When the White House deleted the Tweet about Social Security increase because of Biden leadership, they violated FOIA laws

I’m 73 years old and I receive a monthly check for $2,229. It is in my view the most successful government program ever enacted. Today the Republicon’s are trying to find a way to get their hands on this money for self-serving reasons.

Our federal government has borrowed over a trillion dollars from the SSTF and still the SSA has a positive balance of $2,852 billion.

The Social Security trust funds are financial accounts in the U.S. Treasury. There are two separate Social Security trust funds, the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund pays retirement and survivors benefits, and the Disability Insurance (DI) Trust Fund pays disability benefits.

Social Security: The Trust Funds
Updated June 29, 2022

Projections show the OASI fund remaining solvent until 2034,

whereas the DI fund is projected to remain solvent throughout the 75-year projection period

The Trustees project that the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) Trust Fund will be able to pay full benefits on a timely basis until 2034

The accumulated holdings of the Social Security trust funds totaled $2,852 billion at the end of calendar year 2021.

That is true.But including the employers contribution which is the EMPLOYEES money, the potential Social Security recipient pays 15%. That is not a couple of percent. from total wages. So in affect the government is just taxing us extra to pay for today's spending and all of their grandoise agendas.
The White House cannot destroy anything they publish. FOIA violation.

This admin has no respect for any laws.

How should this be handled?

Well Biden was talking about how he got seniors their biggest social security payout, but he forgot to mention social security increases with inflation by law. It's written into social security.

So basically he just said "seniors get higher social security because I created inflation".

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