When Little Baby Girl Acosta is Gone...Perhaps Cameras Will Come Back


May 23, 2014
Donald J. Trump is from the hard edged business world. He is teaching the press pool a lesson. Be responsible, respectful, and on issue...then we can have televised press briefings again. White House press corps needs him more than he needs them. Shut it down until you boobs regulate your own. Crybaby political hack...non-journalist Acosta has to be punted out of bounds...gone. He is a political hack...nothing more. Go to MSNBC Acosta with the test of the losers.
CNN’s Jim Acosta Confronts Sean Spicer During Off Camera Briefing
Donald J. Trump is from the hard edged business world. He is teaching the press pool a lesson. Be responsible, respectful, and on issue...then we can have televised press briefings again. White House press corps needs him more than he needs them. Shut it down until you boobs regulate your own. Crybaby political hack...non-journalist Acosta has to be punted out of bounds...gone. He is a political hack...nothing more. Go to MSNBC Acosta with the test of the losers.
CNN’s Jim Acosta Confronts Sean Spicer During Off Camera Briefing

After what I witnessed this year with The Press, there needs to be some law making them accountable for their reporting, and ensuring they are "POLITICALLY INDEPENDENT and UNBIASED."

Some sort of Independent Body that can sanction them or govern them. I am for Freedom of The Press, but Tabloid Journalism and Propaganda was never meant to be immune from the consequences of irresponsibility. People are getting hurt. You cannot yell fire in a movie theater and it is against the law to incite riots.
Donald J. Trump is from the hard edged business world. He is teaching the press pool a lesson. Be responsible, respectful, and on issue...then we can have televised press briefings again. White House press corps needs him more than he needs them. Shut it down until you boobs regulate your own. Crybaby political hack...non-journalist Acosta has to be punted out of bounds...gone. He is a political hack...nothing more. Go to MSNBC Acosta with the test of the losers.
CNN’s Jim Acosta Confronts Sean Spicer During Off Camera Briefing
Little baby girl Accusations needs some. His ass about to get shit canned by CNN.
Donald J. Trump is from the hard edged business world. He is teaching the press pool a lesson. Be responsible, respectful, and on issue...then we can have televised press briefings again. White House press corps needs him more than he needs them. Shut it down until you boobs regulate your own. Crybaby political hack...non-journalist Acosta has to be punted out of bounds...gone. He is a political hack...nothing more. Go to MSNBC Acosta with the test of the losers.
CNN’s Jim Acosta Confronts Sean Spicer During Off Camera Briefing
Mister Trump has slayed the Dragon Press... that is an American Fact right now, and The Whole World is Watching.
:) the media has lost it's way.

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