When you've been gossiped about.

Have you ever been gossiped about at work?

Not harmless gossip, but rumors made and spread to destroy your reputation.

How did you deal with it?
I ignore gossip. Even worse I've had lies told about me on Yelp to harm my business from an asshole I took to court, then had her bank account garnished for even more. Since she was such as asswipe and Yelp too for that matter, I decided they weren't worth my time, anyone believing obvious lies like that is better off elsewhere. So I use her like a wedge, the simplest tool known to man.
Have you ever been gossiped about at work?

Not harmless gossip, but rumors made and spread to destroy your reputation.

How did you deal with it?
Report it to the boss, if it's the boss report it to the boss's boss.
Have you ever been gossiped about at work?

Not harmless gossip, but rumors made and spread to destroy your reputation.

How did you deal with it?


I did not get invited to party's and get togethers, missed celebrations and if I remember correctly other get togethers.

I got harassed mentally - physically and emotionally, had my work and inspections sabotaged, was " drugged" , Surveilled and followed by foot in businesses and establishments.

Photographed and videoed walking out of businesses and establishments - and in large spacious parking lots.

I went to my grandparents grave about the spring of 2003. No one around, no one behind my vehicle when I drove, but I got a phone call - about the next day and the person repeated me being at my parents gravesite. Ahh , electronic surveillance on my vehicle. Intimidating and trying to frustrate and scare me let me know ..... AGAIN that my vehicle was bugged. Yeah -

People rearranging my paperwork, or intentionally misplacing it when I take a break from Gate One.

Friends quit calling me, or us spending time together shooting or going to gun shows. My cousin .... Now deceased, quit talking to me. People I would say hello too in public that I knew, would turn and walk away from me. I suffered from people not returning my phone calls , or hanging up on me when they knew it was me calling.

The current nurse supervisor where I work, setting in front of me ..... * when we first met * ...... her setting down and facing to my left ( south ) while I stood near her facing west. Our first contact and she give me a disgusted look with her eyes , my interpretation anyway.

Dark blonde haired nurse, married to a truck driver - in late of the year 2004 speaks of the Doctor frequently , makes references to my past job and my Paramedic course. She wants me to help her infrequently in our industrial medical department giving shots and other tasks. She brags / talks frequently on the Doctor and current nurse supervisor, whom use to work on shift. I conclude they are all connected / associated with each other. As is the wicker basket ( brunette ) nurse whom use to be in the southwest corner of the gate when I arrived to work early.

My personal vehicle being scratched and marred when I am not near it.

My privacy being violated , and my vehicle. ( locked ) being searched when I am not around it .

People talking bad about me, falsely , so others and businesses will treat me terribly = other people doing their ( bad guys ) ill deeds for them .

Shadow 355
Dayum. Is that you Serpico?
Have you ever been gossiped about at work?

Not harmless gossip, but rumors made and spread to destroy your reputation.

How did you deal with it?


I did not get invited to party's and get togethers, missed celebrations and if I remember correctly other get togethers.

I got harassed mentally - physically and emotionally, had my work and inspections sabotaged, was " drugged" , Surveilled and followed by foot in businesses and establishments.

Photographed and videoed walking out of businesses and establishments - and in large spacious parking lots.

I went to my grandparents grave about the spring of 2003. No one around, no one behind my vehicle when I drove, but I got a phone call - about the next day and the person repeated me being at my parents gravesite. Ahh , electronic surveillance on my vehicle. Intimidating and trying to frustrate and scare me let me know ..... AGAIN that my vehicle was bugged. Yeah -

People rearranging my paperwork, or intentionally misplacing it when I take a break from Gate One.

Friends quit calling me, or us spending time together shooting or going to gun shows. My cousin .... Now deceased, quit talking to me. People I would say hello too in public that I knew, would turn and walk away from me. I suffered from people not returning my phone calls , or hanging up on me when they knew it was me calling.

The current nurse supervisor where I work, setting in front of me ..... * when we first met * ...... her setting down and facing to my left ( south ) while I stood near her facing west. Our first contact and she give me a disgusted look with her eyes , my interpretation anyway.

Dark blonde haired nurse, married to a truck driver - in late of the year 2004 speaks of the Doctor frequently , makes references to my past job and my Paramedic course. She wants me to help her infrequently in our industrial medical department giving shots and other tasks. She brags / talks frequently on the Doctor and current nurse supervisor, whom use to work on shift. I conclude they are all connected / associated with each other. As is the wicker basket ( brunette ) nurse whom use to be in the southwest corner of the gate when I arrived to work early.

My personal vehicle being scratched and marred when I am not near it.

My privacy being violated , and my vehicle. ( locked ) being searched when I am not around it .

People talking bad about me, falsely , so others and businesses will treat me terribly = other people doing their ( bad guys ) ill deeds for them .

Shadow 355
Dayum. Is that you Serpico?
No, John C. Wilder......... :eusa_whistle:
I could, but I've been exercising TRYING to let it go. Doubtful that any of this could be connected back to work, but still.

And if I start sharing these details I don't know the ethics behind it, especially since I've been the victim of vicious rumors that weren't true. As others not involved were added to the mix without my knowledge... if I do the same here, what would that mean?
I could, but I've been exercising TRYING to let it go. Doubtful that any of this could be connected back to work, but still.

And if I start sharing these details I don't know the ethics behind it, especially since I've been the victim of vicious rumors that weren't true. As others not involved were added to the mix without my knowledge... if I do the same here, what would that mean?
Whut? Say again?

You start a thread, get advice, but won't say what the problem is? You don't have to go into detail ya know. But I'd like to know what you decided to do and/or if the situation has been resolved and shit like that.
Working to resolve it.

Not much that can be done when some coworkers spread malicious rumors about you.

HR says they can't do much because social media was involved, but things said and done in the hospital itself can be documented. It's serious.

Right now I'm ignoring the malicious gossip the best I can. People who know me have told me they know what's being passed around is crap.

It's ongoing. Yesterday and today was relatively fine. The main people involved weren't there, but today's charge nurse took the liberty to lash out at and insult me, so I pulled her over in private and told her it wasn't ok to disrespect me like that, and later she stopped me and apologized and asked that what she said to me go no further. I suspect the main people involved in the malicious gossip crawled into her ear, which would explain this latest behavioral stint on her part. HR advised me to document behavior like this in order to protect my employment there, which I am doing as a safety precaution.
I sure hope it isn't all due to that loser chick you spoke about awhile back. You know, that broken one that you told her you liked her and she got all weirded out. If it IS connected to her...I hate to say this...but....tolja.
at work you can document......other than that try to ignore it ...or as they say..rise above it...i was the victim of small town gossip....to the point even my husband was beginning to believe the rumors....i refused to change my behavior or explain/justify/rationalize my behavior to anyone....i am stubborn to the bone...to this day sometimes someone will ask about it....ask if its true....i just shake my head...in disgust that normally gets the topic dropped....

do your best to walk away from it....but if you have co workers or supervisors giving you shit...feel free to get a voice activate recorder and record it...simple as that....if its on social media...print it out or save screen shots....you may not be able to use it at work but you sure can in court...if it goes to an extreme consider a lawyer hitting the main people with cease and desist letters...now with all that said...if you go the legal route ...what is being said best not be true
at work you can document......other than that try to ignore it ...or as they say..rise above it...i was the victim of small town gossip....to the point even my husband was beginning to believe the rumors....i refused to change my behavior or explain/justify/rationalize my behavior to anyone....i am stubborn to the bone...to this day sometimes someone will ask about it....ask if its true....i just shake my head...in disgust that normally gets the topic dropped....

do your best to walk away from it....but if you have co workers or supervisors giving you shit...feel free to get a voice activate recorder and record it...simple as that....if its on social media...print it out or save screen shots....you may not be able to use it at work but you sure can in court...if it goes to an extreme consider a lawyer hitting the main people with cease and desist letters...now with all that said...if you go the legal route ...what is being said best not be true

Right, you can document yourself right out of a job, be deemed a troublemaker, and get blackballed. Fighting corporate America is exceedingly expensive and most attorneys won't touch an individual case. Now if a group of you are in the same boat and bind together for a class action suit maybe you can get an attorney to listen, but it's doubtful because it takes lots of money and lots of time. You're better off keeping your mouth shut, keeping your head down, making sure you're backside is covered (you aren't screwing up), and getting your shit together and get out of Dodge as soon as you can. Once you've earned the troublemaker title or been passed over you're history--they'll never again view you as an asset, ever.
Have you ever been gossiped about at work?

Not harmless gossip, but rumors made and spread to destroy your reputation.

How did you deal with it?
Report it to the boss, if it's the boss report it to the boss's boss.

Uh huh, and shit flows up hill. NOT!!! Ever hear the word support or allegiance? That's what bosses do, and even more so if you escalate it to a boss's boss. Do that and they'll slam you down before it reaches any level of visibility. You have to come up with something much more clever than a childish game of tattletale. Can't have a career when you're essentially dead meat.
Have you ever been gossiped about at work?

Not harmless gossip, but rumors made and spread to destroy your reputation.

How did you deal with it?
Report it to the boss, if it's the boss report it to the boss's boss.

Uh huh, and shit flows up hill. NOT!!! Ever hear the word support or allegiance? That's what bosses do, and even more so if you escalate it to a boss's boss. Do that and they'll slam you down before it reaches any level of visibility. You have to come up with something much more clever than a childish game of tattletale. Can't have a career when you're essentially dead meat.
Worked for me..... Twice, got offered the opportunity to find employment elsewhere once but since they had nothing to legitimately fire me over I got a good severance out of it......... Gotta know how to play the game, it's amazing what happens when they hear from your lawyer........
About the early summer of the year 2003 a dark haired nurse I worked with- her husband was a truck driver. She was in the medical department talking to me on the phone at Gate 2. She told me " You need to leave here , the same people who have been watching you are on their way here ! "

Soon after a sandy haired blonde nurse showed up and I was moved to her shift. After she shows up, over the next 18 months new people slowly start filtering into the industrial complex I work at.

One guard in my department hints that the sandy haired blonde nurse is married. She has a child .

One guard suggest numerous times I drive by her house and scope it out.

One employee suggest she is on the rebound relationship wise, I should flirt with her.

Some people hint I stay away from sandy haired blonde nurse - she has me under strict surveillance, and reports on my actions and conversations .

Sandy haired blonde nurse drugs me at the river lot , just like at my past job.
Her brother try's to get me to smoke marijuana on the river in his boat - like at my last job. I believe Sandy haired blonde nurse is associated with the large metropolis south east of where I live and her associates are still in my work place; and are responsible for treating me terribly.

Shadow 355
Though I am older, I'm still learning from my mistakes, and I'm grateful for it.

When people spread rumors about you, do not acknowledge it. If you have an inkling, go to the source, in private, and talk. And when you talk, temper your words, and be cordial but honest.

People are people, and can't help it if they gossip about others. I've done it numerous times, and I had to think about it to realize it. Remember this: those who gossip with you gossip of you. The same people who showed me support [those who knew the rumors were not true] just yesterday were talking about others behind their backs... to me. I... it's interesting, isn't it? A young woman named Marissa [name changed] would talk with me about the malicious gossip told of me, and then that same day she spoke to me of Lana [name changed], a person uninvolved in any of this, speaking with me about how lazy and disinterested she seemed to be with her work. I do not like being gossiped about, but what am I if I allow myself to hear negative gossip about others, or at the next level believe it, or the next... spread it?

This world would be wonderful if people spoke with one another over differences directly, honestly, and respectfully. Back in Reality Land, we don't have that, and it takes a lot of internal suffering and discipline to try and live to that standard. When I asked certain coworkers about this, people got hurt, because the coworkers I spoke with had been lying and gossiping and contradicting one another, and when I touched upon the issue with each of them, inevitably they spoke with one another, and then spoke more, and gaps began to form or widen between them to various degrees. If I search for the truth, no matter how calmly and respectfully, people will inevitably be dragged in to the drama, and hurt. Though deep down I want to know exactly who spread what [because these liars never had the integrity to speak to my face directly], I think I will swallow it all up, this anger and paranoia, and blow it out the ass in private like a case of bad diarrhea, and focus on being happy and not allowing people to tear me down or poison how I feel about people. Meaning, try to let it go. It is not easy. You work with people over a year, and you then learn how some people really feel, and you feel betrayed, confused, and hurt.

My strength and my happiness is not determined by how people think of me. I am not dependent upon others for what I need on the inside. Strength, happiness, and contentment comes from within. If people are meant to be in your life, they'll find their way eventually. If someone is your friend, they'll believe in you, and not the things that are said about you. Rumors can be believed, but they cannot be known. Judge me by my words and actions—not what is said by others. I'm learning who I can and can't trust, fine-tuning how I discern who is and isn't of good character. If someone you work with spreads bad things about other people you don't really know, steer clear, keep your distance, and be careful. Avoid negative people, toxic people, dramatic people. Avoid them like Hell. Speak with individual people as if every single person you know is your audience, and that every single word you say can and will be shared or tweaked. Trust is earned, so only share personal information at your discretion with people you know you can trust. Better to err on the side of caution when it comes to trusting people than have your heart and your character stabbed from all sides.

Please consider my words. When I say that I don't want anyone here to go through what I went through, I mean it.
Daddy always said if someone talks about others in a negative way FOR NO REASON (lets face it, some are just assholes and deserve what they get), then that person talks about you, too.
I thought everyone knew this.

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