Where are the “Palestinians” from? Not from “Palestine”!

The Middle East will be at peace only when the Jews are driven out and sent back to the diaspora.
Arabs, Muslims are peace-loving people…

Turns out, “Israelis” are from many places, except “Israel” No surprise, since their founder Theodor Herzl was Hungarian …
Jews are genetically linked and linked to the Middle East: Published in the American Journal of Human Genetics, the primary journal of the American Society of Human Genetics, the leading society for genetics in the world.


“This study demonstrates that the studied Jewish populations represent a series of geographical isolates or clusters with genetic threads that weave them together. Over the past 3000 years, both the flow of genes and the flow of religious and cultural ideas have contributed
Driving the Jews out of the Middle East and into the diaspora is the only way to achieve peace.
Israel Light of Nations:

Thaer Al Nashef: “When we Arabs look at Israel, an advanced country, we must ask ourselves, ‘How come the Jews have excelled?’ They proved to the world they are a people able to make miracles out of the impossible.”

Syrian Journalist Thaer Al-Nashef: Israel Does Not Groom Arab Dictators; Arab Societies Are Responsible for Their Own Fate

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