When you see atheists coming out of the woodwork here to criticize and mock...

...Christianity, just remember, their demon handlers sent them.

That is all.
If atheists had demon handlers, they wouldnt be atheists. Anyone who is being handled by a demon is a true believer.
Atheists are under demonic influence, even though they don't believe in such entities.

2 Corinthians 4:4
The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
There are a lot of atheists in the world. If they were all under the control of demons, they would be doing a bunch of evil shit all the time, unless demons arent as bad as people make them out to be. It just doesnt add up. I find this particular theory about atheists and demonic possession to be flawed.
They ARE doing evil stuff all the time.
Im an atheist, and im not doing evil all the time. Hell, i buy cat food for the feral cats behind my work place in Seattle. Ive been doing it for years. Ive trapped a bunch and had them spayed and neutered. Im a friggin softy. :laugh:
...Christianity, just remember, their demon handlers sent them.

That is all.

From what I see, atheists often respond to inaccurate attacks. I have seen so many threads posted by Christians trying to describe what atheists think or believe. And doing it badly to the point of slander.

And you think they should sit quietly by? lol
Demon handlers???
Demons want to destroy God's creation and mock God. They influence everyone, including me. The difference between you and me is that I am aware of them whereas you deny their existence, which is exactly the way they want it. After all, they want that you reject God and join them in Hell.
Demons would absolutely want to do those things, but so would mundane Earthling trolls. People love to mock shit. If demons existed, i feel like forum chats are too small time to satisfy their thirst for evil. Serial killers, animal torturers, etc would make a much better case for demonic possession.
Demons want to influence God's children in order to turn them away from God. As Jesus said, the path to destruction is wide and demons don't really care how God's children choose to destroy themselves just as long as they do so.

Same-sex relationships and transgenders are one example of how demons mock and ridicule God.
Demon handlers???
Demons want to destroy God's creation and mock God. They influence everyone, including me. The difference between you and me is that I am aware of them whereas you deny their existence, which is exactly the way they want it. After all, they want that you reject God and join them in Hell.
Demons would absolutely want to do those things, but so would mundane Earthling trolls. People love to mock shit. If demons existed, i feel like forum chats are too small time to satisfy their thirst for evil. Serial killers, animal torturers, etc would make a much better case for demonic possession.
Demons want to influence God's children in order to turn them away from God. As Jesus said, the path to destruction is wide and demons don't really care how God's children choose to destroy themselves just as long as they do so.

Same-sex relationships and transgenders are one example of how demons mock and ridicule God.
Have you ever met any trannies? I have. Quite a few actually, because, i used to work at nightclubs in Seattle. I have never met a tranny that wasnt mentally unstable and depressed. They have the worst lives. You should feel sorry for them.
Question: how does anyone know that somebody else is an "atheist,"i.e. a person who does not believe that a supreme being exists?

Adherents to the Christian faith have contended against each other for 2,000 years. Jews, Muslims, and probably those of other faiths historically have squabled among themselves. People who don't believe in the existence of a supreme being really don't say much.

The term "atheist" is just a word that people sling at each other.

Demon handlers???
You know they are an atheist when they say they are an atheist. Take me for example. Im an atheist. I have no ill will towards Christians and you wont find me mocking them, but i will entertain a discussion about whether or not i am being handled by a demon. I cannot say that god doesnt exist, but i believe i can effectively defend against any accusations that im being controlled by a demon, without insulting anyone.

I have never given up the belief that a supreme being exists. I was raised Christian, but so much of Christianity seems to be disappearing down some rabbit hole, what with demons and end times, the crap with women, the crap with LGBTQs the whole bit.

I just think that a reformation is in order, and also that Christianity is probably part of a much larger picture. The three Abrahamic faiths all have originated in the Middle East, but the Creator must know that His/Her human creations have existed all over this earth from time immemorial. People all over this earth must have received messages.
I was at a pro-life rally and when the opponents came they chanted blasphemous slogans:

"Hail Mary full of grace, keep abortion legal and safe."

"Keep your rosaries off our ovaries."

I knew it was Satan who filled their mouths with those words.

You knew it was Satan? Rubbish.
You knew it got up your nose because they were speaking on behalf of women that have had their uterusis violated by filthy religion. You godbotherers should others rights. Religion has no right to tell them what to do.
...Christianity, just remember, their demon handlers sent them.

That is all.
If atheists had demon handlers, they wouldnt be atheists. Anyone who is being handled by a demon is a true believer.
Atheists are under demonic influence, even though they don't believe in such entities.

2 Corinthians 4:4
The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.
There is no good reason to use your religion as an excuse to hate those who don't share your hyper-religious views.
Though I'm a believer in Christ, I've always respected Atheist's views, to see things that way. Can't blame them for believing it honestly
Do you believe in demonic possession?
I could see where mental issues and conditions could define that for me. Horrible things that happen to people as an additive to the preceding mentioned.
The bible has numerous stories about demonic possession. There's also plenty of evidence right in front of you if you're paying attention.
Have you ever met any trannies? I have. Quite a few actually, because, i used to work at nightclubs in Seattle. I have never met a tranny that wasnt mentally unstable and depressed. They have the worst lives. You should feel sorry for them.
I do. They are very troubled souls that need Jesus.
Though I'm a believer in Christ, I've always respected Atheist's views, to see things that way. Can't blame them for believing it honestly
Do you believe in demonic possession?
I could see where mental issues and conditions could define that for me. Horrible things that happen to people as an additive to the preceding mentioned.
The bible has numerous stories about demonic possession. There's also plenty of evidence right in front of you if you're paying attention.

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