When politicians decided to turn California foreign did they get the people’s approval to do so?

Cuz I don’t remember voting on that shit. Do other Californians feel duped by their government?
It was actually kind of a brilliant plan.
Mexifornia Politicians and the grand plan-
We’ll turn a blind eye to the millions invading us...in no time their spawn will be of voting age and we’ll conced the state to Mexico in exchange for their votes.

Yup, don't recall voting of half the crap that happens in California. The other half, that does get voted on, is usually overturned by the courts.
When I lived there we would vote something in only to have the courts say it was Un-Constitutional

Because morons write Propositions that they don't check beforehand to see if they pass Constitutional muster.
That is not the case

It most certainly is. Main reason I always vote NO on Propositions...because morons write them.
Every so often, our state government pulls some stunt that leaves me thinking that surely, this will be what makes the people of this state up, and results on some real pushback against the corrupt filth who infest our government. But we never do.

The latest was this new increase on vehicle registration fees and fuel taxes. California was already collecting far more than enough in fuel taxes and vehicle fees to cover the purpose for which they were supposed to be designated, for fixing and maintaining our roads and related infrastructure. California has been collecting these taxes, and squandering them through waste and fraud, rather than using them as they were supposed to be used. So, they imposed new taxes and fees to cover the purposes for which the money already being collected for these purposes was not being used.

We did get as far as getting an initiative on our latest ballot to repeal this last round of tax increases; but foolishly, the voters in this state narrowly rejected it. As a state, we explicitly voted for fraud and waste and corruption, in rejecting this measure. We voted to let these criminals keep on robbing us. I simply cannot grasp the level of collective stupidity that this demonstrates.
We did get as far as getting an initiative on our latest ballot to repeal this last round of tax increases; but foolishly, the voters in this state narrowly rejected it. As a state, we explicitly voted for fraud and waste and corruption, in rejecting this measure. We voted to let these criminals keep on robbing us. I simply cannot grasp the level of collective stupidity that this demonstrates.

Bro California is looney tunes, even NY Dem's think California is crazy.

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