When Romney loses, who will be to blame?

Whose fault will it be when Romney loses?

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This would be a tough call, but I'd put the blame on Romney himself.
Romney is moderate as milk toast.

He was the only moderate in the race, 'cept Gingrich (-1sp), but he was doomed from the jump off.

The conservatives ate each other, splitting their vote leaving milk toast as the hmic.

There's not enough public difference between he Two to sway enough swing votes.

Even though obama has been the most useless leader of my time, beating Carter, the media covers for him constantly so people don't know about any truths.

Fast and furious is still covered up.
he killed a citizen
he slaughters innocent civilians
he took liberty and gave us safety in the form of obamacare. Per our liberal founders, we now deserve neither
Wasted trillions on stimulus, when confronted that he was told it would fail, he laughed. he thinks 26 million w/o jobs is funny
$3.99 per gallon of gas and it was leading news. $1.80 for Bush and it was all over.
GITMO is not closed
He resigned the Patriot act, twice

on and fucking on

But liberals don't care b/c it's Obama (D). party before country, law and Constitution.
Romney is moderate as milk toast.

He was the only moderate in the race, 'cept Gingrich (-1sp), but he was doomed from the jump off.

The conservatives ate each other, splitting their vote leaving milk toast as the hmic.

There's not enough public difference between he Two to sway enough swing votes.

Even though obama has been the most useless leader of my time, beating Carter, the media covers for him constantly so people don't know about any truths.

Fast and furious is still covered up.
he killed a citizen
he slaughters innocent civilians
he took liberty and gave us safety in the form of obamacare. Per our liberal founders, we now deserve neither
Wasted trillions on stimulus, when confronted that he was told it would fail, he laughed. he thinks 26 million w/o jobs is funny
$3.99 per gallon of gas and it was leading news. $1.80 for Bush and it was all over.
GITMO is not closed
He resigned the Patriot act, twice

on and fucking on

But liberals don't care b/c it's Obama (D). party before country, law and Constitution.

I don't think either one of them is a good choice.

But if Romney can't run a coherent campaign, it's unlikely he can run the country.

As for your litany of complaints.

I'm still trying to get the right's outrage about Fast and Furious. Don't you guys think we need a second amendment so we can shoot government officials when they do things we don't like?

So what's your complaint again?
Romney is moderate as milk toast.

He was the only moderate in the race, 'cept Gingrich (-1sp), but he was doomed from the jump off.

The conservatives ate each other, splitting their vote leaving milk toast as the hmic.

There's not enough public difference between he Two to sway enough swing votes.

Even though obama has been the most useless leader of my time, beating Carter, the media covers for him constantly so people don't know about any truths.

Fast and furious is still covered up.
he killed a citizen
he slaughters innocent civilians
he took liberty and gave us safety in the form of obamacare. Per our liberal founders, we now deserve neither
Wasted trillions on stimulus, when confronted that he was told it would fail, he laughed. he thinks 26 million w/o jobs is funny
$3.99 per gallon of gas and it was leading news. $1.80 for Bush and it was all over.
GITMO is not closed
He resigned the Patriot act, twice

on and fucking on

But liberals don't care b/c it's Obama (D). party before country, law and Constitution.

I don't think either one of them is a good choice.

But if Romney can't run a coherent campaign, it's unlikely he can run the country.

As for your litany of complaints.

I'm still trying to get the right's outrage about Fast and Furious. Don't you guys think we need a second amendment so we can shoot government officials when they do things we don't like?

So what's your complaint again?


I actually have to explain that people were murdered with those guns.

Damn, there's just no hope for the left, none at all.
Romney is moderate as milk toast.

He was the only moderate in the race, 'cept Gingrich (-1sp), but he was doomed from the jump off.

The conservatives ate each other, splitting their vote leaving milk toast as the hmic.

There's not enough public difference between he Two to sway enough swing votes.

Even though obama has been the most useless leader of my time, beating Carter, the media covers for him constantly so people don't know about any truths.

Fast and furious is still covered up.
he killed a citizen
he slaughters innocent civilians
he took liberty and gave us safety in the form of obamacare. Per our liberal founders, we now deserve neither
Wasted trillions on stimulus, when confronted that he was told it would fail, he laughed. he thinks 26 million w/o jobs is funny
$3.99 per gallon of gas and it was leading news. $1.80 for Bush and it was all over.
GITMO is not closed
He resigned the Patriot act, twice

on and fucking on

But liberals don't care b/c it's Obama (D). party before country, law and Constitution.

I don't think either one of them is a good choice.

But if Romney can't run a coherent campaign, it's unlikely he can run the country.

As for your litany of complaints.

I'm still trying to get the right's outrage about Fast and Furious. Don't you guys think we need a second amendment so we can shoot government officials when they do things we don't like?

So what's your complaint again?


I actually have to explain that people were murdered with those guns.

Damn, there's just no hope for the left, none at all.

Of course they were.

That's what guns are designed to do- KILL PEOPLE.

Which is why everyone shouldn't be able to walk into the store, buy one, with no background check as to why they want them.

But the far right thinks the Second Amendment says that's EXACTLY what should happen.

Those "Fast and Furious" guns were legally bought by an American and resold to drug dealers.

Just like 2000 guns a day every day have been for years.

Again, not seeing your problem with that... Isn't that why we are supposed to be able to buy guns?
Romney is moderate as milk toast.

He was the only moderate in the race, 'cept Gingrich (-1sp), but he was doomed from the jump off.

The conservatives ate each other, splitting their vote leaving milk toast as the hmic.

There's not enough public difference between he Two to sway enough swing votes.

Even though obama has been the most useless leader of my time, beating Carter, the media covers for him constantly so people don't know about any truths.

Fast and furious is still covered up.
he killed a citizen
he slaughters innocent civilians
he took liberty and gave us safety in the form of obamacare. Per our liberal founders, we now deserve neither
Wasted trillions on stimulus, when confronted that he was told it would fail, he laughed. he thinks 26 million w/o jobs is funny
$3.99 per gallon of gas and it was leading news. $1.80 for Bush and it was all over.
GITMO is not closed
He resigned the Patriot act, twice

on and fucking on

But liberals don't care b/c it's Obama (D). party before country, law and Constitution.

I don't think either one of them is a good choice.

But if Romney can't run a coherent campaign, it's unlikely he can run the country.

As for your litany of complaints.

I'm still trying to get the right's outrage about Fast and Furious. Don't you guys think we need a second amendment so we can shoot government officials when they do things we don't like?

So what's your complaint again?


I actually have to explain that people were murdered with those guns.

Damn, there's just no hope for the left, none at all.

Don't you understand that they would have been shot with "those" guns anyway? The guns were legally sold to people who could legally buy them.

The Truth About Fast and Furious
Romney is moderate as milk toast.

He was the only moderate in the race, 'cept Gingrich (-1sp), but he was doomed from the jump off.

The conservatives ate each other, splitting their vote leaving milk toast as the hmic.

There's not enough public difference between he Two to sway enough swing votes.

Even though obama has been the most useless leader of my time, beating Carter, the media covers for him constantly so people don't know about any truths.

Fast and furious is still covered up.
he killed a citizen
he slaughters innocent civilians
he took liberty and gave us safety in the form of obamacare. Per our liberal founders, we now deserve neither
Wasted trillions on stimulus, when confronted that he was told it would fail, he laughed. he thinks 26 million w/o jobs is funny
$3.99 per gallon of gas and it was leading news. $1.80 for Bush and it was all over.
GITMO is not closed
He resigned the Patriot act, twice

on and fucking on

But liberals don't care b/c it's Obama (D). party before country, law and Constitution.

I don't think either one of them is a good choice.

But if Romney can't run a coherent campaign, it's unlikely he can run the country.

As for your litany of complaints.

I'm still trying to get the right's outrage about Fast and Furious. Don't you guys think we need a second amendment so we can shoot government officials when they do things we don't like?

So what's your complaint again?

My outrage over fast and furious has nothing to do with the program itself...it was a fdailed program due to improper planning..shit happens...

My outrage is the following:

1) The AG was nopt aware of a program that included the selling of US arms to the enemy of an ally without the ally being aware of it.

2) The President of the United Stats was not aware of the selling of arms to the enemy of an ally without the ally being aware of it

3) Neither the AG or The President of the United States was aware that these arms were being smuggled over the common border wed have with the ally

and it all leads to 4.....

4) Numbers 1 through 3 could have easily been deemed an act of war by the ally and neither the President of the United States nor the AG were aware of the program.

and then 5....

5) The AG and the President of the United States have yet to admit that it was fucked up that neither of them were made aware of such a program that could have been deemed an act of war.

and finally 6......

6) Obama supporters are so fucking enamored by him that as opposed to showing outrage that the President was not aware....they defended him by satying "he did nothing wrong becuase he was not aware!"

Number 6 is the scary part.
I don't think either one of them is a good choice.

But if Romney can't run a coherent campaign, it's unlikely he can run the country.

As for your litany of complaints.

I'm still trying to get the right's outrage about Fast and Furious. Don't you guys think we need a second amendment so we can shoot government officials when they do things we don't like?

So what's your complaint again?


I actually have to explain that people were murdered with those guns.

Damn, there's just no hope for the left, none at all.

Of course they were.

That's what guns are designed to do- KILL PEOPLE.

Which is why everyone shouldn't be able to walk into the store, buy one, with no background check as to why they want them.

But the far right thinks the Second Amendment says that's EXACTLY what should happen.

Those "Fast and Furious" guns were legally bought by an American and resold to drug dealers.

Just like 2000 guns a day every day have been for years.

Again, not seeing your problem with that... Isn't that why we are supposed to be able to buy guns?


IIIII get it.

You're one of those moron gun haters, who thinks it's ok to cover up murders b/c people want the right to bear arms.

You don't care about the murdered officer or the teens that were gunned down, you just want to remove the right to bear arms, which you have, and get to cover up for obamas admins failures to follow up.

you're one evil fuck, putting party ahead of human lives.
Cut from another post.

Your fearmongering didn't work in 2008, and it isn't working now. The saddest part of all for you GOP enthusiasts is based on the unemployment rate and the poor economy, housing market, et al, this should have been the easiest victory for you. Instead, you idiots let your ideaology get in the way of doing what was best for America. You were swept into office in 2010 to combat supposed liberal policy, and what did you dolts do with this new power? You attempted to redefine the term "rape". You attempted to pass legislation that would limit a woman's choice. You extended the Bush era tax cuts for the wealthie, err, job creators, knowing full well ahead of time they had NO intention of creating any jobs. You did absolutely NOTHING to try to help out middle class America, and now you put up some used car salesman who had to move so far to the right in the primary that most Americans can't even identify with him. When Mitt spat on nearly half of the US population in a secret meeting with 1%ers, he sealed his fate. You morans have managed to pull defeat from the jaws of what should have been one of the easiest Presidential victories in recent memory. Congratulations!
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Well the truth is Romney is a constant flip flopper aka liar so he lost it for himself...the republican party had a choice and once again as in 2008 it chose wrong..so they both deserve blame. Who will get the blame? Ron Paul supporters. We refuse to vote for the guy with the whip trying to beat us into submission and we will get blamed for not getting in line and obeying...but I will wear it with a badge of honor.
Well the truth is Romney is a constant flip flopper aka liar so he lost it for himself...the republican party had a choice and once again as in 2008 it chose wrong..so they both deserve blame. Who will get the blame? Ron Paul supporters. :)


Romney is a flip flopper....a liar and a flip flopper.

Obama doesnt flip flop and he doesnt lie...........he "evolves"

We get it.
well...lets see...

Unemployment still above 8%
There are less people in the workforce now than there werew when Obama took office
Our debt has increased by 5 trillion
Our deficit is no better than it was in 2009
GITMO is still open
We just experienced a terrorist act that resulted in dead Americans on US soil.
The presidents approval rating is below 50%..
There are serious concerns of entering another recession.

If Romeny loses?

I blame the electorate for not paying attention.

A freaking ham sandwich should get more votes than Obama.
Oh Obama lies...difference is Obama lied AFTER he was elected and he has an advantage of blaming republicans,bush,congress etc etc etc....Romney is trying to get elected and his lies go back 20 years the man just can't stay consistent...the most consistent thing he does is change positions when its convenient to him...Obama must have loved it when the republicans picked Romney to go against him knowing all the lies Romney has told he knew it was going to be an easy win which it is looking to be.
well...lets see...

Unemployment still above 8%
There are less people in the workforce now than there werew when Obama took office
Our debt has increased by 5 trillion
Our deficit is no better than it was in 2009
GITMO is still open
We just experienced a terrorist act that resulted in dead Americans on US soil.
The presidents approval rating is below 50%..
There are serious concerns of entering another recession.

If Romeny loses?

I blame the electorate for not paying attention.

A freaking ham sandwich should get more votes than Obama.

Well then the republicans should have nominated someone drastically different than Obama not someone so damn close to him its hard determining the difference...you still don't get it...people won't elect Romney because it could give us 8 years of him and only 4 more of Obama...they are so close it really doesn't matter who wins..4 years vs 8 years...I know what I would choose or not choose...I choose to vote my conscience and for the man I want as president...
well...lets see...

Unemployment still above 8%
There are less people in the workforce now than there werew when Obama took office
Our debt has increased by 5 trillion
Our deficit is no better than it was in 2009
GITMO is still open
We just experienced a terrorist act that resulted in dead Americans on US soil.
The presidents approval rating is below 50%..
There are serious concerns of entering another recession.

If Romeny loses?

I blame the electorate for not paying attention.

A freaking ham sandwich should get more votes than Obama.

Agreed. The GOP should have run a ham sandwich instead of Mitt Romney....:eusa_whistle:
Well the truth is Romney is a constant flip flopper aka liar so he lost it for himself...the republican party had a choice and once again as in 2008 it chose wrong..so they both deserve blame. Who will get the blame? Ron Paul supporters. :)


Romney is a flip flopper....a liar and a flip flopper.

Obama doesnt flip flop and he doesnt lie...........he "evolves"

We get it.

While the President's personal opinion on gay marriage may have evolved, as many people's do the more they actually get to know and love gay people, his policies on the subject never wavered.

Reversible Mitten's hasn't remained consistent on a single message.

Yeah, same same...:rolleyes:

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