Interesting Question;Is The "Obama Library" Now In Jeopardy?,Will They Build It?

And "assuming" we have all seen that classic scene from Seinfeld when George came running out of the bathroom with his pants down, yelling to Kramer."Vandalay !! Vandalay Enterprises!!(something like that).
Well that is a pretty good comparison to the dilemma Barry and the Liberals are in now!
The only difference in this situation is that, now most Americans are gonna ask, And You Want Us To Build You A Library.
When they build a library in someone's honor, the individual who's name will be "In Honor" would have many accomplishments to his/her name.
So, can anyone out there name at least 10 "Historical Accomplishments" by "The One"?
Can anyone even imagine a Barry Library? What will it look like? Kinda Empty?

If they don't build the library for all the Obama supporters, what will they do with all those pop-up books?
hey, aren't they knocking out old/decrappitating neighborhoods in south Chicago?, just a thought.

Well they could put his statue on the old cabrini green. heard it got torn down right across from the old cominsky park...the old lefty mayor Jane was famous for that bullshit lie. saying she moved in there in the 80's I think.

Cabrini Green was on the north side. It was nowhere near Comiskey Park.
well at least we will have a place to donate the 4000 commemorative plates we bought that are now worth between 42 cents and three dollars (depends on the condition of course).
How many times do we have to do these lame "What has Obama acomplished threads"?

I think I will defer to the other 100 threads where this was beat to death
those baffoons over at MSNBC who tried to make Obama look like the next Jimmy Carter must all now feel like a bunch of baffoons at this point.
those baffoons over at MSNBC who tried to make Obama look like the next Jimmy Carter must all now feel like a bunch of baffoons at this point.

What is a "baffoon" ????

Those unable to spell the insult they are tossing?
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I know how to spell it, god , can't I purposely spell buffoon wrong once in a while?, even Joe Biden can't spell many four letter words!
Too bad Franco is on ignore....I'm sure whatever he said was of great wisdom.... :)
Too bad Franco is on ignore....I'm sure whatever he said was of great wisdom.... :)

Same on my board. Made for a very easy and entertaining board to read. Although it may have been more entertaining to see Franco's posts, I'll leave him on ignore, too.
The Obama library should have no windows so it will be just as transparent as his divisive administration is.
Too bad Franco is on ignore....I'm sure whatever he said was of great wisdom.... :)

he responds to my posts, but I am beginning to wonder if he is aware that I just skip over his boring "3 Paragraph Responses" and read the others being I enjoy all of the humorous responses. I just can't tolerate leftists with no personality and no sense of humor. At least "Swallow" makes me laff time to time.

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