When Will Democrats Disavow Radicals?

Democrats have some of the most radical, left Marxists in their midst. Not only that, but it seems that their politicians like Pelosi and Schiff will lie about most anything if it supports their radical leftist constituents. The Democrat party has been successfully infiltrated by Marxist traitors. Biden is their Trojan Horse. A big, hollowed out hulk of a man with no brains left that they can hide behind to promote their anti American agenda.
Another Pelosi/Schiff thread. How authentic and original. Go get 'em... again and again...
Democrats have some of the most radical, left Marxists in their midst. Not only that, but it seems that their politicians like Pelosi and Schiff will lie about most anything if it supports their radical leftist constituents. The Democrat party has been successfully infiltrated by Marxist traitors. Biden is their Trojan Horse. A big, hollowed out hulk of a man with no brains left that they can hide behind to promote their anti American agenda.
When their killed by them?????
Exactly, and you would think that they would learn before that happens.

There is no hope for the Democrats. They have finally lost it altogether. Deblasio and that NYC Governor need to be locked up for their crimes against the Union. The unrest they have caused, and are causing in this country is unexceptable. Martial law should be declared, and these corrupt evil politician's should be rounded up and tried for their crimes against the people and this nation.

No more playing these games of idiocy. Time to act Trump, and time to act now.

To allow these criminals to use you in order to constantly attack the people of this country must end.
Nothing like a broad brush of an entire political party....
Democrats have some of the most radical, left Marxists in their midst. Not only that, but it seems that their politicians like Pelosi and Schiff will lie about most anything if it supports their radical leftist constituents. The Democrat party has been successfully infiltrated by Marxist traitors. Biden is their Trojan Horse. A big, hollowed out hulk of a man with no brains left that they can hide behind to promote their anti American agenda.
How can a group disavow itself?
Democrats have some of the most radical, left Marxists in their midst. Not only that, but it seems that their politicians like Pelosi and Schiff will lie about most anything if it supports their radical leftist constituents. The Democrat party has been successfully infiltrated by Marxist traitors. Biden is their Trojan Horse. A big, hollowed out hulk of a man with no brains left that they can hide behind to promote their anti American agenda.
/——-/ Here is the democRATs plan for America spelled out by their comrades in arms:
Police in Hong Kong on Wednesday said they issued their first arrest under the newly passed security law that critics say undermines the semi-autonomous territory’s judicial independence and gives China unprecedented power over the city.

Hong Kong police issue first arrest under China’s controversial security law
Democrats have some of the most radical, left Marxists in their midst. Not only that, but it seems that their politicians like Pelosi and Schiff will lie about most anything if it supports their radical leftist constituents. The Democrat party has been successfully infiltrated by Marxist traitors. Biden is their Trojan Horse. A big, hollowed out hulk of a man with no brains left that they can hide behind to promote their anti American agenda.

Why would they disavow them......they are the brownshirts of the democrat party.......recent polls showed that Trump was doing better in the Black and Hispanic Communities than any other Republican..........

Then the democrat party sent out antifa, and black lives matter to burn, loot and kill in primarily Black neighborhoods.

The brown shirt, the black shirt, the red shirt.....they are a principal tool of the left wing belief system....and the democrat party has antifa and black lives matter storm troopers to fill those roles today......
Nothing like a broad brush of an entire political party....
You're bullshitting me right??? The leaders of" this party" are causing it stupid. Sorry for saying stupid, I usually don't flame. So I'll call your post really F stupid, not you.

The Blue Dog collation and Sen Manchin prove that party doesn’t march in a “Marxist“ lockstep.
Nothing like a broad brush of an entire political party....
You're bullshitting me right??? The leaders of" this party" are causing it stupid. Sorry for saying stupid, I usually don't flame. So I'll call your post really F stupid, not you.

The Blue Dog collation and Sen Manchin prove that party doesn’t march in a “Marxist“ lockstep.
Huh?? You better tell AOC that, she thinks she is the leader of the crew. Can she even spell Manchin???
Nothing like a broad brush of an entire political party....
You're bullshitting me right??? The leaders of" this party" are causing it stupid. Sorry for saying stupid, I usually don't flame. So I'll call your post really F stupid, not you.

The Blue Dog collation and Sen Manchin prove that party doesn’t march in a “Marxist“ lockstep.
Huh?? You better tell AOC that, she thinks she is the leader of the crew. Can she even spell Manchin???

That’s because AOC is more concerned with her national profile. Her bumptious style actually hurts the moderates in her party.
It's time for every red blooded American to get up off of their aces, and finally get the gall to March on Washington D.C.

A huge rally needs to be organized, and a march happen in order to show this nation that the silenced majority are finally awoken, and they are angry as Hell.

It's time to do a counter rally that has different speakers there to voice their opinions about these raging mobs attempting to openly attack this nation.

Enough is enough, and politicians who sat back or race baited or worse participated in the destruction of our history, statue's, and monuments, should be arrested, and held accountable if can prove derilection of duties, and prove activism that has since caused the deaths of the Innocents by looking the other way.

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