasoline prices would rise. There's plenty of competition in the gasoline market place, and the companies have improved their production by efficiency. That is proven by the fact that with no new refineries, we are getting more product/capacity out of the same plants.
I don't believe we can break them up. I doubt they would allow us to do so. I think we need to find ways to control there influence over governments. Control contributions to political candidates. Work with other nations to coordinate laws and regulations. I've read that as soon as the new financial reform bill becomes law some of the financial institutions are going to move their derivative trading overseas to get around the law.
For 2008 Exxon reported earnings of 45.2 billion dollars. That is more than the Gross National Product of 60% of the nations on earth. They have the financial resources to actually purchase small countries. BP reported profits of 20 billion, General Electric 17 billion, Wal-Mart, 13 billion, etc… The power these huge corporations have is unimaginable. They are able to buy off legislators, regulators, and completers. If air pollutions laws are a problem in US, they can build their plant in Mexico. For cheap labor, there is India and Bangladesh where there are little or no worker safety or child labor laws to worry about. If we enact legislation that limits derivative trading, the big banks just move there trading operation abroad. I don’t know the solution but if we don’t come up with something, what little control voters have over their government is going to disappear.

Exxon Mobil Reports Record $45.2 Billion Profit For 2008

So you would break it up and it would run more efficiently?
Unlike Ma Bell, Exxon cannot be called a monopoly. If it was broken up, it most likely would run less efficiently because it would lose its integrated assets and gasoline prices would rise. There's plenty of competition in the gasoline market place, and the companies have improved their production by efficiency. That is proven by the fact that with no new refineries, we are getting more product/capacity out of the same plants.
I don't believe we can break them up. I doubt they would allow us to do so. I think we need to find ways to control there influence over governments. Control contributions to political candidates. Work with other nations to coordinate laws and regulations. I've read that as soon as the new financial reform bill becomes law some of the financial institutions are going to move their derivative trading overseas to get around the law.

ask: efficiency at what cost? and Indian labor is not as cheap as it used to be.

I say if companies move overseas we as a nation initiate programs meant to destabilize any nations they go to.
For 2008 Exxon reported earnings of 45.2 billion dollars. That is more than the Gross National Product of 60% of the nations on earth. They have the financial resources to actually purchase small countries. BP reported profits of 20 billion, General Electric 17 billion, Wal-Mart, 13 billion, etc… The power these huge corporations have is unimaginable. They are able to buy off legislators, regulators, and completers. If air pollutions laws are a problem in US, they can build their plant in Mexico. For cheap labor, there is India and Bangladesh where there are little or no worker safety or child labor laws to worry about. If we enact legislation that limits derivative trading, the big banks just move there trading operation abroad. I don’t know the solution but if we don’t come up with something, what little control voters have over their government is going to disappear.

Exxon Mobil Reports Record $45.2 Billion Profit For 2008

otay, Chicken Little
For 2008 Exxon reported earnings of 45.2 billion dollars. That is more than the Gross National Product of 60% of the nations on earth. They have the financial resources to actually purchase small countries. BP reported profits of 20 billion, General Electric 17 billion, Wal-Mart, 13 billion, etc… The power these huge corporations have is unimaginable. They are able to buy off legislators, regulators, and completers. If air pollutions laws are a problem in US, they can build their plant in Mexico. For cheap labor, there is India and Bangladesh where there are little or no worker safety or child labor laws to worry about. If we enact legislation that limits derivative trading, the big banks just move there trading operation abroad. I don’t know the solution but if we don’t come up with something, what little control voters have over their government is going to disappear.

Exxon Mobil Reports Record $45.2 Billion Profit For 2008

You might want to compare the PROFIT with the PHARMACUTICAL industry in this country--and you will realise that our "new evil" corporation in this country is them--and not the gas and oil industry.

They are also the number one reason why medical insurance is no longer afforable in this country. Pushing on the American public for several years now--all their new syndrome pills--restless leg syndrome--dry eye syndrome--all of the other syndromes and of course all of the erectile dysfunction drugs. We get a 10 second advertisement on T.V. about what their new pill is for--then a 45 second warning of all the side effects--which include death, blindness--hearing loss, weight gain, headaches, musle and joint pain, kidney and liver failure--etc. etc. etc.

And guess who they buy off each year? Our politicians---:lol::lol:
The simple fact.. socialized and protected at the top, socialized and used at the bottom while the middle just gets screwed...... Goodbye American Pie.
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Its not how big a company gets.

Its what it does with the power it has that's troubling
Its not how big a company gets.

Its what it does with the power it has that's troubling
Yes, but in a smaller business the values of the principals become the values of the company. Once a business grows to a certain size the principal owners become banks, insurance companies, and investment companies. Values such as honesty and fair play seem to disappear. If it's legal it's OK. Profit is the motive behind all business but with the huge multinationals, it's the only motive. Buying off politicians and government officials is just another business expense. Shipping jobs overseas is a cost reduction. Destroying the environment becomes an acceptable financial risk. When public opinion turns against them, they flood the media with multi-million dollar PR campaigns.
I'd rather live in a country where corporations can thrive, become "too big", gain masses of wealth, and yes, even influence the government............

..........rather than a country where growth is stopped at a government approved ceiling, profits are confiscated after a certain threshold, and the government is so large and powerful that neither it nor the simple common citizen can have any influence over government decisions.

There will always be human greed, human irresponsibility, humans who have more power than others, humans who have more wealth than others, more influence, etc. That will never change.

But corporations don't have men with guns who can force me to do what they say. The government does. So when choosing between companies that are too big or too powerful, or a government that is, I'll side with corporations 100% of the time.
Obama' ego is too big.

Your moms too big.

(I'm sorry man, I didn't mean that towards you, it was just a momma-joke opportunity that any self-respecting man who never grew up could not pass up on. I hope you understand and forgive:eusa_pray:)
Obama' ego is too big.

Your moms too big.

(I'm sorry man, I didn't mean that towards you, it was just a momma-joke opportunity that any self-respecting man who never grew up could not pass up on. I hope you understand and forgive:eusa_pray:)

No, I won't take it as a a joke. I will use it as my sig line and cry about it every time I see you post. :eek:
Always with the big numbers.

Shock value (period)

Now show the profit margin, in percentages, then we'll talk.

I can't find anything for oil quickly, but here's a breakdown of gasoline:

Based upon a $3.00 gallon of gasoline, the average break-down is as follows.

Gasoline Retailer $.01 cents per gallon
Oil Company $.08 cents per gallon
Refining $.29 cents per gallon
Marketing/Distribution $.32 cents per gallon
Taxes $.59 cents per gallon
Cost of crude $1.71 per gallon (delivered)​

The government makes more on gasoline than the gas company does.

In CA, the Feds and the State each collect a minimum of $.18 per gallon. $.36 in taxes vs. $.09 in combined profits for the Oil Co and the Retailer. The governments collect 4X more than those who actually create the value.
Its not how big a company gets.

Its what it does with the power it has that's troubling
Yes, but in a smaller business the values of the principals become the values of the company. Once a business grows to a certain size the principal owners become banks, insurance companies, and investment companies. Values such as honesty and fair play seem to disappear. If it's legal it's OK. Profit is the motive behind all business but with the huge multinationals, it's the only motive. Buying off politicians and government officials is just another business expense. Shipping jobs overseas is a cost reduction. Destroying the environment becomes an acceptable financial risk. When public opinion turns against them, they flood the media with multi-million dollar PR campaigns.


Business people that commit fraud can be prosecuted and sent to jail.

Politicians who commit fraud just spin what the mean of "is" is and redefine "taxes". They also write the rules and exempt themselves from them.

Now who is really the bigger threat to your liberty?
Its not how big a company gets.

Its what it does with the power it has that's troubling
Yes, but in a smaller business the values of the principals become the values of the company. Once a business grows to a certain size the principal owners become banks, insurance companies, and investment companies. Values such as honesty and fair play seem to disappear. If it's legal it's OK. Profit is the motive behind all business but with the huge multinationals, it's the only motive. Buying off politicians and government officials is just another business expense. Shipping jobs overseas is a cost reduction. Destroying the environment becomes an acceptable financial risk. When public opinion turns against them, they flood the media with multi-million dollar PR campaigns.


Business people that commit fraud can be prosecuted and sent to jail.

Politicians who commit fraud just spin what the mean of "is" is and redefine "taxes". They also write the rules and exempt themselves from them.

Now who is really the bigger threat to your liberty?
But they are not committing fraud. They don't need to violate the law. They buy the votes of politicians and see that the law is changed.

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