When The Courtroom is Corrupt There is No Justice

Sorry to say this, but I don't think "corrupt" is the correct word. Corruption implies personal gain, quid pro quo. What we are seeing in Leftist courtrooms these days is judges manipulating the proceedings to facilitate a desired outcome, but I don't think they are being paid off or receiving tangible benefits for it. They are simply furthering their own political agendas.


I don't know, but "corrupt" is not apropos.
Sorry to say this, but I don't think "corrupt" is the correct word. Corruption implies personal gain, quid pro quo. What we are seeing in Leftist courtrooms these days is judges manipulating the proceedings to facilitate a desired outcome, but I don't think they are being paid off or receiving tangible benefits for it. They are simply furthering their own political agendas.


I don't know, but "corrupt" is not apropos.
Conservative judges don’t do that?
Sorry to say this, but I don't think "corrupt" is the correct word. Corruption implies personal gain, quid pro quo. What we are seeing in Leftist courtrooms these days is judges manipulating the proceedings to facilitate a desired outcome, but I don't think they are being paid off or receiving tangible benefits for it. They are simply furthering their own political agendas.


I don't know, but "corrupt" is not apropos.

They are definitely getting something out of the rulings. Staying in power!
Sorry to say this, but I don't think "corrupt" is the correct word. Corruption implies personal gain, quid pro quo. What we are seeing in Leftist courtrooms these days is judges manipulating the proceedings to facilitate a desired outcome, but I don't think they are being paid off or receiving tangible benefits for it. They are simply furthering their own political agendas.


I don't know, but "corrupt" is not apropos.
Sure it is.

These judges are corrupting the law for their own gain as there is no other reason to do so.

It could be for money, for their career, or for another motive, but there is no reason to purposefully abuse the judicial system other than for personal gain.
This is the type of shyte that occurs in Canada which is why our Police State continues unabated. America has given a free pass to countries such as Canada to the point where now you are copying our Police State tactics.

These tactics help China and Russia immensely. You keep placing judges like this in positions of power who operate to assist the state and the state alone and America loses what men MUCH better than this judge fought and died for.
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Yeah ... a person in the roll of "lawyer" in a court-of-law is required to answer any and all questions from the bench ... lawyers are considered a member of the court, their job is to zealously represent their client's legal rights ... as such, they (generally) can't be charged with a crime while zealously representing a client, so no 5th Amendment protection from self-incrimination ... the judge asked where he got that information ... the lawyer is required to say ... or be found in contempt ...

The alternative was to report the judge to the State's Bar Association ... as an analogy, if you see a murder, you call the police, NOT confront the murderer ...

This isn't like conservative Justice of the United States Supreme Court Clarence Thomas accepting expensive gifts in return for favorable rulings ... or conservative Justice of the United States Supreme Court Samuel Alito Jr supporting riots in the United States Capitol ...


I was a landlord for many decades ... I collected rents on the 1st of the month, paid bills on the 2nd ... that left more than enough free time to lobby the State Legislature, or better serve on the Legislature ... I think you'll find in most if not all the 50 States that indeed your legislatures are full of landlords ... we write the laws ... and we write the laws to benefit ourselves ... [ka'ching] ... just look at the tax forms to report rents collected ... outrageous ...

Notice where rents have been heading lately? ...

In the county I operated ... every ... single ... judge ... was a landlord as well ... tenants had no chance ... from beginning to end, the Poor are railroaded ... the legislature hates you, the governor hates you and certainly judges hate you ... don't bother showing up to court, your landlord has already won ...

Corrupt compared to what? ... before the United States, landlords were agents of the King ... prosecutor, judge, jury and executioner ... a day late with rent and your head goes on a pole in the village commons as a warning to any other tenant who thinks they can wait a day to pay rent ... "Slaves, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ" -- Ephesians 6:5 ... tenants are to obey their landlords "with fear and trembling" ...

So if you find a Summons taped to your front door .. pack your shit and RUN ...
Courtrooms and judges seem to be increasingly corrupt anymore. Instead of being trAliteated fairly by prosecutors and Judges....we are seeing nothing but corruption anymore.

So you are totally willing to support the Impeachment Justice Alito and ustice Thomas. They both to taking hundreds thousands of dollars bribes from individuals with business bfore the Supreme Court?
The courtroom is corrupt and there is no justice.

Enemy democrats must go.
Ya know, I think they're going to push until everyone takes virtually all of them them out almost to a man.

And everyone will, that's the part they don't see coming.
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