When the oil boys are in charge

yes it is.

My what a small internet it really is, eh, Wayne?

I thought I'd give the poor souls here the benefit of my vast wisdom since 40,000 or so posts there have pretty much made it possible for the regulars there to know what I'm going to say even before I post my responses

Besides, this place has a whole section devoted to economics, (and people who apparently give a crap about that dismal science, too) so naturally I'm enchanted by the place.

No doubt much the CSB brigade has breathed a sign of collective relief that I have emmigrated.

If the nitwits from there show up here to wreck this place to get at me, I will of course, find another site to post on.

I've pretty much had it with the pointlessly nasty gestalt the place has developed and since I seemed to have become the root source of much of it, I thought I've give myself and the rest of the CSB a freakin' break.

Nice to hear from you again. You been here since you left the CSB?
I dunno.. I think Carter has an honest desire to make peace. His nobel prize proves it. So does the fact that Egypt is not ready to pounce on israel any more.

im just not one of those "bay of pigs" democrats, I guess.
Not going to speculate a reason for this nonsensical rise in oil prices?

I've already suggested why the prices are rising, gunny...speculation driven by too much investment money seeking some place other than the stock market, real estate, the bond markets, and the currency markets.

This extra money is driving up the futures of many commodites inappropriately, methinks.

BTW, I think you're all wrong about Carter, Gunny.

At least as it relates to his energy policy.

The man knew what he was talking about, but the insiders of his own party screwed him so what we've had is thirty more years of business as usual.
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I dunno.. I think Carter has an honest desire to make peace. His nobel prize proves it. So does the fact that Egypt is not ready to pounce on israel any more.

And luckily Carter got his prize before the committee turned the prize into a joke by giving one to Al Gore :D
I dunno.. I think Carter has an honest desire to make peace. His nobel prize proves it. So does the fact that Egypt is not ready to pounce on israel any more.

im just not one of those "bay of pigs" democrats, I guess.

There was a point in time that I believed the same thing even though I STILL also believed he was a horrible President. Now he's just a meddling nuisance who doesn't really consider the possible consequences of his actions.

What a prize hostage a former US President would have made had one of those nutcases in the ME taken a notion to nab him when he dicided to unilaterally negotiate with Hamas.

What "Bay of Pigs" Democrats would those be? The re-invasion of Cuba was an Eisenhower Administration plan that bled over to Kennedy's administration and Kennedy, the Democrat, didn't carry through with the previous administration's promises.

Even so, he nutted up to Kruschev. Carter would have fallen to pieces.
Whether or not more Americans died needlessly under Bush's watch is nothing but your opinion.

You're damned-right I'll badmouth Carter. He took my political party and deposited in the hands of the likes of you and LOOK what you've done it. People with incoherent thought processes such as yourself run it.

Carter was an appeasing pussy who couldn't and still can't differentiate between his utopian, do-gooder socialist idealism and the reality in which we live. He was dealing with the former while the latter was taking place.

So you bet your ass I'll badmouth. Democrats actually stood for something and still had balls until he got hold of the party.

Now look at you.

Gunny, are you stoned? I haven't done anything with it. All I can do is vote for who I think is the best candidate and I keep losing. You can take your whining and stick it up your ass.

Carter might have been a horrible president, who the hell knows with all the shit people say about him. I've got no idea if any of it is true or not. I do know that he had some ideas about lessening our dependency on oil that were totally ignored by subsequent presidents. And the only one before him that even approached getting off of oil, to my knowledge, was Nixon.
yes it is.

My what a small internet it really is, eh, Wayne?

I thought I'd give the poor souls here the benefit of my vast wisdom since 40,000 or so posts there have pretty much made it possible for the regulars there to know what I'm going to say even before I post my responses

Besides, this place has a whole section devoted to economics, (and people who apparently give a crap about that dismal science, too) so naturally I'm enchanted by the place.

No doubt much the CSB brigade has breathed a sign of collective relief that I have emmigrated.

If the nitwits from there show up here to wreck this place to get at me, I will of course, find another site to post on.

I've pretty much had it with the pointlessly nasty gestalt the place has developed and since I seemed to have become the root source of much of it, I thought I've give myself and the rest of the CSB a freakin' break.

Nice to hear from you again. You been here since you left the CSB?

What's CSB?
I've already suggested why the prices are rising, gunny...speculation driven by too much investment money seeking some place other than the stock market, real estate, the bond markets, and the currency markets.

This extra money is driving up the futures of many commodites inappropriately, methinks.

BTW, I think you're all wrong about Carter, Gunny.

At least as it relates to his energy policy.

The man knew what he was talking about, but the insiders of his own party screwed him so what we've had is thirty more years of business as usual.

How is it you think I am wrong about Carter as it relates to his energy policies when from then to now I've said pretty-much the same thing you have?

I completely agree that had we started doing something THEN, we wouldn't be where we are now. Just because the man was an overall failure as President doesn't mean I can't agree with a good idea just because it was his.

Insiders in his own party screwed him? You mean he went to DC and tried to lone wolf it just like this latest knucklehead version thereof has delusions of doing with the sheep bleeting happily behind him and he screwed himself.
perhaps he was a horrible president. perhaps, as the bushies like to cry now, he just inherited a shitty situation.... Yet, his record for peace speaks for itself. even if hamas held him hostage or cut his head off I still believe that his intention is a helluva lot more noble than all the zionism AND reflexive right wing shit talking.

and, Kennedy's hands were not clean, Gunny. It may very well be that we'd see the kennedy clan in a whole new perspective if he were elected aFTER nixon destroyed the reputation of President. Im not wholly convinced that the kennedy's werent involved with some scandelous shit too.
I wonder if there are any white south afrikaners who feel the same thing about the peace prize given to NELSON MANDELAH as you think it is after being given to Arafat, Gunny.
Gunny, are you stoned? I haven't done anything with it. All I can do is vote for who I think is the best candidate and I keep losing. You can take your whining and stick it up your ass.

Carter might have been a horrible president, who the hell knows with all the shit people say about him. I've got no idea if any of it is true or not. I do know that he had some ideas about lessening our dependency on oil that were totally ignored by subsequent presidents. And the only one before him that even approached getting off of oil, to my knowledge, was Nixon.

Whining? Hardly. More like telling you to go pound sand with your stupid and uninformed opinions. I guess that's just another differentiation you can't make.
Whining? Hardly. More like telling you to go pound sand with your stupid and uninformed opinions. I guess that's just another differentiation you can't make.

I have no problem if you think my opinions are stupid. The feeling is mutual.

It's partisan hacks such as yourself that are a big part of the problem. It's impossible for you to agree to disagree, if you say Carter sucks, then he sucks and no one that thinks he might have done at least a few good things is anything but stupid and uninformed.

I personally think lessening our dependence on oil is a big step in the right direction.
perhaps he was a horrible president. perhaps, as the bushies like to cry now, he just inherited a shitty situation.... Yet, his record for peace speaks for itself. even if hamas held him hostage or cut his head off I still believe that his intention is a helluva lot more noble than all the zionism AND reflexive right wing shit talking.

and, Kennedy's hands were not clean, Gunny. It may very well be that we'd see the kennedy clan in a whole new perspective if he were elected aFTER nixon destroyed the reputation of President. Im not wholly convinced that the kennedy's werent involved with some scandelous shit too.

IMO, he inherited a shitty situation. He was not the right man for the job and he got his lopped off for it.

I didn't say a word about the Kennedy's being clean. We can start at George Washington and point out each President's screw-ups from then to now if you'd like, but I don't think it really means anything.

However, being a Marine, I have a HARD time faulting someone who wins the Presidency of the United States, is doing Marilyn Monroe, AND telling Nikita Kruschev to go piss up a rope. There's just something cool in all that.:cool:
Mr. Carter was an excuse for a President.

He is attempting to speak for the United States, and hes not the President. He is talking to TERRORISTS. Fraternizing with the enemy. It makes me sick.

I am sure that he is doing what he thinks is best, and he has good intentions, but what he is doing is damaging our country and undermining our position on TERRORISTS. He is dead wrong, and I would personally want him on Treason charges.
Mr. Carter was an excuse for a President.

He is attempting to speak for the United States, and hes not the President. He is talking to TERRORISTS. Fraternizing with the enemy. It makes me sick.

I am sure that he is doing what he thinks is best, and he has good intentions, but what he is doing is damaging our country and undermining our position on TERRORISTS. He is dead wrong, and I would personally want him on Treason charges.

I don't like what he's done recently, myself. And when he was President, he did screw up some things, apparently. But I still believe he had the right idea on conserving energy.
I wonder if there are any white south afrikaners who feel the same thing about the peace prize given to NELSON MANDELAH as you think it is after being given to Arafat, Gunny.

I'd say they could not feel the same as I do since my feelings are not based on race, when obviously any of the Afrikaners who think Mandela didn't rate the peace prize would have to base their opinions on that.

Yassir Arafat made a livelihood out of murder, and preaching genocide. Does the Grandaddy of Arab terrorism become less a murdering scumbag because he slows down in his old age and other more ruthless groups give the illusion that he is less a murderer and terrorist?

I think not. His own actions mock the very ideal of the Nobel Peace Prize.

IIRC, however, Mandela's protests were peaceful, were they not?
yes it is.

My what a small internet it really is, eh, Wayne?

I thought I'd give the poor souls here the benefit of my vast wisdom since 40,000 or so posts there have pretty much made it possible for the regulars there to know what I'm going to say even before I post my responses

Besides, this place has a whole section devoted to economics, (and people who apparently give a crap about that dismal science, too) so naturally I'm enchanted by the place.

No doubt much the CSB brigade has breathed a sign of collective relief that I have emmigrated.

If the nitwits from there show up here to wreck this place to get at me, I will of course, find another site to post on.

I've pretty much had it with the pointlessly nasty gestalt the place has developed and since I seemed to have become the root source of much of it, I thought I've give myself and the rest of the CSB a freakin' break.

Nice to hear from you again. You been here since you left the CSB?

I want say anything other than, say I know where you are, but you are missed. People are asking where you are in the “what happen to thread”. It was your writing style that gave you away more than your name. My style probably gave me also.

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