When Romney wins the nomonation what will those of you on the right that h8 em do?

First....The president cannot repeal legislation. Neither can the Congress.
How it works is a new bill which has in it provisions outlawing an existing law. The bill then goes through the normal legislative process. It lands on the desk of the President, He can sign, veto or pocket veto. If there is a super majority in both houses of Congress, the veto can be over ridden. While you are entitled to your opinion of Romney, I find it inaccurate to it's core.
Because you opened the door with a scathing attack on Romney, I will ask you to provide examples of the things you've accused him of.
If you choose not to do so, I will have to assume you have no facts and therefore will be placed among the many who keep themselves uninformed and this part of the "dangerous electorate"..Those who vote with emotion.
IN my world, if one does not know enough about the candidates, it is best to not vote at all.

What I know about Romney is that he's an utterly repulsive human being, and I'd never vote for him.

Which is why he'll lose. Sorry.

He'll lose because of your vote? WOW, you must be all powerful.
Yeah I saw that as kind of arrogant too.
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Science and Religion are mutually exclusive in the minds of those who can't critically think.
When you die, I'm sure you'll regret the Sky Pixie comment.....

Actually dumbfuck, those are my words.

Big Bang....what caused it? So from nothing came everything you see, you sound crazy.

So how is the Earth perfectly aligned with the Sun being perfect for life to exist compared to being too close (too hot) or too far (too cold) to sustain life. Random???

Oh, some scientist hasn't discovered that yet, how the big bang put the Earth on some perfect glidscope with the Sun much like a roller coaster track....right?

Get real, you are the nut believing in nothing.

At the end of the day, I don't care for Romney's religion but I do care about his IQ on how to fix the economy and defend the country, which is the job of the POTUS. He can pray to whoever he wants as long as he fixes this mess.

Meanwhile you're part of the problem, but then again you don't believe in anything so you don't matter.

Romney will be the first GOP nominee I refuse to vote for...

When I've been enthusastic about the GOP candidate, he wins.

When I'm not, he loses.

And just because you don't really understand science doesn't mean there are Sky Pixies.
First....The president cannot repeal legislation. Neither can the Congress.
How it works is a new bill which has in it provisions outlawing an existing law. The bill then goes through the normal legislative process. It lands on the desk of the President, He can sign, veto or pocket veto. If there is a super majority in both houses of Congress, the veto can be over ridden. While you are entitled to your opinion of Romney, I find it inaccurate to it's core.
Because you opened the door with a scathing attack on Romney, I will ask you to provide examples of the things you've accused him of.
If you choose not to do so, I will have to assume you have no facts and therefore will be placed among the many who keep themselves uninformed and this part of the "dangerous electorate"..Those who vote with emotion.
IN my world, if one does not know enough about the candidates, it is best to not vote at all.

What I know about Romney is that he's an utterly repulsive human being, and I'd never vote for him.

Which is why he'll lose. Sorry.

He'll lose because of your vote? WOW, you must be all powerful.

Absolutely, I'm Awesome. Because really, the GOP nominee only wins when I'm enthusiastic about him. Was enthusastic about Reagan, Bush 41 the first time and Bush 43 both times. They won.

Kind of groaned and ughed with McCain and Dole. They lost.

Romney is in his own category of bad. I guy I just wont vote for at all.
Romney has caused a subprime disaster to us before.

Ghetto Shakedown

...The federal indictments charge that real estate dealers, lending institutions, lawyers and some FHA officials had conspired to inflate the reported value of cheap houses and sell them at high prices to people who could not really afford them. The ultimate loser was the U.S. taxpayer, since FHA guaranteed the mortgages and was left holding the low-value houses when the owners defaulted on their payments.

Responsibility for preventing such abuses rests with HUD Secretary George Romney, whose department includes the poorly administered FHA. In an eloquent if self-serving speech, Romney tried to divert attention to the broader problems of the ghetto, noting that bad housing was a result rather than a cause of ghetto squalor (see box).

That in no way could excuse what the indictments contend has happened in New York, where a Brooklyn federal grand jury charged 40 individuals and ten firms with 500 specific criminal acts, including bribery, fraud, conspiracy and giving false statements to the Government. More indictments were expected, involving a possible loss to the Government of up to $200 million....

...A real estate speculator would buy a ghetto house for $10,000. He would find a poor but working black, induce him to buy the house for $200 down, and promise that monthly mortgage payments would be low, perhaps lower than his present rent. Before guaranteeing a mortgage, FHA would send an appraiser to check the value of the property. The appraiser, who was part of the conspiracy, would get $100 from the speculator for claiming that the property was worth $20,000, and would falsify the detailed seven-page FHA appraisal form. The buyer would agree to pay that price.

To get his mortgage, the buyer would be urged to inflate his own income in his application to the FHA, which is supposed to determine whether a purchaser can really afford the housing. He would sometimes do this by listing a job he did not really hold. The indictments claim that in some cases Dun & Bradstreet would verify this baseless credit rating. FHA would agree to stand behind the mortgage, and Eastern Service would lend the buyer the money. The buyer would then often discover that the house was badly in need of repair, or that the mortgage payments were higher than he expected...

Ok..I read this. Looks like agents of the federal government were the main culprits.
The root cause is as with Fannie Freddie the federal government attempting to manipulate the real estate market by interfering with it.
Additionally, certain politicians of a certain ideology felt that home ownership was an entitlement.
This is a familiar tune. Each and every time the federal government sticks it's nose into the marketplace, bad things happen. Do gooders never adhere to the certainty of unintended consequences.
No matter what those on the political left say. They can blame whomever they wish. Wall Street, big oil, big business, the fucking tooth fairy...At the end of the day, the federal government decided to involve itself in the real estate market and that's where the problems began and that is why they exist today.
I was of a similar opinion to you, until I made the effort to inform myself about the candidates. I don't see Romney as 'weak' at all. In fact, quite the opposite.

This is what many on the left are saying, but because of this, the right are against Romney. He is the strongest in a very weak field, and many Republicans are not happy about what the candidates are saying. Candidates who were the extreme not long ago are now the norm.

I tend to ignore labels like 'extreme' and that bullshit... it's like calling someone a 'racist'... it's been lied about so often that it has become meaningless.

A racist is a racist, and extremist is an extremist, a lie is a lie. You know what I meant, you just like being obstinate for the sake of it, and cannot be taken seriously.
What does a mans religion have to do with anything?

I don't give a rats ass what religion a man is, what I care about is can we stop the madness in Washington......

I agree with you. The reasons I won't vote for Mitt have nothing to do with his religion. Frankly, I find those that try to get votes with religion, apalling.
What does a mans religion have to do with anything?

I don't give a rats ass what religion a man is, what I care about is can we stop the madness in Washington......

I agree with you. The reasons I won't vote for Mitt have nothing to do with his religion. Frankly, I find those that try to get votes with religion, apalling.

Thank you for common sense.
In their own way, each of the GOP contenders bring something positive to the table, but it seems Romney has the better campaign organization working for him at the moment. Of course, 2 states out of 50 doesn't make him the nominee; however, if he does go on to secure the nomination, I'll heed Ronald Reagan's 11th Commandment and do my part to help the team, but challenging President Obama won't be "a walk in the park", and a gaffe prone Romney during the debates won't help either. He may want to ask Jon Huntsman for some debate pointers if they are still speaking after the primaries.

Once a candidate starts picking off states from the start, other states usually fall in line.
All the pundits and media people like to think Super Tuesday is the deciding day. False. The candidate that works the early primaries and wins them IS the nominee whether the Super Tuesday states like to think or not.
JoeB is a religious bigot, regardless of what he says. His bigotry is faith-based atheism, which is a hoot in contradiction. All atheism is faith-based.

If atheism is a religion, then not collecting stamps is a hobby.

When the non-stamp collector spends all his/her time trying to denounce stamp-collecting, that stamp-collecting is false activity, gets extremely angry that people stamp-collect and promote stamp-collecting, writes a book called "The Stamp Collecting Delusion" and goes on tour to promote it, then I'd say it not only becomes a mere hobby but a downright obsession.
What does a mans religion have to do with anything?

I don't give a rats ass what religion a man is, what I care about is can we stop the madness in Washington......

I agree with you. The reasons I won't vote for Mitt have nothing to do with his religion. Frankly, I find those that try to get votes with religion, apalling.
Especially when religion is a choice made by an individual.

Religion should never be a litmus test, but a person's actions should.
What does a mans religion have to do with anything?

I don't give a rats ass what religion a man is, what I care about is can we stop the madness in Washington......

I agree with you. The reasons I won't vote for Mitt have nothing to do with his religion. Frankly, I find those that try to get votes with religion, apalling.
Especially when religion is a choice made by an individual.

Religion should never be a litmus test, but a person's actions should.
Libs would like us to believe that all people who believe the teachings of a particular religion ( except Muslims, libs give them a free pass)are right wing gun slinging Caucasians who need to be silenced.
I agree with you. The reasons I won't vote for Mitt have nothing to do with his religion. Frankly, I find those that try to get votes with religion, apalling.
Especially when religion is a choice made by an individual.

Religion should never be a litmus test, but a person's actions should.
Libs would like us to believe that all people who believe the teachings of a particular religion ( except Muslims, libs give them a free pass)are right wing gun slinging Caucasians who need to be silenced.

Not anymore than all conservatives believe that libs give passes to Muslims.

Don't be silly.
I agree with you. The reasons I won't vote for Mitt have nothing to do with his religion. Frankly, I find those that try to get votes with religion, apalling.
Especially when religion is a choice made by an individual.

Religion should never be a litmus test, but a person's actions should.
Libs would like us to believe that all people who believe the teachings of a particular religion ( except Muslims, libs give them a free pass)are right wing gun slinging Caucasians who need to be silenced.

You realize of course, that you just made the same kind of deprecating generalization that you insult Libs for making?
jus sayin...
What a hard-working, much maligned woman you are, Becki! Immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmpressive!
I'm not maligned, I'm proud to be an anti-slavery Republican Party member. And when I'm not here talking, I'm in front of my sewing machine making quilts for disadvantaged kids and wounded warriors who will never know me, but they will have a blanket when they go to bed at night made by me and one of the most energetic quilting groups in my state.

I really like looking out on the pond on my piece of dirt that has endangered great white egrets visitations every day. I do not use outdoor bug killers and stuff that would harm so much as a feather on one of their heads since many years ago when my kids were small and reports back then were saying fertilizers and bug killers might be responsible for young people developing cancer later in life. I got a lot of dirty looks for my healthy crop of grass-crowding dandelions, but none of my kids ever got cancer.

Friday, I left 3 new quilt tops in the bee closet for quilting and giving to a child living in a shelter in the nearest city. I'm probably am one of the hardest working people for those who have nothing but trouble that you will ever meet.


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JoeB is a religious bigot, regardless of what he says. His bigotry is faith-based atheism, which is a hoot in contradiction. All atheism is faith-based.

If atheism is a religion, then not collecting stamps is a hobby.

When the non-stamp collector spends all his/her time trying to denounce stamp-collecting, that stamp-collecting is false activity, gets extremely angry that people stamp-collect and promote stamp-collecting, writes a book called "The Stamp Collecting Delusion" and goes on tour to promote it, then I'd say it not only becomes a mere hobby but a downright obsession.

Possibly. But only because the stamp collectors insist on imposing their hobby on everyone else, showing up at my door trying to get me to start collecting stamps...
If atheism is a religion, then not collecting stamps is a hobby.

When the non-stamp collector spends all his/her time trying to denounce stamp-collecting, that stamp-collecting is false activity, gets extremely angry that people stamp-collect and promote stamp-collecting, writes a book called "The Stamp Collecting Delusion" and goes on tour to promote it, then I'd say it not only becomes a mere hobby but a downright obsession.

Possibly. But only because the stamp collectors insist on imposing their hobby on everyone else, showing up at my door trying to get me to start collecting stamps...

Ignore them, JoeB.
One more time, Jakey- When they stop trying to drag their religion into the public square, I'll stop mocking their superstitions..
What a hard-working, much maligned woman you are, Becki! Immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmpressive!
I'm not maligned, I'm proud to be an anti-slavery Republican Party member. And when I'm not here talking, I'm in front of my sewing machine making quilts for disadvantaged kids and wounded warriors who will never know me, but they will have a blanket when they go to bed at night made by me and one of the most energetic quilting groups in my state.

I really like looking out on the pond on my piece of dirt that has endangered great white egrets visitations every day. I do not use outdoor bug killers and stuff that would harm so much as a feather on one of their heads since many years ago when my kids were small and reports back then were saying fertilizers and bug killers might be responsible for young people developing cancer later in life. I got a lot of dirty looks for my healthy crop of grass-crowding dandelions, but none of my kids ever got cancer.

Friday, I left 3 new quilt tops in the bee closet for quilting and giving to a child living in a shelter in the nearest city. I'm probably am one of the hardest working people for those who have nothing but trouble that you will ever meet.

I hope you don't strain that arm of yours.

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