When Will FBI/DOJ Start Using Photos To Bring Violent Antifa/BLM Terrorists To Justice As They Are Doing With Capitol Rioters?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Capitol riot arrest: Marine officer charged for alleged involvement​

Maj. Christopher Warnagiris was identified by a co-worker using FBI photos​

Using Capitol / FBI Photos, 'In the four months following the riot, authorities have arrested and charged more than 400 people in relation to the Capitol breach, with 125 people charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement, the DOJ said. '

Foreign-funded, Democrat-supported domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM have perpetrated and continue to perpetrate pillaging, looting, damaging, burning, completely destroying businesses and private property, have assaulted, injured, and even murdered people as they perpetrated BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in damage to Democrat-run communities all across the country....

So when is the Biden administration, the FBI, and the DOJ going to start using videos, photographs, and hi-tech to identify and arrest these domestic terrorists that have destroyed cities across the US?

They're not going to.

Agreed. This is not about the actual crime(s) that were committed, but about them being on the wrong side of the political divide.

Anyone found and arrested by politically motivated investigations, will be political prisoners.

Unequal application of the Law, is a violation of human rights and an injustice and oppression.

Capitol riot arrest: Marine officer charged for alleged involvement​

Maj. Christopher Warnagiris was identified by a co-worker using FBI photos​

Using Capitol / FBI Photos, 'In the four months following the riot, authorities have arrested and charged more than 400 people in relation to the Capitol breach, with 125 people charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement, the DOJ said. '

Foreign-funded, Democrat-supported domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM have perpetrated and continue to perpetrate pillaging, looting, damaging, burning, completely destroying businesses and private property, have assaulted, injured, and even murdered people as they perpetrated BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in damage to Democrat-run communities all across the country....

So when is the Biden administration, the FBI, and the DOJ going to start using videos, photographs, and hi-tech to identify and arrest these domestic terrorists that have destroyed cities across the US?

Were any of these Antifa/BLM people involved in an insurrection perpetrated by a big lie designed to interrupt a Constitutional process with the intent of overturning a free and fair election?...No?
Well, there you have your answer. People arrested (and there were) for property damage should pay.
I thought you Trump humpers would have picked up on that by now. :)

Capitol riot arrest: Marine officer charged for alleged involvement​

Maj. Christopher Warnagiris was identified by a co-worker using FBI photos​

Using Capitol / FBI Photos, 'In the four months following the riot, authorities have arrested and charged more than 400 people in relation to the Capitol breach, with 125 people charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement, the DOJ said. '

Foreign-funded, Democrat-supported domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM have perpetrated and continue to perpetrate pillaging, looting, damaging, burning, completely destroying businesses and private property, have assaulted, injured, and even murdered people as they perpetrated BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in damage to Democrat-run communities all across the country....

So when is the Biden administration, the FBI, and the DOJ going to start using videos, photographs, and hi-tech to identify and arrest these domestic terrorists that have destroyed cities across the US?

Were any of these Antifa/BLM people involved in an insurrection perpetrated by a big lie designed to interrupt a Constitutional process with the intent of overturning a free and fair election?...No?
Well, there you have your answer. People arrested (and there were) for property damage should pay.
I thought you Trump humpers would have picked up on that by now. :)

Chaz was an insurrection. The Autonomous Zone was an insurrection. The attacks on federal buildings and agents, often with support from the mayor, was an insurrection.

Unequal application of Justice, is a violation of human rights.

Anyone doing time, will be a political prisoner.

Were any of these Antifa/BLM people involved in an 'insurrection'.....?


Bwuhahahahaha.......rioters / protestors forced /were allowed into the Capitol, were escorted through the Capitol where they milled around, took 'selfies', and stole some souvenirs....

As opposed to violent foreign-funded Democrat supported/facilitated domestic terrorists who were bused into cities, initiated violence, pillaged / looted, destroyed, burned, destroyed businesses and communities, who assaulted and murdered, who attacked and burned federal buildings while attempting to burn the federal officers inside alive.

WTF, JackOff? You're joking, right?!

The same federal agency proven to have illegally violated the US Constitution and federal laws for DECADES under Mueller & Comey (and now the current FBI Director) by committing criminal FISA Abuse and illegally spying on literally EVERYONE - Americans, reporters, the media, US POLITICANS, USSC Justices, US Presidential candidates, and US Presidents and their teams are now targeting conservatives and Trump-supporters while ignoring / protecting liberal extremist foreign-funded domestic terrorists.....only snowflakes and Democrats could find reason NOT to oppose this.
The best thing you can do is not do any business with blue areas unless you have to. If you move go to a better area and look up their demographics also. Some areas have been infected with people who left who are doing the same thing to where they moved. Separating the nation into a Federation of loose states may be doable but the elites will come down with everything they have to stop it because of their dream world government.
The DOJ FBI and the CIA are totally in the arms of the democrat party...they are not looking out for Americas safety and survival...they are covering for the democrat party...they take their orders from Pelosi....some old crusty political hack from the most corrupt family in American history has the DOJ on their knees....

Capitol riot arrest: Marine officer charged for alleged involvement​

Maj. Christopher Warnagiris was identified by a co-worker using FBI photos​

Using Capitol / FBI Photos, 'In the four months following the riot, authorities have arrested and charged more than 400 people in relation to the Capitol breach, with 125 people charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement, the DOJ said. '

Foreign-funded, Democrat-supported domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM have perpetrated and continue to perpetrate pillaging, looting, damaging, burning, completely destroying businesses and private property, have assaulted, injured, and even murdered people as they perpetrated BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in damage to Democrat-run communities all across the country....

So when is the Biden administration, the FBI, and the DOJ going to start using videos, photographs, and hi-tech to identify and arrest these domestic terrorists that have destroyed cities across the US?

Were any of these Antifa/BLM people involved in an insurrection perpetrated by a big lie designed to interrupt a Constitutional process with the intent of overturning a free and fair election?...No?
Well, there you have your answer. People arrested (and there were) for property damage should pay.
I thought you Trump humpers would have picked up on that by now. :)

Chaz was an insurrection. The Autonomous Zone was an insurrection. The attacks on federal buildings and agents, often with support from the mayor, was an insurrection.

Unequal application of Justice, is a violation of human rights.

Anyone doing time, will be a political prisoner.

Sorry, Chaz (besides being Cher's son) wasn't an attempt to overturn an election..or overthrow the government. A bunch of unwashed hippies making their own autonomous zone in a city that has nothing to do with the seat of the federal government. And unless my geography skills are really that rusty..Seattle isn't Washington, DC. I'm sure the mayor could have put an end to it if she had wanted to. I don't live there so I really don't care. However, I am a US Citizen and a mob loyal to the last guy stormed the Capitol on January 6th...because he lost...soo he egged them on..because they were mad. I don't care if takes 10 years to prosecute everyone involved in that mess. So be it.

Capitol riot arrest: Marine officer charged for alleged involvement​

Maj. Christopher Warnagiris was identified by a co-worker using FBI photos​

Using Capitol / FBI Photos, 'In the four months following the riot, authorities have arrested and charged more than 400 people in relation to the Capitol breach, with 125 people charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement, the DOJ said. '

Foreign-funded, Democrat-supported domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM have perpetrated and continue to perpetrate pillaging, looting, damaging, burning, completely destroying businesses and private property, have assaulted, injured, and even murdered people as they perpetrated BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in damage to Democrat-run communities all across the country....

So when is the Biden administration, the FBI, and the DOJ going to start using videos, photographs, and hi-tech to identify and arrest these domestic terrorists that have destroyed cities across the US?

Were any of these Antifa/BLM people involved in an insurrection perpetrated by a big lie designed to interrupt a Constitutional process with the intent of overturning a free and fair election?...No?
Well, there you have your answer. People arrested (and there were) for property damage should pay.
I thought you Trump humpers would have picked up on that by now. :)
Yes they were.

CHAZ was precisely that sort of violent insurrection.

Capitol riot arrest: Marine officer charged for alleged involvement​

Maj. Christopher Warnagiris was identified by a co-worker using FBI photos​

Using Capitol / FBI Photos, 'In the four months following the riot, authorities have arrested and charged more than 400 people in relation to the Capitol breach, with 125 people charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement, the DOJ said. '

Foreign-funded, Democrat-supported domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM have perpetrated and continue to perpetrate pillaging, looting, damaging, burning, completely destroying businesses and private property, have assaulted, injured, and even murdered people as they perpetrated BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in damage to Democrat-run communities all across the country....

So when is the Biden administration, the FBI, and the DOJ going to start using videos, photographs, and hi-tech to identify and arrest these domestic terrorists that have destroyed cities across the US?

Were any of these Antifa/BLM people involved in an insurrection perpetrated by a big lie designed to interrupt a Constitutional process with the intent of overturning a free and fair election?...No?
Well, there you have your answer. People arrested (and there were) for property damage should pay.
I thought you Trump humpers would have picked up on that by now. :)

Chaz was an insurrection. The Autonomous Zone was an insurrection. The attacks on federal buildings and agents, often with support from the mayor, was an insurrection.

Unequal application of Justice, is a violation of human rights.

Anyone doing time, will be a political prisoner.

Sorry, Chaz (besides being Cher's son) wasn't an attempt to overturn an election..or overthrow the government. A bunch of unwashed hippies making their own autonomous zone in a city that has nothing to do with the seat of the federal government. And unless my geography skills are really that rusty..Seattle isn't Washington, DC. I'm sure the mayor could have put an end to it if she had wanted to. I don't live there so I really don't care. However, I am a US Citizen and a mob loyal to the last guy stormed the Capitol on January 6th...because he lost...soo he egged them on..because they were mad. I don't care if takes 10 years to prosecute everyone involved in that mess. So be it.

Capitol riot arrest: Marine officer charged for alleged involvement​

Maj. Christopher Warnagiris was identified by a co-worker using FBI photos​

Using Capitol / FBI Photos, 'In the four months following the riot, authorities have arrested and charged more than 400 people in relation to the Capitol breach, with 125 people charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement, the DOJ said. '

Foreign-funded, Democrat-supported domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM have perpetrated and continue to perpetrate pillaging, looting, damaging, burning, completely destroying businesses and private property, have assaulted, injured, and even murdered people as they perpetrated BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in damage to Democrat-run communities all across the country....

So when is the Biden administration, the FBI, and the DOJ going to start using videos, photographs, and hi-tech to identify and arrest these domestic terrorists that have destroyed cities across the US?

In state riots are not the federal government's jurisdiction. Washington DC Capitol riot is their domain.

Capitol riot arrest: Marine officer charged for alleged involvement​

Maj. Christopher Warnagiris was identified by a co-worker using FBI photos​

Using Capitol / FBI Photos, 'In the four months following the riot, authorities have arrested and charged more than 400 people in relation to the Capitol breach, with 125 people charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement, the DOJ said. '

Foreign-funded, Democrat-supported domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM have perpetrated and continue to perpetrate pillaging, looting, damaging, burning, completely destroying businesses and private property, have assaulted, injured, and even murdered people as they perpetrated BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in damage to Democrat-run communities all across the country....

So when is the Biden administration, the FBI, and the DOJ going to start using videos, photographs, and hi-tech to identify and arrest these domestic terrorists that have destroyed cities across the US?

Were any of these Antifa/BLM people involved in an insurrection perpetrated by a big lie designed to interrupt a Constitutional process with the intent of overturning a free and fair election?...No?
Well, there you have your answer. People arrested (and there were) for property damage should pay.
I thought you Trump humpers would have picked up on that by now. :)

Chaz was an insurrection. The Autonomous Zone was an insurrection. The attacks on federal buildings and agents, often with support from the mayor, was an insurrection.

Wrong you liaqr.
Unequal application of Justice, is a violation of human rights.

Anyone doing time, will be a political prisoner.

Sorry, Chaz (besides being Cher's son) wasn't an attempt to overturn an election..or overthrow the government. A bunch of unwashed hippies making their own autonomous zone in a city that has nothing to do with the seat of the federal government. And unless my geography skills are really that rusty..Seattle isn't Washington, DC. I'm sure the mayor could have put an end to it if she had wanted to. I don't live there so I really don't care. However, I am a US Citizen and a mob loyal to the last guy stormed the Capitol on January 6th...because he lost...soo he egged them on..because they were mad. I don't care if takes 10 years to prosecute everyone involved in that mess. So be it.

CHAZ was absolutely a violent insurrection which succesfully overturned local govrnment which qwas legall elected.

Local government is just as legitimate as federal government and it was just as heinous to do what antifa and blm did ass the it was for the maga crowd to attack the capitol.

you are a iar and hypocrite and you know it
So when is the Biden administration, the FBI, and the DOJ going to start using videos, photographs, and hi-tech to identify and arrest these domestic terrorists that have destroyed cities across the US?
They're not going to.
What do you think they've been doing?

... By 2017, the FBI had invented a new domestic terrorism program category it called the “Black Identity Extremism movement”. An FBI intelligence report cited six unrelated incidents over a three year period in which Black subjects not associated with one another attacked police officers, to allege that a terrorist movement driven by “perceptions of police brutality against African Americans” existed. The report stated that “the perceived unchallenged illegitimate actions of law enforcement will inspire premeditated attacks against law enforcement” by so-called “Black identity extremists”, suggesting that the FBI’s concerns lay not in illegal police violence, but the hypothetical retaliation it might provoke.
In 2018 and 2019, the FBI conducted nationwide assessments of “Black identity extremists” under an intelligence collection operation it called “Iron Fist”, prioritizing these cases over investigations of far more prevalent violence from white supremacists and far right militants over that period, including mass shootings at a Pittsburgh synagogue and an El Paso shopping mall.
The FBI also acknowledged using its most advanced surveillance aircraft to monitor BLM protests in Baltimore after the police killing of Freddie Gray in 2018, and again this month at the BLM protests in Washington DC. And, as the Intercept reported last week, at least four organizers of a Black Lives Matter rally in Cookeville, Tennessee, received unscheduled visits at their homes and workplaces by FBI agents assigned to the local joint terrorism taskforce. The agents questioned them about their social media posts, their plans for the protest, and whether they had connections to antifa – anti-fascist activists who Donald Trump has blamed for inciting violence at BLM protests. The FBI has reported it found no evidence of antifa involvement at the protests.
Trump goons are not the only folks subject to scrutiny, and arrest and prosecution when justified.

Screen Shot 2021-04-19 at 4.36.13 PM.png

Capitol riot arrest: Marine officer charged for alleged involvement​

Maj. Christopher Warnagiris was identified by a co-worker using FBI photos​

Using Capitol / FBI Photos, 'In the four months following the riot, authorities have arrested and charged more than 400 people in relation to the Capitol breach, with 125 people charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement, the DOJ said. '

Foreign-funded, Democrat-supported domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM have perpetrated and continue to perpetrate pillaging, looting, damaging, burning, completely destroying businesses and private property, have assaulted, injured, and even murdered people as they perpetrated BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in damage to Democrat-run communities all across the country....

So when is the Biden administration, the FBI, and the DOJ going to start using videos, photographs, and hi-tech to identify and arrest these domestic terrorists that have destroyed cities across the US?

Were any of these Antifa/BLM people involved in an insurrection perpetrated by a big lie designed to interrupt a Constitutional process with the intent of overturning a free and fair election?...No?
Well, there you have your answer. People arrested (and there were) for property damage should pay.
I thought you Trump humpers would have picked up on that by now. :)

Chaz was an insurrection. The Autonomous Zone was an insurrection. The attacks on federal buildings and agents, often with support from the mayor, was an insurrection.

Wrong you liaqr.
Unequal application of Justice, is a violation of human rights.

Anyone doing time, will be a political prisoner.

Sorry, Chaz (besides being Cher's son) wasn't an attempt to overturn an election..or overthrow the government. A bunch of unwashed hippies making their own autonomous zone in a city that has nothing to do with the seat of the federal government. And unless my geography skills are really that rusty..Seattle isn't Washington, DC. I'm sure the mayor could have put an end to it if she had wanted to. I don't live there so I really don't care. However, I am a US Citizen and a mob loyal to the last guy stormed the Capitol on January 6th...because he lost...soo he egged them on..because they were mad. I don't care if takes 10 years to prosecute everyone involved in that mess. So be it.

CHAZ was absolutely a violent insurrection which succesfully overturned local govrnment which qwas legall elected.

Local government is just as legitimate as federal government and it was just as heinous to do what antifa and blm did ass the it was for the maga crowd to attack the capitol.

you are a iar and hypocrite and you know it
No it wasn't. There was no chance of overthrowing any government, local or federal.
And Chaz wasn't formed over the fact that a fat turd lost the election and threw a hissy fit.
Deal with it.

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