When You Think About It, Hillary Is The Female George Costanza.

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:banana: :banghead: :cheers2: Right? If anyone double dips, it's Hillary, and if it's anyone who comes running out of a bathroom with her pants down, then falls down yelling " Art Vandalay !! Art Vandalay" !!!!.....Thats Hillary !!!!
:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:
And you Hillary, want to be my latex salesman ??? :piss2: :laugh:
Hate to be the one to tell ya, but "Hillary as the new George Costanza" was already done several weeks ago.
didnt Hillary once claim that she had a date with Marissa Tomei?
Hate to be the one to tell ya, but "Hillary as the new George Costanza" was already done several weeks ago.

Please link as I've done a search on "Hillary as the new George Constanza" and didn't find any such title.
I loved the episode where Bill walked into a sex shop and the mid eastern owner yells at Bill "No Vibrator For You" !!!!

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