When will the arab muslims compensate/give aid $$ to their ethnically cleansed jews?

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Gold Member
May 31, 2009
Group seeks justice for 'forgotten' Jews

"To back the claim, the group had reproduced copies of a draft law composed by the Arab League in 1947 that called for measures to be taken against Jews living in Arab countries. The proposals ranged from imprisonment, confiscation of assets and forced induction into Arab armies to beatings, officially incited acts of violence and pogroms.

Subsequent legislation and discriminatory decrees enacted by Arab governments against Jews were "strikingly similar" to the actions laid out in the draft law, Urman said."


Since the fakestinians have lived off of Western guilt money for decades, when are the arab muslims going to compensate the stolen property, money and land they took from almost 1MM of their jewish citizens?
Well, that leaves the Palestinians off the hook. Palestine did not become a member of the Arab League until 1974.

More lies from one of the leading, bottom-feeding piles of dogshit on this forum:

1937 Ben-Gurion letter - Wikipedia

"...when the words that were crossed out were restored, was meant by Ben-Gurion to say and said exactly the opposite ("We must not expel the Arabs....')."[2]"

Hey c-nt, why provide facts when you can just keep lying? You must enjoy getting your ass kicked on this forum since it happens so oftern. Let's all pray for your death soon.

Back on topic, when will the arab muslims compensate the ethnically cleansed jews for stealing their land and property?

More lies from one of the leading, bottom-feeding piles of dogshit on this forum:

1937 Ben-Gurion letter - Wikipedia

"...when the words that were crossed out were restored, was meant by Ben-Gurion to say and said exactly the opposite ("We must not expel the Arabs....')."[2]"

Hey c-nt, why provide facts when you can just keep lying? You must enjoy getting your ass kicked on this forum since it happens so oftern. Let's all pray for your death soon.

Back on topic, when will the arab muslims compensate the ethnically cleansed jews for stealing their land and property?

That chngge in Wiki is performed periodically by the Hasbara team and goes back iand forth. You are an idiot thinking that Wiki is useful in the I/P debate.

CAMERA's denial of Ben Gurion's statement was debunked long ago. Those are Ben Gurion's exact words. Quit spreading Hasbara propaganda.

"‘We must expel Arabs and take their place’: Institute for Palestine Studies publishes 1937 Ben-Gurion letter advocating the expulsion of Palestinians -

CAMERA’s accusations (e.g., 3 February 2012) that Pappé “invented” or “fabricated” the quotation, suggesting that the Zionist leader had never supported transfer, led JPS to have the original source—Ben-Gurion’s 5 October 1937 letter to his son—translated into English. The letter vindicates Pappé’s reading of Ben-Gurion’s position on transfer and the essential accuracy of his article.

- See more at: ‘We must expel Arabs and take their place’: Institute for Palestine Studies publishes 1937 Ben-Gurion letter advocating the expulsion of Palestinians
And, Ben Gurion's intention to ethnically cleanse the Arabs is germane. I have reported all your obscene posts. Let's see what happens.
Back on topic, when will the arab muslims compensate the ethnically cleansed jews for stealing their land and property?
This was covered. Here it is again...

Interesting thread so I did some digging. Turns out that the accusers are actually the ones doing what they claim their enemies are doing. Who wouldda known?

Israeli and Palestinian Children Killed
September 29, 2000 - Present

134 Israeli children have been killed by Palestinians and 2,149 Palestinian children have been killed by Israelis since September 29, 2000. (View Sources & More Information)

Israelis and Palestinians Killed
September 29, 2000 - Present

1,211 Israelis
and at least 9,454 Palestinians have been killed since September 29, 2000. (View Sources & More Information)

Israelis and Palestinians Injured
September 29, 2000 - Present

11,747 Israelis and 92,107 Palestinians have been injured since September 29, 2000. (View Sources & More Information.)

Current Number of Political Prisoners and Detainees

0 Israelis
are being held prisoner by Palestinians, while 7,000 Palestinians are currently imprisoned by Israel. (View Sources & More Information)

Demolitions of Israeli and Palestinian Homes
1967 - Present

0 Israeli homes have been demolished by Palestinians and at least 48,488 Palestinian homes have been demolished by Israel since 1967. (View Sources & More Information)

Current Illegal Settlements on the Other’s Land

Israel currently has 261 Jewish-only settlements and ‘outposts’ built on confiscated Palestinian land. Palestinians do not have any settlements on Israeli land. (View Sources & More Information)


There are Arab towns and villages inside Israel.
Thread will remain closed. A couple posters warned.

HALF of the posts were deleted. Five alone on the 1st page. Stick to the SPECIFIC topic.

Useful fact --- If you are the thread originator -- moderation expects YOU to do more to stick to your topic. Largely why this thread is now closed.
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