when is Obama going to destroy the Isis?

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Is he just going to fuck around for the next two years and talk about how Christians were so bad a 1000 years ago and pass the buck to the next president Hillary so she sends in troops to destroy them?

What a pussy
Here's a much better question. When are the countries in the Middle East going to clean up their own backyard?
They don't have the military might we have, let our troops win the damn thing once and for all, end it.
Like Germany and Japan, end it

Don't give into liberals, fuck them

Germany and Japan is fine today
when is Obama going to destroy the Isis?

Keep a close watch on the weather reports from Hell.

When the temperature there drops below 32F, you'll know Obama is destroying ISIS.
EXACTLY what do you RW Obama-haters think should be done?

You know we have led more than 60 countries in more than 2000 air strikes and killed more than 6000 ISIS.

What do you think the US should do?

EXACTLY what do you RW Obama-haters think should be done?

You know we have led more than 60 countries in more than 2000 air strikes and killed more than 6000 ISIS.

What do you think the US should do?

TRANSLATION: I have no idea what to do, and I don't think Obama does either, despite being the CinC of the biggest and best military on the planet. So I'll change the subject, try to pretend it's conservatives' fault, and try to throw the problem into their laps instead of the CinC's.
They don't have the military might we have, let our troops win the damn thing once and for all, end it.
It's like a wild fire, you put out one blaze only to have another blaze begin in another area...
Well you Don't give up and talk about Assnine stuff that happened a 1000 years ago

You don't stand On the damn sidelines as the most powerful country on earth and let a piss poor country like jordan leading the fight

Obama is a pussy, he always leads from behind

Just like with Syria , when France was trying to take charge

Obama is a pussy
You guys hate the fact when I know when Hillary becomes president she will destroy them with ground troops

You just refuse to admit Obama always leads from behind and

Has no idea what he is doing

He is a pussy

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