When Will FBI/DOJ Start Using Photos To Bring Violent Antifa/BLM Terrorists To Justice As They Are Doing With Capitol Rioters?

Capitol riot arrest: Marine officer charged for alleged involvement​

Maj. Christopher Warnagiris was identified by a co-worker using FBI photos​

Using Capitol / FBI Photos, 'In the four months following the riot, authorities have arrested and charged more than 400 people in relation to the Capitol breach, with 125 people charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement, the DOJ said. '

Foreign-funded, Democrat-supported domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM have perpetrated and continue to perpetrate pillaging, looting, damaging, burning, completely destroying businesses and private property, have assaulted, injured, and even murdered people as they perpetrated BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in damage to Democrat-run communities all across the country....

So when is the Biden administration, the FBI, and the DOJ going to start using videos, photographs, and hi-tech to identify and arrest these domestic terrorists that have destroyed cities across the US?

Were any of these Antifa/BLM people involved in an insurrection perpetrated by a big lie designed to interrupt a Constitutional process with the intent of overturning a free and fair election?...No?
Well, there you have your answer. People arrested (and there were) for property damage should pay.
I thought you Trump humpers would have picked up on that by now. :)

And?....looks like they were arrested.
Your point?
There where 50 or more people and this sort of crap is happening all over the country but you loons are ignoring it.

If people are being arrested, then it isn't being ignored. And these arrests weren't over disputing a free and fair election...which is why I don't care about them. I expect law enforcement to do their job.
Just like I expect the DOJ to do it's job in arresting and prosecuting ANYONE that was there on January 6th.

Your support of unequal application of justice, is you being against civil rights.

People are going to notice that people are serving time, primarily because of their politics.

View attachment 489813

And..what say you about the decades long unequal application of justice for blacks and hispanics?
People will serve time for January 6th because treason, sedition, and fomenting an insurrection are federal crimes..yes, I beleive
I read that in some document somewhere.

I point out that a certain group of people are being denied their civil rights and your response is to deflect and deny.

Unless all rioters are treated equally, the time served by those that have been singled out for special treatment, will be an injustice and a violation of their civil rights.

Your excuses will not change the fact that they will be political prisoners.

People are going to notice this, and your side's increasing tyranny.

View attachment 490038

You can keep posting the same tough guy memes all you want. We both know that most of you on the right will roll over if push comes to shove. You talk a good game but at the end of the day..they're just words. And honestly, memes are for the lazy.
I don't see anyone that was involved in the insurrection being denied any rights. They've been afforded representation, even been afforded bail where appropriate. They were involved in a violent attempt to overthrow the government of the United States.
So I don't give a shit if some of them are denied bail and have to sit in prison before their hearings.

And I notice you just keep avoiding the discussion of how people of color have suffered for decades under the same yoke of justice you're whining about these poor white folk suffering under.
Bit like "now you know how the other side might feel". ^Shrug^.

So, which is it? Are they being treated just fine and dandy or are they suffering "under the same yoke of justice as people of color have"?

You're trying to equate the two. You can't.
As far as I can see, they are being treated..exactly as they deserve to be treated.

Please provide the link to the story telling how Barry and tge VP bailed out any of the 6 Jan rioters,,,especially any who threw Molotov Cocktails at cops and tried to burn them alive.

Please provide the link showing how the VP encouraged the 6 Jan rioters to commit another violent act, to keep doing what they did, like she encouraged Antifa and Blm to keep perpetrating violence after tge election.

You're so full of shit your eyes are brown...

Well, since the last VP was the subject of death by hanging threats issued quite out loudly by a lot of January 6th "patriots", I think you may have chosen the wrong analogy. And I don't remember Harris encouraging anyone to to riot or destroy property. That's just you slinging your usual alt-right bag of biled bullshit. So you go ahead with your just and righteous outrage. The FBI will go ahead and keep on arresting and investigating anyone of interest who they can prove were there and causing mayhem on the 6th. As they should. Just as local law enforcement should arrest and prosecute people who loot and destroy property.
On 6 Jan Americans were incited into a mob-mentality riot by Antifa, helped into the Capitol by Capitol Police, and escorted through the Capitol where rioters took selfies, walked around, and took souvenirs...during which time an unarmed white female vet was murdered for trespassing.

Compare that to foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists who destroyed businesses and communities, assaulted and murdered, perpetrating literally MILLIONS of dollars in damage throughout Democrat -run communities all across the country .... terrorist bailed out by former Democrat Presidents and tge current VP who have chosen to side with terrorists over the American people as they rip this country apart racially, creating a racial Civil War to distract people from their real agenda and actions of destroying this nation now that they have control of the govt.

Your ramblings and indoctrinated opinions are the bleating of an ignorant willful snowflake sheep....

Honestly, just get lost with your bullshit. And make no mistake, it's just alt-right blather. Same shit as I've read and heard on your media. Talking points spread faster on your side the aisle than the clap. :)
Your first line has already been debunked..over and over. It's a little bit more than hackneyed.

And forgive me, your bile spew sounds like the desperate ramblings of an individual who knows the time of his belief systems...may be coming to an end..and is just lashing out.
America will continue to move forward...unless people like you once again find a way to drag it back into darkness. :)
Thank you for that insulting, rambling, heavily opinionated rants ubmnsupported and unsubstantiated by any facts or links, which sums up 95% of all the snowflake venting posts on this board.

We are all dumber for reading your posts.

The don't read or respond to them.
And with as much respect as I can muster, you don't need to read anybody's posts...to come across as dumb.
In the words of a close family member, your kind of ignorance...needs to be stamped out. :)

Wrap it up in whatever ball of comfort you wish, the people who participated in the Jan 6th insurrection are getting exactly what they deserve.
I hope federal law enforcement agencies hunt down as many people who were there as possible. That day can never happen again.
At the same time, I hope that anyone who commits robbery, vandalism, property damage, or physical violence..also be held accountable.
You continue to waste our time with petty, childish comments that add nothing of value to the discussion. The fact is liberals consider conservatives more of a threat to THEM than the terrorists they support that have perpetrated millions of Dollars in damages to American citizens' property & lives.

You've had nothing of value to contribute to this conversation. Just your same old alt-right rantings.
Address the topic. People who commit property damage and vandalism at these protest ARE being arrested, whether you want to admit it or not.
You see what happened on Jan 6th as a peaceful protest because you believe a lie. And the fact that the people being rounded up for the insurrection
that day..are all white. Of course you're going to be aggrieved. Same grievances that have been aired for decades.

I don't consider conservatives a threat. I consider anyone who subscribes to the alt-right and capitulates to the cult of Trump to be a threat.
Real conservatives as they are now....are a dying breed. Most of the right wing has sold out to the cult out of fear or pure survival instinct.
I don't consider Trump and his supporters to be conservatives. They are authoritarians.
Your support of foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists, their political supporters, Democrats proven to have facilitated CCP Espionage, and a President proven to have engaged in influyence peddling, Russian money laundering, & taking over a billion from the CCP is duly noted.
You lie so much you can't keep yer story straight.

Capitol riot arrest: Marine officer charged for alleged involvement​

Maj. Christopher Warnagiris was identified by a co-worker using FBI photos​

Using Capitol / FBI Photos, 'In the four months following the riot, authorities have arrested and charged more than 400 people in relation to the Capitol breach, with 125 people charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement, the DOJ said. '

Foreign-funded, Democrat-supported domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM have perpetrated and continue to perpetrate pillaging, looting, damaging, burning, completely destroying businesses and private property, have assaulted, injured, and even murdered people as they perpetrated BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in damage to Democrat-run communities all across the country....

So when is the Biden administration, the FBI, and the DOJ going to start using videos, photographs, and hi-tech to identify and arrest these domestic terrorists that have destroyed cities across the US?

Were any of these Antifa/BLM people involved in an insurrection perpetrated by a big lie designed to interrupt a Constitutional process with the intent of overturning a free and fair election?...No?
Well, there you have your answer. People arrested (and there were) for property damage should pay.
I thought you Trump humpers would have picked up on that by now. :)

And?....looks like they were arrested.
Your point?
There where 50 or more people and this sort of crap is happening all over the country but you loons are ignoring it.

If people are being arrested, then it isn't being ignored. And these arrests weren't over disputing a free and fair election...which is why I don't care about them. I expect law enforcement to do their job.
Just like I expect the DOJ to do it's job in arresting and prosecuting ANYONE that was there on January 6th.

Your support of unequal application of justice, is you being against civil rights.

People are going to notice that people are serving time, primarily because of their politics.

View attachment 489813

And..what say you about the decades long unequal application of justice for blacks and hispanics?
People will serve time for January 6th because treason, sedition, and fomenting an insurrection are federal crimes..yes, I beleive
I read that in some document somewhere.

I point out that a certain group of people are being denied their civil rights and your response is to deflect and deny.

Unless all rioters are treated equally, the time served by those that have been singled out for special treatment, will be an injustice and a violation of their civil rights.

Your excuses will not change the fact that they will be political prisoners.

People are going to notice this, and your side's increasing tyranny.

View attachment 490038

You can keep posting the same tough guy memes all you want. We both know that most of you on the right will roll over if push comes to shove. You talk a good game but at the end of the day..they're just words. And honestly, memes are for the lazy.
I don't see anyone that was involved in the insurrection being denied any rights. They've been afforded representation, even been afforded bail where appropriate. They were involved in a violent attempt to overthrow the government of the United States.
So I don't give a shit if some of them are denied bail and have to sit in prison before their hearings.

And I notice you just keep avoiding the discussion of how people of color have suffered for decades under the same yoke of justice you're whining about these poor white folk suffering under.
Bit like "now you know how the other side might feel". ^Shrug^.

So, which is it? Are they being treated just fine and dandy or are they suffering "under the same yoke of justice as people of color have"?

You're trying to equate the two. You can't.
As far as I can see, they are being treated..exactly as they deserve to be treated.

Please provide the link to the story telling how Barry and tge VP bailed out any of the 6 Jan rioters,,,especially any who threw Molotov Cocktails at cops and tried to burn them alive.

Please provide the link showing how the VP encouraged the 6 Jan rioters to commit another violent act, to keep doing what they did, like she encouraged Antifa and Blm to keep perpetrating violence after tge election.

You're so full of shit your eyes are brown...

Well, since the last VP was the subject of death by hanging threats issued quite out loudly by a lot of January 6th "patriots", I think you may have chosen the wrong analogy. And I don't remember Harris encouraging anyone to to riot or destroy property. That's just you slinging your usual alt-right bag of biled bullshit. So you go ahead with your just and righteous outrage. The FBI will go ahead and keep on arresting and investigating anyone of interest who they can prove were there and causing mayhem on the 6th. As they should. Just as local law enforcement should arrest and prosecute people who loot and destroy property.
On 6 Jan Americans were incited into a mob-mentality riot by Antifa, helped into the Capitol by Capitol Police, and escorted through the Capitol where rioters took selfies, walked around, and took souvenirs...during which time an unarmed white female vet was murdered for trespassing.

Compare that to foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists who destroyed businesses and communities, assaulted and murdered, perpetrating literally MILLIONS of dollars in damage throughout Democrat -run communities all across the country .... terrorist bailed out by former Democrat Presidents and tge current VP who have chosen to side with terrorists over the American people as they rip this country apart racially, creating a racial Civil War to distract people from their real agenda and actions of destroying this nation now that they have control of the govt.

Your ramblings and indoctrinated opinions are the bleating of an ignorant willful snowflake sheep....

Honestly, just get lost with your bullshit. And make no mistake, it's just alt-right blather. Same shit as I've read and heard on your media. Talking points spread faster on your side the aisle than the clap. :)
Your first line has already been debunked..over and over. It's a little bit more than hackneyed.

And forgive me, your bile spew sounds like the desperate ramblings of an individual who knows the time of his belief systems...may be coming to an end..and is just lashing out.
America will continue to move forward...unless people like you once again find a way to drag it back into darkness. :)
Thank you for that insulting, rambling, heavily opinionated rants ubmnsupported and unsubstantiated by any facts or links, which sums up 95% of all the snowflake venting posts on this board.

We are all dumber for reading your posts.

The don't read or respond to them.
And with as much respect as I can muster, you don't need to read anybody's posts...to come across as dumb.
In the words of a close family member, your kind of ignorance...needs to be stamped out. :)

Wrap it up in whatever ball of comfort you wish, the people who participated in the Jan 6th insurrection are getting exactly what they deserve.
I hope federal law enforcement agencies hunt down as many people who were there as possible. That day can never happen again.
At the same time, I hope that anyone who commits robbery, vandalism, property damage, or physical violence..also be held accountable.
You continue to waste our time with petty, childish comments that add nothing of value to the discussion. The fact is liberals consider conservatives more of a threat to THEM than the terrorists they support that have perpetrated millions of Dollars in damages to American citizens' property & lives.

You've had nothing of value to contribute to this conversation. Just your same old alt-right rantings.
Address the topic. People who commit property damage and vandalism at these protest ARE being arrested, whether you want to admit it or not.
You see what happened on Jan 6th as a peaceful protest because you believe a lie. And the fact that the people being rounded up for the insurrection
that day..are all white. Of course you're going to be aggrieved. Same grievances that have been aired for decades.

I don't consider conservatives a threat. I consider anyone who subscribes to the alt-right and capitulates to the cult of Trump to be a threat.
Real conservatives as they are now....are a dying breed. Most of the right wing has sold out to the cult out of fear or pure survival instinct.
I don't consider Trump and his supporters to be conservatives. They are authoritarians.
Your support of foreign-funded Democrat-supported domestic terrorists, their political supporters, Democrats proven to have facilitated CCP Espionage, and a President proven to have engaged in influyence peddling, Russian money laundering, & taking over a billion from the CCP is duly noted.

Wow, that's a lot of compiled, alt-right talking points in one sentence. Need to walk before you run. I've heard all this shit throwing from your media. You guys really need to come up with a new song sheet. :)
Yea it does. It is exclusive and rejects the notion that other lives matter as you have openly stated. That is NOT an inference.
You would not make that inference in any analogous situation.

The very thought that Black Lives Matter threatens people who don’t give a shit about them.

Capitol riot arrest: Marine officer charged for alleged involvement​

Maj. Christopher Warnagiris was identified by a co-worker using FBI photos​

Using Capitol / FBI Photos, 'In the four months following the riot, authorities have arrested and charged more than 400 people in relation to the Capitol breach, with 125 people charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement, the DOJ said. '

Foreign-funded, Democrat-supported domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM have perpetrated and continue to perpetrate pillaging, looting, damaging, burning, completely destroying businesses and private property, have assaulted, injured, and even murdered people as they perpetrated BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in damage to Democrat-run communities all across the country....

So when is the Biden administration, the FBI, and the DOJ going to start using videos, photographs, and hi-tech to identify and arrest these domestic terrorists that have destroyed cities across the US?

You post many lies, which of course you must being a Republiklan Trumpolini supporting fascist.

In fact, you white-right terrorists have lost and you know it. Your little insurrection failed, because you're all so abysmally stupid, and now you're all seething with impotence. This will mean many terrorist shootings, but effectively you have all been castrated. Nobody cares, as you're incels anyway...

Capitol riot arrest: Marine officer charged for alleged involvement​

Maj. Christopher Warnagiris was identified by a co-worker using FBI photos​

Using Capitol / FBI Photos, 'In the four months following the riot, authorities have arrested and charged more than 400 people in relation to the Capitol breach, with 125 people charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement, the DOJ said. '

Foreign-funded, Democrat-supported domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM have perpetrated and continue to perpetrate pillaging, looting, damaging, burning, completely destroying businesses and private property, have assaulted, injured, and even murdered people as they perpetrated BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in damage to Democrat-run communities all across the country....

So when is the Biden administration, the FBI, and the DOJ going to start using videos, photographs, and hi-tech to identify and arrest these domestic terrorists that have destroyed cities across the US?

You post many lies, which of course you must being a Republiklan Trumpolini supporting fascist.

In fact, you white-right terrorists have lost and you know it. Your little insurrection failed, because you're all so abysmally stupid, and now you're all seething with impotence. This will mean many terrorist shootings, but effectively you have all been castrated. Nobody cares, as you're incels anyway...

you sound very racist. You talk a lot of shit about whites.

Capitol riot arrest: Marine officer charged for alleged involvement​

Maj. Christopher Warnagiris was identified by a co-worker using FBI photos​

Using Capitol / FBI Photos, 'In the four months following the riot, authorities have arrested and charged more than 400 people in relation to the Capitol breach, with 125 people charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement, the DOJ said. '

Foreign-funded, Democrat-supported domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM have perpetrated and continue to perpetrate pillaging, looting, damaging, burning, completely destroying businesses and private property, have assaulted, injured, and even murdered people as they perpetrated BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in damage to Democrat-run communities all across the country....

So when is the Biden administration, the FBI, and the DOJ going to start using videos, photographs, and hi-tech to identify and arrest these domestic terrorists that have destroyed cities across the US?


Capitol riot arrest: Marine officer charged for alleged involvement​

Maj. Christopher Warnagiris was identified by a co-worker using FBI photos​

Using Capitol / FBI Photos, 'In the four months following the riot, authorities have arrested and charged more than 400 people in relation to the Capitol breach, with 125 people charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement, the DOJ said. '

Foreign-funded, Democrat-supported domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM have perpetrated and continue to perpetrate pillaging, looting, damaging, burning, completely destroying businesses and private property, have assaulted, injured, and even murdered people as they perpetrated BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in damage to Democrat-run communities all across the country....

So when is the Biden administration, the FBI, and the DOJ going to start using videos, photographs, and hi-tech to identify and arrest these domestic terrorists that have destroyed cities across the US?


That is the type of meme that only a retard would post.

Were any of these Antifa/BLM people involved in an insurrection

Are you fucking stupid, you dumb Nazi cvnt?


perpetrated by a big lie designed to interrupt a Constitutional process with the intent of overturning a free and fair election?...No?
Well, there you have your answer. People arrested (and there were) for property damage should pay.
I thought you Trump humpers would have picked up on that by now. :)

Interrupting a constitutional process? That sounds bad, Nazi cvnt...

You post many lies, which of course you must being a Republiklan Trumpolini supporting fascist.

In fact, you white-right terrorists have lost and you know it. Your little insurrection failed, because you're all so abysmally stupid, and now you're all seething with impotence. This will mean many terrorist shootings, but effectively you have all been castrated. Nobody cares, as you're incels anyway...

you sound very racist. You talk a lot of shit about whites.

Hating Der Juden isn't racist.... Being white is racist. democrats intend to eradicate racism. SEIG HEIL - Uber Alles Democrat.

Hating Der Juden isn't racist.... Being white is racist. democrats intend to eradicate racism. SEIG HEIL - Uber Alles Democrat.
For years Democrats claimed their goal was to eliminate racism while making money and generating votes by promoting racism. For the last decade, however, Democrats have been openly, violently dividing the nation with racism, promoting it, using it as a weapon, while making money off of it and generating votes from it.
For years Democrats claimed their goal was to eliminate racism while making money and generating votes by promoting racism. For the last decade, however, Democrats have been openly, violently dividing the nation with racism, promoting it, using it as a weapon, while making money off of it and generating votes from it.

For a decade we Americans made the mistake of thinking that democrats were following the script of Lenin in their war to end America. Now we know they are actually following Hitler - to the letter. We have been combating the wrong tactics. The shameful democrats ARE the Nazi party.

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