When will Judge Merrick Garland receive a Senate hearing? He waited 293 days.

Earth to Lakdopa: Trump Won. hiLIARY lost...BIGLY!

what does that have to do with you hacks stealing a judge from a sitting president?


View attachment 109982

Typical adolescent Trumpism. Grow the fuck up.

Here's a little story about that: No.

You Sore LoserXyrs are going to get frequent reminders that YOU LOST, Bigly.

I see good advice is lost on some.

Trump won the election. Are you ready to move on and stop treating it as an answer to whatever objection Republicans and his administration meets?
Earth to Lakdopa: Trump Won. hiLIARY lost...BIGLY!

what does that have to do with you hacks stealing a judge from a sitting president?


View attachment 109982

Typical adolescent Trumpism. Grow the fuck up.

Here's a little story about that: No.

You Sore LoserXyrs are going to get frequent reminders that YOU LOST, Bigly.

I see good advice is lost on some.

You are sorely mistaken if you think that what you are offering is good advice.

Merrick Garland waited 293 days.

His nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court, which sat gathering dust in the Senate for that long, expired at noon Tuesday — just as the 115th Congress was sworn in on the first day of its legislative session.

More: Merrick Garland's Supreme Court Nomination Just Died With The Old Congress

History will record this poorly for Republican obstruction in fulfilling Constitutional obligations.
Garland? Garland? He's the one that African guy wanted to put on the Supreme Court, isn't he?
what does that have to do with you hacks stealing a judge from a sitting president?


View attachment 109982

Typical adolescent Trumpism. Grow the fuck up.

Here's a little story about that: No.

You Sore LoserXyrs are going to get frequent reminders that YOU LOST, Bigly.

I see good advice is lost on some.

You are sorely mistaken if you think that what you are offering is good advice.

"You Sore LoserXyrs" says otherwise.

Merrick Garland waited 293 days.

His nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court, which sat gathering dust in the Senate for that long, expired at noon Tuesday — just as the 115th Congress was sworn in on the first day of its legislative session.

More: Merrick Garland's Supreme Court Nomination Just Died With The Old Congress

History will record this poorly for Republican obstruction in fulfilling Constitutional obligations.
Garland? Garland? He's the one that African guy wanted to put on the Supreme Court, isn't he?

here's some Garland for our Progressives

We came THIS....close to having the criminal, colostomy-bagged, drunken, hideous shrew making the USSC selection last night.....


God Bless Donald J. Trump
Part of the reason that republicans swept the biggest mid term victory in modern history was to make sure the democrat party doesn't get to nominate Supreme Court Justices. Barry Hussein was a lame duck and republicans weren't going to allow him to nominate a liberal legacy to the Supreme Court to replace a Constitutionalist judge. It's as simple as that but angry lefties still don't get it and probably will never get it.
History will record that the nation dodged a bullet by avoiding the appointment of a left-wing extremist to the Supreme Court which would have tilted the court to a leftist majority that would have taken very little time in abolishing the First and Second Amendments.

Garland is hardly an extremist. He was one of the most reasonable picks we could have gotten from Obama and he was confirmed to the D.C. Circuit Court with a supermajority
Thread summary:

All the Trump thugs are reiterating their support for the unconstituional actions of the Republican senate.

And they're butthurt because we keep pointing that out.

But then, they wouldn't be Trump-thugs if they weren't chronically butthurt, and if they didn't despise the US Constitution.
Is it a good thing to obstruct a SC justice, a bad thing, or good when democrats do it, but bad when Republicans do it?

Who cares?

It is obvious the voters don't care
I'm questioning those who professed to be outraged, just outraged, when Republicans completely obstructed Obama's pick, but now appear to be cheering on the democrats for trying to do the same thing. Either it's right or it's wrong.

Its the way the game is played today

Republicans raised the ante when they would not consider Garland. They should not be shocked when Democrats do not cooperate in the approval of their replacement
Thread summary:

All the Trump thugs are reiterating their support for the unconstituional actions of the Republican senate.

And they're butthurt because we keep pointing that out.

But then, they wouldn't be Trump-thugs if they weren't chronically butthurt, and if they didn't despise the US Constitution.

You mean Joe Medal of Freedom Biden proposed something unconstitutional?
Is it a good thing to obstruct a SC justice, a bad thing, or good when democrats do it, but bad when Republicans do it?

Who cares?

It is obvious the voters don't care
I'm questioning those who professed to be outraged, just outraged, when Republicans completely obstructed Obama's pick, but now appear to be cheering on the democrats for trying to do the same thing. Either it's right or it's wrong.

Its the way the game is played today

Republicans raised the ante when they would not consider Garland. They should not be shocked when Democrats do not cooperate in the approval of their replacement

Republicans followed the rules laid out by Biden, Reid and Schumer, they didn't raise anything

Gorsuch will be confirmed before Valentine's Day. He got the academics, was a Clerk for Kennedy and was approved 96-0 last time.
Is it a good thing to obstruct a SC justice, a bad thing, or good when democrats do it, but bad when Republicans do it?

Who cares?

It is obvious the voters don't care
I'm questioning those who professed to be outraged, just outraged, when Republicans completely obstructed Obama's pick, but now appear to be cheering on the democrats for trying to do the same thing. Either it's right or it's wrong.

Its the way the game is played today

Republicans raised the ante when they would not consider Garland. They should not be shocked when Democrats do not cooperate in the approval of their replacement
It's been tit for tat for a long time. You do remember the democrats blocking Bush's Hispanic appointments to the bench? And now, Harry Reid is looking at a door he probably wishes he hadn't opened. The Republicans had considered doing what he did, but chose not to. Now they have little reason to refrain from walking through and opening it wider.

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