When Romney wins the nomonation what will those of you on the right that h8 em do?

Sorry, NO!
4 more years of obama and it will be a generation before his damage can be undone.
Barring a GOP President taking office a year from now, I'd really LOVE to see a Republican super majority Senate.
The thought of obama sputtering, stuttering, shouting and pouting for 4 years gives me a tingle up my leg.

What damage?

Kids with health insurance?
Equal pay for women?
Funding for research?
Growing economy?

Don't be stupid
He can't help it.
Don'tBeEvenMarginallyIntelligent would be a better name for that ass clown.

What a tool.

Hmm. You make a compelling point. I didn't realize you were so passionate about employers who screw workers out of money.

We're at least as concerned with freeloaders that screw taxpayers out of money.
And advocate lawful theft for the benefit of life's losers that are too afraid of thier own liberty.
Don'tBeEvenMarginallyIntelligent would be a better name for that ass clown.

What a tool.

Hmm. You make a compelling point. I didn't realize you were so passionate about employers who screw workers out of money.

We're at least as concerned with freeloaders that screw taxpayers out of money.

Obviously. We all are concerned about that. I'm just surprised you feel so strongly against fair pay. Tell me, what benefits do you see in paying women less than men?
Hmm. You make a compelling point. I didn't realize you were so passionate about employers who screw workers out of money.

We're at least as concerned with freeloaders that screw taxpayers out of money.

Obviously. We all are concerned about that. I'm just surprised you feel so strongly against fair pay. Tell me, what benefits do you see in paying women less than men?

Is fair pay to you government Union employees getting double thier private sector counterparts?

Taxpayer getting screwed...you applaud it.
It's actually quite simple, if Romney gets the nomination then he has the best shot to beat Obama.

In an Obama vs Romney vote I will once again vote against the worst of 2 evils and vote Romney.

Those of you who do otherwise are simply giving Obama another 4 years to not lead the country....

It's already fucked up enough because of the great divider, we need to get him out of there at nearly any cost.....

I'm pretty sure that if I don't vote for either Obama or Romney, that I'm not helping either Obama or Romney.
But you're not voting for a candidate that has a chance either, so in effect' you are throwing away your vote and giving the worst candidate a better chance of fucking up the country.

Again, no I'm not. If I don't vote I'm giving every candidate, even the third party candidates, an equal shot. It's up to the rest of you brainwashed morons who believe in the two party system to decide who gets elected.

And Obama and Romney are both the worst candidate who will fuck the country, great choice you got there.
Hmm. You make a compelling point. I didn't realize you were so passionate about employers who screw workers out of money.

We're at least as concerned with freeloaders that screw taxpayers out of money.

Obviously. We all are concerned about that. I'm just surprised you feel so strongly against fair pay. Tell me, what benefits do you see in paying women less than men?

I see no benefit at all providing the woman can do the same work as a man. Should a hundred pound woman that can only lift and carry, say 40 pounds be paid as much as a 200 pound man that can lift, say 100 pounds, when the job entails lifting 80 pound bags of cement?
If a worker is as productive as another, they should earn the same. No special benefits for their plumbing, skin color or heritage.
I'm pretty sure that if I don't vote for either Obama or Romney, that I'm not helping either Obama or Romney.
But you're not voting for a candidate that has a chance either, so in effect' you are throwing away your vote and giving the worst candidate a better chance of fucking up the country.

Again, no I'm not. If I don't vote I'm giving every candidate, even the third party candidates, an equal shot. It's up to the rest of you brainwashed morons who believe in the two party system to decide who gets elected.

And Obama and Romney are both the worst candidate who will fuck the country, great choice you got there.

I'll admit that sometimes voting is like choosing to be shot or stabbed, but Geeze you must have a preference between Romney and whatz his name.
Romney has been the front runner for some time now and apparently Newt has lit a fire in your collective asses. So when he wins what do you do then? If Romney is to liberal for you will you just sit it out and LET Obama, who is ten times further to the left, have another term?

Many say we only got one shot to repeal O'care so does that even matter to you?

He isn't my first choice but by god he is miles ahead on the list as compared to Obama.
I liked in one way or another the entire Republican field of candidates.

I want America to do well in business, to pay off the national debt, to restart manufacturing, and to treat each person with dignity and respect.

We have some problems that will never get us there until we solve them, no matter who is in office, and the only people I see who could heal the rift minister in churches.

Unfortunately, we have a lot of people who do not go to church, do not feel it's important to stay in touch with older parents, and are caught up in behaviors that have never benefited people in the long run.

Politicians simply are not acknowledge the people they are supposed to represent by lying, blaming, withholding information, and have the nation in a moral free fall.

I don't like people usurping power to enrich themselves in monumental ways. We have people in precincts who are denying the nation of correctly and honestly counting submitted votes and are opening the vote to non-citizens.

I really don't know what to do about the sinister, cheating nature of the nation's polling places.

That's where the lying gets validated, and I'm finding it difficult to support liars and cheaters cheating the American people out of truthfulness at the polls.

The way we're going, it will not end well.
Romney has been the front runner for some time now and apparently Newt has lit a fire in your collective asses. So when he wins what do you do then? If Romney is to liberal for you will you just sit it out and LET Obama, who is ten times further to the left, have another term?

Many say we only got one shot to repeal O'care so does that even matter to you?

He isn't my first choice but by god he is miles ahead on the list as compared to Obama.
I liked in one way or another the entire Republican field of candidates.
Myself as well.
I want America to do well in business, to pay off the national debt, to restart manufacturing, and to treat each person with dignity and respect.
Hard to do when the politicians don't have respect for those that put them in power.
We have some problems that will never get us there until we solve them, no matter who is in office, and the only people I see who could heal the rift minister in churches
.That's fine and I agree...but even the ministers are under attack these days.

Unfortunately, we have a lot of people who do not go to church, do not feel it's important to stay in touch with older parents, and are caught up in behaviors that have never benefited people in the long run.
The people have become too self absorbed...
Politicians simply are not acknowledge the people they are supposed to represent by lying, blaming, withholding information, and have the nation in a moral free fall.
That's because they know it benefits them in a myriad of ways...so why not let the bleeding continue?

I don't like people usurping power to enrich themselves in monumental ways

One of the first things that has to be done is that Congresscritters cannot enrich themselves by 'insider trading' especially on legislation that they know about regarding Wall street and monetary policy that you or I could go to jail over.
We have people in precincts who are denying the nation of correctly and honestly counting submitted votes and are opening the vote to non-citizens.
If it benefits thier avowed party and can get away with it? Why not, eh?

I really don't know what to do about the sinister, cheating nature of the nation's polling places.
I do. Start violating those that are caught with stiff severe penalties...make an example of them...make it stick.

That's where the lying gets validated, and I'm finding it difficult to support liars and cheaters cheating the American people out of truthfulness at the polls
.Then it is up to you and others to notify, petition for the redress of grievences...take it to court...take it to the public.

The way we're going, it will not end well.

No it won't. It takes a strong spine to stem the tide. Biggest thing is to stay informed, research, and inform others...make a solid case...get others to be as angry as you and I are...and never back down.
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Honestly, we can't elect one within this country. That is the sad truth. If we ran someone that wanted to kill all benfits within a nation that has half of its population using such, we'd lose.

Yet, they keep pretending it can happen..and every year they say "Ok, fuck...I'll pick that guy!" Support him until he leaves then call him a liberal.

Rinse, wash and repeat

We have to vote for the guy that can win even through may not be perfect. Winning is everything within politics and if we can force the country to the right then maybe we will have a chance at electing someone better.

If he gets the nomination....the GOP will "come home", think of England and vote for Romney en mass. The wildcard is what does Perry and Gingrich do? Do they go quietly or try to go third party. It would certainly be in the interest of Mr. Romney to reach out to the two and see about bringing them into the tent. It's hard to do that when they are slinging arrows at you but there is ample reward for doing so. A third party candidate that gets 5 percent of the vote can sew it up for Mr. Obama.

Now that being said, Romney and the GOP have an uphill fight on their hands already. With his numbers being almost identical to his 2008 numbers, Romney has to get nearly every one of the votes his current competitors will be giving up.

Can he do it? I don't think so. This is the big Achilles heel of the GOP. They talk about their convictions, their character, their spine blah blah blah....then when it comes down to it....they sacrifice those convictions and character to make the politically appetizing choice. Or at least appear to be ready to do just that.

I think we can see why the plurality of voters considers themselves independents now. The major parties seem to be for winning but beyond that, their core values become quite murky.

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