When will liberals stop lying about America becoming the Handmaids Tale if Roe V Wade is overturned?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Stop fucking lying.

If Roe V Wade is overturned, the issue goes to the states.

Any knocked up bitch in a blue state will still be able to kill their babies.

States that don’t want it to be legal to kill babies will have it illegal.

If you don’t like the laws in your state, fucking move!

People from New York are moving to Florida because of STATE TAX LAWS.


Stop the bullshit lies, libbies.
Abortion Tourism will become a popular pastime especially among the good girls in The Real America who have to hop on the Greyhound and go to the big, bad liberal city to get their “problem” taken care of.
The Republicans won't stop their madness and authoritarian control until America, does, indeed, turn into a real-life Handmaiden's Tale type scenario.
Red states have already written laws that reward rapists and will make it harder for poor women to get eliable contraception.

Ecery miscarriage will be potential crime scene...that is their motto
The Republicans won't stop their madness and authoritarian control until America, does, indeed, turn into a real-life Handmaiden's Tale type scenario.
Do you even Constitution?

Explain to me SPECIFICALLY how abortion will be illegal in Hawaii.

Give me the exact process how that will happen.

Just walk me through it.....I will get you started....the Supreme Court just overturned Roe V Wade and has said it’s a states rights issue....

How will abortion be illegal in Hawaii?

Are you worried because you know the left subverts the Constitution to get their way?
The Republicans won't stop their madness and authoritarian control until America, does, indeed, turn into a real-life Handmaiden's Tale type scenario.
I, like you would laugh if a real life sharia law person detonated a WMD in a public area. That is a reality scenario! And many of them are deserved for all the lies your Progs have committed. Were those people killed in Va. Progs? Well they were govt. workers. Memory Lane... You'll save 2500 dol.........bwhahaaa!
The Republicans won't stop their madness and authoritarian control until America, does, indeed, turn into a real-life Handmaiden's Tale type scenario.
Do you even Constitution?

Explain to me SPECIFICALLY how abortion will be illegal in Hawaii.

Give me the exact process how that will happen.

Just walk me through it.....I will get you started....the Supreme Court just overturned Roe V Wade and has said it’s a states rights issue....

How will abortion be illegal in Hawaii?

Are you worried because you know the left subverts the Constitution to get their way?
Their agenda is to form a body of law granting fetal personhoid rights. Once that is done, you could no more take a morning after pill then murder your neighbor.
Red states have already written laws that reward rapists and will make it harder for poor women to get eliable contraception.

Ecery miscarriage will be potential crime scene...that is their motto

Harder for poor people.

Just fucking stop with that parroting cvnt nonsense.

Any poor person will be able to drive to another state and get an abortion....prove they won’t be able to.
Red states have already written laws that reward rapists and will make it harder for poor women to get eliable contraception.

Ecery miscarriage will be potential crime scene...that is their motto

The Alabama bill specifically states the women in question won't be charged with a crime.

They are gunning for the doctors, not the women.
Stop fucking lying.

If Roe V Wade is overturned, the issue goes to the states.

Any knocked up bitch in a blue state will still be able to kill their babies.

States that don’t want it to be legal to kill babies will have it illegal.

If you don’t like the laws in your state, fucking move!

People from New York are moving to Florida because of STATE TAX LAWS.


Stop the bullshit lies, libbies.

Possibly it will stop when they receive the grand revelation that there are more books - MANY more books - in the world besides "Handmaid's Tale". It's going to be quite a blow to them to realize that not only is "Handmaid" not the only book ever published, it's actually rather inferior writing.
Once control over your own body is taken away what's next? will stoning jailing women who don't comply be next? if you look at what's being pushed it looks that way.
Once control over your own body is taken away what's next? will stoning jailing women who don't comply be next? if you look at what's being pushed it looks that way.
Female babes are being dismembered.. what are you talking about?
The Republicans won't stop their madness and authoritarian control until America, does, indeed, turn into a real-life Handmaiden's Tale type scenario.

Two bits of irony:

1) Liberals believe in gun control

2) Liberals believe "women's right to choose" is about the only time a person should have the right to choose anything.
Poor people won’t be able to go to a blue state and kill their babies?

That is just a fucking lie.

Absolutely a lie.
The Republicans won't stop their madness and authoritarian control until America, does, indeed, turn into a real-life Handmaiden's Tale type scenario.
/——-/ “Republicans authoritarian control”. You mean like liberals nanny states cradle to grave micromanaging? You mean like that?
Once control over your own body is taken away what's next? will stoning jailing women who don't comply be next? if you look at what's being pushed it looks that way.

So why regulate soda size?

Because the so-called "right to privacy" and "right to control your own body" only refers to killing unborn babies. In all else that you do with your body, including drinking soda, the leftists can't even comprehend why you think you should have a say in it.
How is abortion going to made illegal in Hawaii?

Liberals who are pro baby killing, please lay out the mechanics behind how this will occur?

If Roe V Wade is overturned, how will abortion be outlawed in Hawaii?

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