Where Are All The Loudmouthed Feminists When You Need Them?


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2015
Their silence over the atrocities committed in Cologne and several other European countries, and the grooming, drugging and raping of huge numbers of children in Rotherham UK, is mind-boggling.

Muslim Rape Gangs Attack Women, and Feminists Won’t Say a Word About It

Posted on | January 5, 2016 | 82 Comments

Sexual savagery on the streets of Germany:

Roving packs of men sexually assaulted dozens of women on New Year’s Eve in western Germany’s city of Cologne, officials said, describing the attacks as unprecedented.
The spree suggested a “new dimension of organized criminality,” German justice minister Heiko Maas told a press conference on Tuesday.
Police said the attackers — who struck in pairs and groups of up to 20 men — appeared to be part of a larger, 1,000-strong group that had gathered in one of the city’s main plazas for New Year’s celebrations.
Cologne’s police spokesman Thomas Held told NBC News that authorities had fielded around 90 complaints of pick-pocketing, groping and at least one of rape.
Eye witnesses described getting groped multiple times near the city’s train station and its famed cathedral.
“It was horror. Although we shouted and hit around us, the guys did not stop. I was desperate,” a 28-year-old woman identified as Katja L. told Cologne’s Express newspaper, saying she was groped about 100 times while walking 600 feet.

(It was almost as bad as a University of Virginia frat party.)

Another woman, who did not give her name, told Bild newspaper that several men attacked her and her friend. “They had circled us and started to grope us. They were everywhere with their hands,” she said. . . .
Police on Monday had said the suspects appeared to be of “Arab or North African descent,” sparking fears on social media they were among around 1 million asylum seekers who have flooded Germany this year.

American feminists, who have incited irrational hysteria over a non-existent “rape epidemic” on U.S. college campuses, will ignore this news. American feminists never said a word about the Rotherham Horror, in which English girls as young as 11 were pimped out by Muslim predators. American feminists don’t want to call attention to certain crimes committed by certain criminals, and it is not just Juanita Broaddrick’s rape accusation against Bill Clinton that feminists demand that we ignore. The feminist movement in the United States is controlled by the Democrat Party, and therefore rape is just a talking-point to them, an “issue” that feminists help Democrats exploit for partisan purposes. Because feminists are dishonest partisans, their agenda requires a lot of deliberate falsification — the phony “1-in-5” statistic, the UVA rape hoax, etc. — and it also requires feminists to ignore a lot of actual rapes which do not fit the Democrat Party-approved propaganda narrative.

Feminists have expended enormous effort to create the impression that rape is a crime commonly committed by “privileged” college boys. This falsehood serves the interests of the Democrat Party in several ways, especially because demonizing “privileged” (i.e., white, middle-class, heterosexual) males is part of a message that helps Democrats mobilize female voters, minority voters and gay voters. This is a type of hate propaganda which masquerades as “progressivism.”

By an obverse principle, the Democrat Party propaganda machine (including feminists) ignore any news that would suggest either (a) mass immigration is harmful to American society, or (b) Islam is dangerous. No matter how many violent crimes against women in the U.S. are committed by illegal aliens, no America feminist will ever call attention to such a crime, because all immigrants are presumably part of the Democrat coalition, and it’s bad publicity to mention how much harm their party’s constituents inflict on innocent Americans. (This is why liberals ignore rampant crime in Chicago and other Democrat Party strongholds.) Similarly, because most Republicans believe that radical Islam poses an existential threat to American civilization, Democrats (including feminists) pretend that Muslims are less dangerous than Methodists, Mormons or Mennonites. For more than three decades, feminists have been shrieking about the theocratic menace posed by “the Religious Right” (i.e., any Christian who votes Republican) and yet at the same time, feminists demand that Americans believe Muslims are all harmless misunderstood victims of “Islamophobia.”

American feminists will tell any lie if it helps the Democrat Party, and you will be accused of “hate” if you dare to tell the truth....

Muslim Rape Gangs Attack Women, and Feminists Won’t Say a Word About It
Whoah whoa fucking whoa I just woke back up....................................heyheyehey

no bitches have been going at it eh?


The fuck faces haventn't said jack shit have they?

Call out Lakhota now.


Lets go.
Their silence over the atrocities committed in Cologne and several other European countries, and the grooming, drugging and raping of huge numbers of children in Rotherham UK, is mind-boggling.

Muslim Rape Gangs Attack Women, and Feminists Won’t Say a Word About It

Posted on | January 5, 2016 | 82 Comments

Sexual savagery on the streets of Germany:

Roving packs of men sexually assaulted dozens of women on New Year’s Eve in western Germany’s city of Cologne, officials said, describing the attacks as unprecedented.
The spree suggested a “new dimension of organized criminality,” German justice minister Heiko Maas told a press conference on Tuesday.
Police said the attackers — who struck in pairs and groups of up to 20 men — appeared to be part of a larger, 1,000-strong group that had gathered in one of the city’s main plazas for New Year’s celebrations.
Cologne’s police spokesman Thomas Held told NBC News that authorities had fielded around 90 complaints of pick-pocketing, groping and at least one of rape.
Eye witnesses described getting groped multiple times near the city’s train station and its famed cathedral.
“It was horror. Although we shouted and hit around us, the guys did not stop. I was desperate,” a 28-year-old woman identified as Katja L. told Cologne’s Express newspaper, saying she was groped about 100 times while walking 600 feet.

(It was almost as bad as a University of Virginia frat party.)

Another woman, who did not give her name, told Bild newspaper that several men attacked her and her friend. “They had circled us and started to grope us. They were everywhere with their hands,” she said. . . .
Police on Monday had said the suspects appeared to be of “Arab or North African descent,” sparking fears on social media they were among around 1 million asylum seekers who have flooded Germany this year.

American feminists, who have incited irrational hysteria over a non-existent “rape epidemic” on U.S. college campuses, will ignore this news. American feminists never said a word about the Rotherham Horror, in which English girls as young as 11 were pimped out by Muslim predators. American feminists don’t want to call attention to certain crimes committed by certain criminals, and it is not just Juanita Broaddrick’s rape accusation against Bill Clinton that feminists demand that we ignore. The feminist movement in the United States is controlled by the Democrat Party, and therefore rape is just a talking-point to them, an “issue” that feminists help Democrats exploit for partisan purposes. Because feminists are dishonest partisans, their agenda requires a lot of deliberate falsification — the phony “1-in-5” statistic, the UVA rape hoax, etc. — and it also requires feminists to ignore a lot of actual rapes which do not fit the Democrat Party-approved propaganda narrative.

Feminists have expended enormous effort to create the impression that rape is a crime commonly committed by “privileged” college boys. This falsehood serves the interests of the Democrat Party in several ways, especially because demonizing “privileged” (i.e., white, middle-class, heterosexual) males is part of a message that helps Democrats mobilize female voters, minority voters and gay voters. This is a type of hate propaganda which masquerades as “progressivism.”

By an obverse principle, the Democrat Party propaganda machine (including feminists) ignore any news that would suggest either (a) mass immigration is harmful to American society, or (b) Islam is dangerous. No matter how many violent crimes against women in the U.S. are committed by illegal aliens, no America feminist will ever call attention to such a crime, because all immigrants are presumably part of the Democrat coalition, and it’s bad publicity to mention how much harm their party’s constituents inflict on innocent Americans. (This is why liberals ignore rampant crime in Chicago and other Democrat Party strongholds.) Similarly, because most Republicans believe that radical Islam poses an existential threat to American civilization, Democrats (including feminists) pretend that Muslims are less dangerous than Methodists, Mormons or Mennonites. For more than three decades, feminists have been shrieking about the theocratic menace posed by “the Religious Right” (i.e., any Christian who votes Republican) and yet at the same time, feminists demand that Americans believe Muslims are all harmless misunderstood victims of “Islamophobia.”

American feminists will tell any lie if it helps the Democrat Party, and you will be accused of “hate” if you dare to tell the truth....

Muslim Rape Gangs Attack Women, and Feminists Won’t Say a Word About It
Hypocrites, that's why.

And once again, I will ask...why is Merkel still in power???
Dear Tilly
It seems to be a matter of "let other people fight that battle so I don't have to"

1. It's the same way liberal feminists don't do more about the genocidal forced abortions in China.
If the Christian prolife are fighting that battle, let them expend their resources to do it.

2. And the same way the Universal Health Care advocates -- who denounce the ACA mandates as funding corporate insurance as a middle man sell out -- won't publicly oppose that, but allow
RIGHTWING Constitutionalists to "go fight that battle" and expend their resources to do it.

With standing up to Jihadists and violence by ISIS
3. the peaceful Muslims submit to govt authority, so where these violent war mongering terrorists are violating criminal laws and international laws, that becomes the responsibility of GOVT to address. So they let THOSE groups "go fight that battle for them."

4. with the feminists and general public either directly or not directly affected:
A. the women in these counties would get targeted along with their families for speaking out,
so they are silenced even if they are opposed. There are plenty of people who risked their lives to rescue Lara Logan when the mob raped her in Egypt, but you won't see that in the news.
B. And again, if CHRISTIAN rightwing groups are all over this issue denouncing rapes and ISIS genocide, then everyone will let THOSE groups fight that battle and use their influence, media and resources to do it, if they are not in a position to fight it directly.

So as much as the prochoice feminists and liberals SAY they oppose rightwing Conservative Christians, they certainly rely on these groups to "fight all these other battles for them" better than they can.

Because it's not considered a hate crime by progressives if it's not committed by a European white male. Therefore using liberal logic it's just a crime and not news worthy or controversial.


They're otherwise disposed focusing on the epidemic of rapes on college campuses.
Here's a nicely unhinged convoluted fantasy feminazi explanation:

Over at Prospect magazine, one “feminism and human rights” writer offered up these weasel words to explain the radio silence from the gender warriors:

Feminists are necessarily concerned with the protection of minorities and marginalised groups. If some of them are finding it difficult to speak up about the event because of concerns it might be used to encourage aggression against refugees, I can’t say I blame them. The fault lies not with the feminists but with those making them nervous to speak–the very same people, often, who are expressing outrage that they aren’t.

“It is usually the task of feminists to make enough noise about incidents of sexual assault that they can no longer be ignored; the Cologne attack was big enough that it received a huge amount of attention across Europe and further afield. We can only hope now that the police are successful in bringing those responsible to the courtroom and preventing further attacks, and that the women involved are given enough support.”

In other words: Muslims are “marginalised”, so their crimes must be appeased – cultural relativism in its purist form. And then a startling admission, that feminists today only address petty issues that are otherwise likely to be ignored. Well, I guess we can agree that she is right on that.
In case no one has noticed, all these groups like "feminists, civil rights advocates, gay rights advocates", etc. are nothing more than front groups for the liberal Democrat Party to give the appearance of diversity and broad support. Their agenda is NOT the cause they claim to champion and they all have one thing in common, they ONLY oppose Republicans and conservatives. They're not hypocrites, they're just fakes, and their aim is deception. So called feminists are not concerned about women, civil rights groups are not concerned about blacks, and gay rights groups are not concerned about gays. Their only concern is to advance the liberal agenda and getting liberals into positions of power any way they can.
Austrian police chief warns women not to leave home alone in wake of Cologne sex attacks

Vienna’s chief of police has warned women against venturing into the streets alone, in the wake of highly-publicised sexual assaults in Austria and Germany

However, police boss Gerhard Pürstl is now being accused of putting the onus on women to protect themselves from assault, rather than targeting men who commit sexual crimes.

Mayor tells women not leave home alone in wake of mas sex assault
Where Are All The Loudmouthed Feminists When You Need Them?

Granny says...

... "Here I is...

... whacha want?"
why focus on rapes overseas....when one can focus on the rapes in the u.s.? thugs are everywhere.....i do not see a difference between being raped by a muslim or being raped by a christian.....rape is rape..a crime of power
why focus on rapes overseas....when one can focus on the rapes in the u.s.? thugs are everywhere.....i do not see a difference between being raped by a muslim or being raped by a christian.....rape is rape..a crime of power
There are feminists all over the West, it is to these I am referring, not specifically US feminists. I don't recall saying being raped by a Muslim is different for the victim, I'm saying these have been horrific cases of children being repeatedly raped, and women en masse being sexually assaulted and raped out in the open on New Years Eve in several places accross Europe. The police now suspect these attacks were co-ordinated. One would have thought that feminists would have something to say about all of this. But of course, THEY ARE conscious of the perps being immigrants and therefore remain almost unanimously silent. I'm singularly unimpressed by their lack of response, but since the pc protected group is involved, they probably cannot negotiate the self inflicted moral conundrum in which they find themselves, and so, do nothing. They are disgusting, hypocritical phonies.. So much for their principles.
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The police are doing something about this. Justice will be served. This is how it is supposed to work.

Why aren't we hearing calls from men deploring these rapes? Must mean men support rape.
The truth about feminism is it is a anti-western male hate group. They don't give a damn about anything outside of attacking western males that have done everything to advance women. It is about hatred.

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