When is Sleepy Joe gonna come clean about Ukraine ?

Maybe we can have a "Whose the most corrupt" kid or kids, Hunter or Ivanka and Jarod and throw-in the Doody brothers contest.

Tell us again how Burisma suddenly decided they had to hire Hunter only 3 weeks after Quid Pro Joe was put in charge of Ukraine by Born in Kenya Obama
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There's no way around it.

When Trump brings up Hunter during the debates, and you know he will, what's Biden gonna do ? He'll stay calm and lie about it, and half the people watching will be stupid enough to believe him.

And still, all the facts are out there, despite the MSM cover-up.

Right about when trump comes clean about Ivanka's chinese trademarks.
You can squeeze a turd into a diamond sooner than you'll
ever hear a Democrat tell the truth about anything.
Ukraine joe has dementia, psychotic episodes, delusions, physical health problems, disappears for months mentally and physically. He doesn't even know where he's at.

Bullshit, but you know this which makes you into a damn liar. It you had any evidence to prove your allegations you would post them. And if you do have one from some scurrilous source, you'd still not be believable.

However if anyone of your descriptions are true, the former VP would still be a better President than the asshole who now occupies an office of trust, and one who is not to be trusted.

Bull true. He has the outbursts, mentally checking out, physical health paperwork to prove it. We know this upsets you but its true. Deal with it.
Ukraine joe has dementia, psychotic episodes, delusions, physical health problems, disappears for months mentally and physically. He doesn't even know where he's at.

Bullshit, but you know this which makes you into a damn liar. It you had any evidence to prove your allegations you would post them. And if you do have one from some scurrilous source, you'd still not be believable.

However if anyone of your descriptions are true, the former VP would still be a better President than the asshole who now occupies an office of trust, and one who is not to be trusted.

...ya lying dog-faced pony soldier
For the Ds to nominate this guy, with a long history of corruption and promotion of corporatist’s policies, proves the party is terribly corrupt and entirely controlled by the transnational capitalists. Somehow their voters don’t know it.
Putting that pack of lies aside.......................you folks need to understand in this election cycle Dems are motivated by essentially the same thing Repubs were in 2016. A recognition (this time based on facts, not lies) that the country can not afford another term given to the worst prez in our history.
Hating Trump is all the D Party has to offer. Hate is not a policy and will do nothing to help the country.

You can’t see that Biden is really not much different than Donnie, exception for his senility.
Donnie appears on drugs every day and Americans know he is lying to them in his melodramatic mumbling or speed induced rants.
I don’t disagree, but how can you think Biden will be any different?
There's no way around it.

When Trump brings up Hunter during the debates, and you know he will, what's Biden gonna do ? He'll stay calm and lie about it, and half the people watching will be stupid enough to believe him.

And still, all the facts are out there, despite the MSM cover-up.

Why should Vice President Biden "come clean" about stupid crap made up by Russians to cover tRump's infidelity?

For that matter how could he? It isn't real.

What I expect Joe to say during the debate is "let me tell you about Hunter and Ukraine....uh...well...it is pretty difficult to be a...uh...hunter...especially with a crane...I'm not even...um...sure that's possible. Crane hunting should be abolished...the Nra is something that...well, that's my time."

Ukraine is Benghazi & Solyndra & the ACA, and every other ridiculous waste of time and energy spent on the Politics Forum. A place where conspiracy theories come to die, for want of evidence.

The echoes on these issues and too many more belong in the rubber room, where those who continue to sully this forum with their fantasies and hate for those who do not buy into their bullshit belong to be ensconced.
Yes, Hunter Biden grifted off of Daddy's name.
All Uncle Joe has to do is point to the entire family of Trump grifters and VOILA! :D

For the Ds to nominate this guy, with a long history of corruption and promotion of corporatist’s policies, proves the party is terribly corrupt and entirely controlled by the transnational capitalists. Somehow their voters don’t know it.
Putting that pack of lies aside.......................you folks need to understand in this election cycle Dems are motivated by essentially the same thing Repubs were in 2016. A recognition (this time based on facts, not lies) that the country can not afford another term given to the worst prez in our history.
Hating Trump is all the D Party has to offer. Hate is not a policy and will do nothing to help the country.

You can’t see that Biden is really not much different than Donnie, exception for his senility.
Donnie appears on drugs every day and Americans know he is lying to them in his melodramatic mumbling or speed induced rants.
I knew it wouldn't take long for the TDS fellowship to assemble.

Many of you brainwashed fools think any who disagrees with you or Trump is deranged, but you know you are delusional and in denial. You just don't know how else to respond. You are brainwashed and programmed for giving the same lame excuses over and over no matter how lame you sound.

We have Trump because Ears and the Bitch sucked so bad. If Ears had been a decent potus, Donnie never wins. Thank Ears for giving us Donnie.
He wont come out of his basement again except to be sworn in as president
Joe Biden's ego will not allow him to avoid a one-on-one debate with Trump no matter what his advisers will tell him..
If he does it will be the last mistake of his political career

Really? What makes you believe any debate would occur. The debates have all become ridiculous, especially when questions asked are loaded ones and responses are off topic.

A real debate should provide a series of questions, no more than five, provided to trump and Biden weeks before the debates: On Foreign Policy, Domestic Policy, Monetary Policy, Health in America, and Energy.

Five debates beginning in Sept. and spaced two weeks apart. The questions ought to be open to what trump's and Biden's vision is for the United States going into the third decade of the 21st Century.
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Really? What makes you believe any debate would occur. The debates have all become ridiculous, especially when questions asked are loaded ones and responses are off topic.
We know how you guys roll.

There's no way around it.

When Trump brings up Hunter during the debates, and you know he will, what's Biden gonna do ? He'll stay calm and lie about it, and half the people watching will be stupid enough to believe him.

And still, all the facts are out there, despite the MSM cover-up.

Oh, please, get another track. This one has died and gone to hell in a hand basket. The Public ain't buying it anymore. I am sure if you look deeper in his voting policies when he was in congress there is enough there to write a damned book on. You don't have to keep making shit up.
There's no way around it.

When Trump brings up Hunter during the debates, and you know he will, what's Biden gonna do ? He'll stay calm and lie about it, and half the people watching will be stupid enough to believe him.

And still, all the facts are out there, despite the MSM cover-up.

Why should Vice President Biden "come clean" about stupid crap made up by Russians to cover tRump's infidelity?

For that matter how could he? It isn't real.

It's because that's all the Rumpsters have. Rump just dropped back to an approval rating of 42% again and he's dropping. Biden is now 13 points ahead. Funny, in every other National Emergency (not one dreamed up by Rump) the other Presidents went to about a 90% approval rating. The General voting public isn't buying his TV Reality Show schtick anymore. At a time when he really needs to lead, he keeps tweeting nonsense and throwing away a fantastic opportunity. Dead Radio Air will beat him in November. And Biden may be just above Dead Radio Air but that's enough.
There's no way around it.

When Trump brings up Hunter during the debates, and you know he will, what's Biden gonna do ? He'll stay calm and lie about it, and half the people watching will be stupid enough to believe him.

And still, all the facts are out there, despite the MSM cover-up.

Why should Vice President Biden "come clean" about stupid crap made up by Russians to cover tRump's infidelity?

For that matter how could he? It isn't real.

What I expect Joe to say during the debate is "let me tell you about Hunter and Ukraine....uh...well...it is pretty difficult to be a...uh...hunter...especially with a crane...I'm not even...um...sure that's possible. Crane hunting should be abolished...the Nra is something that...well, that's my time."

Ukraine is Benghazi & Solyndra & the ACA, and every other ridiculous waste of time and energy spent on the Politics Forum. A place where conspiracy theories come to die, for want of evidence.

The echoes on these issues and too many more belong in the rubber room, where those who continue to sully this forum with their fantasies and hate for those who do not buy into their bullshit belong to be ensconced.
Yes, Hunter Biden grifted off of Daddy's name.
All Uncle Joe has to do is point to the entire family of Trump grifters and VOILA! :D

For the Ds to nominate this guy, with a long history of corruption and promotion of corporatist’s policies, proves the party is terribly corrupt and entirely controlled by the transnational capitalists. Somehow their voters don’t know it.
Putting that pack of lies aside.......................you folks need to understand in this election cycle Dems are motivated by essentially the same thing Repubs were in 2016. A recognition (this time based on facts, not lies) that the country can not afford another term given to the worst prez in our history.
Hating Trump is all the D Party has to offer. Hate is not a policy and will do nothing to help the country.

You can’t see that Biden is really not much different than Donnie, exception for his senility.
Donnie appears on drugs every day and Americans know he is lying to them in his melodramatic mumbling or speed induced rants.
I knew it wouldn't take long for the TDS fellowship to assemble.

Many of you brainwashed fools think any who disagrees with you or Trump is deranged, but you know you are delusional and in denial. You just don't know how else to respond. You are brainwashed and programmed for giving the same lame excuses over and over no matter how lame you sound.

We have Trump because Ears and the Bitch sucked so bad. If Ears had been a decent potus, Donnie never wins. Thank Ears for giving us Donnie.

No. We have tRump because Russian propagandists told you they did. It was a lie.
He wont come out of his basement again except to be sworn in as president
Joe Biden's ego will not allow him to avoid a one-on-one debate with Trump no matter what his advisers will tell him..
If he does it will be the last mistake of his political career

Really? What makes you believe any debate would occur. The debates have all become ridiculous, especially when questions asked are loaded ones and responses are off topic.

A real debate should provide a series of questions, no more than five, provided to trump and Biden weeks before the debate: On Foreign Policy, Domestic Policy, Monetary Policy, Health in America, and Energy.

Five debates beginning in Sept. and spaced two weeks apart. The questions ought to be open to what trump's and Biden's vision is for the United States going into the third decade of the 21st Century.
Hillary had the questions before the debate, plus she was wearing an ear piece.

Neither helped
There's no way around it.

When Trump brings up Hunter during the debates, and you know he will, what's Biden gonna do ? He'll stay calm and lie about it, and half the people watching will be stupid enough to believe him.

And still, all the facts are out there, despite the MSM cover-up.

Why should Vice President Biden "come clean" about stupid crap made up by Russians to cover tRump's infidelity?

For that matter how could he? It isn't real.

What I expect Joe to say during the debate is "let me tell you about Hunter and Ukraine....uh...well...it is pretty difficult to be a...uh...hunter...especially with a crane...I'm not even...um...sure that's possible. Crane hunting should be abolished...the Nra is something that...well, that's my time."

Ukraine is Benghazi & Solyndra & the ACA, and every other ridiculous waste of time and energy spent on the Politics Forum. A place where conspiracy theories come to die, for want of evidence.

The echoes on these issues and too many more belong in the rubber room, where those who continue to sully this forum with their fantasies and hate for those who do not buy into their bullshit belong to be ensconced.
Yes, Hunter Biden grifted off of Daddy's name.
All Uncle Joe has to do is point to the entire family of Trump grifters and VOILA! :D

For the Ds to nominate this guy, with a long history of corruption and promotion of corporatist’s policies, proves the party is terribly corrupt and entirely controlled by the transnational capitalists. Somehow their voters don’t know it.
Putting that pack of lies aside.......................you folks need to understand in this election cycle Dems are motivated by essentially the same thing Repubs were in 2016. A recognition (this time based on facts, not lies) that the country can not afford another term given to the worst prez in our history.
Hating Trump is all the D Party has to offer. Hate is not a policy and will do nothing to help the country.

You can’t see that Biden is really not much different than Donnie, exception for his senility.
Donnie appears on drugs every day and Americans know he is lying to them in his melodramatic mumbling or speed induced rants.
I knew it wouldn't take long for the TDS fellowship to assemble.

Many of you brainwashed fools think any who disagrees with you or Trump is deranged, but you know you are delusional and in denial. You just don't know how else to respond. You are brainwashed and programmed for giving the same lame excuses over and over no matter how lame you sound.

We have Trump because Ears and the Bitch sucked so bad. If Ears had been a decent potus, Donnie never wins. Thank Ears for giving us Donnie.

No. We have tRump because Russian propagandists told you they did. It was a lie.

Show us on the doll where Putin touched you to make you change your vote
Can't wait to see uncle Joe face off with President Trump in a debate....

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