When You've Lost Chomsky......


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The Left's Dark Prince, the lying anti-American, anti-Semite genius Noam Chomsky......well,....
Chomsky thinks you're a joke if you believe the Democrat Trump/Putin Collusion Thesis.

Never thought I'd be quoting this villain....but this is good:

1. "During a recent interview with Democracy Now, Noam Chomsky demonstrated what everyone with a clear head and capacity for critical thought should already know. Just because you have a strong dislike for Donald Trump, doesn’t mean you latch on like a lunatic to every nonsensical Russia conspiracy theory because you’re still crying about Hillary’s loss.

2 NOAM CHOMSKY: It’s a pretty remarkable fact that—first of all, it is a joke. Half the world is cracking up in laughter. The United States doesn’t just interfere in elections. It overthrows governments it doesn’t like, institutes military dictatorships.

3. Simply in the case of Russia alone—it’s the least of it—the U.S. government, under Clinton, intervened quite blatantly and openly, then tried to conceal it, to get their man Yeltsin in, in all sorts of ways. So, this, as I say, it’s considered—it’s turning the United States, again, into a laughingstock in the world.

4. So why are the Democrats focusing on this? In fact, why are they focusing so much attention on the one element of Trump’s programs which is fairly reasonable, the one ray of light in this gloom: trying to reduce tensions with Russia? That’s—the tensions on the Russian border are extremely serious. They could escalate to a major terminal war. Efforts to try to reduce them should be welcomed.

5. Just a couple of days ago, the former U.S. ambassador to Russia, Jack Matlock, came out and said he just can’t believe that so much attention is being paid to apparent efforts by the incoming administration to establish connections with Russia. He said, “Sure, that’s just what they ought to be doing.”

6. So, meanwhile, this one topic is the primary locus of concern and critique, while, meanwhile, the policies are proceeding step by step, which are extremely destructive and harmful. So, you know, yeah, maybe the Russians tried to interfere in the election. That’s not a major issue.

Maybe the people in the Trump campaign were talking to the Russians. Well, OK, not a major point, certainly less than is being done constantly. And it is a kind of a paradox, I think, that the one issue that seems to inflame the Democratic opposition is the one thing that has some justification and reasonable aspects to it."
Noam Chomsky Calls Democrats' Obsession With Russia Conspiracy Theories "A Joke" | Zero Hedge


Noam Chomsky.....a semi-rational Liberal!!!!

Alice in Wonderland:
Curiouser and curiouser.
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But, but when Democrats do it, it is for everyone's best interests. After all, they know best.
The Left's Dark Prince, the lying anti-American, anti-Semitee genius Noam Chomsky......well,....
Chomsky thinks you're a joke if you believe the Democrat Trump/Putin Collusion Thesis.

Never thought I'd be quoting this villain....but this is good:

1. "During a recent interview with Democracy Now, Noam Chomsky demonstrated what everyone with a clear head and capacity for critical thought should already know. Just because you have a strong dislike for Donald Trump, doesn’t mean you latch on like a lunatic to every nonsensical Russia conspiracy theory because you’re still crying about Hillary’s loss.

2 NOAM CHOMSKY: It’s a pretty remarkable fact that—first of all, it is a joke. Half the world is cracking up in laughter. The United States doesn’t just interfere in elections. It overthrows governments it doesn’t like, institutes military dictatorships.

3. Simply in the case of Russia alone—it’s the least of it—the U.S. government, under Clinton, intervened quite blatantly and openly, then tried to conceal it, to get their man Yeltsin in, in all sorts of ways. So, this, as I say, it’s considered—it’s turning the United States, again, into a laughingstock in the world.

4. So why are the Democrats focusing on this? In fact, why are they focusing so much attention on the one element of Trump’s programs which is fairly reasonable, the one ray of light in this gloom: trying to reduce tensions with Russia? That’s—the tensions on the Russian border are extremely serious. They could escalate to a major terminal war. Efforts to try to reduce them should be welcomed.

5. Just a couple of days ago, the former U.S. ambassador to Russia, Jack Matlock, came out and said he just can’t believe that so much attention is being paid to apparent efforts by the incoming administration to establish connections with Russia. He said, “Sure, that’s just what they ought to be doing.”

6. So, meanwhile, this one topic is the primary locus of concern and critique, while, meanwhile, the policies are proceeding step by step, which are extremely destructive and harmful. So, you know, yeah, maybe the Russians tried to interfere in the election. That’s not a major issue.

Maybe the people in the Trump campaign were talking to the Russians. Well, OK, not a major point, certainly less than is being done constantly. And it is a kind of a paradox, I think, that the one issue that seems to inflame the Democratic opposition is the one thing that has some justification and reasonable aspects to it."
Noam Chomsky Calls Democrats' Obsession With Russia Conspiracy Theories "A Joke" | Zero Hedge


Noam Chomsky.....a semi-rational Liberal!!!!

Alice in Wonderland:
Curiouser and curiouser.
Noam Chomsky may be evil, but he is also very principled.

Even Sanders bought all of the Russian nonsense.
I know. Where were all these loonbats when O was trying to influence the israeli election. To add to their hypocrisy, when bush was blowing up the ME, it was off to the hague with him. O does it and they hand him nobel peace prizes and the left cheers on as the ME burns.
you're an idiot, Chomsky has been bashing both Dems and Pubs forever, it's what he does

go get a GED

Hardly takes any effort to prove you a moron.

Just like Democrats, Chomsky lives to attack America.

1. A self-described admirer of the Black Panthers, who says that intellectuals must combat ‘all forms of racism,’ and complains that America excluded blacks from large parts of the country, owns a home in a town with a black population of 1.1% Bill Frezza, “A Lion in Winter,” The Tech (MIT student newspaper), February 20, 2004

2. In response to U.S. declarations of a War on Terrorism in 1981 and the redeclaration in 2001, Chomsky has argued that the major sources of international terrorism are the world's major powers, led by the United States. Politics of Noam Chomsky

3. Chomsky praised the North Vietnamese for their efforts in building material prosperity, social justice, and cultural progress. He also went on to discuss and support the political writing of Le Duan. [-Pacific Daily Report of the U.S. government's Foreign Broadcast Information Service, April 16, 1970, pages K2-K3]

4. Chomsky was one of the chief deniers of the Cambodian genocide of the 1970s, which took place in the wake of the Communist victory and American withdrawal from Indochina. He directed vitriolic attacks towards the reporters and witnesses who testified to the human catastrophe that was taking place there. Initially, Chomsky tried to minimize the deaths (a “few thousand”) and compared those killed by Pol Pot and his followers to the collaborators who had been executed by resistance movements in Europe at the end of World War II. By 1980, however, it was no longer possible to deny that some 2 million of Cambodia's 7.8 million people had perished at the hands of the Communists. But Professor Chomsky continued to deny the genocide, proposing that the underlying problem may have been a failure of the rice crop. As late as 1988, Chomsky returned to the subject and insisted that whatever had happened in Cambodia, the U.S. was to blame.

a. This conclusion is the principal theme of what may be loosely termed Chomsky's intellectual oeuvre: Whatever evil exists in the world, the United States is to blame. His intellectual obsession is America and its “grand strategy of world domination.” In 1967 Professor Chomsky wrote that America “needed a kind of denazification.” The Third Reich has provided him with his central metaphor for his own country ever since.
Noam Chomsky - Discover the Networks

5. I listen to "Democracy Now," on the communist station, WBAI, and I've read Goodman's book.

She, they and Chomsky are all about attacking Republicans.

Sooooo....when you pass that GED test.....drop back.....you moron.
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The Left's Dark Prince, the lying anti-American, anti-Semitee genius Noam Chomsky......well,....
Chomsky thinks you're a joke if you believe the Democrat Trump/Putin Collusion Thesis.

Never thought I'd be quoting this villain....but this is good:

1. "During a recent interview with Democracy Now, Noam Chomsky demonstrated what everyone with a clear head and capacity for critical thought should already know. Just because you have a strong dislike for Donald Trump, doesn’t mean you latch on like a lunatic to every nonsensical Russia conspiracy theory because you’re still crying about Hillary’s loss.

2 NOAM CHOMSKY: It’s a pretty remarkable fact that—first of all, it is a joke. Half the world is cracking up in laughter. The United States doesn’t just interfere in elections. It overthrows governments it doesn’t like, institutes military dictatorships.

3. Simply in the case of Russia alone—it’s the least of it—the U.S. government, under Clinton, intervened quite blatantly and openly, then tried to conceal it, to get their man Yeltsin in, in all sorts of ways. So, this, as I say, it’s considered—it’s turning the United States, again, into a laughingstock in the world.

4. So why are the Democrats focusing on this? In fact, why are they focusing so much attention on the one element of Trump’s programs which is fairly reasonable, the one ray of light in this gloom: trying to reduce tensions with Russia? That’s—the tensions on the Russian border are extremely serious. They could escalate to a major terminal war. Efforts to try to reduce them should be welcomed.

5. Just a couple of days ago, the former U.S. ambassador to Russia, Jack Matlock, came out and said he just can’t believe that so much attention is being paid to apparent efforts by the incoming administration to establish connections with Russia. He said, “Sure, that’s just what they ought to be doing.”

6. So, meanwhile, this one topic is the primary locus of concern and critique, while, meanwhile, the policies are proceeding step by step, which are extremely destructive and harmful. So, you know, yeah, maybe the Russians tried to interfere in the election. That’s not a major issue.

Maybe the people in the Trump campaign were talking to the Russians. Well, OK, not a major point, certainly less than is being done constantly. And it is a kind of a paradox, I think, that the one issue that seems to inflame the Democratic opposition is the one thing that has some justification and reasonable aspects to it."
Noam Chomsky Calls Democrats' Obsession With Russia Conspiracy Theories "A Joke" | Zero Hedge


Noam Chomsky.....a semi-rational Liberal!!!!

Alice in Wonderland:
Curiouser and curiouser.
Noam Chomsky may be evil, but he is also very principled.

Even Sanders bought all of the Russian nonsense.

You find this 'principled'?
1. He has figured out how to make an exceptional fortune while living as a self-described ‘anarchist-socialist’ dissident in a capitalist society he has described as a ‘police state.’

a. He claims to be constantly threatened with censorship, while publishing dozens of books.

b. He denounces the Pentagon as the epitome of evil, while making million from his work for the very same institution. As a tenured MIT professor he actually works for the Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT, and same is entirely funded by the Pentagon and a few multinational corporations.

c. His first book, “Syntactic Structures,” was written with grants from the US Army (Signal Corp), the Air Force (Office of Scientific Research, Air Research, and Development Command), and Office of Naval Research.

2. A Professor of Linguistics, Chomsky is vital to the air force and others to improve their “increasingly large investment in so-called ‘command and control’ computer systems” that were being used in Vietnam. Since the computer cannot ‘understand’ English, the commanders’ communications must be translated into a language that the computer can use. http://www.whatnextjournal.co.uk/Pages/back/Wnext26/Chomsky.html

I said he was an evil genius...but he is lying scum, one more thing he has in common with the Democrats.
The Left's Dark Prince, the lying anti-American, anti-Semitee genius Noam Chomsky......well,....
Chomsky thinks you're a joke if you believe the Democrat Trump/Putin Collusion Thesis.

Never thought I'd be quoting this villain....but this is good:

1. "During a recent interview with Democracy Now, Noam Chomsky demonstrated what everyone with a clear head and capacity for critical thought should already know. Just because you have a strong dislike for Donald Trump, doesn’t mean you latch on like a lunatic to every nonsensical Russia conspiracy theory because you’re still crying about Hillary’s loss.

2 NOAM CHOMSKY: It’s a pretty remarkable fact that—first of all, it is a joke. Half the world is cracking up in laughter. The United States doesn’t just interfere in elections. It overthrows governments it doesn’t like, institutes military dictatorships.

3. Simply in the case of Russia alone—it’s the least of it—the U.S. government, under Clinton, intervened quite blatantly and openly, then tried to conceal it, to get their man Yeltsin in, in all sorts of ways. So, this, as I say, it’s considered—it’s turning the United States, again, into a laughingstock in the world.

4. So why are the Democrats focusing on this? In fact, why are they focusing so much attention on the one element of Trump’s programs which is fairly reasonable, the one ray of light in this gloom: trying to reduce tensions with Russia? That’s—the tensions on the Russian border are extremely serious. They could escalate to a major terminal war. Efforts to try to reduce them should be welcomed.

5. Just a couple of days ago, the former U.S. ambassador to Russia, Jack Matlock, came out and said he just can’t believe that so much attention is being paid to apparent efforts by the incoming administration to establish connections with Russia. He said, “Sure, that’s just what they ought to be doing.”

6. So, meanwhile, this one topic is the primary locus of concern and critique, while, meanwhile, the policies are proceeding step by step, which are extremely destructive and harmful. So, you know, yeah, maybe the Russians tried to interfere in the election. That’s not a major issue.

Maybe the people in the Trump campaign were talking to the Russians. Well, OK, not a major point, certainly less than is being done constantly. And it is a kind of a paradox, I think, that the one issue that seems to inflame the Democratic opposition is the one thing that has some justification and reasonable aspects to it."
Noam Chomsky Calls Democrats' Obsession With Russia Conspiracy Theories "A Joke" | Zero Hedge


Noam Chomsky.....a semi-rational Liberal!!!!

Alice in Wonderland:
Curiouser and curiouser.
Noam Chomsky may be evil, but he is also very principled.

Even Sanders bought all of the Russian nonsense.

You find this 'principled'?
1. He has figured out how to make an exceptional fortune while living as a self-described ‘anarchist-socialist’ dissident in a capitalist society he has described as a ‘police state.’

a. He claims to be constantly threatened with censorship, while publishing dozens of books.

b. He denounces the Pentagon as the epitome of evil, while making million from his work for the very same institution. As a tenured MIT professor he actually works for the Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT, and same is entirely funded by the Pentagon and a few multinational corporations.

c. His first book, “Syntactic Structures,” was written with grants from the US Army (Signal Corp), the Air Force (Office of Scientific Research, Air Research, and Development Command), and Office of Naval Research.

2. A Professor of Linguistics, Chomsky is vital to the air force and others to improve their “increasingly large investment in so-called ‘command and control’ computer systems” that were being used in Vietnam. Since the computer cannot ‘understand’ English, the commanders’ communications must be translated into a language that the computer can use. http://www.whatnextjournal.co.uk/Pages/back/Wnext26/Chomsky.html

I said he was an evil genius...but he is lying scum, one more thing he has in common with the Democrats.
It is all in pursuit of destroying any semblance of the founders' America and truly creating a socialist utopia.

His views of what the best society would look like are actually very similar to my own, but the difference is that I understand America was founded as a Constitutional Republic and should stay that way as long as possible.
The Left's Dark Prince, the lying anti-American, anti-Semitee genius Noam Chomsky......well,....
Chomsky thinks you're a joke if you believe the Democrat Trump/Putin Collusion Thesis.

Never thought I'd be quoting this villain....but this is good:

1. "During a recent interview with Democracy Now, Noam Chomsky demonstrated what everyone with a clear head and capacity for critical thought should already know. Just because you have a strong dislike for Donald Trump, doesn’t mean you latch on like a lunatic to every nonsensical Russia conspiracy theory because you’re still crying about Hillary’s loss.

2 NOAM CHOMSKY: It’s a pretty remarkable fact that—first of all, it is a joke. Half the world is cracking up in laughter. The United States doesn’t just interfere in elections. It overthrows governments it doesn’t like, institutes military dictatorships.

3. Simply in the case of Russia alone—it’s the least of it—the U.S. government, under Clinton, intervened quite blatantly and openly, then tried to conceal it, to get their man Yeltsin in, in all sorts of ways. So, this, as I say, it’s considered—it’s turning the United States, again, into a laughingstock in the world.

4. So why are the Democrats focusing on this? In fact, why are they focusing so much attention on the one element of Trump’s programs which is fairly reasonable, the one ray of light in this gloom: trying to reduce tensions with Russia? That’s—the tensions on the Russian border are extremely serious. They could escalate to a major terminal war. Efforts to try to reduce them should be welcomed.

5. Just a couple of days ago, the former U.S. ambassador to Russia, Jack Matlock, came out and said he just can’t believe that so much attention is being paid to apparent efforts by the incoming administration to establish connections with Russia. He said, “Sure, that’s just what they ought to be doing.”

6. So, meanwhile, this one topic is the primary locus of concern and critique, while, meanwhile, the policies are proceeding step by step, which are extremely destructive and harmful. So, you know, yeah, maybe the Russians tried to interfere in the election. That’s not a major issue.

Maybe the people in the Trump campaign were talking to the Russians. Well, OK, not a major point, certainly less than is being done constantly. And it is a kind of a paradox, I think, that the one issue that seems to inflame the Democratic opposition is the one thing that has some justification and reasonable aspects to it."
Noam Chomsky Calls Democrats' Obsession With Russia Conspiracy Theories "A Joke" | Zero Hedge


Noam Chomsky.....a semi-rational Liberal!!!!

Alice in Wonderland:
Curiouser and curiouser.
Noam Chomsky may be evil, but he is also very principled.

Even Sanders bought all of the Russian nonsense.

You find this 'principled'?
1. He has figured out how to make an exceptional fortune while living as a self-described ‘anarchist-socialist’ dissident in a capitalist society he has described as a ‘police state.’

a. He claims to be constantly threatened with censorship, while publishing dozens of books.

b. He denounces the Pentagon as the epitome of evil, while making million from his work for the very same institution. As a tenured MIT professor he actually works for the Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT, and same is entirely funded by the Pentagon and a few multinational corporations.

c. His first book, “Syntactic Structures,” was written with grants from the US Army (Signal Corp), the Air Force (Office of Scientific Research, Air Research, and Development Command), and Office of Naval Research.

2. A Professor of Linguistics, Chomsky is vital to the air force and others to improve their “increasingly large investment in so-called ‘command and control’ computer systems” that were being used in Vietnam. Since the computer cannot ‘understand’ English, the commanders’ communications must be translated into a language that the computer can use. http://www.whatnextjournal.co.uk/Pages/back/Wnext26/Chomsky.html

I said he was an evil genius...but he is lying scum, one more thing he has in common with the Democrats.
It is all in pursuit of destroying any semblance of the founders' America and truly create a socialist utopia.

His views of what the best society would look like are actually very similar to my own, but the difference is that I understand America was founded as a Constitutional Republic and should stay that way as long as possible.

Slow down.....he doesn't believe a single thing of what he says.
Read the examples I just provided.

He lies about everything.

Read what David Horowitz writes:
"....it was a shock to see Chomsky’s response when Goodman asked him about Zinn’s 1967 book The Logic of Withdrawal. Chomsky replied that it was brilliant and that Zinn, because the reviewing establishment was ignoring it, asked him to write about it in Ramparts, which he did. According to the transcript of the interview on Goodman’s website, Chomsky went on to describe Ramparts as “a left wing journal I was running then.” (See here.)

Chomsky never “ran” Ramparts. He was a distant voice in the years I was an editor at this premier magazine of the New Left–someone a coast away who tended to repeat over and over again criticisms he initially made in the New York Review of Books of the intellectual elite that ran the Vietnam War. My strongest memory of him is from 1967. I solicited an article more or less on what had become his standard topic. It arrived poorly written and requiring considerable work. Because he didn’t like the changes I made, Chomsky told me that he would never again write for Ramparts and in fact did not for several years. (I recently reviewed the Ramparts experience here.)

Claiming to have run a publication that kept him at arm’s length would have been an odd lie, even for a mendacity addict like Chomsky. My colleague David Swindle found a link to the audio of the Goodman show. I listened to it and Chomsky appears actually to have said “a left wing magazine that was running then,” without the “I.” Vile phrasing for someone who is accounted to be an expert in language, but not the bald faced lie that the printed transcript suggests and not the synecdoche that it first appeared for the body of lies which comprises Chomsky’s oeuvre since the ’60s."

BTW.....Chomsky loves Howard Zinn because Zinn was also an America hating communist.
The Left's Dark Prince, the lying anti-American, anti-Semitee genius Noam Chomsky......well,....
Chomsky thinks you're a joke if you believe the Democrat Trump/Putin Collusion Thesis.

Never thought I'd be quoting this villain....but this is good:

1. "During a recent interview with Democracy Now, Noam Chomsky demonstrated what everyone with a clear head and capacity for critical thought should already know. Just because you have a strong dislike for Donald Trump, doesn’t mean you latch on like a lunatic to every nonsensical Russia conspiracy theory because you’re still crying about Hillary’s loss.

2 NOAM CHOMSKY: It’s a pretty remarkable fact that—first of all, it is a joke. Half the world is cracking up in laughter. The United States doesn’t just interfere in elections. It overthrows governments it doesn’t like, institutes military dictatorships.

3. Simply in the case of Russia alone—it’s the least of it—the U.S. government, under Clinton, intervened quite blatantly and openly, then tried to conceal it, to get their man Yeltsin in, in all sorts of ways. So, this, as I say, it’s considered—it’s turning the United States, again, into a laughingstock in the world.

4. So why are the Democrats focusing on this? In fact, why are they focusing so much attention on the one element of Trump’s programs which is fairly reasonable, the one ray of light in this gloom: trying to reduce tensions with Russia? That’s—the tensions on the Russian border are extremely serious. They could escalate to a major terminal war. Efforts to try to reduce them should be welcomed.

5. Just a couple of days ago, the former U.S. ambassador to Russia, Jack Matlock, came out and said he just can’t believe that so much attention is being paid to apparent efforts by the incoming administration to establish connections with Russia. He said, “Sure, that’s just what they ought to be doing.”

6. So, meanwhile, this one topic is the primary locus of concern and critique, while, meanwhile, the policies are proceeding step by step, which are extremely destructive and harmful. So, you know, yeah, maybe the Russians tried to interfere in the election. That’s not a major issue.

Maybe the people in the Trump campaign were talking to the Russians. Well, OK, not a major point, certainly less than is being done constantly. And it is a kind of a paradox, I think, that the one issue that seems to inflame the Democratic opposition is the one thing that has some justification and reasonable aspects to it."
Noam Chomsky Calls Democrats' Obsession With Russia Conspiracy Theories "A Joke" | Zero Hedge


Noam Chomsky.....a semi-rational Liberal!!!!

Alice in Wonderland:
Curiouser and curiouser.
Noam Chomsky may be evil, but he is also very principled.

Even Sanders bought all of the Russian nonsense.

You find this 'principled'?
1. He has figured out how to make an exceptional fortune while living as a self-described ‘anarchist-socialist’ dissident in a capitalist society he has described as a ‘police state.’

a. He claims to be constantly threatened with censorship, while publishing dozens of books.

b. He denounces the Pentagon as the epitome of evil, while making million from his work for the very same institution. As a tenured MIT professor he actually works for the Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT, and same is entirely funded by the Pentagon and a few multinational corporations.

c. His first book, “Syntactic Structures,” was written with grants from the US Army (Signal Corp), the Air Force (Office of Scientific Research, Air Research, and Development Command), and Office of Naval Research.

2. A Professor of Linguistics, Chomsky is vital to the air force and others to improve their “increasingly large investment in so-called ‘command and control’ computer systems” that were being used in Vietnam. Since the computer cannot ‘understand’ English, the commanders’ communications must be translated into a language that the computer can use. http://www.whatnextjournal.co.uk/Pages/back/Wnext26/Chomsky.html

I said he was an evil genius...but he is lying scum, one more thing he has in common with the Democrats.
It is all in pursuit of destroying any semblance of the founders' America and truly creating a socialist utopia.

His views of what the best society would look like are actually very similar to my own, but the difference is that I understand America was founded as a Constitutional Republic and should stay that way as long as possible.

Oh....and if you yearn for " a socialist utopia"....
Check this out:

"Venezuela Reminds Us That Socialism Frequently Leads to Dictatorship"
Venezuela Reminds Us That Socialism Frequently Leads to Dictatorship
Before we stray too far from the point of the OP.....Noam Chomsky, lying scum and regular Democrat ally, laughs at the dopes who still believe the bogus Trump/Putin Collusion Thesis.

I thought that was worth passing on....to the dopes.
The Left's Dark Prince, the lying anti-American, anti-Semite genius Noam Chomsky......well,....
Chomsky thinks you're a joke if you believe the Democrat Trump/Putin Collusion Thesis.

Never thought I'd be quoting this villain....but this is good:

1. "During a recent interview with Democracy Now, Noam Chomsky demonstrated what everyone with a clear head and capacity for critical thought should already know. Just because you have a strong dislike for Donald Trump, doesn’t mean you latch on like a lunatic to every nonsensical Russia conspiracy theory because you’re still crying about Hillary’s loss.

2 NOAM CHOMSKY: It’s a pretty remarkable fact that—first of all, it is a joke. Half the world is cracking up in laughter. The United States doesn’t just interfere in elections. It overthrows governments it doesn’t like, institutes military dictatorships.

3. Simply in the case of Russia alone—it’s the least of it—the U.S. government, under Clinton, intervened quite blatantly and openly, then tried to conceal it, to get their man Yeltsin in, in all sorts of ways. So, this, as I say, it’s considered—it’s turning the United States, again, into a laughingstock in the world.

4. So why are the Democrats focusing on this? In fact, why are they focusing so much attention on the one element of Trump’s programs which is fairly reasonable, the one ray of light in this gloom: trying to reduce tensions with Russia? That’s—the tensions on the Russian border are extremely serious. They could escalate to a major terminal war. Efforts to try to reduce them should be welcomed.

5. Just a couple of days ago, the former U.S. ambassador to Russia, Jack Matlock, came out and said he just can’t believe that so much attention is being paid to apparent efforts by the incoming administration to establish connections with Russia. He said, “Sure, that’s just what they ought to be doing.”

6. So, meanwhile, this one topic is the primary locus of concern and critique, while, meanwhile, the policies are proceeding step by step, which are extremely destructive and harmful. So, you know, yeah, maybe the Russians tried to interfere in the election. That’s not a major issue.

Maybe the people in the Trump campaign were talking to the Russians. Well, OK, not a major point, certainly less than is being done constantly. And it is a kind of a paradox, I think, that the one issue that seems to inflame the Democratic opposition is the one thing that has some justification and reasonable aspects to it."
Noam Chomsky Calls Democrats' Obsession With Russia Conspiracy Theories "A Joke" | Zero Hedge


Noam Chomsky.....a semi-rational Liberal!!!!

Alice in Wonderland:
Curiouser and curiouser.

You're a fucking PhD in missing the point, aren't you?

No one's against easing tensions with Russia, provided we don't capitulate to Russia, let them rule the roost in Ukraine, murder the Syrian people, and hack our servers.

Unfortunately, given the personal financial interests of the major players in the Trump Administration, the latter is very likely to happen. You gloss over that fact because it destroys your thesis that Trump is an ordinary, competent president (he isn't).
The Left's Dark Prince, the lying anti-American, anti-Semitee genius Noam Chomsky......well,....
Chomsky thinks you're a joke if you believe the Democrat Trump/Putin Collusion Thesis.

Never thought I'd be quoting this villain....but this is good:

1. "During a recent interview with Democracy Now, Noam Chomsky demonstrated what everyone with a clear head and capacity for critical thought should already know. Just because you have a strong dislike for Donald Trump, doesn’t mean you latch on like a lunatic to every nonsensical Russia conspiracy theory because you’re still crying about Hillary’s loss.

2 NOAM CHOMSKY: It’s a pretty remarkable fact that—first of all, it is a joke. Half the world is cracking up in laughter. The United States doesn’t just interfere in elections. It overthrows governments it doesn’t like, institutes military dictatorships.

3. Simply in the case of Russia alone—it’s the least of it—the U.S. government, under Clinton, intervened quite blatantly and openly, then tried to conceal it, to get their man Yeltsin in, in all sorts of ways. So, this, as I say, it’s considered—it’s turning the United States, again, into a laughingstock in the world.

4. So why are the Democrats focusing on this? In fact, why are they focusing so much attention on the one element of Trump’s programs which is fairly reasonable, the one ray of light in this gloom: trying to reduce tensions with Russia? That’s—the tensions on the Russian border are extremely serious. They could escalate to a major terminal war. Efforts to try to reduce them should be welcomed.

5. Just a couple of days ago, the former U.S. ambassador to Russia, Jack Matlock, came out and said he just can’t believe that so much attention is being paid to apparent efforts by the incoming administration to establish connections with Russia. He said, “Sure, that’s just what they ought to be doing.”

6. So, meanwhile, this one topic is the primary locus of concern and critique, while, meanwhile, the policies are proceeding step by step, which are extremely destructive and harmful. So, you know, yeah, maybe the Russians tried to interfere in the election. That’s not a major issue.

Maybe the people in the Trump campaign were talking to the Russians. Well, OK, not a major point, certainly less than is being done constantly. And it is a kind of a paradox, I think, that the one issue that seems to inflame the Democratic opposition is the one thing that has some justification and reasonable aspects to it."
Noam Chomsky Calls Democrats' Obsession With Russia Conspiracy Theories "A Joke" | Zero Hedge


Noam Chomsky.....a semi-rational Liberal!!!!

Alice in Wonderland:
Curiouser and curiouser.
Noam Chomsky may be evil, but he is also very principled.

Even Sanders bought all of the Russian nonsense.

You find this 'principled'?
1. He has figured out how to make an exceptional fortune while living as a self-described ‘anarchist-socialist’ dissident in a capitalist society he has described as a ‘police state.’

a. He claims to be constantly threatened with censorship, while publishing dozens of books.

b. He denounces the Pentagon as the epitome of evil, while making million from his work for the very same institution. As a tenured MIT professor he actually works for the Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT, and same is entirely funded by the Pentagon and a few multinational corporations.

c. His first book, “Syntactic Structures,” was written with grants from the US Army (Signal Corp), the Air Force (Office of Scientific Research, Air Research, and Development Command), and Office of Naval Research.

2. A Professor of Linguistics, Chomsky is vital to the air force and others to improve their “increasingly large investment in so-called ‘command and control’ computer systems” that were being used in Vietnam. Since the computer cannot ‘understand’ English, the commanders’ communications must be translated into a language that the computer can use. http://www.whatnextjournal.co.uk/Pages/back/Wnext26/Chomsky.html

I said he was an evil genius...but he is lying scum, one more thing he has in common with the Democrats.
It is all in pursuit of destroying any semblance of the founders' America and truly creating a socialist utopia.

His views of what the best society would look like are actually very similar to my own, but the difference is that I understand America was founded as a Constitutional Republic and should stay that way as long as possible.

Oh....and if you yearn for " a socialist utopia"....
Check this out:

"Venezuela Reminds Us That Socialism Frequently Leads to Dictatorship"
Venezuela Reminds Us That Socialism Frequently Leads to Dictatorship
Sweden was just fine before they became total cuckolds, and they weren't even utilizing the best aspects of socialism.
The Left's Dark Prince, the lying anti-American, anti-Semite genius Noam Chomsky......well,....
Chomsky thinks you're a joke if you believe the Democrat Trump/Putin Collusion Thesis.

Never thought I'd be quoting this villain....but this is good:

1. "During a recent interview with Democracy Now, Noam Chomsky demonstrated what everyone with a clear head and capacity for critical thought should already know. Just because you have a strong dislike for Donald Trump, doesn’t mean you latch on like a lunatic to every nonsensical Russia conspiracy theory because you’re still crying about Hillary’s loss.

2 NOAM CHOMSKY: It’s a pretty remarkable fact that—first of all, it is a joke. Half the world is cracking up in laughter. The United States doesn’t just interfere in elections. It overthrows governments it doesn’t like, institutes military dictatorships.

3. Simply in the case of Russia alone—it’s the least of it—the U.S. government, under Clinton, intervened quite blatantly and openly, then tried to conceal it, to get their man Yeltsin in, in all sorts of ways. So, this, as I say, it’s considered—it’s turning the United States, again, into a laughingstock in the world.

4. So why are the Democrats focusing on this? In fact, why are they focusing so much attention on the one element of Trump’s programs which is fairly reasonable, the one ray of light in this gloom: trying to reduce tensions with Russia? That’s—the tensions on the Russian border are extremely serious. They could escalate to a major terminal war. Efforts to try to reduce them should be welcomed.

5. Just a couple of days ago, the former U.S. ambassador to Russia, Jack Matlock, came out and said he just can’t believe that so much attention is being paid to apparent efforts by the incoming administration to establish connections with Russia. He said, “Sure, that’s just what they ought to be doing.”

6. So, meanwhile, this one topic is the primary locus of concern and critique, while, meanwhile, the policies are proceeding step by step, which are extremely destructive and harmful. So, you know, yeah, maybe the Russians tried to interfere in the election. That’s not a major issue.

Maybe the people in the Trump campaign were talking to the Russians. Well, OK, not a major point, certainly less than is being done constantly. And it is a kind of a paradox, I think, that the one issue that seems to inflame the Democratic opposition is the one thing that has some justification and reasonable aspects to it."
Noam Chomsky Calls Democrats' Obsession With Russia Conspiracy Theories "A Joke" | Zero Hedge


Noam Chomsky.....a semi-rational Liberal!!!!

Alice in Wonderland:
Curiouser and curiouser.

You're a fucking PhD in missing the point, aren't you?

No one's against easing tensions with Russia, provided we don't capitulate to Russia, let them rule the roost in Ukraine, murder the Syrian people, and hack our servers.

Unfortunately, given the personal financial interests of the major players in the Trump Administration, the latter is very likely to happen. You gloss over that fact because it destroys your thesis that Trump is an ordinary, competent president (he isn't).

Watch your language.....it defines your lack of intellect.

"No one's against easing tensions with Russia,"

Hardly any effort required to prove you a dolt....a lying dolt.

"Democrats step up calls that Russian hack was act of war
Democratic lawmakers are publicly calling out Russia for engaging in war by meddling in the U.S. presidential election."
Democrats step up calls that Russian hack was act of war

BTW.....the bird called.....it wants it's brain back.
The Left's Dark Prince, the lying anti-American, anti-Semitee genius Noam Chomsky......well,....
Chomsky thinks you're a joke if you believe the Democrat Trump/Putin Collusion Thesis.

Never thought I'd be quoting this villain....but this is good:

1. "During a recent interview with Democracy Now, Noam Chomsky demonstrated what everyone with a clear head and capacity for critical thought should already know. Just because you have a strong dislike for Donald Trump, doesn’t mean you latch on like a lunatic to every nonsensical Russia conspiracy theory because you’re still crying about Hillary’s loss.

2 NOAM CHOMSKY: It’s a pretty remarkable fact that—first of all, it is a joke. Half the world is cracking up in laughter. The United States doesn’t just interfere in elections. It overthrows governments it doesn’t like, institutes military dictatorships.

3. Simply in the case of Russia alone—it’s the least of it—the U.S. government, under Clinton, intervened quite blatantly and openly, then tried to conceal it, to get their man Yeltsin in, in all sorts of ways. So, this, as I say, it’s considered—it’s turning the United States, again, into a laughingstock in the world.

4. So why are the Democrats focusing on this? In fact, why are they focusing so much attention on the one element of Trump’s programs which is fairly reasonable, the one ray of light in this gloom: trying to reduce tensions with Russia? That’s—the tensions on the Russian border are extremely serious. They could escalate to a major terminal war. Efforts to try to reduce them should be welcomed.

5. Just a couple of days ago, the former U.S. ambassador to Russia, Jack Matlock, came out and said he just can’t believe that so much attention is being paid to apparent efforts by the incoming administration to establish connections with Russia. He said, “Sure, that’s just what they ought to be doing.”

6. So, meanwhile, this one topic is the primary locus of concern and critique, while, meanwhile, the policies are proceeding step by step, which are extremely destructive and harmful. So, you know, yeah, maybe the Russians tried to interfere in the election. That’s not a major issue.

Maybe the people in the Trump campaign were talking to the Russians. Well, OK, not a major point, certainly less than is being done constantly. And it is a kind of a paradox, I think, that the one issue that seems to inflame the Democratic opposition is the one thing that has some justification and reasonable aspects to it."
Noam Chomsky Calls Democrats' Obsession With Russia Conspiracy Theories "A Joke" | Zero Hedge


Noam Chomsky.....a semi-rational Liberal!!!!

Alice in Wonderland:
Curiouser and curiouser.
Noam Chomsky may be evil, but he is also very principled.

Even Sanders bought all of the Russian nonsense.

You find this 'principled'?
1. He has figured out how to make an exceptional fortune while living as a self-described ‘anarchist-socialist’ dissident in a capitalist society he has described as a ‘police state.’

a. He claims to be constantly threatened with censorship, while publishing dozens of books.

b. He denounces the Pentagon as the epitome of evil, while making million from his work for the very same institution. As a tenured MIT professor he actually works for the Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT, and same is entirely funded by the Pentagon and a few multinational corporations.

c. His first book, “Syntactic Structures,” was written with grants from the US Army (Signal Corp), the Air Force (Office of Scientific Research, Air Research, and Development Command), and Office of Naval Research.

2. A Professor of Linguistics, Chomsky is vital to the air force and others to improve their “increasingly large investment in so-called ‘command and control’ computer systems” that were being used in Vietnam. Since the computer cannot ‘understand’ English, the commanders’ communications must be translated into a language that the computer can use. http://www.whatnextjournal.co.uk/Pages/back/Wnext26/Chomsky.html

I said he was an evil genius...but he is lying scum, one more thing he has in common with the Democrats.
It is all in pursuit of destroying any semblance of the founders' America and truly creating a socialist utopia.

His views of what the best society would look like are actually very similar to my own, but the difference is that I understand America was founded as a Constitutional Republic and should stay that way as long as possible.

Oh....and if you yearn for " a socialist utopia"....
Check this out:

"Venezuela Reminds Us That Socialism Frequently Leads to Dictatorship"
Venezuela Reminds Us That Socialism Frequently Leads to Dictatorship
Sweden was just fine before they became total cuckolds, and they weren't even utilizing the best aspects of socialism.

Sorry.....gotta dispute that, too.

Sweden was just what the Progressives planned for America.

As reported on page A1 of the August 29, 1997,Washington Post,

From 1934 to 1974, 62,000 Swedes were sterilized as part of a national program grounded in the science of racial biology and carried out by officials who believed they were helping to build a progressive, enlightened welfare state...In some cases, couples judged to be inferior parents were sterilized, as were their children when they became teenagers.

Margot Wallstrom, the Swedish Minister of Health and Social Affairs, told the Post that "there was nothing secret about the sterilization program. It was carried out in the light of public debate at a time when Swedes believed they were creating a society that would be the envy of the world." The Swedish Institute for Racial Biology, founded in 1922, was the first national institute of the kind. The Swedes were also the first to sterilize the mentally ill, beginning in 1934.

One woman, aged 72 at the time of the Post article, was sterilized "because she couldn't read a blackboard because she did not have eyeglasses and was deemed to be retarded."

The Irish Times of August 30, 1997, meanwhile, reports that "90 per cent of [those sterilizied] were women," and that "the practice, which predated and outlived Nazi Germany, started as an attempt to weed out perceived genetic weaknesses, mental or physical defectsand ended as a method of social control." According to Professor Gunnar Broberg, "Young girls were told they would be set free from [mental] homes and prisons ‘if we are allowed to make you calmer.'"

Unfortunately, sterilizations are just the tip of the iceberg. As the Irish Times and Agence-France Presse reported on April 7, 1998, a Swedish Television documentary reveals that Sweden lobotomized perhaps 4500 "undesirables," in some cases without the consent of their families:

Some 500 lobotomies were conducted on patients who were not from mental hospitals...including a seven-year-old boy in Umeaa in northern Sweden in 1949. Diagnosed as "mentally retarded, hyperactive", he died during surgery."...One man featured in the documentary, who was lobotomised in 1963, is now 67 and has no concept of time, still believing that his children are small.

In part, the benevolent socialist government of Sweden hoped to discover whether "lobotomies could cure alcoholics and criminals."

Sweden also "forced hundreds of ‘mentally deficient' Swedes to let their teeth rot after being force-fed candy in dental experiments."

The allegedly "benevolent" Swedish social democrats, then, behaved very like the Nazis.
The Left's Dark Prince, the lying anti-American, anti-Semite genius Noam Chomsky......well,....
Chomsky thinks you're a joke if you believe the Democrat Trump/Putin Collusion Thesis.

Never thought I'd be quoting this villain....but this is good:

1. "During a recent interview with Democracy Now, Noam Chomsky demonstrated what everyone with a clear head and capacity for critical thought should already know. Just because you have a strong dislike for Donald Trump, doesn’t mean you latch on like a lunatic to every nonsensical Russia conspiracy theory because you’re still crying about Hillary’s loss.

2 NOAM CHOMSKY: It’s a pretty remarkable fact that—first of all, it is a joke. Half the world is cracking up in laughter. The United States doesn’t just interfere in elections. It overthrows governments it doesn’t like, institutes military dictatorships.

3. Simply in the case of Russia alone—it’s the least of it—the U.S. government, under Clinton, intervened quite blatantly and openly, then tried to conceal it, to get their man Yeltsin in, in all sorts of ways. So, this, as I say, it’s considered—it’s turning the United States, again, into a laughingstock in the world.

4. So why are the Democrats focusing on this? In fact, why are they focusing so much attention on the one element of Trump’s programs which is fairly reasonable, the one ray of light in this gloom: trying to reduce tensions with Russia? That’s—the tensions on the Russian border are extremely serious. They could escalate to a major terminal war. Efforts to try to reduce them should be welcomed.

5. Just a couple of days ago, the former U.S. ambassador to Russia, Jack Matlock, came out and said he just can’t believe that so much attention is being paid to apparent efforts by the incoming administration to establish connections with Russia. He said, “Sure, that’s just what they ought to be doing.”

6. So, meanwhile, this one topic is the primary locus of concern and critique, while, meanwhile, the policies are proceeding step by step, which are extremely destructive and harmful. So, you know, yeah, maybe the Russians tried to interfere in the election. That’s not a major issue.

Maybe the people in the Trump campaign were talking to the Russians. Well, OK, not a major point, certainly less than is being done constantly. And it is a kind of a paradox, I think, that the one issue that seems to inflame the Democratic opposition is the one thing that has some justification and reasonable aspects to it."
Noam Chomsky Calls Democrats' Obsession With Russia Conspiracy Theories "A Joke" | Zero Hedge


Noam Chomsky.....a semi-rational Liberal!!!!

Alice in Wonderland:
Curiouser and curiouser.
Ya know a CONservative has gone off the rails when they call a JEW an anti semite! ROFLMAO!
The Left's Dark Prince, the lying anti-American, anti-Semite genius Noam Chomsky......well,....
Chomsky thinks you're a joke if you believe the Democrat Trump/Putin Collusion Thesis.

Never thought I'd be quoting this villain....but this is good:

1. "During a recent interview with Democracy Now, Noam Chomsky demonstrated what everyone with a clear head and capacity for critical thought should already know. Just because you have a strong dislike for Donald Trump, doesn’t mean you latch on like a lunatic to every nonsensical Russia conspiracy theory because you’re still crying about Hillary’s loss.

2 NOAM CHOMSKY: It’s a pretty remarkable fact that—first of all, it is a joke. Half the world is cracking up in laughter. The United States doesn’t just interfere in elections. It overthrows governments it doesn’t like, institutes military dictatorships.

3. Simply in the case of Russia alone—it’s the least of it—the U.S. government, under Clinton, intervened quite blatantly and openly, then tried to conceal it, to get their man Yeltsin in, in all sorts of ways. So, this, as I say, it’s considered—it’s turning the United States, again, into a laughingstock in the world.

4. So why are the Democrats focusing on this? In fact, why are they focusing so much attention on the one element of Trump’s programs which is fairly reasonable, the one ray of light in this gloom: trying to reduce tensions with Russia? That’s—the tensions on the Russian border are extremely serious. They could escalate to a major terminal war. Efforts to try to reduce them should be welcomed.

5. Just a couple of days ago, the former U.S. ambassador to Russia, Jack Matlock, came out and said he just can’t believe that so much attention is being paid to apparent efforts by the incoming administration to establish connections with Russia. He said, “Sure, that’s just what they ought to be doing.”

6. So, meanwhile, this one topic is the primary locus of concern and critique, while, meanwhile, the policies are proceeding step by step, which are extremely destructive and harmful. So, you know, yeah, maybe the Russians tried to interfere in the election. That’s not a major issue.

Maybe the people in the Trump campaign were talking to the Russians. Well, OK, not a major point, certainly less than is being done constantly. And it is a kind of a paradox, I think, that the one issue that seems to inflame the Democratic opposition is the one thing that has some justification and reasonable aspects to it."
Noam Chomsky Calls Democrats' Obsession With Russia Conspiracy Theories "A Joke" | Zero Hedge


Noam Chomsky.....a semi-rational Liberal!!!!

Alice in Wonderland:
Curiouser and curiouser.

You're a fucking PhD in missing the point, aren't you?

No one's against easing tensions with Russia, provided we don't capitulate to Russia, let them rule the roost in Ukraine, murder the Syrian people, and hack our servers.

Unfortunately, given the personal financial interests of the major players in the Trump Administration, the latter is very likely to happen. You gloss over that fact because it destroys your thesis that Trump is an ordinary, competent president (he isn't).

BTW, you moron, there is absolutely no truth nor proof of the Collusion Tale.

It was made to assuage (better look that up, dunce) the angst of the dopes who voted for the career criminal and congenital liar.
Raise your paw.

" Repeating an accusation over and over again is not evidence that the accused is guilty, no matter how much “confidence” the accuser asserts about the conclusion. Nor is it evidence just to suggest that someone has a motive for doing something. Many conspiracy theories are built on the notion of “cui bono” – who benefits – without following up the supposed motive with facts.

.... that is essentially what the U.S. intelligence community has done regarding the dangerous accusation that Russian President Vladimir Putin orchestrated a covert information campaign to influence the outcome of the Nov. 8 U.S. presidential election in favor of Republican Donald Trump.

....the case, as presented, is one-sided and lacks any actual proof. Further, the continued use of the word “assesses” – as in the U.S. intelligence community “assesses” that Russia is guilty – suggests that the underlying classified information also may be less than conclusive because, in intelligence-world-speak, “assesses” often means “guesses.”
US Report Still Lacks Proof on Russia 'Hack'

There is the January 6th intelligence community report on Russian spying, that should serve as the only document that is dispositive in this connection:

a. "We did not make an assessment that Russian activities had on the outcome of the 2016 election..."

b. "Judgments are not intended to imply that we have proof that shows something to be a fact. Assessments are based on collected information, which is often incomplete or fragmentary, as well as logic, argumentation, and precedents.”

Get that???? No evidence.....unlike the Susan Rice revelations.

No proof of Trump-Putin collusion, yet it's all over the Leftist media.....proof that Obamunists hacked, spied on, listened into, revealed Trump and his associates....and the Left censors it.
The Left's Dark Prince, the lying anti-American, anti-Semite genius Noam Chomsky......well,....
Chomsky thinks you're a joke if you believe the Democrat Trump/Putin Collusion Thesis.

Never thought I'd be quoting this villain....but this is good:

1. "During a recent interview with Democracy Now, Noam Chomsky demonstrated what everyone with a clear head and capacity for critical thought should already know. Just because you have a strong dislike for Donald Trump, doesn’t mean you latch on like a lunatic to every nonsensical Russia conspiracy theory because you’re still crying about Hillary’s loss.

2 NOAM CHOMSKY: It’s a pretty remarkable fact that—first of all, it is a joke. Half the world is cracking up in laughter. The United States doesn’t just interfere in elections. It overthrows governments it doesn’t like, institutes military dictatorships.

3. Simply in the case of Russia alone—it’s the least of it—the U.S. government, under Clinton, intervened quite blatantly and openly, then tried to conceal it, to get their man Yeltsin in, in all sorts of ways. So, this, as I say, it’s considered—it’s turning the United States, again, into a laughingstock in the world.

4. So why are the Democrats focusing on this? In fact, why are they focusing so much attention on the one element of Trump’s programs which is fairly reasonable, the one ray of light in this gloom: trying to reduce tensions with Russia? That’s—the tensions on the Russian border are extremely serious. They could escalate to a major terminal war. Efforts to try to reduce them should be welcomed.

5. Just a couple of days ago, the former U.S. ambassador to Russia, Jack Matlock, came out and said he just can’t believe that so much attention is being paid to apparent efforts by the incoming administration to establish connections with Russia. He said, “Sure, that’s just what they ought to be doing.”

6. So, meanwhile, this one topic is the primary locus of concern and critique, while, meanwhile, the policies are proceeding step by step, which are extremely destructive and harmful. So, you know, yeah, maybe the Russians tried to interfere in the election. That’s not a major issue.

Maybe the people in the Trump campaign were talking to the Russians. Well, OK, not a major point, certainly less than is being done constantly. And it is a kind of a paradox, I think, that the one issue that seems to inflame the Democratic opposition is the one thing that has some justification and reasonable aspects to it."
Noam Chomsky Calls Democrats' Obsession With Russia Conspiracy Theories "A Joke" | Zero Hedge


Noam Chomsky.....a semi-rational Liberal!!!!

Alice in Wonderland:
Curiouser and curiouser.
Ya know a CONservative has gone off the rails when they call a JEW an anti semite! ROFLMAO!

How about I simply call you an imbecile?

And now....show you why you should never doubt me:

Chomsky On Jews and Israel

  • “I see no anti-Semitic implications in denial of the existence of gas chambers, or even denial of the holocaust. Nor would there be anti-Semitic implications, per se, in the claim that the holocaust (whether one believes it took place or not) is being exploited, viciously so, by apologists for Israeli repression and violence.”[9]
  • “The Hebrew press is much more open than the English language press, and there’s a very obvious reason: Hebrew is a secret language, you only read it if you’re inside the tribe.” [10]
  • “The point is, these organizations [Anti-Defamation League] don’t ultimately care about anti-Semitism, what they care about is opposition to the policies of Israel-in fact, opposition to their own hawkish version of the policies of Israel.”[11]
  • “I objected to the founding of Israel as a Jewish state. I don't think a Jewish or Christian or Islamic state is a proper concept. I would object to the United States as a Christian state.”[12]
  • Israel is “a state based on the principle of discrimination. There is no other way for a state with non-Jewish citizens to remain a Jewish state…”[13]
  • “Israel is virtually a US military base, an offshoot of the US military system.”[14]
  • “There are a great many horrible regimes in the world. To take just one, the world's longest military occupation. There's little doubt that those under the military occupation would be much better off if the occupation were terminated. Does it follow that we should bomb Tel Aviv?” [15]
  • “Of course [suicide bombers are] terrorists and there's been Palestinian terrorism all the way through. I have always opposed it….But it's very small as compared with the US-backed Israeli terrorism.”[16]
  • Compares Palestinians to African Americans in the South: “I mean you’d have to go back to the worst days of the American South to know what it’s been like for the Palestinians in the occupied territories.”[17]
  • On War of Independence: Arab states were “reluctant” to enter war and the war “was to a large extent not directed against Israel. Of course, they didn’t want the State of Israel around either, and they opposed it-but that was probably a minor consideration in the attack; really a minor consideration, actually.”[18]
  • “What this wall is really doing is…helping turn Palestinian communities into dungeons, next to which the bantustans of South Africa look like symbols of freedom, sovereignty and self-determination.”[19]
9] Chomsky letter cited in W.D. Rubinstein, “Chomsky and the Neo-Nazis,” Quadrant (Australia), October 1981, pp. 8-14; also cited in Werner Cohn, “Chomsky and Holocaust Denial,” The Anti-Chomsky Reader, Collier and Horowitz (editors), 2004, pp. 129-130.

[10] Noam Chomsky, “Anti-Semitism, Zionism and the Palestinians,” Video hook up lecture to the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign, October 11 2002, Transcript archived at variant.ndtilda.co.uk

[11] p. 52, Understanding Power: The Indispensable Chomsky

[12] Soloman, Deborah. Questions for Noam Chomsky: The Ultimate Procovator. THE WAY WE LIVE NOW: 11-02-03: QUESTIONS FOR NOAM CHOMSKY; The Professorial Provocateur

[13] Noam Chomsky, Peace in the Middle East?, 1975 p. 37

[14] Noam Chomsky, “Anti-Semitism, Zionism and the Palestinians,” Video hook up lecture to the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign, October 11 2002, Transcript archived at variant.ndtilda.co.uk

[15] Interview with Noam Chomsky, “Chomsky on War,” Znet Magazine, March 31 2003 at http://www.zmag.org/content/showarticle.cfm?SectionID=15&ItemID=3357

[16] Chomsky Interview, Znet, Australia, April 8 2002 at http://www.zmag.org/content/Mideast/chomlateline.cfm

[17] Peter Mitchell and Paul Shoeffel (eds), Understanding Power: The Indispensable Chomsky, p. 124, online at www.understandingpower.com/

[18] Peter Mitchell and Paul Shoeffel (eds), Understanding Power: The Indispensable Chomsky, p.132 online at www.understandingpower.com/

[19] Noam Chomsky, “The Wall as a Weapon,” New York Times Op Ed, February 23 2004

In your face, boooyyyyyyeeeeee!!!!!
Noam Chomsky may be evil, but he is also very principled.

Even Sanders bought all of the Russian nonsense.

You find this 'principled'?
1. He has figured out how to make an exceptional fortune while living as a self-described ‘anarchist-socialist’ dissident in a capitalist society he has described as a ‘police state.’

a. He claims to be constantly threatened with censorship, while publishing dozens of books.

b. He denounces the Pentagon as the epitome of evil, while making million from his work for the very same institution. As a tenured MIT professor he actually works for the Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT, and same is entirely funded by the Pentagon and a few multinational corporations.

c. His first book, “Syntactic Structures,” was written with grants from the US Army (Signal Corp), the Air Force (Office of Scientific Research, Air Research, and Development Command), and Office of Naval Research.

2. A Professor of Linguistics, Chomsky is vital to the air force and others to improve their “increasingly large investment in so-called ‘command and control’ computer systems” that were being used in Vietnam. Since the computer cannot ‘understand’ English, the commanders’ communications must be translated into a language that the computer can use. http://www.whatnextjournal.co.uk/Pages/back/Wnext26/Chomsky.html

I said he was an evil genius...but he is lying scum, one more thing he has in common with the Democrats.
It is all in pursuit of destroying any semblance of the founders' America and truly creating a socialist utopia.

His views of what the best society would look like are actually very similar to my own, but the difference is that I understand America was founded as a Constitutional Republic and should stay that way as long as possible.

Oh....and if you yearn for " a socialist utopia"....
Check this out:

"Venezuela Reminds Us That Socialism Frequently Leads to Dictatorship"
Venezuela Reminds Us That Socialism Frequently Leads to Dictatorship
Sweden was just fine before they became total cuckolds, and they weren't even utilizing the best aspects of socialism.

Sorry.....gotta dispute that, too.

Sweden was just what the Progressives planned for America.

As reported on page A1 of the August 29, 1997,Washington Post,

From 1934 to 1974, 62,000 Swedes were sterilized as part of a national program grounded in the science of racial biology and carried out by officials who believed they were helping to build a progressive, enlightened welfare state...In some cases, couples judged to be inferior parents were sterilized, as were their children when they became teenagers.

Margot Wallstrom, the Swedish Minister of Health and Social Affairs, told the Post that "there was nothing secret about the sterilization program. It was carried out in the light of public debate at a time when Swedes believed they were creating a society that would be the envy of the world." The Swedish Institute for Racial Biology, founded in 1922, was the first national institute of the kind. The Swedes were also the first to sterilize the mentally ill, beginning in 1934.

One woman, aged 72 at the time of the Post article, was sterilized "because she couldn't read a blackboard because she did not have eyeglasses and was deemed to be retarded."

The Irish Times of August 30, 1997, meanwhile, reports that "90 per cent of [those sterilizied] were women," and that "the practice, which predated and outlived Nazi Germany, started as an attempt to weed out perceived genetic weaknesses, mental or physical defectsand ended as a method of social control." According to Professor Gunnar Broberg, "Young girls were told they would be set free from [mental] homes and prisons ‘if we are allowed to make you calmer.'"

Unfortunately, sterilizations are just the tip of the iceberg. As the Irish Times and Agence-France Presse reported on April 7, 1998, a Swedish Television documentary reveals that Sweden lobotomized perhaps 4500 "undesirables," in some cases without the consent of their families:

Some 500 lobotomies were conducted on patients who were not from mental hospitals...including a seven-year-old boy in Umeaa in northern Sweden in 1949. Diagnosed as "mentally retarded, hyperactive", he died during surgery."...One man featured in the documentary, who was lobotomised in 1963, is now 67 and has no concept of time, still believing that his children are small.

In part, the benevolent socialist government of Sweden hoped to discover whether "lobotomies could cure alcoholics and criminals."

Sweden also "forced hundreds of ‘mentally deficient' Swedes to let their teeth rot after being force-fed candy in dental experiments."

The allegedly "benevolent" Swedish social democrats, then, behaved very like the Nazis.
Socialism depends on who is running it to decide its morality.

Capitalism is always fucking people over and then claiming it doesn't. Capitalism is the reason why Sweden is a fucking hellhole now. Sweden wanted to be "diverse" like America and so they opened up their borders to the money and the shittiest aspects of American culture.

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