When it comes to "family values" and women's rights, republicans really don't give a shit

Being opposed to the murder of innocent people doesn't make me responsible for the costs of those innocent people's livings.

I guess the concept of parents being responsible for their own children is lost on wrongists.

It's also worth pointing out that approximately half of the innocent victims of abortion are girls, who, of allowed to live, would become women. How hypocritical and how ironic, that those who defend the murder of these precious girls get to accuse those of us who want them to be allowed to live of “waging a war on women”.
Do you care to address the other points in my OP?
Republicans want to outlaw abortion but don't seem to care about children that make it out of the womb. When it comes to mothers having children they can't afford, it's the children that ultimately get punished by republicans with the cuts to food stamps. 83% of food stamps funding goes to children of poor families after all. So not only does a woman not have the right to do what she wants with her own body, she has fo raise children she can't afford.

Republicans want to cut funding to PP despite the fact that 97% of what the program does is provide birth control, STD testing, and reproductive health services to women. You know shit that benefits everyone? They are willing to shut down the government over it. That is how bat shit crazy these people are.

I always thought the meme "the war on women" was a bit much, but don't you think it's safe to say republicans don't give a shit about women?
"If the Republicans don't assign women's welfare and upkeep to government, that means they don't want to help women in any other way either."

The usual liberal lie from those who can't refute what Republicans actually believe.


These desperate fanatics are really running out of things to complain about. So they make up fibs like this to try to pretend they have some point.
Republicans want to outlaw abortion but don't seem to care about children that make it out of the womb. When it comes to mothers having children they can't afford, it's the children that ultimately get punished by republicans with the cuts to food stamps. 83% of food stamps funding goes to children of poor families after all. So not only does a woman not have the right to do what she wants with her own body, she has fo raise children she can't afford.

Republicans want to cut funding to PP despite the fact that 97% of what the program does is provide birth control, STD testing, and reproductive health services to women. You know shit that benefits everyone? They are willing to shut down the government over it. That is how bat shit crazy these people are.

I always thought the meme "the war on women" was a bit much, but don't you think it's safe to say republicans don't give a shit about women?
"If the Republicans don't assign women's welfare and upkeep to government, that means they don't want to help women in any other way either."

The usual liberal lie from those who can't refute what Republicans actually believe.


These desperate fanatics are really running out of things to complain about. So they make up fibs like this to try to pretend they have some point.
What point are you trying to make exactly from this quote of yours? I certainly didn't say it.
Abortion is murder so calling it "womens rights" is like calling murder of an adult "murderers rights". Other than that yeah republicans care less once he kid is born that is true....I am pro life from conception till death....republicans should learn that. Want women to have the child try making it easier to raise the god damn thing instead of cutting services.

They don't need services. They need cowardly men to stop knocking them up and running away.
How are Republicans to blame for parents abandoning and neglecting their duties to their children? Is it because we believe in personal charity instead of violent robbery? If you care about these women and children then take your time and energy and help them with your means and not with someone else's.

But you don't actually care about the women and children. If you did you'd never encourage the women to kill their children.

If you care about them you would be teaching people to marry and stay married. You would be making it easier to adopt.

The best thing you can do for these children is do what you can to give them a mother and father working for their welfare. Not using them to score cheap political points.
Abortion is murder so calling it "womens rights" is like calling murder of an adult "murderers rights". Other than that yeah republicans care less once he kid is born that is true....I am pro life from conception till death....republicans should learn that. Want women to have the child try making it easier to raise the god damn thing instead of cutting services.

They don't need services. They need cowardly men to stop knocking them up and running away.
Need both.
When it comes to caring about the poor and middle class Democrats don't give shit they are just a voting block you try and use when there is an election and then ignore till the next one.
Republicans want to outlaw abortion but don't seem to care about children that make it out of the womb. When it comes to mothers having children they can't afford, it's the children that ultimately get punished by republicans with the cuts to food stamps. 83% of food stamps funding goes to children of poor families after all. So not only does a woman not have the right to do what she wants with her own body, she has fo raise children she can't afford.

Republicans want to cut funding to PP despite the fact that 97% of what the program does is provide birth control, STD testing, and reproductive health services to women. You know shit that benefits everyone? They are willing to shut down the government over it. That is how bat shit crazy these people are.

I always thought the meme "the war on women" was a bit much, but don't you think it's safe to say republicans don't give a shit about women?
Not being able to afford children isn't a criteria for having them.

If that were the case there would be less Brown people in the world.

Maybe that's your goal in the first place.

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