When the FBI Does It, That Means It’s Not Illegal


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
MSM is slowly catching up to the biggest corruption story of the century.

A Republican congressman touched off a firestorm Tuesday after claiming on Twitter that his office had information suggesting the FBI leaked information to the press and used the resulting articles to help obtain surveillance warrants.

“We’ve learned NEW information suggesting our suspicions are true: FBI/DOJ have previously leaked info to the press, and then used those same press stories as a separate source to justify FISA’s,” House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows, R-N.C., tweeted overnight.

GOP rep touches off firestorm with claim FBI leaked info, used stories to get FISA warrants

Get that? The FBI fabricated evidence to obtain warrants to try to influence our national election.

Pass the Popcorn!
The entire 7th floor of the FBI needs to be fired and stripped of their clearances...
Bruce Ohr told Congress that the FBI was aware that his wife worked for Fusion GPS, but they failed to disclose that to FISC

He also claims the FBI was aware of dossier author's bias, but failed to disclose that to the secret court as well

Bruce Ohr: FBI Knew About Bias Before Getting a FISA On Carter Page - Sara A. Carter

Ohr is tossing the FBI under the bus....singing like a frightened bird....
Orbital head's wife worked for FUSION GPS........

ding ding.
Bruce Ohr told Congress that the FBI was aware that his wife worked for Fusion GPS, but they failed to disclose that to FISC

He also claims the FBI was aware of dossier author's bias, but failed to disclose that to the secret court as well

Bruce Ohr: FBI Knew About Bias Before Getting a FISA On Carter Page - Sara A. Carter

Ohr is tossing the FBI under the bus....singing like a frightened bird....
Orbital head's wife worked for FUSION GPS........

ding ding.
What did Mueller know? When did he know it?
It’s astonishing that the FBI kept this information from the court...why aren't those judges raising hell?...where are the social warriors that should be standing up against an out of control anti constitutional cabal of big government spooks?...spying and militating campaigns and candidates?.....WTF?????
Where is Jeff Sessions???????????

When does Obama get questioned?.......
The fix was in from the beginning.

Stefan Halper, who was then an emeritus Cambridge professor, had received roughly $1 million in tax-payer funded money to write Defense Department foreign policy reports.

When an internal auditor, Adam Lovinger brought this up as suspicious, the auditor had his security clearance removed and was reassigned.

Turns out Harper’s job was to help set up Trump, and he was paid $1 million to do so.


In 2016, Halper was an integral part of the FBI’s investigation into short-term Trump campaign volunteer, Carter Page. Halper first made contact with Page at his seminar in July 2016. Page, who was already on the FBI’s radar, was accused of being sympathetic to Russia and sought better relations between the U.S. and Russian officials. Halper stayed in contact with Page until September 2017.

Obama spied on the Trump campaign...unreal....just....Wow.
Stefan Halper needs to be questioned by Congress in open session...no more of this closed door bullshit.....
MSM is slowly catching up to the biggest corruption story of the century.

A Republican congressman touched off a firestorm Tuesday after claiming on Twitter that his office had information suggesting the FBI leaked information to the press and used the resulting articles to help obtain surveillance warrants.

“We’ve learned NEW information suggesting our suspicions are true: FBI/DOJ have previously leaked info to the press, and then used those same press stories as a separate source to justify FISA’s,” House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows, R-N.C., tweeted overnight.

GOP rep touches off firestorm with claim FBI leaked info, used stories to get FISA warrants

Get that? The FBI fabricated evidence to obtain warrants to try to influence our national election.

Pass the Popcorn!
You'd be better off passing the BS broom & shovel. These guys have cried "Wolf!" so many times they are becoming a joke. All I can think is that they are hoping for a spot in the 4th Reich as they work to gather power for the Great I AM.
If Obama was a Republican, Woodward and Bernstein would be all over his carnival of corruption.
God, don't you ever get embarrassed playing the victim, MS Scarlett? What was that song back in the 50s, about Charlie Brown I think? Anyway it's becoming Trump and his supporters' theme song...somebody with a pouty voice singing, "Why is every body always picking on me?"
What the FBI leadership did or tried to do to the President of the United States was nothing short of an attempted coup. It's interesting to note that the system has it rigged so that's a crime to lie to the FBI but it's not a crime when the FBI lies to us.
MSM is slowly catching up to the biggest corruption story of the century.

A Republican congressman touched off a firestorm Tuesday after claiming on Twitter that his office had information suggesting the FBI leaked information to the press and used the resulting articles to help obtain surveillance warrants.

“We’ve learned NEW information suggesting our suspicions are true: FBI/DOJ have previously leaked info to the press, and then used those same press stories as a separate source to justify FISA’s,” House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows, R-N.C., tweeted overnight.

GOP rep touches off firestorm with claim FBI leaked info, used stories to get FISA warrants

Get that? The FBI fabricated evidence to obtain warrants to try to influence our national election.

Pass the Popcorn!

Welcome to Black Lives Matters!
What the FBI leadership did or tried to do to the President of the United States was nothing short of an attempted coup. It's interesting to note that the system has it rigged so that's a crime to lie to the FBI but it's not a crime when the FBI lies to us.

Expect that whole part where they got him elected .
What the FBI leadership did or tried to do to the President of the United States was nothing short of an attempted coup. It's interesting to note that the system has it rigged so that's a crime to lie to the FBI but it's not a crime when the FBI lies to us.
Help me understand then...what lies has the FBI told you. Although I should tell you that IMHO a President who undermines all the checks and balances built in by our FF for the sole purpose of sinking a feared investigation, and when a compliant majority of legislators is silent, and when supporters choose to believe he is a poor abused victim as he slowly but relentlessly corrodes unity and any authority but his own....(take a breath) then it seems to me the coup is already in progress. But I am willing to listen..so what lies has the FBI/CIA/DOJ/NSA told America?

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