When it comes to "family values" and women's rights, republicans really don't give a shit


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Republicans want to outlaw abortion but don't seem to care about children that make it out of the womb. When it comes to mothers having children they can't afford, it's the children that ultimately get punished by republicans with the cuts to food stamps. 83% of food stamps funding goes to children of poor families after all. So not only does a woman not have the right to do what she wants with her own body, she has fo raise children she can't afford.

Republicans want to cut funding to PP despite the fact that 97% of what the program does is provide birth control, STD testing, and reproductive health services to women. You know shit that benefits everyone? They are willing to shut down the government over it. That is how bat shit crazy these people are.

I always thought the meme "the war on women" was a bit much, but don't you think it's safe to say republicans don't give a shit about women?
Abortion is murder so calling it "womens rights" is like calling murder of an adult "murderers rights". Other than that yeah republicans care less once he kid is born that is true....I am pro life from conception till death....republicans should learn that. Want women to have the child try making it easier to raise the god damn thing instead of cutting services.
Two people make a child and it's a parties fault? Just how ignorant are you? Two people make a child they need to be ready and damn sure they are ready. It's not the GOP's fault if you breed like rats.
Two people make a child and it's a parties fault? Just how ignorant are you? Two people make a child they need to be ready and damn sure they are ready. It's not the GOP's fault if you breed like rats.
Its the republicans fault for not supporting the children who didnt choose to be born.
You cons do love your anecdotal stories passing off as evidence of major issues don't you? I gotta say the religious agenda of your source doesn't help at all.
A singular anecdote is worth more than 56,000,000 deaths.
So is children growing up poor and abused and women having children as a result of rape.
What percent of aborted children are from rape? And use a link.
"Poor and abused" women is a different topic.
Being opposed to the murder of innocent people doesn't make me responsible for the costs of those innocent people's livings.

I guess the concept of parents being responsible for their own children is lost on wrongists.

It's also worth pointing out that approximately half of the innocent victims of abortion are girls, who, of allowed to live, would become women. How hypocritical and how ironic, that those who defend the murder of these precious girls get to accuse those of us who want them to be allowed to live of “waging a war on women”.

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