When the Huffington Post turns on you, you know you are in deep trouble.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
“President Biden, will you be serving your full four-year term or handing over power to Vice President [Kamala] Harris,” the reporter asked.
“Are you OK? Are you alright?” replied Biden.
The pair struggled to hear each other over background noise.
The journalist repeated his question: “All four years or handing over?”
“You’re not hurt are you? I said are you OK? Did you fall on your head or something?” Biden cracked, before turning to Democratic lawmakers standing next to him.
It was a fair question by the reporter, and instead of Joe Biden acting polite and civil, he just insulted another journalist, trying to do his job. Now the Huffington Post is no right wing "newspaper", when you get them pointing out the fallacy, you are basically done for.

MSN It was a fair question by the reporter, and instead of Joe Biden acting polite and civil, he just insulted another journalist, trying to do his job. Now the Huffington Post is no right wing "newspaper", when you get them pointing out the fallacy, you are basically done for.

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This is a good question. If elected republicans were smart they would run with this and demand an answer and if Joe doesn't answer demand it be 1st question asked in debate.

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