Where are the "atheist" mass murderers in this country?



"My best advice to anyone who wants to raise a happy,
mentally healthy child is: Keep him or her as far away
from a church as you can."
-- Frank Zappa --

american terror attacks by atheists - Google Search

So I tried to find out how many atheists commit these mass murderer crimes and couldn't find any. I've seen claims that some suicide bombers were atheist, but nothing that backs that up.

You asshole...had the slob believed in God, he never would have done what he did.
"My best advice to anyone who wants to raise a happy,
mentally healthy child is: Keep him or her as far away
from a church as you can."
-- Frank Zappa --

american terror attacks by atheists - Google Search

So I tried to find out how many atheists commit these mass murderer crimes and couldn't find any. I've seen claims that some suicide bombers were atheist, but nothing that backs that up.

What percentage of the population admits to being atheist?
"My best advice to anyone who wants to raise a happy,
mentally healthy child is: Keep him or her as far away
from a church as you can."
-- Frank Zappa --

american terror attacks by atheists - Google Search

So I tried to find out how many atheists commit these mass murderer crimes and couldn't find any. I've seen claims that some suicide bombers were atheist, but nothing that backs that up.

What percentage of the population admits to being atheist?

In the tiny minds of the GOP, everything is, pardon the expression, "black or white". They are such binary people. You have atheists who don't believe in God, but believe in spirituality. You have religious people who attend church on a regular basis with the same beliefs.

I know these Republicans will scratch their heads having no clue what I'm talking about. For them, every question is simple, every answer is simple and that's because the vast majority are simpletons.
They feel that if you believe in the right wing Jesus God and go to church, you are religious. Even though, to them, help the poor means tough love - they can learn to help themselves and help the sick means "die quickly". If I did have occult beliefs, it wouldn't be the somewhat Satanic Religion Republicans seem to follow.

Religion and the Unaffiliated Pew Research Center
"My best advice to anyone who wants to raise a happy,
mentally healthy child is: Keep him or her as far away
from a church as you can."
-- Frank Zappa --

american terror attacks by atheists - Google Search

So I tried to find out how many atheists commit these mass murderer crimes and couldn't find any. I've seen claims that some suicide bombers were atheist, but nothing that backs that up.

What percentage of the population admits to being atheist?

In the tiny minds of the GOP, everything is, pardon the expression, "black or white". They are such binary people. You have atheists who don't believe in God, but believe in spirituality. You have religious people who attend church on a regular basis with the same beliefs.

No you don't. Atheists don't believe in "spirituality." That's pure bullshit.

I know these Republicans will scratch their heads having no clue what I'm talking about. For them, every question is simple, every answer is simple and that's because the vast majority are simpletons.
They feel that if you believe in the right wing Jesus God and go to church, you are religious. Even though, to them, help the poor means tough love - they can learn to help themselves and help the sick means "die quickly". If I did have occult beliefs, it wouldn't be the somewhat Satanic Religion Republicans seem to follow.

Religion and the Unaffiliated Pew Research Center

You realize your post is pure bullshit, don't you? It's not even worth arguing with.
"My best advice to anyone who wants to raise a happy,
mentally healthy child is: Keep him or her as far away
from a church as you can."
-- Frank Zappa --

american terror attacks by atheists - Google Search

So I tried to find out how many atheists commit these mass murderer crimes and couldn't find any. I've seen claims that some suicide bombers were atheist, but nothing that backs that up.

What percentage of the population admits to being atheist?

In the tiny minds of the GOP, everything is, pardon the expression, "black or white". They are such binary people. You have atheists who don't believe in God, but believe in spirituality. You have religious people who attend church on a regular basis with the same beliefs.

No you don't. Atheists don't believe in "spirituality." That's pure bullshit.

I know these Republicans will scratch their heads having no clue what I'm talking about. For them, every question is simple, every answer is simple and that's because the vast majority are simpletons.
They feel that if you believe in the right wing Jesus God and go to church, you are religious. Even though, to them, help the poor means tough love - they can learn to help themselves and help the sick means "die quickly". If I did have occult beliefs, it wouldn't be the somewhat Satanic Religion Republicans seem to follow.

Religion and the Unaffiliated Pew Research Center

You realize your post is pure bullshit, don't you? It's not even worth arguing with.

Of course you can't argue. Why bother even trying?

gop punishes the poor - Google Search

GOP let the sick die - Google Search

Google searches are you arguments? Really?
Gee rdean, you couldn't find one mass murdering atheist?

:lol: Means you aren't looking hard enough deany.

I must say when an atheist commits mass murder they go BIG man. None of this 10, 20, 30 people shit.

BIG BABY! Millions upon millions died at the hands of these atheists. They didn't fool around.



"My best advice to anyone who wants to raise a happy,
mentally healthy child is: Keep him or her as far away
from a church as you can."
-- Frank Zappa --

american terror attacks by atheists - Google Search

So I tried to find out how many atheists commit these mass murderer crimes and couldn't find any. I've seen claims that some suicide bombers were atheist, but nothing that backs that up.

What percentage of the population admits to being atheist?

In the tiny minds of the GOP, everything is, pardon the expression, "black or white". They are such binary people. You have atheists who don't believe in God, but believe in spirituality. You have religious people who attend church on a regular basis with the same beliefs.

No you don't. Atheists don't believe in "spirituality." That's pure bullshit.

I know these Republicans will scratch their heads having no clue what I'm talking about. For them, every question is simple, every answer is simple and that's because the vast majority are simpletons.
They feel that if you believe in the right wing Jesus God and go to church, you are religious. Even though, to them, help the poor means tough love - they can learn to help themselves and help the sick means "die quickly". If I did have occult beliefs, it wouldn't be the somewhat Satanic Religion Republicans seem to follow.

Religion and the Unaffiliated Pew Research Center

You realize your post is pure bullshit, don't you? It's not even worth arguing with.

Of course you can't argue. Why bother even trying?

gop punishes the poor - Google Search

GOP let the sick die - Google Search

Google searches are you arguments? Really?

Why not? Millions of links to choose from. It's not like I'm saying anything unknown.
No, I believe the information in the articles is what is important. That is if you know how to read.

I'd say questionable at best at this point.
"My best advice to anyone who wants to raise a happy,
mentally healthy child is: Keep him or her as far away
from a church as you can."
-- Frank Zappa --

american terror attacks by atheists - Google Search

So I tried to find out how many atheists commit these mass murderer crimes and couldn't find any. I've seen claims that some suicide bombers were atheist, but nothing that backs that up.

What percentage of the population admits to being atheist?

"My best advice to anyone who wants to raise a happy,
mentally healthy child is: Keep him or her as far away
from a church as you can."
-- Frank Zappa --

american terror attacks by atheists - Google Search

So I tried to find out how many atheists commit these mass murderer crimes and couldn't find any. I've seen claims that some suicide bombers were atheist, but nothing that backs that up.

What percentage of the population admits to being atheist?

5% of the population admit that they are atheist. 90% of the population are atheist constantly try to convince themselves and everyone around them that they truly do believe in God. The other 5% of the population truly does believe in talking snakes, talking donkeys, zombies and a magic sky wizard. You can tell the 90% from the 5% that are pure obnoxious delusional lunatics. I become a Pastafarian when one of those nutjob s tell me what God says or what God wants. They can kindly shut the banana split up. I get real pissy when people start using God as a loaded gun pressed firmly to my head. I'll defend myself vehemently.
You asshole...had the slob believed in God, he never would have done what he did.

You can always kill people for the greater good. This makes God very happy when you stand up for what is right. Have you ever read the Bible? God loves righteous people and he hates the wicked people.

How far fetched would it be for a lunatic to mix that up to believe he is doing the work of God by killing?

It has been happening for centuries.
"My best advice to anyone who wants to raise a happy,
mentally healthy child is: Keep him or her as far away
from a church as you can."
-- Frank Zappa --

american terror attacks by atheists - Google Search

So I tried to find out how many atheists commit these mass murderer crimes and couldn't find any. I've seen claims that some suicide bombers were atheist, but nothing that backs that up.

What percentage of the population admits to being atheist?

In the tiny minds of the GOP, everything is, pardon the expression, "black or white". They are such binary people. You have atheists who don't believe in God, but believe in spirituality. You have religious people who attend church on a regular basis with the same beliefs.

I know these Republicans will scratch their heads having no clue what I'm talking about. For them, every question is simple, every answer is simple and that's because the vast majority are simpletons.
They feel that if you believe in the right wing Jesus God and go to church, you are religious. Even though, to them, help the poor means tough love - they can learn to help themselves and help the sick means "die quickly". If I did have occult beliefs, it wouldn't be the somewhat Satanic Religion Republicans seem to follow.

Religion and the Unaffiliated Pew Research Center

The Church of Satan's philosophy is consistent with the anti-welfare movement in the tea party. A Biblical worldview is inconsistent with the anti-welfare movement. Satan is winning even though it looks like Jesus is winning. I think it is hilarious when Christians adopt Satanic principles. It is funny as banana split.
You asshole...had the slob believed in God, he never would have done what he did.

You can always kill people for the greater good. This makes God very happy when you stand up for what is right. Have you ever read the Bible? God loves righteous people and he hates the wicked people.

How far fetched would it be for a lunatic to mix that up to believe he is doing the work of God by killing?

It has been happening for centuries.
You have to believe in the true God, in the true way. Is what he did "right"?
You asshole...had the slob believed in God, he never would have done what he did.

You can always kill people for the greater good. This makes God very happy when you stand up for what is right. Have you ever read the Bible? God loves righteous people and he hates the wicked people.

How far fetched would it be for a lunatic to mix that up to believe he is doing the work of God by killing?

It has been happening for centuries.
You asshole...had the slob believed in God, he never would have done what he did.
People have been killing in the name of their respective gawds since gawds were first invented.
it will be a while before they get it right.

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