Interesting Question;Is The "Obama Library" Now In Jeopardy?,Will They Build It?

And "assuming" we have all seen that classic scene from Seinfeld when George came running out of the bathroom with his pants down, yelling to Kramer."Vandalay !! Vandalay Enterprises!!(something like that).
Well that is a pretty good comparison to the dilemma Barry and the Liberals are in now!
The only difference in this situation is that, now most Americans are gonna ask, And You Want Us To Build You A Library.
When they build a library in someone's honor, the individual who's name will be "In Honor" would have many accomplishments to his/her name.
So, can anyone out there name at least 10 "Historical Accomplishments" by "The One"?
Can anyone even imagine a Barry Library? What will it look like? Kinda Empty?
Just weld two garbage trucks together...and you have the BHO memorial library.
you know what I think? the left should demolish Lincolns Springfield Illinois, resting place and build Obamas library there!!!!!! perfect......
I'm guessing it'll be a beauty on the Chicago waterfront, not a monument to BS in deepest Texas, with 4 presidents avoiding the obvious national disaster elephant in the room...

I wonder if those attending the opening will be provided bullet proof vests....
Or will they have to bring their own...:tongue:

what the hell is wrong with you 90% chance racist dupes? try Somalia or the Conferacy, a-hole. Get a feqqing grip fer chrissake,,,,

Your like truth matters to me on here so easy to play you, your not worth my time.
and what would Elmer Fudd be whispering if he was hunting a terrorist? Bee Berry Berry Quiet, Im hunting muslim, ahh, hmm, am I being recorded? can I say terrorist?
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I wonder if those attending the opening will be provided bullet proof vests....
Or will they have to bring their own...:tongue:

what the hell is wrong with you 90% chance racist dupes? try Somalia or the Conferacy, a-hole. Get a feqqing grip fer chrissake,,,,

Your like truth matters to me on here so easy to play you, your not worth my time.

Very clever, Pubtroll- the only kind. ZZZZZZZZZZ What they always say when they're terminally stupid/hateful.
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I wonder if those attending the opening will be provided bullet proof vests....
Or will they have to bring their own...:tongue:

what the hell is wrong with you 90% chance racist dupes? try Somalia or the Conferacy, a-hole. Get a feqqing grip fer chrissake,,,,

Your like truth matters to me on here so easy to play you, your not worth my time.

Very clever, Pubtroll- the only kind. ZZZZZZZZZZ What they always say when they terminally stupid/hateful.
Here's your 10 accomplishments- not reported on the PPM, dupe.

Half cocked hater dupes on the rampage lol. Obama averted a 2nd Pub Depression, fixed our reputation in the world, the most important social and economic reform ever, O-care, reforms to fix college loans, Wall St., discrimination againt Gays, turning around voodoo pandering to the greedy idiot rich, real estate idiocy, ends the stupidest wars ever, brings democracy to the Islamic world, brought greater transparency and lobbyist reform than ever before- ALL over mindless Pub obstruction and fear mongering. And not done yet. Despite Pub whining and BS on every move. "No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME).

One week of dredged up BS and overwrought propaganda and you dupes are on an idiotic rampage. Sorry you'll never see the facts and retractions from your Pub Propaganda Machine, but the majority will.
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The Obama Library:

A repository for all of the overstock inventory of "Dreams of My Father", "Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters ", "The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream", and the classic piece of fiction "Change We Can Believe In: Barack Obama's Plan to Renew America's Promise".

What a boring place it will be.
sometimes we must wonder if Barry is thinking, god, now I wish Mitt had won, I can't take it anymore, I wonder if he wants to take my place, I just want to get out of here!!!! what's Mitts Number??? !!!
It well could be a virtual library having no physical structure.

it wouldn't surprise me if "They Forgot To Install Public Restrooms".
Ooops! maybe they didn't install restrooms because of the Sequester?
No big deal, just send the tourists across the street to Burger King, they will let them use their public restrooms, just like they did for the OWS Crappers, how convenient!!

And "assuming" we have all seen that classic scene from Seinfeld when George came running out of the bathroom with his pants down, yelling to Kramer."Vandalay !! Vandalay

You're confusing this situation with Scooter Libby.

You know, a real scandal.

Another fail from a partisan hack.
The President, having a huge laugh at the expense of the knucklehead birfers, said he would like to have built it in his homeland but University of Chicago would have to be the site.
Isn't GOP hate a wonderful thing to watch in action? Their only possible chance of forming a government before the Hispanic demographic bubble puts them down forever is to seize power.

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