Where are the keep your laws of my body libs here? Forced chemo?

Why don't you feel that way about abortion?

Because fetuses aren't people.

Because I just want to fuck the religious assholes who get upset about abortion over.

Because I know that you can't practically outlaw abortion. Every country that has tried has failed.

Take you pick.
I'm talking about how you say it's a woman's body and you can't tell her what to do with it, but in this case you want to tell her she has to get chemotherapy. Dumbass


Lib hypocrisy at its finest. She will be forced to get chemo because she isn't mature enough to make the decision, but if she wanted a sex change the same liberals would be all requiring her to be allowed to have a medically uncessary procedure.

\Liberals are insane and hypocrites.

I don't think teens should have sex-reassignment surgery, either. But if she did, she wouldn't DIE from it.
At that age, she can fight for her country and die but cannot fight for her right to refuse this.
It will be 9 months before the girl will be 18 and able to make her own decisions. At which time, the chemo will be done and she might well be in remission.

Or she might decide being poisoned isn't worth it and eat a shotgun.

First rule of teens getting medical treatment: ALWAYS be ready to leave town (and possibly skip the country) at a moment's notice. Bags packed and in the car, vital paperwork in the bags, throwaway cell phones ready, etc. You never know when a doctor will be offended by you wanting a second opinion and decide to have you kidnapped and locked up!

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