When will the GOP grow a SPINE?

When will the GOP grow a SPINE?

The day after the Democrat party grows a brain?

says someone who voted for someone whose own people call him a moron.

That's what's great about about America you can say he is a moron but gets the results you want...

not anything anyone normal wants, idiota.

You're a liberal and not normal to the rest of the country or history of it ...why can't you see it?
Is this a joke?
Of course the GOP has a spine.
The amount of damage they cause. The number of people they hurt. Evil gives you strength.
Most on the blind partisan right are cowards who will support their racist president no matter what.

Probably because he tried to keep every damn campaign promises not like the "transparent guy"

But those promises only benefits the few. Not as a whole America.

I don't get what you are saying, he tried like hell to keep his campaign promises, his campaign promises was not to make America like Europe that people in California want..Obama wanted that and that's why Hillary is not president.

1. Tax plan benefits the top 1%.
2. Climate change only for the sake of coal miners.
3. America is great and it’s always been great. Europe and America will always be different.
4. Off shore Oil drilling that we do not even need.
5. There is nothing wrong in California. California is part of America.

I can go on and on if you want.
Most on the blind partisan right are cowards who will support their racist president no matter what.

Probably because he tried to keep every damn campaign promises not like the "transparent guy"

But those promises only benefits the few. Not as a whole America.

I don't get what you are saying, he tried like hell to keep his campaign promises, his campaign promises was not to make America like Europe that people in California want..Obama wanted that and that's why Hillary is not president.

1. Tax plan benefits the top 1%.
2. Climate change only for the sake of coal miners.
3. America is great and it’s always been great. Europe and America will always be different.
4. Off shore Oil drilling that we do not even need.
5. There is nothing wrong in California. California is part of America.

I can go on and on if you want.

1. You got to prove it and not think you have a crystal ball, our 401k is tied into those companies

2. Paris acord does nothing but transfers wealth

3. Obama tried to fundamentally change America into Europe

4. More oil less fuel prices

5. California is everything that is wrong with America.
It's true that GOP politicians are spineless. They prove that every day of the week. They'll remain spineless because it's in their own shallow personal interests to behave like ass kissing jellyfish in front of their posse-grabbing master.

But what's hard to understand is the bitter partisanship on the part of Americans from both sides.

Our Congressmen, from both parties, are mostly arrogant pricks who care only about their own percieved power and being reelected. Few of either party seem to sincerely work for the good of the country. We're in a shitload of trouble having to depend on a bunch of self-absorbed assholes who are concerned with their own petty personal goals. They're incapable of working together to get anything worthwhile accomplished.

We don't have a competent federal government, we have a bunch of prima donnas who engage in mud-wrestling when they're not turning tricks for corporate donors.

And now we have a totally incompetent Orange Piece of Dogshit breaking everything in sight even though he's too fucking stupid to understand how anything works. He's totally clueless about the damage he is causing. It'll take decades to undo the prick's brainless actions. Only the truly ignorant could rally in glee behind such a brainless Orange Turd. America is in real trouble, we have precious few leaders who are worth a fuck (from either party).
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It's true that GOP politicians are spineless. They prove that every day of the week.

But what's hard to understand is the bitter partisanship on the part of Americans from both sides.

Our Congressmen, from both parties, are mostly arrogant pricks who care only about their own percieved power and being reelected. Few of either party seem to sincerely work for the good of the country. We're in a shitload of trouble having to depend on a bunch of self-absorbed assholes who are concerned with their own petty personal goals. They're incapable of working together to get anything worthwhile accomplished.

We don't have a competent federal government, we have a bunch of prima donnas who engage in mud-wrestling when they're not turning tricks for corporate donors.

And now we have a totally incompetent Orange Piece of Dogshit breaking everything in sight even though he's too fucking stupid to understand how anything works. He's totally clueless about the damage he is causing. It'll take decades to undo the prick's brainless actions. Only the truly ignorant could rally in glee behind such a brainless Orange Turd. America is in real trouble, we have few leaders who are worth a fuck (from either party).

What damage is Trump causing? I read psychologist vists are up 100% the past year by liberal snow flakes they are making a killing off of Trump , so are makers of Prozac and wine coolers ..
Perhaps folks like Ryan, McConnell, Graham, Corker and a few others will finally be LESS cowardly after the Nov. 2018 midterm elections, when the House gains a democrat majority.

THEN, (maybe) these spineless idiots will find their balls to finally admit that their little emperor has no clothes and label Trump for the racist scum bucket that he surely is.

For many of us on the left, we are rather "glad" that Trump is openly showing how truly inept and unqualified this charlatan really is to be sitting in the oval office. trump is slowly screwing over the GOP brand, all for the sake of holding on to his moronic and racist base of cultists.

As polls have shown,many (like white non-college educated men, and certainly republican, urban women) that once backed the orange charlatan are abandoning the "sinking ship" like the proverbial rats........

The downfall of Trump by the end of this year will be fully realized either by the Mueller team's findings, AND/OR the GOP heavy losses in congress.

Maybe then the remaining right wingers will show the growth of a bit of SPINE.

I've been asking this question for years, but for different reasons. When will Republican leadership either A grow a spine and PUSH THE FUCKING LEGISLATION THAT THEY RUN THEIR CAMPAIGNS ON, or B admit to their actual motives and register Dem.

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