When the oil boys are in charge

This is a purely speculative bubble.

Expect that when it breaks, a whole hell of a lot of industry insiders will quietly become even more obsenely rich than they are already.

In the meanwhile, of course, the neo-cons and their idiotic toadies will demand that we drill ANWR, as those that alone would change the market dynamics.

While leftwingnuts try to pin world oil prices on the President and demand he "do something." and sling around stupid labels like "neo-cons."

As if anything he can do will change the market dynamics.
LOL, do you Liberals have a clue at all HOW the Government runs and what actual powers a President does and Does NOT have?

You don't know?:wtf:

Bush is omnipotent. He usurps the individual rights of the people at whim and can control anything bad that can happen to include being able to whip up a Cat 5 hurricane on demand.

He's probably in his evil genius laboratory right now whipping up some other calamity to smite us with.

Bearing in mind however that he is at the same time stupid.:rolleyes:
He's probably in his evil genius laboratory right now whipping up some other calamity to smite us with.

Actually, I think he is working on his new Capitol One card, with a picture of war kittens.
Actually, I think he is working on his new Capitol One card, with a picture of war kittens.

Really? I could have sworn he was tapping into his own evil genius oil well complete with refinery while giving the evil, sinister laugh and finger to us "common folk."

Hey, if the war kittens are dressed like vikings I want some on MY card.:lol:
Bush? I don't think it's ignorance as much as hubris. But I can be wrong.

The ignorance would be your total understanding of the topic.

Tell me ... why wasn't Billybob getting us off Saudi oil instead of bopping Monica or embroiling us in a European war that had nothing to do with us?

Probably for the same reason Bush didn't and won't. US oil companies cannot supply the demand alone without importing it. So when you point fingers, point them at the right people -- US.
The ignorance would be your total understanding of the topic.

Tell me ... why wasn't Billybob getting us off Saudi oil instead of bopping Monica or embroiling us in a European war that had nothing to do with us?

Probably for the same reason Bush didn't and won't. US oil companies cannot supply the demand alone without importing it. So when you point fingers, point them at the right people -- US.

Oh, I agree. No president since Carter has actually given a damn about being beholden to terrorism, Saudi Arabia, or oil. And that's a big failing for all of them, imo. But you go right ahead and defend Dubya.
Oh, I agree. No president since Carter has actually given a damn about being beholden to terrorism, Saudi Arabia, or oil. And that's a big failing for all of them, imo. But you go right ahead and defend Dubya.

You better back up further than Carter. Islamic terrorists held him by the 'nads the last year and a half of his Presidency.

I have no problem with defending Bush against bullshit accusations. The President of the US -- of which he is one -- does not determine the supply and demand of oil products within the US, nor does he determine the price of oil on the world market, nor does he control the increasing demand for oil from other nations.
You better back up further than Carter. Islamic terrorists held him by the 'nads the last year and a half of his Presidency.

I have no problem with defending Bush against bullshit accusations. The President of the US -- of which he is one -- does not determine the supply and demand of oil products within the US, nor does he determine the price of oil on the world market, nor does he control the increasing demand for oil from other nations.

No, but he/she has the chance to set the policy regarding getting off the oil. And you can badmouth Carter all you want, but more Americans died needlessly under Bush's watch.
No matter what is the main cause of the rise of the price of oil, it isn't anywhere near topping out, and when it does, it will cause a "world" recession. We're headed for a real rocky part of the road. The only good part is, with the world recession will come reduced demand, and thus a drop in the demand and cost of oil world wide.
I don't think it's the companies....but they certainly aren't doing without.

6 months ago, oil was roughly 90 dollars a barrel. Can you believe that demand has changed that much to raise it 40+ dollars a barrel? It took years to rise from 50 dollars a barrel to 90 dollars a barrel....we've achieved that in 6 months. This is why there is investigation into price manipulation by "someone." The oil supply is not low....they raise the price every time we have a little storm in the gulf, or everytime something happens overseas...but when they tap into a huge oil well, why doesn't the price go down?? Plants are operating at full capacity....there is no shortage. As far as demand...until I can find some actualy numbers, I can't believe that demand has changed that much in 6 months. Just my opinion. Someone's jackin with prices IMO.

The Democrats are in control of congress; why have they not passed a law banning speculating on oil? The reason is that the liberal environmentalists want high gas prices as a way to save the environment. Polar bears are more important than Americans.
The Democrats are in control of congress; why have they not passed a law banning speculating on oil? The reason is that the liberal environmentalists want high gas prices as a way to save the environment. Polar bears are more important than Americans.

lol... yeah, they're going to use political capital right now on something that will be vetoed by Bush or not even get to the floor....

Had we initiated and followed through with many of Carter's famed energy speech agendas, we would NOT be in the trouble we're in right now.

The Iranian hostage situation notwithstanding, Carter not only told us that this problem was coming, but he also attempted to get us on a course to mitigate it.

The Dems screwed that pooch just as much as our Republican idiots did.

This SNAFU is a bipartisan disaster, folks.

There's nobody to blame exect any of us who supported either party..

Incidently, that would be me, just as much as any of you.

True confession...I drive cars occassionally and heat my home with (gasp!) # 2 heating oil.

Mea culpa!
lol... yeah, they're going to use political capital right now on something that will be vetoed by Bush or not even get to the floor....


I doubt Bush would sustain a veto even if he did it, BUT more to the point, Speculation is world wide, we can not affect it with a US law since we do not control the oil. Neither do the Oil Companies.
Of course the POTUS doesn't control the price of oil.

There are perhaps four or fiven hundred oil producing nations and companies which have SOME control over the supply side.

the price of oil right now, however, really makes no sense as far as I can see.

There is no shortage of oil to explain the insane rise in prices.

Somebody (ready many somebodies, actually) are driving up the price of oil.

I believe (and hope) this bubble will burst soon, but there's so much money chasing just so many oil futures that this price increasing insanity could go on for quite some time.

Longer I suspect, than most of us can afford it, that's for damned sure.
No, but he/she has the chance to set the policy regarding getting off the oil. And you can badmouth Carter all you want, but more Americans died needlessly under Bush's watch.

Whether or not more Americans died needlessly under Bush's watch is nothing but your opinion.

You're damned-right I'll badmouth Carter. He took my political party and deposited in the hands of the likes of you and LOOK what you've done it. People with incoherent thought processes such as yourself run it.

Carter was an appeasing pussy who couldn't and still can't differentiate between his utopian, do-gooder socialist idealism and the reality in which we live. He was dealing with the former while the latter was taking place.

So you bet your ass I'll badmouth. Democrats actually stood for something and still had balls until he got hold of the party.

Now look at you.
The Democrats are in control of congress; why have they not passed a law banning speculating on oil? The reason is that the liberal environmentalists want high gas prices as a way to save the environment. Polar bears are more important than Americans.

You give them too much credit. They're in the pocket of the oil lobby every bit as much as Republicans are. The chanting parrots would just like for eveyone to believe otherwise.
Of course the POTUS doesn't control the price of oil.

There are perhaps four or fiven hundred oil producing nations and companies which have SOME control over the supply side.

the price of oil right now, however, really makes no sense as far as I can see.

There is no shortage of oil to explain the insane rise in prices.

Somebody (ready many somebodies, actually) are driving up the price of oil.

I believe (and hope) this bubble will burst soon, but there's so much money chasing just so many oil futures that this price increasing insanity could go on for quite some time.

Longer I suspect, than most of us can afford it, that's for damned sure.

Not going to speculate a reason for this nonsensical rise in oil prices?

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