When Jefferson warned of Bankers he was warning of Socialists

The forcing of the Federal Reserve on us opened the nation to Socialists coopting the levers of government. The Fiat Currency became legal in 1913 and the owners of the Federal Reserve said there will be no recessions and depressions. The Federal Reserve was pushed because of a bank scare with the gold back currency in 1907. There were always scares with a currency though. Outside Fiat Currency influencers from Europe were around from the beginning of the nation infecting people. Great rises and great falls are possible with Fiat Currencies. And everyone born is already dying. Today we are suffering because of the Currency because the people voted in stay in power pushing and promising goodies. We just gave Ukraine near 50 billion dollars easily as an example and we did not even blink. Just print it up. It is magic. Free wealth for all.

The Fiat Currency became legal in 1913

There was still a gold and silver standard in 1913.

and the owners of the Federal Reserve said there will be no recessions and depressions.

No one said that.

The Federal Reserve was pushed because of a bank scare with the gold back currency in 1907. There were always scares with a currency though.

Exactly. That's why a central bank was needed.

Great rises and great falls are possible with Fiat Currencies.

And with gold currencies.
This is a very unique find from "Lombard Street" by Bagehot; but the 18th and 19th Century mentality was that bankers used the money of others, capitalists used their own money.

Therefore I think it's safe to say that when Jefferson was warning the country against bankers, he wasn't warning against banking persay, but that he was warning against socialist Democrats who want to take your money and use it to fund abortions and transgender education camps, rather than drill for more oil.

Seems like a wise warning.

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Bankers are all by definition, extreme capitalists.
They manipulate others by holding capital ransom and not allowing others get the capital they need unless they get their unearned cut.
Capitalists NEVER use their own money or labor.
They always manipulate and try to control the money and labor of others.
That is because they do not have any skills or anything they could use to make their own money, except that one skill of monopolizing capital.
That's why China went from a starving commie shithole to the second largest economy in the world.

Banks are the opposite of communal, collective, and cooperative.
They are greedy and profit motivated.

No profit motive in the Soviet Union.
Probably why they won the Cold War, eh comrade?

First of all, neither Russia or China were ever communist.
They were Stalinist, which is an extreme form of capitalism.
The way to tell is there was no equality.
But China was starving because first the capitalist Japanese invaded, and then the US tried to install the dictatorship of Chaing Kai Shek, and when that failed, they stole the national treasury.
yeah, white elitists are todays liberals

the quote uses the word "banker" not socialists .... so it at least authenticates the language of the time if not the content
Socialist is used by the poster to show how those who use the money of others are the "bankers"/socialists and not the capitalists who use their own money...to refer to the bankers of the/that time as socialists is necessary and quite correct today .

Well it's all straightened out now

Capitalists can not be using their own money, because they are not skilled at production, so always are using the money of others. The only ones who actually produce anything are those with technical skills, and they are not capitalists but workers.
First of all, neither Russia or China were ever communist.
They were Stalinist, which is an extreme form of capitalism.
The way to tell is there was no equality.
But China was starving because first the capitalist Japanese invaded, and then the US tried to install the dictatorship of Chaing Kai Shek, and when that failed, they stole the national treasury.

First of all, neither Russia or China were ever communist.
They were Stalinist, which is an extreme form of capitalism.

Extreme capitalists who pretend to be commies do a really crappy job.

The way to tell is there was no equality.

Where was there equality? Ever?

But China was starving because first the capitalist Japanese invaded, and then the US tried to install the dictatorship of Chaing Kai Shek, and when that failed, they stole the national treasury.

And then, just to stick it to Chiang Kai-shek, China continued to suck and starve their own people for several more decades until they adopted real capitalism.

Sneaky commies!
This is a very unique find from "Lombard Street" by Bagehot; but the 18th and 19th Century mentality was that bankers used the money of others, capitalists used their own money.

Therefore I think it's safe to say that when Jefferson was warning the country against bankers, he wasn't warning against banking persay, but that he was warning against socialist Democrats who want to take your money and use it to fund abortions and transgender education camps, rather than drill for more oil.

Seems like a wise warning.

View attachment 658023

That is so much bullshit. He was more likely to be railing against special interests rather than socialism.
Bankers are all by definition, extreme capitalists.
They manipulate others by holding capital ransom and not allowing others get the capital they need unless they get their unearned cut.
Capitalists NEVER use their own money or labor.
They always manipulate and try to control the money and labor of others.
That is because they do not have any skills or anything they could use to make their own money, except that one skill of monopolizing capital.

Wrong. they do not hold capital ransom they invest their own money. Safeguarding loaning and controlling money IS labor.

They do not control the labor of anyone period;
Capitalists can not be using their own money, because they are not skilled at production, so always are using the money of others. The only ones who actually produce anything are those with technical skills, and they are not capitalists but workers.
Workers ARE capitalists as are bankers.
First of all, neither Russia or China were ever communist.
They were Stalinist, which is an extreme form of capitalism.
The way to tell is there was no equality.
But China was starving because first the capitalist Japanese invaded, and then the US tried to install the dictatorship of Chaing Kai Shek, and when that failed, they stole the national treasury.
Wrong and mong since proven wrong.
The USSR and China were communist.

They were not any form of capitalist. Communism does not allow equality esxcept for the equality of slavery.

China starved because of MAO.
This is a very unique find from "Lombard Street" by Bagehot; but the 18th and 19th Century mentality was that bankers used the money of others, capitalists used their own money.

Therefore I think it's safe to say that when Jefferson was warning the country against bankers, he wasn't warning against banking persay, but that he was warning against socialist Democrats who want to take your money and use it to fund abortions and transgender education camps, rather than drill for more oil.

Seems like a wise warning.

View attachment 658023
:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg::spinner:🤪:abgg2q.jpg::aargh: Folks, have you ever seen a dumber thread than this? Jefferson was warning us about abortions and Transgender education camps. Please tell me I didn't just read that and quote that. :aargh::laughing0301::banana2::auiqs.jpg::spinner:🤪

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